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抗生素的发现是人类医学领域里最重要的突破之一,它使人类的平均寿命延长了约15年,尤其是在抗生素发现和应用的早期,几乎所有的细菌感染性疾病皆较易治愈。但是,这种乐观的局面由于耐药菌株的出现而很快改变。近年来由于抗菌药物使用不当而引发的耐药病原菌逐年增加,使临床感染性疾病的发病率和死亡率也随之增加。有资料表明,美国近年来感染性疾病的死亡率增加了58%。在动物中大量地使用抗菌药物进行预防和治疗疾病,特别是使用那些人兽共用的抗菌药物,容易诱导产生各种耐药菌株,这些菌株在人兽之间的传递导致产生交叉耐药性。因此,抗菌药物…  相似文献   

<正>欧盟委员会9月11日公布用和误用抗生素兽药,致使病菌耐药《关于谨慎使用抗菌类兽药的指南》,旨在预防滥性增加、抗感染药物无效。欧盟委员会强调,抗生素药物在治疗感染性疾病方面发挥着至关重要的作用,但耐药性病原体的出现给人类和动物健康都带来了严重威胁。由于抗生素耐药性能通过直接或间接接触在人类和动物之间传播,因此不管是欧盟内部还是全  相似文献   

在禽药养殖领域,抗生素的应用对于保证家禽健康起到不可磨灭的作用。但是,由于抗菌药物使用不当而引发的耐药病原菌逐年增加,如大肠杆菌等,使临床感染性疾病的发病率和死亡率也随之增加。细菌的耐药性给感染性疾病的预防和治疗带来了危机,细菌耐药已成为困扰中国畜牧养殖行业的难题,由于"速生鸡"、"药残鸡"事件的持续性发酵,养殖场规范化使用抗菌药物减少动物源性细菌耐药逐渐被行业所关注。因此根据笔者从业经验对减少养殖行业耐药菌问题发表一些个人观点,希望能对同行有所帮助。  相似文献   

大肠埃希菌的耐药性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着抗菌药物在临床治疗和其他领域的广泛应用,细菌耐药现象已成为当今人们极为关注的公共健康问题之一.大肠埃希菌存在于人和动物肠道中,极易产生耐药性,目前大肠埃希菌对抗菌药物的耐药状况已十分严重,其耐药性呈进行性增长,对于预防和治疗带来了潜在的危机.文章对抗菌药物的应用历史、耐药性发展状况、细菌的耐药现状、耐药机制及耐药性产生的原因做了综述.  相似文献   

随着饲用抗生素的广泛使用与使用种类不断增加,细菌产生的耐药性的速度不断加快。细菌的耐药谱越来越广且强度高,耐药菌株的日益增加,使有效控制细菌疫病的流行也显得愈来愈困难。抗生素被广泛使用到饲料中去,使一些动物致病的细菌产生了耐药性,大量耐药菌的产生使人类治疗感染性疾病越来越难,且费用也越来越高。目前,抗生素的滥用已成为一个导致疾病和死亡的社会问题,且已成为世界性难题。  由此可知,抗生素在动物生产中的滥用给人类带来的灾难是有目共睹的,为了人类生存环境、长远利益和人类健康,必须禁止滥用饲用抗生素。当务之急是依…  相似文献   

β-内酰胺酶抑制剂舒巴坦的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
β-内酰胺类抗生素通过共价键与细菌细胞壁合成有关的青霉素结合蛋白(PBPs)而抑制细菌细胞壁的合成,选择性好,是很重要的一类抗感染药物[1].但近年来,耐药菌株的产生,使其疗效大大下降.β-内酰胺酶的产生是细菌对该类抗生素产生耐药的主要机制,对于细菌因产生β-内酰胺酶而引起的耐药性已成为临床治疗中的严重问题[2,3].在对待产酶耐药菌的感染时,使用β-内酰胺酶抑制剂,将其与β-内酰胺类抗生素结合,保持甚至加强β-内酰胺类抗生素的抗菌活性,不失为一快捷、有效的方法[4].  相似文献   

自1939年世界第一个抗生素即青霉素批量生产以来,人们研究开发了多种抗菌药物,成功地控制和治疗由细菌引起的疾病。然而,随着抗生素的不断应用.细菌的耐药性越来越严重,细菌耐药性产生速度和传播之快、耐药率之高,已引起世界的关注。  相似文献   

近年来,由于抗菌药物的广泛使用,细菌耐药性不断加强,而且很多细菌已由单药耐药发展到多重耐药。动物机体长期与药物接触,造成耐药菌不断增多,耐药性也不断增强。抗菌药物残留于动物性食品中,同样使人也长期与药物接触,导致人体内耐药菌的增加。如今,不管是在动物体内,还是在人体内,细菌的耐药性已经达到了较严重的程度。为此,加强和控制不合理应用抗生素和滥用抗生素现象,避免或减少细菌耐药性问题。  相似文献   

<正>欧盟:要求慎用抗生素兽药欧盟委员会9月11日公布《关于谨慎使用抗菌类兽药的指南》,旨在预防滥用和误用抗生素兽药,致使病菌耐药性增加、抗感染药物无效。欧盟委员会强调,抗生素药物在治疗感染性疾病方面发挥着至关重要的作用,但耐药性病原体的出现给人类和动物健康都带来了严重威胁。由于抗生素耐药性能通过直接或间  相似文献   

正抗生素在临床中的应用,虽然对疾病的预防与控制具有一定效果[1-2],但细菌耐药性的产生和扩散,使疾病预防和治疗更加困难[3]。细菌耐药性随着抗菌药物的应用而产生,问题日趋严重和复杂,给临床抗感染治疗带来极大挑战,这已成为全球关注的焦点。有些细菌产生耐药性并非细菌基因突变引起,而是由耐药性质粒介导引起的。质粒可通过接合、转化、转导和溶原性转换等方式在细菌水平上传播,因  相似文献   

Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)-producing Gram-negative bacteria pose a serious threat to Public Health in human medicine as well as increasingly in the veterinary context worldwide. Several studies reported the transmission of zoonotic multidrug resistant bacteria between food-producing animals and humans, whilst the contribution of companion animals to this scenario is rather unknown. Within the last decades a change in the social role of companion animals has taken place, resulting in a very close contact between owners and their pets. As a consequence, humans may obtain antimicrobial resistant bacteria or the corresponding resistance genes not only from food-producing animals but also via close contact to their pets.This may give rise to bacterial infections with limited therapeutic options and an increased risk of treatment failure. As beta-lactams constitute one of the most important groups of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine, retaliatory actions in small animal and equine practices are urgently needed. This review addresses the increasing burden of extended-spectrum beta-lactam resistance among Enterobacteriaceae isolated from companion animals. It should emphasize the urgent need for the implementation of antibiotic stewardship as well as surveillance and monitoring programs of multi resistant bacteria in particular in view of new putative infection cycles between humans and their pets.  相似文献   

对抗菌药物具有强耐药性的“超级细菌”对人和家畜健康造成巨大威胁。广泛、高频使用种类有限的抗菌药物治疗人、家畜以及宠物细菌感染性疾病是产生“超级细菌”的根源。寻找现有常规抗菌药物的替代品或增强剂是当前热点研究方向之一。研究表明,间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)具有抗菌特性。理论上,MSCs有可能成为治疗细菌感染性疾病的有效手段。对MSCs影响细菌存活的作用机制以及抗菌药物可能对MSCs功能产生的影响等方面的研究进展进行综述,以期为进一步阐明MSCs抗菌作用机制、挖掘MSCs作为治疗细菌感染性疾病新方法的潜力提供参考。  相似文献   

Since the introduction in the 1940s of antibiotics as drugs against bacterial infections in human and then veterinary medicine, two major events have caused a shift in the antibiotherapy era: (1) the emergence of resistant bacteria and (2) the awareness of the limits of new drug development. It rapidly became urgent to set up measures in order to evaluate the importance of resistant bacteria and their origin as well as to limit the dissemination of resistant vectors (bacteria and bacterial genes). This led to the establishment of guidelines and regulatory rules necessary for risk assessment and clearly dependent upon monitoring and research organisations. At a veterinary level, the possible dissemination of multiresistant bacteria from animals to humans, through feeding, urged various national European and international institutions to give general recommendations to monitor and contain the emergence and diffusion of resistant strains. This paper gives an overview of the evolution of regulatory rules and monitoring systems dealing with multiresistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Large amounts of antimicrobial agents are in the production of food animals used for therapy and prophylactics of bacterial infections and in feed to promote growth. The use of antimicrobial agents causes problems in the therapy of infections through the selection for resistance among bacteria pathogenic for animals or humans. Current knowledge regarding the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in food animals, the quantitative impact of the use of different antimicrobial agents on selection for resistance and the most appropriate treatment regimes to limit the development of resistance is incomplete. Programmes monitoring the occurrence and development of resistance are essential to determine the most important areas for intervention and to monitor the effects of interventions. When designing a monitoring programme it is important to decide on the purpose of the programme. Thus, there are major differences between programmes designed to detect changes in a national population, individual herds or groups of animals. In addition, programmes have to be designed differently according to whether the aim is to determine changes in resistance for all antimicrobial agents or only the antimicrobial agents considered most important in relation to treatment of humans. In 1995 a continuous surveillance for antimicrobial resistance among bacteria isolated from food animals was established in Denmark. Three categories of bacteria, indicator bacteria, zoonotic bacteria and animal pathogens are continuously isolated from broilers, cattle and pigs and tested for susceptibility to antimicrobial agents used for therapy and growth promotion by disc diffusion or minimal inhibitory concentration determinations. This programme will only detect changes on a national level. However, isolating the bacteria and testing for several antimicrobial agents will enable us to determine the effect of linkage of resistance. Since 1995 major differences in the consumption pattern of different antimicrobial agents have occurred in Denmark. The Danish monitoring programme has enabled us to determine the effect of these changes on the occurrence of resistance. The Danish monitoring is, however, not suited to determine changes on a herd level or to detect emergence of new types of resistance only occurring at a low level.  相似文献   

Antibiotic use not only selects for resistance in pathogenic bacteria, but also in the commensal flora of exposed individuals. Veterinary surgeons regularly prescribe antibiotics for food animals to treat bacterial infections just as doctors do for human patients. In addition, however, animal feeds contain added antibiotics not for therapy but for economic reasons: to enhance the growth rate of these animals. Several of the antibiotics used as growth promoters are analogues of and fully cross resistant with important antibiotics used in human medicine. As a result of this high exposure to antibiotics, the prevalence of resistant bacteria in the faecal flora of these animals is high. These resistant bacteria can be directly and indirectly, via foods of animal origin, transferred to humans and either colonize the human intestinal tract or exchange their resistance genes with commensal bacteria of humans. As the intestinal flora functions as a reservoir of resistance genes for pathogenic bacteria and because many bacterial species of the intestinal flora are potential pathogens, the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in human medicine may be jeopardized.  相似文献   

细菌产生耐药性成为临床治疗感染性疾病失败的主要原因.本文综述了由自发基因突变和获得性细菌耐药性产生的分子机制,及目前常用的快速检测细菌耐药基因的方法,包括聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态性分析(PCR-SSCP)、质粒指纹图谱分析和PCR-限制性片段长度多肽性分析(PCR-RFLP).  相似文献   

细菌耐药性问题已成为全世界的共同挑战,其导致抗菌药物的作用下降,细菌性疾病发病率及死亡率不断攀升。疾病治疗难度加大、治疗费用增加以及动物生产力的持续降低,给畜牧养殖业造成严重经济损失。因此,寻找新方案以对抗耐药细菌尤为重要。纳米技术于近代兴起,被广泛运用于生物医学等多个领域,在对抗耐药细菌方面具有显著优势。纳米技术可通过破坏细菌细胞膜、抑制外排泵、产生活性氧(ROS)、抑制和降解生物被膜等多种机制降低细菌抗性。本文将从纳米技术的应用历程、对抗耐药菌的策略以及对抗耐药菌机制等三个方面进行简要概述,以期为兽药研究者提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

弯曲菌是重要的食品源性致病微生物,在很多动物中属于正常携带细菌,能通过食物链传递给人类,可引起人类肠炎的暴发流行和食物中毒。在畜牧养殖业大量抗菌药物的使用,造成动物源弯曲菌耐药性日益增加,给人类带来健康风险。发达国家很早就开展了动物源性弯曲菌流行性和耐药性监测工作,很多发展中国家也对弯曲菌流行性和耐药性监测越来越重视,文章将就近年来国内外动物源性弯曲菌的流行及耐药情况调查工作做简单的总结,为中国动物源性弯曲菌流行性和耐药性工作的开展提供比较及理论分析数据。  相似文献   

Two different groups of bacteria carrying genes encoding for resistance to antibiotics may be transmitted from animals to humans via food products: a.) obligate infectious agents (enteric pathogens, e.g. Salmonella enterica spp., Campylobacter spp., EHEC) and b) facultative pathogenic species (e.g. E. coli, enterococci). Thus far, it is unknown whether genes encoding for resistance to antibiotics from these bacteria may be transferred to bacteria in normal flora of the host. The transfers of genes encoding for resistance to vancomycin from animal sources to the mucosa of humans has been suggested. Thus, there is a threat that these plasmid-encoded resistance genes may also be transferred to other gram-positive organisms present in the human flora. Vancomycin is the antibiotic in reserve for treatment of infections caused by oxacillin (methicillin) resistant strains of S. aureus and by strains of pneumococcus resistant to penicillin.  相似文献   

beta-Lactams are among the most clinically important antimicrobials in both human and veterinary medicine. Bacterial resistance to beta-lactams has been increasingly observed in bacteria, including those of animal origin. The mechanisms of beta-lactam resistance include inaccessibility of the drugs to their target, target alterations and/or inactivation of the drugs by beta-lactamases. The latter contributes predominantly to beta-lactam resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. A variety of beta-lactamases have been identified in bacteria derived from food-producing and companion animals and may further serve as a reservoir for beta-lactamase-producing bacteria in humans. While this review mainly describes beta-lactamases from animal-derived Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., beta-lactamases from animal-derived Campylobacter spp., Enterococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. and other pathogens are also discussed. Of particular concern are the increasingly-isolated plasmid-encoded AmpC-type CMY and extended-spectrum CTX-M beta-lactamases, which mediate acquired resistance to extended-spectrum beta-lactams. The genes encoding these enzymes often coexist with other antimicrobial resistance determinants and can also be associated with transposons/integrons, increasing the potential enrichment of multidrug resistant bacteria by multiple antimicrobial agents as well as dissemination of the resistance determinants among bacterial species. Characterization of beta-lactam-resistant animal-derived bacteria warrants further investigation of the type and distribution of beta-lactamases in bacteria of animal origin and their potential impact on human medicine.  相似文献   

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