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江南私家园林空间构成较为独特,是中国独特的传统文化遗产。介绍了江南私家园林的空间建筑营造技术,并将其用于现代城市景观设计中,从江南传统私家园林中总结与归纳出某些类型的空间形态特征,进一步研究江南私园林的类型,阐述了江南私家园林空间形态对当代景观设计的启示。  相似文献   

宜兴百合脱毒组培苗培养技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
百合由于其风味独特,营养丰富而深受广大消费者喜爱.其中宜兴百台有“太湖人参”的美誉,种植百合也成了农民致富的一条捷径。常规方法繁育百合,由于百台植株不同程度上受到蚜虫侵染为害,导致百合种性退化,产量、品质下降。针对这些问题,我们对适合我市种植的优质百...  相似文献   

本文主要就园林空间的植物组合展开分析,通过分析植物和建筑之间的关系,结合不同植物带给人的不同感觉等,调整园林空间中不同植物的种植区域,促进其发挥划分以及连接空间等作用,打造空间层次鲜明的园林景色,提高园林的观赏价值。  相似文献   

水体在建筑设计中能起到画龙点睛的作用。出发,探索建筑与自然融合的手法,营造层次丰富、境的关系。文章从研究水体与建筑内外空间(包括建筑“灰空间”)的结合清新宜人的建筑空间,创造出独特的建筑形象,丰富人与环  相似文献   

宜春台今位于江西省宜春市春台公园内。对宜春台现状调查,台顶建筑正面朝北,不符合中国传统坐北朝南的建筑格局。为探究宜春台建筑朝向与景观环境关系,从古代诗词散文中描写宜春台的意向词汇入手,通过从县志府志中收集108首关于宜春台的诗词进行词频统计分析:①未发现与"春台晓日"相关词汇;②包含大量感伤意向词汇。根据词汇特征,从宜春地区日出方位与山水环境等角度对宜春台坐南朝北的空间格局做进一步分析,得出"春台晓日"与宜春台朝向及在城市中的空间分布、周边山水环境有着密切联系;而通过风环境分析得出宜春台朝向加剧古人登临生悲的情感抒发。  相似文献   

冯作萍 《现代园艺》2021,(5):105-106
详细介绍别墅庭院的空间布局形式、景观特征、设计原则及庭院景观色彩,别墅庭院景观绝不是简单地将庭院元素单一拿出来设计或是只追求个别元素完美,也不是将各类元素拼凑在一起。而是依据每个庭院独特的景观特征,遵循庭院的设计原则合理地安排其空间布局形式,同时注重色彩的搭配设计,为庭院主人营造出一个有层次铺垫、突出中心重点,同时有虚实结合的休闲娱乐空间。在景观功能、庭院风格、空间环境满足大众审美的前提下,让庭院中的每个细节都能体现出空间环境与时尚韵律的结合,最终实现建筑、庭院及人的和谐统一。  相似文献   

感知是人与空间关系中的核心内容,感知是一个过程,它建立在感觉之上,是对感觉信息的进一步组织、识别和解释,从而帮助人们表现和理解环境。蚂蟥洲景观设计中感知的因素是基于场地特有属性所反馈给人们进而导致的一种对环境信息的综合体验感。  相似文献   

雷雨  马建武 《现代园艺》2011,(21):64-65
芝加哥千年广场在设计和建设过程中形成了独特的建筑文化和人文精神,本文从千年广场的历史,总体布局和重要景观节点着手,分析了广场的空间形态和景观特色,对当前我国如何建设具有地域文化特征和时代感的城市广场有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

人类在漫长的历史时期中由于各种原因建立起来的聚居区域称为城市,建造城市需要遵循一系列的美学规律,这些美学规律会使城市造成很多独特的自然景观,对于这些景观和空间的分析,会得知不同人群在其中生活的方式,最终影响我们对城市建筑的设计模式,对社会和国家的发展起到一定的推进作用。  相似文献   

韦山 《花卉》2011,(4):11-11
园林素材中建筑、水体、园路等一旦建成。只能用文字来体现其意境或者立意,配上植物则可让其更加充实,饱满或鲜活起来。建筑物(构筑物)的周边配置各种合适的植物之后,生硬的建筑棱角顿时被遮挡住,使得建筑物与地面有了一个过渡的空间,让人感觉其不再是一个单调的、突兀的建筑物。而是融人了整个空问的场所。植物可以软化硬质景观、丰富景观层次。  相似文献   

ObjectivesMany studies have found that natural environments benefit human health and wellbeing, but few have measured restorativeness of specific landscape components, especially in Chinese settings. Because the rapid urbanization of China is accompanied by increasing predomination of hardscape components in cities, the restorative quality of urban green space is a crucial issue. This study explored the stress recovery effects of different videotaped scenes, using six urban parks and one urban roadway scene. Potentially restorative urban park scenes were controlled for nature-based vs. hardscape components, presence/absence of people, and level of openness.MethodsSubjects were Chinese university students (N = 140) aged 18–24. After completing an oral exam as a stressor, an equal number of males and females were randomly assigned to watch one of the seven videotaped scenes during a stress recovery stage, while data were collected on changes in stress and attentional levels. Physiological responses were measured by Electrocardiography (ECG) and Skin Conductance Response (SCR). Psychological responses were measured by the state (short-term) version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S), the Digit Span Backwards (DSB) test, and the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS).ResultsIn a Chinese sample, this study confirmed previous findings that nature-based urban park scenes relieved stress and restored attentional levels, while viewing an urban roadway increased negative feelings. Overall perceived restorativeness was significantly higher in two scenes depicting a Lawn without people and a Small Lake, compared with a paved Plaza with or without people, confirming previous findings that restorativeness is associated with predominance of nature-based landscape components. This study also confirmed previous findings that outdoor scenes without people were more restorative than scenes depicting people.DiscussionThis study found different levels of restorativeness associated with different landscape features, and helped confirm that nature-based components are more likely to reduce stress than hardscape components, using Chinese urban scenes with a Chinese population. Findings can be used in future planning and design of urban spaces in China, emphasizing the value of parks and green spaces in relevant contexts.  相似文献   

中国源远流长的养菊、赏菊、品菊、咏菊和画菊的人文传统,培养了国人的雅洁情操、品德修养和民族气节.中国传统菊花文化既体现了儒家思想所强调的道德教化的功能性,也具备了道家思想提出的纯粹美学的观赏性,还成为禅宗思想中自由空灵境界的体征,并使得菊花精神的"韵味"更加博大精深,从而使"菊花文化"现象上升到哲学的"菊花情结"并富含意味隽永的审美情趣.  相似文献   

孔德龙 《蔬菜》2023,(8):42-47
摘要:葱原产于中国,在中国已有3 000多年的栽培历史。栽培技术方面,中国先民对葱的选地、栽培耕作、留种等方面积累了十分丰富的经验,其中精耕细作和保温措施为主的技术提升与现实社会需求有着重要的双向促进作用。食用方面,葱作为调味和蔬菜兼用的一种作物,既在调味中与姜、椒一起为人们所喜爱,除此之外,葱还作为一种重要的蔬菜为人们所食用。作为药食同源的作物之一,食用葱不仅可以给人们带来味觉上的体验,同时也可以对人们的身体产生一定的影响。葱在中国的古代文化和佛道五荤中还扮演着非常重要的角色,通过对其研究,可以更进一步了解中国中医药食同源的传统与发展,也可以作为一个进一步了解古代中国人民生产和生活方式的切入口。  相似文献   

史文倩 《中国园艺文摘》2013,(6):121-124,F0004
"新中式"景观是现代景观设计风格中的一种,是以内敛沉稳的传统文化为出发点,融入现代设计语言的一种新型设计手法。它不仅是现代生活与中国传统文化邂逅、碰撞的结晶,更是人们在崇尚异国文化后,心灵得以回归,转而皈依自己的传统文化的成果。通过对河南鲁山田园大汤山温泉度假项目景观设计的分析,从理念及设计手法等多方面入手,力图对"新中式"风格在景观设计中的应用进行一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

Social statistics indicate that the proportion of disabled people in the economically developed societies of the Western world is increasing. Thus more and more people are relying on special assistance and services. Environmental pollution and individual stress pose significant burdens to the majority of the constantly increasing urban population, especially the disabled, because they are dependent on suitable environments to serve their needs. These problems need to be remedied through planning and management. An empirical survey of the Isle of Mainau, located on Lake Constance in Southern Germany, shows that people with officially recognised disabilities feel stigmatised by green space that is specially designed for visitors with handicaps. People with lighter handicaps would like to have more attention and services rendered to them. ‘Standard users’, particularly those of higher income with better education, are reluctant to concede the entire island park's design and infrastructure to accommodate the needs of disabled visitors.  相似文献   

中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡清 《北方园艺》2012,(4):92-95
中国园林具有深厚的文化底蕴。在中国传统文化中,人们常赋予植物一定的文化寓意,从而表达某种吉祥意愿。因此,加强对中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用研究,有利于对中国传统园林文化的进一步把握及提高植物造景水平。在中国传统吉祥植物资源归纳及分类的基础上,总结出中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用手段及形式,探讨了其对现代植物景观设计的启发。  相似文献   

Panoramic green view index (PGVI) is an emerging index of urban greenery, which attracts researchers’ attention in recent years. It provides a quantitive method for reflecting real-life feelings about green space in urban areas. The PGVI needs to be calculated from massive datasets, which can be realized by artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. In this work, we used SegNet, an AI semantic segmentation tool, to distinguish urban elements, such as buildings, sky, and people. In total, 6874 panoramic street pictures with an interval of 10 m in the Savannah Historic District were used for the analysis of PGVI and its distribution. Results show that both the PGVI value and its distribution types can reflect the characteristics of regional green space. Good urban greenery can be distributed normally, which also provides a method for greenery classification. The crucial factors influencing PGVI are the trees. Dense low trees with big canopies have a very positive influence. In addition, the grade and width of the road, the parks, and squares along the street also have an impact on PGVI. In Savanah Historic District, the road width of nearly 10 m, and the location near parks and squares, can significantly increase the PGVI of streets.  相似文献   

张丹  陈晓媛  田大方 《北方园艺》2012,(12):100-102
中华民族悠久的历史孕育了灿烂的华夏文化,传统园林就是其中艺术成就较高的一个门类。山、水、建筑、植物是中国传统园林的基本语言,从以上四方面探析中国传统园林的造景手法,挖掘传统园林的和谐之美、意境之美、布局之美、以及色彩与装饰之美,提出对现代景观设计的广远启示和借鉴意义。希望人们能充分认识到中国传统园林具有的不可估量的价值,能更加重视中国传统园林文化,并保护和发扬光大。  相似文献   

Future urban planning and public satisfaction will be significantly impacted by understanding people's preferences and perceptions of urban landscape design scenarios, particularly innovative sustainable development approaches. This study examined residents' preferences in Mashhad, Iran, for low-input park design versus conventional park design techniques. The research method integrated questionnaire-based interviews with 3D-simulated images of a site designed with the two approaches. Ninety-three respondents answered validated questions regarding their preference towards the planting and architecture of the parks, their perceptions about social sustainability, psychological feelings, and their perceptions of low-input and maintenance of the spaces. T-test analyses showed that people preferred the low-input park design more than the conventional design for the first four factors. However, the respondents needed to recognize significant differences between the two plans for the low-input and maintenance character of the parks. These results showed that people have positive views and perceptions toward sustainable design approaches like low-input park design. This approach can attract the public and meet their social, psychological, and aesthetic needs with appropriate planning and designs. However, people require education and awareness about the maintenance and sustainability aspects of landscape design approaches. Architecture and planting design visual preferences were suitable predictors for people's overall preference toward the low-input park design approach. The research outputs and the applied method provide insights into sustainable landscape planning in the urban environment.  相似文献   

王彦  胡希军 《北方园艺》2010,(10):146-148
色彩可表达各种情感,在不同光照条件、空间环境中,人对色彩有不同的心理感受。在景观规划中,根据色彩特性进行植物造景,能帮助设计师创造出更人性化、更科学的景观。  相似文献   

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