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论思茅松林分系统的耗散结构特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
思茅松林分系统在地球上形成确定的地理分布区域, 其包含幼林、中林、成熟林、过熟林等许多林分,在各地位级上形成“正态分布”, 表达了林分系统与外界环境的和谐状态。外界环境是非均匀分布的“能量”和“物质”、即多样性的“立地环境”。因此思茅松的不同地位级、不同密度、不同年龄的许多林分, 与环境进行能量、物质交换的规律都表现为由幼林走向过熟林的多种“坐标序列”, 每一条“坐标序列”产生的净生长量, 都大于耗散掉的死亡量。不同“立地环境”、不同初始密度的林分, 由初始郁闭走向过熟林分的演变过程,都可以用y=A D±B的数学模型来描述, 它揭示出林分系统的“周期行为”; 进入过熟林分以后, 林分结构变为多个“世代”组成的“异龄林分结构”, 而各个“世代”发生的“株数递减/蓄积量递增”过程都不同。“世代更迭”的行为不遵守“时间倍增”规律, 而是更为复杂的自组织行为, 因此称为“非周期行为”。“周期行为”趋向复杂的“非周期行为”是一条演化通路, 表达出思茅松林分系统在时、空中的“物质流”。这种“物质流”必定是与外界环境的“能量流”进行能量、物质交换所产生出来的。  相似文献   

华山松林分系统的耗散结构特性表现为:在该系统的生态阈限内蕴藏着“能量流”和“物质流”,它支持着林分系统的存在和演变。若按Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ种地位级统计林分“点”的分布频率,则表现出Ⅲ地位级上的林分“点”最多,Ⅰ和Ⅴ地位级出现的林分“点”都少,此反映了林分系统的“静态”特征;可用y=AD-±B的数学模型,计算出的许多条由T(D-):3、4、5….32刻画的“座标序列”,来判断华山松林分系统由初始林分成为过熟林分的“演变动态”。其每条“座标序列”都处在不同的地位级上。因此该林分系统是由不同地位级的“座标序列”组成的。经调查林分材料验证:“座标序列”在林分系统中最可能出现的分布方式是“均等分布”。由此可见,若要更真实地反映林分系统在时、空中的结构状态和状态转移概率,则需导算出更多的“座标序列”,它应涵盖所有华山松林分的地位级。  相似文献   

云南松林分系统分布于北纬23°~29°、东经98°30′~106°、海拔高度为1 200~2 800 m的区域,面积约500万hm2,这一地理区域是由多种树种组成林分系统的生态区域。在诠释此云南松林分系统的生态环境及生长过程的前提下,引入了“耗散结构的进化观念”对本区域云南松林分系统的结构状态和演变动态进行了研究,导算出在8种地位级上发生的131条由“初始林分”走向“过熟林分”的“坐标序列”,表明其结构具有“对称分布”的特征,揭示了云南松林分系统与其生态阈限环境相互平衡的特性。并论述了云南松林分系统在由初始林分走向过熟林分的过程中都要与外界进行能量和物质转化,而由其产生的净生长量和死亡量是一种促成林分系统进化的理念,以此表明可用内部时间T(D-):3、4、5……32所刻画的131条“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”过程,来反映云南松林分系统的演变动态的客观实际。  相似文献   

优良木(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级木)的成长和分化,被压木(Ⅳ、Ⅴ级木)的衰退和死亡,是思茅松林分演变过程中相互联系的两方面。林分平均直径的变化与“内部时间(T=D)”有关系。由“内部时间(T=D)”刻划的“立木度/蓄积度”序列,与由“内部时间(T=D)”刻划的“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”序列的相互关联关系,反映出林分结构状态的演变。在8、16、32这几个临界时刻,“立木度/蓄积度”的数值都趋近10,这是思茅松林分演变的3个周期,对应着周期性的转移概率序列。用在判断林分生长、预测林分演变过程、确定林分间伐强度等方面都有使用价值。  相似文献   

云南松林分系统在时、空中的随机分布,遵循“概率对称性”的描述。而林分产生的株数递减率和蓄积量递增率则遵循“非对称性转移概率”的描述。这就是云南松林分系统存在与演化的两种概率现象。由“对称性概率”描述的林分系统结构状态中产生“非对称性转移概率”,所造成的各种林分结构仍然遵循“对称性概率”的描述,由此可见林分系统在时、空中的演变,可以归结为“对称性概率”与“非对称性转移概率”的交替变换,因此能用内部时间刻划的“立木度/蓄积度”序列及其对应的“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”序列,描述各种林分结构的连续演变过程。  相似文献   

云南松生长的环境,蕴藏着生长所需要的能量,也包含低温、干旱、病虫害等破坏性因素,是持续涨落波动的“能量流”.“苗木群体”对不稳定“能量流”的适应,表现为通过优胜劣汰而演变为初始林分.能够进入初始林分的“苗木群体”,可由“平均苗龄”1~10年刻划的“苗木株数递减率”来描述.各种密度的“苗木群体”都通过优胜劣汰的过程进入初始林分,它是一种整体性的演变过程.用随机调查的192个“苗木群体”样本进行导算,揭示出1个“苗木度”为0.3~2.0,随“平均苗龄”增长而走向初始林分的演变模型.“平均苗龄”10年时的株数变动为24900~3620株/hm2,也就是初始林分形成(株数-蓄积量)结构的时刻,从此林分演变过程由“内部时间(T=)”刻划的“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”来描述.具有时间因素的初始林分,是“耗散结构”的起点.  相似文献   

塞罕坝不同立地华北落叶松人工林空间结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用角尺度、大小比数两参数对塞罕坝地区华北落叶松人工纯林3种立地类型、3龄级的林分进行比较。结果表明:在林木分化方面,仅曼甸中林及阴坡近熟林2种林分出现明显分化现象,林木间竞争较为激烈,考虑进行适当地营林措施,其他7种林分分化不明显。在林木个体空间分布格局方面,阳坡中林、阳坡近熟林的林分整体属于随机分布,其他7种林分平均角尺度均低于0.475,属于均匀分布。可见,可根据林木生长立地类型的不同及生长阶段的不同,进行适当的营林活动。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨不同演替阶段红松阔叶混交林林分空间结构特征,为明确各林分结构与功能、合理保护和经营红松阔叶混交林提供科学依据。采用TOPCON全站仪在吉林省蛟河市林业实验区管理局不同演替阶段红松阔叶混交林内分别设置4块100 m×100 m监测样地,并进行群落调查,在Visual Studio平台上编写应用程序对不同林分的混交度和大小比数进行计算。结果表明:不同演替阶段林分的平均混交度在0.66和0.78之间,树种之间隔离程度较大;4种林分中树种数量最多的前5个树种平均混交度取值范围为0.69~0.82,其中过熟林最大,近熟林最小,按平均混交度数值大小排序为过熟林中龄林成熟林近熟林。中龄林、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林林分平均胸径大小比数分别为0.48、0.53、0.49、0.49,平均树高大小比数分别为0.48、0.50、0.49、0.49,平均冠幅大小比数分别为0.34、0.42、0.38、0.41。可以看出,胸径和树高平均大小比数取值范围相近,反映林木大小分化程度上具有一致性,而与平均冠幅大小比数取值范围具有一定的差异,说明用树高及胸径计算大小比数得出的结果较冠幅更为可靠。不同演替阶段红松阔叶混交林整体上呈现出一个由不同树种组成、处于强度混交向极强度混交过渡的复杂森林群落,且树种之间大小分化程度明显。  相似文献   

文章遵循林分生长规律 ,对林分 (或林木 )生长过程及林分 (林木 )开始腐朽的时间确定提供了可行的研究方法。对于解决大兴安岭地区由于立地条件所引起的林木腐朽问题 ,如 :“老头林”的经营技术及对其健康维护有指导意义  相似文献   

以湖南省福寿国有林场杉木生态公益林为研究对象,通过将林木胸径、树高和冠幅作为综合权重,改进Voronoi图确定林木的邻近木,进而计算各空间结构指数,分析林分的空间结构特征。结果表明:林木空间结构以1株中心木与5株邻近木组成的空间结构单元最为常见,林木空间影响范围随综合权重的增加而增加;不同林龄杉木林树种空间隔离程度均较低,幼龄林全林分平均混交度为0.34,属于中度混交,中龄林和近熟林全林分平均混交度分别为0.17和0.23,为弱度混交;3种不同林龄的优势树种杉木的平均胸径大小比数均为0.50左右,表明林分处于中等竞争状态;各样地平均角尺度均小于0.475,表明不同林龄杉木林林木均处于均匀分布状态。  相似文献   

Large areas of forests in the Pacific Northwest are being transformed to younger forests, yet little is known about the impact this may have on hydrological cycles. Previous work suggests that old trees use less water per unit leaf area or sapwood area than young mature trees of the same species in similar environments. Do old forests, therefore, use less water than young mature forests in similar environments, or are there other structural or compositional components in the forests that compensate for tree-level differences? We investigated the impacts of tree age, species composition and sapwood basal area on stand-level transpiration in adjacent watersheds at the H.J. Andrews Forest in the western Cascades of Oregon, one containing a young, mature (about 40 years since disturbance) conifer forest and the other an old growth (about 450 years since disturbance) forest. Sap flow measurements were used to evaluate the degree to which differences in age and species composition affect water use. Stand sapwood basal area was evaluated based on a vegetation survey for species, basal area and sapwood basal area in the riparian area of two watersheds. A simple scaling exercise derived from estimated differences in water use as a result of differences in age, species composition and stand sapwood area was used to estimate transpiration from late June through October within the entire riparian area of these watersheds. Transpiration was higher in the young stand because of greater sap flux density (sap flow per unit sapwood area) by age class and species, and greater total stand sapwood area. During the measurement period, mean daily sap flux density was 2.30 times higher in young compared with old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) trees. Sap flux density was 1.41 times higher in young red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) compared with young P. menziesii trees, and was 1.45 times higher in old P. menziesii compared with old western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) trees. Overall, sapwood basal area was 21% higher in the young stand than in the old stand. In the old forest, T. heterophylla is an important co-dominant, accounting for 58% of total sapwood basal area, whereas P. menziesii is the only dominant conifer in the young stand. Angiosperms accounted for 36% of total sapwood basal area in the young stand, but only 7% in the old stand. For all factors combined, we estimated 3.27 times more water use by vegetation in the riparian area of the young stand over the measurement period. Tree age had the greatest effect on stand differences in water use, followed by differences in sapwood basal area, and finally species composition. The large differences in transpiration provide further evidence that forest management alters site water balance via elevated transpiration in vigorous young stands.  相似文献   



Selective logging followed by natural regeneration is rarely employed for restocking subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia compared with the use of clear-cutting.


To clarify the succession of these forests, the effects of selective logging on stand structure, species diversity, and community similarity were studied in a mature and regenerating forest in Okinawa, Japan.


Four study plots were established, and trees ≥1.2 m height were identified by species name, tree height, and diameter at breast height.


The results showed that the species composition of regenerating forest was similar to mature forest; however, the former had a greater species density and Shannon–Wiener index than the latter. Castanopsis sieboldii and Distylium racemosum, the predominant trees in the mature forest, continued to dominate the regenerating forest, with a broad layer distribution. High Sørensen and Jaccard community similarity indices for mature and regenerating forest indicated that the regeneration occurred in a progressive succession.


The similar species composition and stand structure for both mature and regenerating forest, and the higher species diversity for the latter, provided no evidence of forest degeneration and suggested that the regenerating forest may develop into a stand similar to preselective logging forest.  相似文献   

麻池背油松天然林林分生长结构的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据历年调查资料,对麻池背油松天然林的林分生长结构进行了研究.该林分的植物种类丰富;直径、树高、林龄等林分结构呈正态分布、近似正态分布和多峰状分布;近熟林的林分蓄积生长率为0.82%,材积生长量69年生时连年生长量仍大于平均生长量.由于林分密度过大,油松形状比值偏高,林木自然稀疏强烈,枯损率达32.7%,其中小径木占86.3%,病虫害感染枯死木占29.4%.油松天然更新不良,辽东栎不能成为更新树种,林下有青木杄、落叶松幼树分布.  相似文献   

绵阳官溪河流域防护林林木分化及异常木分布格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对绵阳官溪河流域常见的几种防护林类型林木分化及异常木分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,防护林林木分化的结果以小径木占优势,尤以直径1cm~6cm的个体最多,占林分总个体数的60%以上。桤柏混交林、柏木纯林、松栎混交林、松柏混交林和松柏栎混交林的林木株数按径阶的分布表现出左偏态分布,直径大小的变异性较低;与之相比。栎黄荆次生灌丛和马尾松林不呈偏正态分布,直径大小的变异性较高。异常木直径主要分布在1cm~10cm范围内,其中倾斜木和倒伏木超过了异常木总数的50%,枯立木和濒死木中,马尾松林和松柏栎混交林较其它防护林类型少。异常木的分布格局除松柏栎混交林呈随机分布外,其余的皆呈聚集分布,但聚集强度不大。异常木聚集强度的大小与取样面积大小的关系表现为:Kuno.E.聚集度指标值(G)随取样面积的增大,由小变大,而Lloyd.M.平均拥挤度值(m^*)则由大变小。  相似文献   

霸王岭林区是海南岛最典型的热带山地雨林分布区.在该区,现存分布面积最广、资源数量最大的是热带山地雨林的各种伐后林.以霸王岭分布最广的以陆均松(Dacridium pierrii)为主的山地雨林的伐后林为对象,研究了其组成、径级、高度结构和物种多样性特征,对比分析了伐后林与原始林以及伐后林不同类型之间的异同.结果表明:原始热带山地雨林经采伐后中小乔木和灌木的优势度增大,而大乔木树种的优势度则明显下降.阳性树种的种类、数量和相对重要性随采伐破坏的程度而增加.伐后林中矮、小树木在林分中比例随采伐破坏的程度增加,而高、大树木,特别是进入主林层树木的比例则随采伐破坏的程度明显下降.从林分测树因子的变化来看,采育择伐和径级择伐的林分要优于大强度择伐和皆伐的林分.原始林的物种丰富度大于伐后林,但其多样性指数和均匀度指数大都小于伐后林.组成上与原始林相似性较大的伐后林是各种择伐后的林分,而皆伐后的林分与原始林在组成上已有很大差别.  相似文献   

Subalpine dark coniferous forests in the western Sichuan Province of China play an important role in the hydrological processes in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Second-growth forests, with different stand successional stages, have developed as a result of logging over the past 50 years. Forest cover and stand structure changed greatly with concomitant degradation of forest ecosystem functions. To understand how the stand structures of the second-growth forests change during the stand succession process, we analyzed stand structure characteristics and an old-growth state index of the bamboo and moss-forest types. We found that stand structure at the young successional stage featured one-third of the structure characteristics of the old-growth dark coniferous forests,while the structure of the medium-aged stage had reached half the structure of the old-growth state. The two forest types were similar in the rate of development at the young successional stage but differed at the medium-aged stage;the moss-forest type had more advanced development than the bamboo-forest type at the medium-aged successional stage.  相似文献   

湖南主要森林类型碳汇功能及其经济价值评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用湖南省森林资源主要数据汇编(1999—2003年),依据不同森林类型生物量与蓄积量之间的回归方程,对湖南省几种主要森林类型的生物量和碳贮量进行了推算,分析了不同林龄结构的碳密度以及天然林与人工林的碳贮量,并对整个湖南省的森林经济价值进行估算。结果表明:湖南省主要森林类型的总碳贮量为94.935 Tgc,碳汇总经济价值为70 723.26万元,固定CO2的经济效益达259 554.36万元。阔叶树的碳汇能力最强,其次是杉木和马尾松;湖南省的天然林和人工林的碳贮量相差不大,不同龄组碳密度高低排序的基本规律是:过熟林>成熟林>近熟林>中龄林>幼龄林;而中龄林的碳贮量最多,过熟林碳贮量最少。  相似文献   


This study investigated the stand structure in pine, spruce and deciduous forests in the border district of Finland and Russia. A total of 46 mature forest stands was selected as pairs, the members of each pair being as similar as possible with respect to their forest site type, age, moisture and topography. The stands were then compared between the two countries by means of basal areas and number of stems. The proportions of dominating tree species were 2-12% lower, and correspondingly the proportions of secondary tree species higher, in Russian forests. The density of the forest stock was also higher in each forest type in Russia. The forests in the two countries differed most radically in terms of the abundance of dead trees. The amount was two to four times higher in Russian deciduous and spruce forests, and in pine forests the difference was 10-fold. The stand structures indicated that Russian coniferous stands, in particular, were more heterogeneous than intensively managed pine and spruce stands in Finland.  相似文献   

对落叶松人工纯林不同发育阶段幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林及二代幼龄林土壤腐殖物质组分变化及其对酸度的影响进行研究,以次生林和一代幼龄林为对照,比较不同发育阶段落叶松人工林与天然次生林、一代幼龄林与二代幼龄林土壤有机质含量、腐殖物质组分特征的差异.结果表明:落叶松人工林从幼龄林到近熟林根际与非根际土壤有机质含量、胡敏酸含碳量、胡敏素含碳量随林龄的增大而增大;近熟林到成熟林根际与非根际土壤有机质含量、富啡酸含碳量和胡敏素含碳量随着林龄的增大而降低;土壤腐殖化程度(土壤中胡敏酸占全C的百分比)和土壤腐殖质中胡敏酸含碳量与富啡酸含碳量比值(HA/FA)为次生林大于幼龄林和近熟林;二代幼龄林与一代幼龄林相比,根际土壤有机质含量、富啡酸含碳量和胡敏素含碳量分别降低4.53%、35.8%和1.98%,非根际土壤有机质含量、胡敏酸含碳量、富啡酸含碳量和胡敏素含碳量分别提高46.44%、43.69%、47.45%和49.5%;土壤腐殖物质组分与酸度的相关关系随着年龄的变化而变化,并且不同发育阶段根际土壤腐殖物质组分与根际土壤活性酸(pH值)、交换性酸、水解性酸相关性密切.  相似文献   

We focused our attention on quantifying the factor complex of forest regeneration in 423 mature and old stands with contrasting environmental conditions. We recorded the microhabitat selection of tree recruits, the frequency of tree seedlings, and evaluated the drivers of sapling abundance and diversity. The majority of forest regeneration was established on undisturbed forest floor. Dead wood was a frequent substrate in spruce-(co)dominated forests. Seedling frequency within a stand was related to the site-type specific productivity gradient of stands—pine seedlings were common in low-productivity and spruce in high-productivity boreal forests. Seedlings of temperate broad-leaved trees dominated in productive boreonemoral forests, except for oak, which showed a uniform distribution of abundance in all forest site-types. Sapling abundance was dictated by forest site-type, and facilitated by stand diversity, variability in stand closure, lying dead wood, abundant moss, and a thick organic layer. Only in boreal forests was sapling abundance suppressed by the abundant spruce and younger trees. Upon considering the relationship between sapling abundance and species richness, sapling diversity was dependent on forest site-type, suppressed by stand density and dead wood (old gap) abundance, and facilitated by stand diversity. In addition, boreonemoral stands, competition from herbs, and facilitation by mosses occurred. The observed pattern of tree recruitment points to the importance of top-down effects of the overstory, competing or facilitating interactions with forest floor vegetation, and availability of regeneration microhabitats, which in complex make their ecology comparable with forest herbs. Natural forest regeneration can be enhanced if silvicultural methods support mixed stands and enhance field layer diversity. Oak can provide the universal tree species to improve stand structure over a wide range of habitats.  相似文献   

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