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《解放日报》2000年6月22日报道,作为上海市政府实事工程的畜禽粪便综合治理首期工程100个项目,已于近日全面告捷。首期畜禽粪便综合治理工程从去年下半年起启动。此前,市郊共有1600多个畜禽场,每年产生700多万吨畜禽粪便,因乱排乱倒成了一大环境污染源,仅苏州河流域44个畜禽场每年产生的粪便和污水就不下200万吨,占苏州河污染源总量18.2%。首期工程确定关闭400个效益差、污染重的畜禽场,综合治理100个大中型畜禽场。随着工程的竣工,全市由畜禽粪便形成的污染源总量已减少25%左右,首期重点治理的苏州河流域畜禽粪便污染总量锐减…  相似文献   

酶制剂在减少畜禽粪便对环境污染中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着养殖业生产规模的不断扩大和集约化程度的不断提高.畜禽粪便的产生量不但越来越大,而且越来越集中。国家环保局2001年统计,全国畜禽粪便年排放量达22亿t,其中总磷(TP)为220.8万t,总氮(TN)为1059.1万t。因此,畜禽粪便已成为重要的环境污染源。向饲料中添加酶制剂,配制畜禽生态营养饲料,可以提高畜禽饲料的利用率,减少畜禽粪便的产量,对预防畜禽粪便造成的环境污染具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便处理是一项综合技术,是影响我国畜禽养殖业发展的重要因素之一。主要阐述了畜禽粪便污染现状及处理污染中存在的问题,并提供了几种常见的畜禽粪便处理模式,以供参考。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便污染环境的难题,正在被专家所破解。贵阳医学院寄生虫教研室吴建伟博士带领的课题组经过几年潜心研究,最近在这个领域取得了重要成果。畜禽粪便污染治理是我国环保领域的一个新课题。据了解,近年随着我国畜牧产业的迅猛发展,各地畜禽粪便的排放量也随之大增。据不完全统计,1999年,我国畜禽粪便的产生量就已达19亿吨左右,畜禽粪便污染正成为我国环境保护中一个亟待解决的问题。吴建伟说,他带领的课题组研究的畜禽粪便处理方法,是一种“生物生态法”,即主要通过家蝇等粪生昆虫的幼虫对畜禽粪便进行分解、转化并加以利…  相似文献   

畜禽粪便的再生利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
畜禽粪便的再生利用@冉景恒畜禽粪便的再生利用冉景恒一、畜禽类便的营养价值畜禽粪便的营养价值随品种、日粮成分和管理不同而有变化,畜禽种类是决定其粪便营养价值的重要因素,其中以鸡粪的营养价值为最高。鸡的消化道短,食物通过消化道的时间也短,所以饲料中还有一部分营...  相似文献   

随着畜禽养殖数量的不断增加,规模化养殖比例的不断加大,畜禽粪便的产量越来越高,畜禽粪便的堆积越来越集中,使畜禽粪便的无害化处理成为环保部门、畜牧部门、养殖企业头疼的一大难题,养户周边居民难以回避的污染源,  相似文献   

随着菜蓝子工程的实施和畜牧业基地的建立,畜禽粪便无害化处理及资源化利用已成为畜禽养殖急需解决的问题。为降低畜禽粪便的臭味、促进其肥效的提高、发展绿色、优质农产品,我们在畜禽粪发酵、除臭、增效及肥料化利用方面开展了一些工作,现将有关结果报告如下:1我国畜禽粪便处理利用现状及前景分析畜禽粪便历史上曾是农田使用的优质肥料,近年来,随人们生活水平的不断提高和农村劳动力的不断转移,畜禽粪便由于脏、臭、体积庞大等问题,使得传统积造和施用已不可能,畜禽粪便不能资源化循环利用带来了环境污染———特别是大气、水环…  相似文献   

1物理方法 在畜禽场内使用的物理方法就是及时地清除粪便,应特别注意死角中的粪便和污水,尽可能保持畜禽粪干燥。首先应搞好畜禽场的清洁卫生,定期消毒。其次要妥善处理清除的粪便,及时拉走或堆积发酵处理。畜禽场的废旧垫料和病死畜禽也要妥善处理。  相似文献   

江苏省农业科学院“畜禽粪便生物处理技术研究”课题日前取得突破性进展。该课题旨在解决困扰中小养殖场发展的畜禽粪便污染问题。据了解,江苏省畜禽粪便年排放量在2000~3000万吨,已成为污染环境的重要污染源。今年初国家环保总局专门颁布了《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》,要求各地尽快攻克畜禽养殖场和养殖区的污染难题。从1998年开始,该院研究员常志州开始主持国家攻关课题《畜禽粪便处理技术研究》,从畜禽粪便堆集场所和养殖场储粪池排污沟等处分离出300多种菌株,经过反复试验,从中筛选了几株能在粪便堆肥中快速繁…  相似文献   

畜禽粪便恶臭的污染及其治理对策的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄灿  李季 《家畜生态》2004,25(4):211-213,217
随着畜牧业生产规模的扩大和集约化程度的提高,畜禽粪便产生的恶臭所造成的危害已经引起人们的普遍关注。本文主要综述了畜禽粪便恶臭物质的组成、产生的影响因素及畜禽粪便恶臭的控制方法,并对畜禽粪便除臭存在的问题及发展趋势提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

SUMMARY Young Hereford steers of even body weights were grazed on pasture at 2 levels of stocking rate and artificially infected with 0, 600 or 1,200 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica. In addition all groups obtained a low grade natural infection. Steers were slaughtered at intervals throughout the 32-week trial period and total fluke counts obtained. Fluke counts were significantly higher in all artificially infected groups when compared to the natural infection alone groups with the exception of the 600 metacercariae group during the 12 to 32-week analysis period. There were no significant differences between counts in steers in the 2 nutritional regimes. Rates of growth were significantly reduced by 14.7% and 14.1% in steers receiving a superimposed artificial infection rate of 1200 metacercariae and grazed at 3.54 beasts/hectare and 4.39 beasts/hectare respectively. Similarly group body weights were depressed 3% and 20% in steers receiving 600 metacercariae and grazed at 3.54 beasts/hectare and 4.39 beasts/hectare respectively. There was a significant interaction between level of nutrition and size of artificial infection on body weight changes in the first 12-week period.  相似文献   

食用菌菌糠营养价值及利用途径的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
菌糠作为饲料或饲料添加剂,可以替代一部分饲料用粮及其他营养元素。通过对菌糠饲料的营养价值、制作工艺、在养殖业的应用以及发展前景的论述。指出菌糠的营养相当于常规麦麸类饲料,可作为新型饲料资源应用于养殖业中,以降低饲料成本。  相似文献   

本文报道了毕节地区近年来布鲁氏菌病、禽流感和马传贫的流行情况调查结果。结论建立在对来自毕节地区各县(市)2183份畜禽血清样品的检测之上。  相似文献   

A型禽流感病毒核蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A型禽流感是禽类的重要疾病之一。近年来,随着分子生物学的研究深入,对A型禽流感病毒核蛋白的研究也取得了显著的进展,本文概要综述了A型禽流感病毒核蛋白在诊断A型禽流感方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

汪玺 《草业科学》1995,12(3):48-49,52
对影响瘤胃瘘管-尼龙袋法测定牧草干物质消失率的因素进行了对比试验。结果表明:瘤胃瘘管的安装以两步法比一步法好。尼龙袋在瘤胃中的停留时间以24h。尼龙袋中的样品量对消失率影响不大。尼龙袋在瘤胃内容物中的深度对消失率无明显影响,供试动物间存在着差异。  相似文献   

The main objective of agriculture is food production, which is based fundamentally on plant material. Only part of this, however, is acceptable as food. The remainder, being byproducts or wastes, is generally transformed into food through animals. Because of everchanging technology and because of the wish to utilize as many byproducts/wastes as possible, the research effort in this field is strong in Dutch agricultural research.Byproducts/wastes are very important ingredients in compound feeds in The Netherlands. Compound feed mixtures make up about 50% of all feeds, but nearly 60% of the compounds consist of food wastes or byproducts. This is considerably more than in other EEC countries.Food waste application in The Netherlands fundamentally has no legal restrictions. In recent years, however, some exceptions have been made to avoid any risk of toxicological contamination of food. Those regulations are kept in line with EEC policy in these matters. Based on voluntary cooperation, the Dutch feed industry, farmers organizations and agricultural research have issued feed tables, providing a firm foundation for safe application of high-quality byproducts/food wastes in Dutch livestock husbandry.Some examples of promising new food wastes, e.g. dried poultry manure, are mentioned.  相似文献   

狼尾草属野生种在黄土高原地区适应性观察与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

黄土高原农业生态环境评价专家系统的程序设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

青海省食用菌产业发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对青海食用菌生产现状及存在的问题分析,提出了发展食用菌生产的具体措施。  相似文献   

Three case history reports are presented to illustrate the value of the single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence for assessment of the subarachnoid space. The use of the single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence, which is a heavily T2-weighted sequence, allows for a rapid, noninvasive evaluation of the subarachnoid space by using the high signal from cerebrospinal fluid. This sequence can be completed in seconds rather than the several minutes required for a T2-fast spin-echo sequence. Unlike the standard T2-fast spin-echo sequence, a single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence also provides qualitative information about the protein and the cellular content of the cerebrospinal fluid, such as in patients with inflammatory debris or hemorrhage in the cerebrospinal fluid. Although the resolution of the single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence images is relatively poor compared with more conventional sequences, the qualitative information about the subarachnoid space and cerebrospinal fluid and the rapid acquisition time, make it a useful sequence to include in standard protocols of spinal magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

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