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生态养殖既是提高河蟹成活率的有效途径,更是提高池塘养殖蟹品质的关键.营造一个良好的生态环境能最大限度地减少病害的发生,提高池塘养殖的经济效益.  相似文献   

池塘健康养殖主要生态条件及调控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
池塘健康养殖是生产无公害、高质量水产品的养殖方式,掌握影响池塘健康养殖主要生态条件及调控技术,对提高生产力,谋求经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的统一具有重要意义。本文综述池塘健康养殖的主要生态条件及调控技术,以指导池塘健康养殖。  相似文献   

<正>为提高池塘养殖的经济效益,盘锦地区的一些养殖户开展了淡水鱼与南美白对虾混养试验,明显提高了池塘养殖经济效益,现将2013年在盘锦三角洲地区开展的德国镜鲤与南美白对虾池塘混养生产试验过程总结如下。  相似文献   

提高池塘养殖经济效益的几条途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高池塘养殖经济效益的几条途径如何来提高池塘养殖经济效益呢,正是目前我镇广大渔农很关注的事情。笔者根据外地经验,结合本地区实际情况,谈七条途径,供广大渔农参考。一、改造池塘条件我镇部分池塘还存在着“浅、瘦”的情况,造成鱼类疾病年年暴发,池塘养殖经济效...  相似文献   

<正>为调整养殖结构模式,增加优质品种产量,提高经济效益,济宁市任城区水产局在2009年进行了池塘网箱养殖黄鳝试验。其养殖模式有以下优点:网箱设在池塘中养殖黄鳝,能充分利用水体空间和饵料,是增加优质品种产量,提高经济效益的有益途径。现将有关养殖  相似文献   

随着水产养殖业的发展,“效益”越来越成为人们关注的焦点。产量高不等于效益好,市场经济决定着池塘养殖最终要以提高经济效益为目标。如何提高池塘养殖经济效益是一个令人深思的问题,本文就此谈几点认识。1 合理选择养殖品种 实践证明,正确选择养殖品种,是实现养殖高效  相似文献   

近几年,利用海水池塘养殖缢蛏已产生良好的经济效益,但缢蛏过冬成活率不稳定,经济效益受到很大影响,本文作者通过调查、试验就提高海水池塘养殖缢蛏过冬成活率浅析、探讨。  相似文献   

为提高养殖罗非鱼经济效益,探索新的养殖模式,我场于2008年进行罗非鱼套养淡水蓝鲨和七星月鱼高产高效养殖试验。经过一年的养殖试验,结果表明:罗非鱼池塘套养淡水蓝鲨和七星刀鱼,不仅提高了池塘商品鱼总产量,而且还能大大增加养殖经济效益。  相似文献   

为了合理利用池塘养殖水体资源,提高淡水养鱼经济效益,笔者于2010-2011年在盘锦市大洼县喜峰水产养殖合作社进行一年两茬鲤鱼高产养殖技术研究。通过两年的养殖试验取得了明显的经济效益,现将池塘一年两茬鲤鱼高产养殖技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

孙军华 《水产养殖》2012,33(11):49-50
为更好地推广黄颡鱼养殖,提高池塘利用率,增加经济效益,根据洪泽县水产技术推广站技术方案,2011年2月,笔者在洪泽县老子山镇张咀村甲鱼养殖基地,选择了2口池塘,开展中华鳖池塘套养黄颡鱼试验,取得了较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

Tilapia are the second most farmed fish worldwide and their production has quadrupled over the past decade due to ease of aquaculture, marketability and stable market prices. Tilapia aquaculture must adopt sustainable practices (such as polyculture) for continuing increased production and improved sustainability. This article reviews tilapia polyculture around the world and discusses its benefits, strategies and practices. Tilapia polyculture improves feed utilization, enhances water quality, increases total yield and profit. Further investment will increase these gains. Research on tilapia polyculture in China was also summarized and addressed that polyculture in semi‐intensive systems was a way of improving sustainability for tilapia aquaculture.  相似文献   

为建立参贝混养的生态养殖模式,研究了海湾扇贝在池塘中与刺参混养,对养殖环境的影响。通过参贝混养与海参单养池的比较研究表明:参贝混养池的水质指标:氨态氮、亚硝酸盐等明显低于海参单养池;扇贝的滤食作用改善了水的透明度,参贝混养池明显高于海参单养池。参贝混养池中浮游生物的种类和数量优于单养池,海参喜食的底栖硅藻的生物量较多;浮游动物的种类较少,规格也较小。为池塘参贝生态养殖提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

对虾与文蛤混养及其有关因子的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对虾池内混养文蛤以及影响混养有关因子所进行试验和分析表明:文蛤和对虾混养效果较好;混养池以平台型和宽饵料台型的结构及合砂量在75%以上的底质,比较适宜文蛤与对虾的混养。  相似文献   

杜氏盐藻和亚心型扁藻混合培养生长的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室条件下研究了杜氏盐藻和亚心型扁藻在单独培养和相同接种比例混合培养下的生长情况。结果显示,单独培养盐藻的生长经历了3个明显的阶段,生长曲线呈现"S"型;单独培养扁藻与混合培养藻在18 d内还未到达稳定期,仍保持一定的生长态势。混合培养、单独培养盐藻以及单独培养扁藻的最大光密度值(OD680)分别为0.784、0.702和0.765。混合培养藻的生物量(0.841 mg/ml)也稍高于单独培养盐藻(0.582 mg/ml)和单独培养扁藻的生物量(0.819 mg/ml)。试验结果表明,混合培养盐藻和扁藻具有一定的促进藻生长和提高生物量产出的潜力。  相似文献   

鱼蚌混养对池塘水质、藻相结构及三角帆蚌生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2012年4月26日—2012年12月12日通过在鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中放养不同密度的三角帆蚌,研究不同三角帆蚌放养比例对鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中水质、藻相结构及三角帆蚌生长的影响。实验中,鲢鳙放养比例统一为3∶7,总密度为1.5尾/m3。三角帆蚌放养密度则设置4个水平,分别为单养鲢鳙鱼池塘(0只/m3),低密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(0.8只/m3),中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(1.0只/m3)和高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(1.2只/m3)。结果显示,混养三角帆蚌池塘的水化指标(TP、PO4-P、NH3-N、NO2-N和NO3-N)均显著低于单养鱼池塘。中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘除NH3-N和化学需氧量(COD)与低密度三角帆蚌混养池塘无显著差异外,其他各项水化指标均显著低于其他3个池塘,并且极显著低于单养鲢鳙鱼池塘。单养鲢鳙鱼池塘藻类平均密度均极显著高于鱼蚌混养池塘,其中在鱼蚌混养池塘中浮游植物密度与三角帆蚌密度成负相关关系。单养鲢鳙鱼池塘的浮游植物生物量均极显著低于中、高密度鱼蚌混养池塘,并且显著低于低密度混养池塘。浮游植物生物量与三角帆蚌密度成正相关关系,鱼蚌池塘中绿藻和裸藻的生物量在养殖过程中上升显著。低、中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘三角帆蚌存活率均显著高于高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘;低密度混养池塘中蚌湿重、壳长及壳宽相对增长率均为最大,显著高于中、高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘。研究表明,养鱼池塘混养三角帆蚌不仅能改善养殖池塘的水质,还能控制藻类数量,促使绿藻和裸藻等大型藻类的生长,提高养殖水体浮游植物的生物量总量,最终还能有效提高三角帆蚌的存活率及生长率。从改善水质,藻相结构,蚌成活率及生长等指标角度考虑,在鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中,三角帆蚌最佳放养密度为1.0只/m3。  相似文献   

为优化河蟹套养不同品种养殖效益,构建河蟹+鳜鱼、河蟹+青虾+鳜鱼以及河蟹+小龙虾+鳜鱼三种河蟹套养模式,利用成本效益分析法对收益情况进行分析。结果表明:三种河蟹套养模式净利润分别为33552、32856和33369元/hm^2,模式间净利润水平无显著性差异;河蟹池套养鳜鱼能显著提高养殖效益,鳜鱼利润贡献达到4374~5622元/hm^2;河蟹价格波动显著影响三种河蟹套养模式净利润,河蟹池套养青虾、小龙虾能较好地分担市场风险。  相似文献   

Abstract.— Tilapia and freshwater prawn production in Puerto Rico for monoculture and polyculture systems were compared. The experiment consisted of three treatments with three replicates each. The stocking rates for the prawn monoculture, fish monoculture and polyculture treatments were respectively: 7 prawns/m2, 1 tilapia/M2, and 7 prawns with 1 tilapia/ m2. The mean stocking size for tilapia and prawn were respectively, 7–8 g and 1–1.3 g. After 145 d of culture, yields and mean weight of tilapia in monoculture and polyculture system were not significantly different. Total yields were 2,942 and 2,769 kg/ha, respectively. Mean weights were 348 g in monoculture and 331 g in polyculture. Yields and mean weight of prawns in monoculture and polyculture were significantly different. Total yields were 1,367 and 951 kg/ha, respectively. Mean weights were 55 g in monoculture and 31 g in polyculture. Total yield in polyculture was 3,720 kg/ha showing an increase over the production separately obtained in prawn and fish monoculture.  相似文献   

烟台浅海区不同养殖系统养殖效果的比较   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
杨红生 《水产学报》2000,24(2):140-145
于1998年4月5日至6月23日,在山东烟台市四十里湾海区进行了3种养殖模式养殖效果比较的模拟实验。在该海区岸边建立了栉孔扇贝(Chamys farreri)单养,栉孔扇贝和海带(Laminaria japonica)混养,栉孔扇贝、海带和刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)混养等3个系列、9个养殖系统和1个对照系统(5.0m*2.0m*1.0m,日换水量100%),进行对比实验。  相似文献   

Tilapia culture in rural communities in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, has been increasing in recent decades. Polyculture of tilapia with other more commercially valuable species provides an opportunity to substantially improve the economic yields of rural producers. The economic viability of implementing Nile tilapia with Australian redclaw crayfish in polyculture was analyzed using profitability indicators such as internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). A bioeconomic model was developed to simulate three production densities, accounting for investment recuperation in time horizons of 5, 10 and 15 years. Simulations showed a notable improvement in profitability when farms adopt the polyculture strategy, particularly over the 5-year horizon. Nile tilapia with Australian redclaw crayfish polyculture shortens investment return time and buffers risk related to changes in tilapia sale price. Of the three studied polyculture combinations the optimum outcome was achieved with medium redclaw crayfish density.  相似文献   

Shire tilapia, Oreochromis shiranus shiranus (Boulenger 1897), was grown in monoculture and polyculture with either straightfin barb, Barbus paludinosus (Peters 1852), or threespot barb, Barhus trimaculatus (Peters 1852), (collectively known as matemba) under conditions which simulated smallholder farming conditions in Southern Malawi. Over 150 days, B. paludinosus-O. shiranus shiranus polyculture was significantly (P < 0.05) more productive than either O. shiranus shiranus or B. paludinosus monoculture. Over 107 days. B. trimaculatus-O. shiranus shiranus monocultures and polyculture were equally productive (P < 0.05). Average weights of O. shiranus shiranus and matemba were not affected by polyculture (P < 0.05). Survival of O. shiranus shiranus from stocking to harvest was not affected by polyculture with B. paludinosus, but was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in polyculture with B. trimaculatus. Survival of matemba from stocking to harvest was not affected by polyculture (P<0.05). Total weight and number of O. shiranus shiranus and B. paludinosus juveniles produced during growout were the same in monoculture and polyculture (P<0.05). but total weight of B. trimaculatus was significantly (P<0.05) lower in polyculture. Polycultures were clearly more profitable than all monocultures. Next most profitable were tilapia monocultures. Matemba monocultures were least profitable. Based on these findings, preliminary protocols for the development of other indigenous fish species for aquaculture are described.  相似文献   

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