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再谈小径木的高效利用李祯奎(黑龙江省林产工业研究所)周艳华,刘启玉,石振华,许传林(黑龙江省方正林业局)目前,国内外木材生产在不同程度受到限制,优质大径材逐年减少,小径材、低质材数量增多,给木材加工带来很多困难。国内外很多从事木材加工方面研究的专家为...  相似文献   

于宝利 《国际木业》2010,40(7):32-33
定向刨花板(oriented steand board)英文缩写为OSB,是用小径原木经长材刨片加工得到的薄长刨花为基本木质单元,施加胶黏剂和其他添加剂后,通过定向铺装、热压制得的一种人造板材。生产该产品,可将小径木、枝桠材、等外材等低质木材原料加工成强度高、刚性大的结构用板材,能充分利用资源,使伐区的枝桠树头、造材截头得到了充分的利用,减少损失和浪费。  相似文献   

杉木小径材制造单板层积材技术的研究开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用人工林杉木小径材制造单板层积材对于高效利用小径材资源和缓解结构用木材供需矛盾具有十分重要的意义。介绍了《杉木小径材制造单板层积材及应用研究》课题组利用杉木小径材制作单板层积材的研究过程、工艺开发、设备制造和产品应用方面所作的工作和研究成果。  相似文献   

重组木国内外概况及发展趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王恺  肖亦华 《木材工业》1989,3(1):40-43
速生丰产林木材和间伐材的合理利用是当今国内外木材工业面临的重大课题。近年来,澳大利亚等国开发的重组木(Scrimber)问世,为小径材的加工利用开辟了一条新路,引起世界各国的关注,我国亦甚感兴趣。兹简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

小径材和采伐加工剩余物的利用途径及工艺吴萌(西北林学院)随着木材采伐工业的发展,成过熟林日益减少,小径材生产比例显著增加。人工林的大力发展和次生林的更新改造,也使小径材数量迅速增长。另外据统计,林区采伐剩余物约占采伐量的38%~40%,加工剩余物约占...  相似文献   

人造板产业,是以高效利用木材和节约木材资源的支柱产业之一,是林业可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。四川省人造板产业在1998年前,以成都木综厂、重庆木综厂、宜宾制材厂和东风木材厂4个国有企业为主体,主要生产胶合板、纤维板、刨花板;以乐山吉象人造林制品有限公司、广元刨花板厂两大企业为主生产中密度纤维板和刨花板,其满足生产所需木质材料来源主要靠林区抚育间伐材、小径材、木材加工剩余物。  相似文献   

杉木间伐材及制材板皮加工研究现状与高效加工的新途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述了杉木间伐材及制材板皮加工研究的现状,特别是杉木间伐材改性与制造人造板的研究情况,着重介绍了杉木间伐材及制材板皮高效加工的新途径--采用梳解加工法制造杉木积成材的研究情况.  相似文献   

日本1946年以来营造的人工林已先后到了间伐期。为了提高林木质量,不失时机地进行间伐是当务之急。小径材的利用,也是促进间伐的一个重要因素。从木材利用方面看,间伐材是不受欢迎的,因为在经济上太不合算。所以,为了促进小径材的利用,应改进加工利用方法,努力降低间伐成本,力求提供廉价的  相似文献   

叶喜 《林业建设》1997,(3):36-38
随着森林资源的日益减少,在木材生产中,如何提高木材的综合利用率以减少木材的损耗已成为一个人们所普遍关注的问题。本文以“小材大用,劣材优用”的指导思想,分析了在木材资源中占比例日益增长的小径木综合利用的必然性;阐述了几方面小径材利用的途径,并提出了小径木利用的趋势。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月,国家林业公益性行业科研专项重大项目"速生林木材高效重组制造关键技术与示范"项目在京启动。我国的人工林面积居世界之首,速生林木材产量7 000万m3/a左右,但其中约50%的木材径级不足12 cm,无法解决我国木材产业优质阔叶树材和大径材短缺的这一重大产业难题,也是制约速生材高效利用的产业瓶颈和技术瓶颈。重组木是速生材高效利用的主要发展方向之一,其制造技术研究始于80年代的澳大利亚、美国及日本,以建筑结构材为应用目标,通过将小径级木材疏解并重新组合,制成新型大规格木材。但由于木  相似文献   

林木种子介电常数的无损检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一套林木种子介电常数的无损检测装置,提出了一种能够有效消除某些测量误差的测试方法。对林木种子的实际测试表明,种子的介电常数测试对介电分选理论有着很现实的意义。  相似文献   

通过对拉氏栲木材纤维形态和化学成分的测定和分析,揭示了拉氏栲木纤维形态和化学成分的特征及其纤维形态随轮龄的变化规律,结果表明:拉氏栲木材可作为林产工业的纤维材料使用。  相似文献   

提出了小型木材除湿干燥机的结构及合理配置措施,降低操作技术难度的解决办法,以及适合小型木材加工企业应用的干燥工艺。分析表明,该设备具有性能稳定、性价比高等特点,在小型木材加工企业中有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

对13个桉树无性系的生长性状、木材纤维形态和化学组分等性能进行测定与分析,并经多性状综合评判,选择出生长量、生物量和纤维产量高且材质优良,可作为纤维材在闽南山地重点推广应用的优等无性系C1、C6、C9和C10,近4年生平均树高、胸径、杆材重量、纤维产量分别可达16.0 m、13.9 cm、47.5 kg.株-1和21.9 kg.株-1,木材基本密度、纤维长度、长宽比分别为0.569 g.cm-3、0.926 mm和56.3;选出生长量(产量)较高且材质优良的无性系有EC1、C2、C3、C4,这些无性系可根据闽南山地的具体立地条件有选择地应用。  相似文献   

介绍了一种超细木粉加工设备的总体布置及工作原理,阐述了该设备筛箱的出料机构设计。应用粉碎力学原理估算木粉粒径,根据粒径要求进行参数选择与动力学设计,并用试验结果验证理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,环境问题和能源问题日益严重,人类开始加紧寻找可再生能源的步伐。在众多的能源中,生物质能以其清洁、可再生性等优点受到了世界各国的广泛关注,人们开始研究采用不同的方法及技术来燃烧生物质,以其获取寻找最佳的燃烧利用方法,提高生物质的利用率。为了更有效地开发生物质能源,本文详细分析了目前生物质的来源组成及直接燃烧的过程。在此基础上,本文提出了今后在生物质利用方面林业工作的研究内容。  相似文献   

In this work, empirical ring-based models were developed to predict the distribution of early wood percentage, wood density and fibre length along the stems of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) as affected by silvicultural management. The performance of the ring-based models was also compared for Scots pine and Norway spruce with corresponding disc-based (cross-sectional) models. Moreover, both models were integrated with example simulations by a process-based growth and yield model to analyze how management, such as thinning, affects the growth and wood properties of Scots pine trees over a rotation as an average for the tree stem, but also along the stem.The ring-based models built for annual early wood percentage (explained by ring width), air dry wood density (explained by early wood percentage and cambial age) and fibre length (explained by radial growth percentage and cambial age) predicted reasonably well the wood properties both at an intra-ring level, but also at a cross-sectional level. These predictions were also reasonably well in line with corresponding cross-sectional predictions by the disc-based models (which predicted the properties based on the number of annual rings and diameter at breast height and/or the cross-section being considered and temperature sum). The example simulations also demonstrated that both models predicted slightly lower wood density for dominant trees compared to dominated ones grown in thinned and unthinned Scots pine stands over a rotation. Unlike the disc-based model, the ring-based model predicted, on average, higher early wood percentage in dominant trees than in dominated ones. However, fibre length was not significantly affected when the averages of the whole stems were predicted, and this held true for both ring- and disc-based models.In summary, the incorporation of empirical ring-based wood property models into a process-based growth and yield model, offers a means to study in detail how environmental conditions, forest structure and management affect the quantity and properties of stem wood produced over a rotation. The disc-based wood property models used in this work are based on data with large geographical and genetic variation, and therefore may turn out to be more applicable for predicting future wood and fibre resources at a regional and national level. This kind of integrated use of wood property models with a process-based growth and yield model could help us to evaluate the forest resources under current and changing climate.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the reasons why eucalypt veneer checks easily and severely, wood samples of three eucalypt species were selected, and their anatomical and physical properties were examined according to conventional methods and the national standards. The effects of variances in cell wall thickness of wood fibre and vessel, and diameter of the cell lumen as well as the tissue ratio on the quality of plywood veneer were analysed. The results show that: 1) There is a great difference in fibre cell wall thickness and diameter of the cell lumen between early wood and late wood of Eucalyptus delegatensis. 2) E. obliqua has a high wood fibre tissue ratio and the thickest fibre cell wall, but the difference inthe fibre cell wall thickness between early wood and late wood is the smallest. 3) The wood fibre tissue ratio of E. regnans is smaller than that of E. obliqua, and its wood fibre cell wall isthe thinnest and there is only a very small difference in fibre cell wall thickness between early wood and late wood. The difference inthe diameter of wood fibre cell lumen among early wood, transition area and late wood is also small: 4) E. delegatensis has the highest tangential shrinkage rate and radial-tangential shrinkage rate, andE. obliqua has the lowest. It is the variability of wood anatomical properties of these species that cause the difference in the veneer shrinkagei and then affects plywood veneer quality.  相似文献   

岳翠银 《木材工业》1999,13(5):31-33
本研究以锯屑或农作物秸秆为填料,以氧化镁及氯等无机原料为胶凝剂,以中碱玻纤布产稆在特制模中成型,晟仿水曲柳玻平板。平板的物理力学性能与外观近似木质水曲柳胶合板,且具有优良的防火性能。  相似文献   

通过适当的化学改性反应如酯化、醚化等,可以使木材转化为热塑性高分子材料。这些热塑性材料可单独或与合成高聚物按比例混合热压加工成型为各种板材或其他成型产品,这对扩大木材的加工利用途径、充分利用木材加工剩余物、提高木材利用率等都具有十分重要的意义。本文介绍了酯化、醚化木材的主要方法,产品的特点,以及今后木材及纤维素酯化、醚化的发展方向。  相似文献   

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