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Physiological and growth responses of ‘Pantin’ and ‘Magana’ mamey sapote (Pouteria sapota) trees to continuous and cyclical flooding were studied in a series of experiments. Trees were grown in containers in a very gravelly loam soil and were subjected to continuous flooding of the root zone for 30–66 days (Experiments 1 and 2) or alternating flooding–unflooding cycles for 50 days (Experiments 3–5). For all experiments, the control treatment consisted of nonflooded trees. Net CO2 assimilation (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) decreased within 3 days of continuous flooding and internal CO2 concentration was significantly higher in leaves of flooded than nonflooded plants. In the cyclic flooding experiments, trees were flooded in 3- to 6-day cycles and then unflooded for the same time periods. Stomatal conductance and A decreased within 3 days of flooding, leaf epinasty occurred between days 5 and 10, leaf senescence and abscission occurred between days 15 and 30, and branch dieback and tree death occurred between days 30 and 60. Three cycles of 3-day flooding and 3-day recovery of trees had little effect on leaf gas exchange of ‘Magaña’ trees. Similarly, ‘Pantin’ trees survived 3 cycles of 6 days of flooding interspersed with 3–6 days of recovery despite consistent decreases in gs and A during flooding. Stomatal conductance and A of both mamey sapote cultivars decreased within a few days of flooding and this species appears to have intermediate flooding tolerance compared with other tropical fruit crops based on tree survival.  相似文献   

Root restriction often depresses photosynthetic capacity and the mechanism for this reduction, however, remains unclear. To identify the mechanism by which root restriction affects the photosynthetic characteristics, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings were subjected to root restriction stress with or without supplemental aeration to the nutrient solution. With the development of the root restriction stress, CO2 assimilation rate was decreased only in confined plants without supplemental aeration. There were also significant decreases in leaf water potential, stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and increases in the stomatal limitation (l) and the xylem sap ABA concentration. Meanwhile, the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax) and the capacity for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration (Jmax) also decreased, followed by substantial reductions in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (ΦPSII). Additionally, root restriction resulted in accumulation of carbohydrates in various plant tissues irrespective of aeration conditions. It is likely that root restriction-induced depression of photosynthesis was mimicked by water stress.  相似文献   

Scaevola aemula is a popular ornamental crop cultivated as a bedding plant or for hanging baskets. We characterized gas exchange properties of S. aemula ‘New Wonder’ in response to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), carbon dioxide concentration, and leaf temperature. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A) was responsive to CO2, exhibiting a saturation when intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) was greater than 600 μmol mol−1. Net CO2 assimilation rate and dark respiration rate (Rd) were 23.1 and 2.3 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively, at 25 °C and PAR = 1500 μmol m−2 s−1. Net CO2 assimilation rates were similar at leaf temperatures between 20 and 30 °C but significantly reduced at 15 °C. These gas exchange results were used to test the extendibility of a coupled gas exchange model previously developed for cut-roses. Utilizing the gas exchange data measured at 25 °C leaf temperature, several model parameters were independently determined for S. aemula. Model predictions were then compared with observations at different leaf temperatures. The model predicted the rates of net CO2 assimilation and transpiration of S. aemula reasonably well. Without additional calibration, the model was capable of predicting the temperature dependence of net CO2 assimilation and transpiration rates. Applying the model to predict the effects of supplemental lighting and CO2 enrichment on canopy photosynthesis and transpiration rates, we show that this model could be a useful tool for examining environmental control options for S. aemula production in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

To investigate the responses of leaf photosynthesis and plant growth to a moving lighting system, potted gerberas (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus ex J.D. Hook “Festival”) were grown under supplemental lighting in a greenhouse with either a stationary or a moving lighting system positioned above the benches. The stationary system consisted of a fixed high pressure sodium (HPS) lighting system, while the moving lighting system consisted of a moving HPS fixture attached to a cable system to move the light fixture back and forth over the crop. In both cases, the supplemental lighting was applied from 6:00 to 24:00 h with the same supplemental daily light integral (4.9 mol m−2 day−1). Moving lamps significantly increased leaf photosynthetic capacity as represented by light saturated net CO2 exchange rate (NCER) (Asat), light- and CO2-saturated rate of NCER (Amax), maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) and rate of triose phosphate utilization. However, in situ leaf NCER and stomatal conductance, leaf chlorophyll content index, leaf area, leaf thickness, fresh weight of plants were significantly lower under moving lighting than under stationary lighting. It is suggested that the reduced growth of plants under moving lighting might be due to (1) the overall lower light use efficiency of leaves under moving lighting than those under stationary lighting; (2) the slower response time of the photosynthetic system compared to the rate of change in light intensity under moving lighting.  相似文献   

Callistemon is an Australian species used as ornamental plant in Mediterranean regions. The objective of this research was to analyse the ability of Callistemon to overcome water deficit in terms of adjusting its physiology and morphology. Potted Callistemon laevis Anon plants were grown in controlled environment and subjected to drought stress by reducing irrigation water by 40% compared to the control (irrigated to container capacity). The drought stress produced the smallest plants throughout the experiment. After three months of drought, the leaf area, number of leaves and root volume decreased, while root/shoot ratio and root density increased. The higher root hydraulic resistance in stressed plants caused decreases in leaf and stem water potentials resulting in lower stomatal conductance and indicating that water flow through the roots is a factor that strongly influences shoot water relations. The water stress affected transpiration (63% reduction compared with the control). The consistent decrease in gs suggested an adaptative efficient stomatal control of transpiration by this species, resulting in a higher intrinsic water use efficiency (Pn/gs) in drought conditions, increasing as the experimental time progressed. This was accompanied by an improvement in water use efficiency of production to maintain the leaf water status. In addition, water stress induced an active osmotic adjustment and led to decreases in leaf tissue elasticity in order to maintain turgor. Therefore, the water deficit produced changes in plant water relations, gas exchange and growth in an adaptation process which could promote the faster establishment of this species in gardens or landscaping projects in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the physiological response and yield-quality performance of split-root potted Sangiovese grapevines under a partial root-zone drying (PRD) regime from pre-veraison to harvest by withholding water from one of the two pots and comparing the results to a well-watered control (WW). While predawn water potential (ψpd) tended to equilibrate in PRD with the soil moisture level of the wet pot, both stem (ψst) and mid-day leaf-water potential (ψl) were markedly lower in PRD as compared to WW vines, indicating that Sangiovese shows anisohydric response. On the other hand, the seasonal reduction of leaf assimilation rate (A) in PRD over the 6-week stress period versus WW was 16% as compared to a 41 and 25% for leaf stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E), respectively. As a consequence, intrinsic WUE (A/gs) was markedly increased in the half-stressed vines, suggesting a response more typical of an isohydric strategy. Shoot growth was promptly checked in PRD vines, which had no limitation in yield and better grape composition as per soluble solids and total anthocyanins. These responses occurred in spite of sub-optimal leaf photosynthesis rates and lowered leaf-to-fruit ratio and qualify Sangiovese as a good candidate for adapting to regulated deficit irrigation strategies.  相似文献   

Three nectarine (Prunus persica var. Nectarina Maxim.) cultivars grown under solar-heated greenhouse and open-field in northwest China, were tested to evaluate their photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence response to both growth conditions, and whether nectarine plants acclimate to the solar-heated greenhouse growth condition. Comparisons of light-saturated photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and CO2-saturated photosynthetic capacity (RuBPmax) indicated that each cultivar (Z, Zao-Hongzhu; H, Hua-Guang; Y, Yan-Guang) maintained similar rates of light-saturated and CO2-saturated carbon assimilation when grown in both conditions. The curve of diurnal variation of net photosynthetic (PN) rate showed double peaks in open-field but single when grown in greenhouse. Compared with open-field-grown plants, a significant increase of daily average PN was found in Z but decreased in Y in greenhouse. The diurnal variation of Fv/Fm indicate that plants grown in greenhouse experience less photoinhibition than in open-field condition. A reduction in chlorophyll (chl) a/b ratio in leaves of greenhouse grown plants with significant increase in chlorophyll (chl) b content were obtained. The results suggest that some nectarine cultivars have the ability to acclimate to the solar-heated greenhouse growth condition.  相似文献   

Leaf structural adaptations for the reduction of water loss were examined in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars (Chemlali and Chétoui) growing under water stress conditions. Leaf measurements included leaf tissue thickness, stomatal density, trichome density, specific leaf area, leaf density, water relations, and gas exchange. We found considerable genotypic differences between the two cultivars. Chemlali exhibited more tolerance to water stress, with a thicker palisade parenchyma, and a higher stomatal and trichome density. Chemlali leaves also revealed lower specific leaf area and had higher density of foliar tissue and lower reduction in net CO2 assimilation rate. The mechanisms employed by these two cultivars to cope with water deficit are discussed at the morpho-structural level. The morphological and structural characteristics of the leaves are in accordance with physiological observations and contribute to the interpretation of why the olive cv. Chemlali is more drought-tolerant than cv. Chetoui. Furthermore, from the behaviour of Chemlali plants we consider this cultivar very promising for cultivation in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

A 3-year study was conducted to examine leaf gas exchange response of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Tempranillo) grapevines growing in the central Iberian Peninsula as a function of soil water availability. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) of leaves were measured at the east and west side of vines planted in north/south orientated rows. Soil water availability was varied by three different irrigation treatments at 0.45, 0.30 and 0.15 of ETo and a fourth non-irrigated treatment. Approximately 60% of the variation in gs over 3 years was due to changes in soil water content (θv); the correlation between the two was closer when examined on a season by season basis. Net CO2 assimilation rates were significantly correlated with gs. Stomatal conductance decreased by approximately 25–30% when measured 15:00 h (west side of vines) compared to 09:00 h (east side of vines); reductions in A were even greater than those in gs. Leaf E increased approximately by 15–25% from morning to afternoon. The reduction in A and gs from morning to afternoon was observed even in irrigated vines but absolute differences increased with decreasing soil water. This occurred when maximum daily gs was less than 200 mmol m−2 s−1. These responses indicate that in hot areas training systems and row orientation, which minimize exposed leaf, area in the afternoon should be recommended.  相似文献   

The Andean seed crop quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is traditionally grown under drought and other adverse conditions that constrain crop production in the Andes, and it is regarded as having considerable tolerance to soil drying. The objective of this research was to study how chemical and hydraulic signalling from the root system controlled gas exchange in a drying soil in quinoa. It was observed that during soil drying, relative gs and photosynthesis Amax (drought stressed/fully watered plants) equalled 1, until the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) decreased to 0.82 ± 0.152 and 0.33 ± 0.061, respectively, at bud formation, indicating that photosynthesis was maintained after stomata closure. The relationship between relative gs and relative Amax at bud formation was represented by a logarithmic function (r2 = 0.79), which resulted in a photosynthetic water use efficiency WUEAmax/gsWUEAmax/gs of 1 when FTSW > 0.8, and increased by 50% with soil drying to FTSW 0.7–0.4. Mild soil drying slightly increased ABA in the xylem. It is concluded that during soil drying, quinoa plants have a sensitive stomatal closure, by which the plants are able to maintain leaf water potential (ψl) and Amax, resulting in an increase of WUE. Root originated ABA plays a role in stomata performance during soil drying. ABA regulation seems to be one of the mechanisms utilised by quinoa when facing drought inducing decrease of turgor of stomata guard cells.  相似文献   

During the last few years, leaf water potential has been a useful tool in controlling vine water status. However, the time of measurement that could best explain short- and long-term vine responses remains a matter of discussion. The objectives of this work were to study the relationship between vine water status and vine performance and to determine what time of day leaf water potential is best correlated to physiological performance and agronomic vine response. The assay was conducted in Madrid, Spain. Plant material was Cabernet-Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted onto SO4. Three irrigation treatments were established: T1 was non-irrigated, and T2 and T3 were irrigated with a constant fraction of the ETo, k = 0.45 and 0.2, respectively. Vine water status was monitored through predawn, midmorning and noon leaf water potential. Their relationships with net CO2 assimilation rate, vegetative growth rate, yield components and must composition at harvest were studied for 3 consecutive years. Shoot growth rate and net CO2 assimilation rate were better correlated with midmorning and noon leaf water potentials – Ψm and Ψn – than predawn leaf water potential – Ψpd – but all of them were significant. Shoot growth rate was zero for Ψpd = −0.48, Ψm = −1.12 and Ψn = −1.18 MPa. Berry size was better correlated with the water stress integral for predawn (SΨpdSΨpd) although the water stress integral for midmorning (SΨmSΨm) and noon (SΨnSΨn) performed quite well. No relationship was found between the water stress integral and TSS, total acidity or pH. Leaf water potential performed as a good parameter for determining both vine water status and agronomic response, but not for evaluating must composition.  相似文献   

Rootstocks differentially influence tree physiology and these differences may be due to varying responses to root zone temperature (RZT). To determine if this is the case, the physiology, leaf development and nitrogen relationships of five different Prunus rootstocks with chill requirements between 100 and 1100 h were examined during and after growth at RZTs of 5, 12 and 19 °C for 6 weeks. RZT correlated positively with leaf numbers, expansion rates and final leaf area, and significant differences existed among the rootstocks in the magnitude of these parameters at different RZTs. In particular, leaf expansion and area were less affected at low RZT in the low chill varieties. Net assimilation (An), leaf nitrogen (N%) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (An/N) also correlated positively with RZT: again, there were differences in the magnitude of these parameters among the rootstocks. No associations amongst An, N% or An/N could be found for the rootstocks; hence, they all differed in their physiological responses to RZT. Low RZT alone was sufficient to reduce An and decreased both leaf area and photosynthetic activity. Leaf expansion was related to N%, as the varieties with the lowest N% also had the lowest expansion rates. Infrared thermography of the cv. Golden Queen showed a negative correlation between RZT and leaf temperature with leaves of plants at the lowest RZT being 2 °C warmer than ambient whilst those at the highest RZT were 2 °C cooler than ambient. These differences were due to transpiration, as transpiration for the variety used decreased with reducing RZT. Transpiration from the other rootstock varieties was lowest at the 5 °C RZT but, depending on variety, at 12 °C was either higher, lower or the same as that from plants whose roots were at 19 °C. Together, the results of this study explain some of the rootstock-induced changes in tree growth and suggest the need to incorporate seasonal changes in RZT into development models for peaches.  相似文献   

There is little available information on the effects of temperature and CO2 enrichment on stomata anatomical characteristics of plants. Effect of these two microclimates was studied on five rose (Rosa spp.) cultivars, viz. ‘First Red’ (used as check), ‘Arjun’, ‘Raktima’, ‘Raktagandha’ and ‘Pusa Pitamber’. Budded, single-stemmed rose cultivars having five lateral buds were grown in controlled environment growth cabinets under enriched CO2 (1000 μmol mol−1) and optimum (28/18 °C, T0) or high (35/25 °C, T1) temperature for 50 days. All observations were made on the abaxial leaf surface. Significant increases in stomatal density (68.7%), index (29.6%) and epidermal cell density (37.3%) were recorded in plants grown at high temperature over control with CO2 enrichment. The cultivars responded differently in terms of length and width of guard cell and stoma (pore) under high temperature, however, the values averaged over treatments showed a significant reduction in these parameters. Further, number of stomata per leaf was higher (28.3%) in plants grown at high temperature, except First Red. A reduction in mean leaf area (26.7%) and dry mass (32.0%) was recorded at high rather than optimum temperature. The specific leaf area was maximum in Arjun (87%) while in First Red, a 14% reduction was noted at high temperature.  相似文献   

Citrus rootstock responses to water stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tolerance to drought-stress (DS) of the citrus rootstock Forner–Alcaide no. 5 (FA-5) was tested and compared with that of its parents, Cleopatra mandarin (CM) and Poncirus trifoliata (PT). Nine-month-old seedlings of CM, PT and FA-5 and 15-month-old grafted trees of ‘Valencia’ orange scions on these three rootstocks were cultivated in sand under glasshouse conditions and irrigated with a nutrient solution. Plants were drought-stressed by withholding irrigation until leaves were fully wilted. Survival time of both seedlings and grafted trees under DS was linked to the water extraction rate from the soil, which depended mainly on leaf biomass and on transpiration rate. Seedling responses to DS affecting leaf water relationships and gas exchange parameters varied among genotypes. FA-5 seedlings survived longer than the other seedlings, maintaining the highest levels of water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and net CO2 assimilation towards the end of the experiment, when water stress was most severe. Thus, FA-5 was more resistant to DS than its parents (CM and PT). Moreover, rootstock affected the performance of grafted trees under water stress conditions. The higher drought tolerance induced by FA-5 rootstock could be related to the greater osmotic adjustment (OA), which was reflected by smaller reductions in leaf relative water content (RWC) and in higher turgor potentials and leaf gas exchange than the other rootstocks.  相似文献   

Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) is an evergreen shrub of great ornamental interest which, in recent times, has been increasingly used as a flowering pot plant. Plants grown in pots undergo more frequent water stress conditions than those grown in the soil, due to the limited volume of substrate available for the roots. Oleander is a species adaptable to dry conditions and able to survive long periods of drought. It is well known that under water stress conditions all plants reduce photosynthetic activity, resulting in reduced plant growth. In case of severe water stress, leaves undergo strong wilting and senescence resulting in the loss of ornamental value. In the present work, a study was conducted to evaluate the ecophysiological response to water stress in four oleander cultivars previously recognised (on the basis of traits such as size, habit, earliness, abundance and duration of flowering, aptitude for cutting propagation and rapidity of growth) as suitable for pot plant production. Our data confirm the high drought tolerance of oleander. In the studied cultivars, plants submitted to water stress showed only minor variations in leaf gas exchange parameters [transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and CO2 net assimilation (A)] for at least 10 days without a change in leaf water content [assessed as relative water content (RWC)] for 22 days from the beginning of the stress treatment. During this period, non-irrigated plants maintained the same water status as control plants and were visually undistinguishable from them. Moreover, plants survived without water supply for one month. Following the supply of water again, they were able to restore RWC, gas exchange parameters and instantaneous water use efficiency [A/E ratio (WUEinst)] to the values of control plants. Furthermore, if at the end of the stress period plants appeared withered and were pale green in colour, they regained their normal appearance after they were irrigated again. Although the four studied cultivars showed some minor differences in leaf gas exchange parameters and in the manner in which the latter parameters changed after irrigation was stopped, the response to water stress was essentially the same. Therefore, as far as drought tolerance is concerned, all these cultivars have a good aptitude for use as flowering pot plants.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,104(1):11-24
Leaf CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance (gs), internal CO2 concentration (Ci), chlorophyll (a + b) content, specific leaf weight (SLW) and stomatal density were measured during the season, under field conditions, for five major Greek olive cultivars, ‘Koroneiki’, ‘Megaritiki’, ‘Konservolia’, ‘Lianolia Kerkiras’, and ‘Kalamon’, with different morphological and agronomic characteristics and diverse genetic background. Measurements were taken from current-season and 1-year-old leaves, and from fruiting and vegetative shoots, throughout the season, from March to November in years 2001 and 2002. CO2 assimilation rates showed a substantial seasonal variation, similar in all cultivars, with higher values during spring and autumn and lower values during summer and late autumn. Stomatal conductance (gs) followed similar trends to leaf CO2 assimilation rates, increasing from March to July, following by a decrease during August and increasing again in autumn. ‘Koroneiki’ had the highest leaf CO2 assimilation rate and gs values (21 μmol m−2 s−1 and 0.45 mol m−2 s−1, respectively) while ‘Lianolia Kerkiras’ and ‘Kalamon’ showed the lowest leaf CO2 assimilation rate and gs values (13–14 μmol m−2 s−1 and 0.22 mol m−2 s−1, respectively). One-year-old leaves had significantly higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate than current-season leaves from April to June, for all cultivars. From August and then, leaf CO2 assimilation rate in current-season leaves was higher than in 1-year-old leaves. There were no significant differences in leaf CO2 assimilation rate between fruiting and vegetative shoots. Total chlorophyll (a + b) content increased with leaf age in current-season leaves. In 1-year-old leaves chlorophyll content increased in spring, then started to decrease and increased slightly again late in the season. Chlorophyll content was higher in 1-year-old leaves than in current-season leaves throughout the season. Total specific leaf weight (SLW) increased throughout the season for all cultivars. Stomatal density in lower leaf surface was lowest for ‘Koroneiki’ (399 mm−2) and highest for ‘Megaritiki’ (550 mm−2). Our results showed differences in leaf CO2 assimilation rate among the five different olive cultivars, with a diverse genetic background, ranging from 12 to 21 μmol m−2 s−1. From the five cultivars examined, ‘Koroneiki’, a drought resistant cultivar, performed better and was able to maintain higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate, even under high air vapor pressure deficit. All cultivars had a pronounced seasonal variation in leaf CO2 assimilation rate, affected by date of the year, depending on ambient conditions. The high temperatures and high air vapor pressure deficit occurring during summer caused a reduction in leaf CO2 assimilation rate in all cultivars. Leaf CO2 assimilation rate was also affected by leaf age for all cultivars, with old leaves having significantly higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate than young leaves early in the season.  相似文献   

 通过汽雾栽培方式对马铃薯根际连续35 d 的CO2 处理表明: 温室大气处理(CO2 380~920μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) 和室外大气处理(CO2 380μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) 马铃薯植株的形态特征非常接近, 其株高、叶面积、根系质量、匍匐茎数量、块茎产量以及生物量均比根际高CO2 处理(CO2 3600μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) 明显提高, 叶片的气孔导度和胞间CO2 浓度增加, 光呼吸速率与CO2 补偿点降低, 叶片光系统Ⅱ功能改善,光合速率提高, 植株生长发育旺盛, 块茎产量增加, 说明合适的根际CO2 浓度(CO2 380~920μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) 可能是汽雾栽培马铃薯植株生长旺盛的重要原因。  相似文献   

Oil spotting or oleocellosis, is a major problem in citrus crops. As the rootstock and fertilization play important roles in citrus growth and fruit development, we investigated the influence of different rootstocks on the growth, mineral nutrition metabolism, water relations, and fruit oleocellosis of eight-year-old field ‘Hamlin’ sweet orange trees. Trees grafted onto Lichi16-6 trifoliata (Poncircus trifoliate) had the greatest rate of oleocellosis (RO), and trees grafted onto Goutou orange (Citrus aurantium) had the greatest degree of oleocellosis (DO). In contrast, trees grafted onto Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) had the lowest RO and DO. Trees were the most vigorous on Rangpur lime rootstocks, followed by Lichi16-6 trifoliata, and then Goutou orange. In addition, because the scion/stock girth ratio showed significant correlations with the RO and DO, oleocellosis parameters can be a good indicator of scion/stock affinity. The total N, total P, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in leaves from trees on Rangpur lime were significantly lower than in leaves from trees on Goutou orange or Lichi16-6 trifoliata. In addition, the RO showed a significant correlation with the leaf Ca2+ and S concentrations and with the peel Mg2+ concentration. The DO was significantly correlated with the total peel N and S concentrations. In addition, the RO showed a significant correlation with the net assimilation of CO2 (ACO2), stomatal conductance (GS), transpiration rate (ET), and water-use efficiency (WUE). However, the DO showed a significant correlation with the GS, ACO2, and WUE. Taken together, these results indicate that rootstocks affect the development of oleocellosis in ‘Hamlin’ sweet orange due to their effects on the mineral nutrition balance and water relations.  相似文献   

In order to screen almond genotypes for drought tolerance, three different irrigation levels including moderate and severe stress (Ψs = −1.2 and −1.8 MPa respectively) and a control treatment (Ψs = −0.33 MPa) were applied for five weeks to six different cultivated almond seedlings. A factorial experiment was conducted with a RCBD which included 3 irrigations factors, 6 genotype factors and 3 replications. Seeds were prepared from controlled pollination of the bagged trees (after emasculation and flower isolation using isolator packets in the previous year). Genotypes included: homozygote sweet (Butte), heterozygote sweet (SH12, SH18, SH21 and White) and homozygote Bitter (Bitter Genotype). Leaf and root morphological and physiological traits including; midday relative water content, midday leaf (xylem) water potential, shoot dry weight and growth, total leaf area, leaf size, total leaf dry weight, specific leaf area, leaf greenness (SPAD), stomatal size and density, root and leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured throughout the study. Results showed the six genotypes had different reactions to water stress but all genotypes showed an ability to tolerate the moderate and severe stresses and they showed different degrees of response time to drought stress. Almond seedling leaves could tolerate Ψw between −3 and −4 MPa in short periods. Water availability did not significantly affect stomatal density and size of young almond plants. The analysis of leaf anatomical traits and water relations showed the different strategies for almond genotypes under water stress conditions. Although almond seedlings even in severe stress kept their leaves, they showed a reduction in size to compensate for the stress effects. All genotypes managed to recover from moderate stress so Ψw = −1.2 could be tolerated well by almond seedlings but Ψw = −1.8 limited young plant growth. Leaf greenness, leaf size, shoot growth, shoot DW, TLDW and stomatal density were not good markers for drought resistance in almond seedlings. Root DW/LA, lower stomatal size and lower SLA might be related to drought resistance in cultivated almonds. Butte had the least resistance and White showed better performance during water stress while other genotypes were intermediate. Bitter seedlings showed no superiority in comparison with other genotypes under water stress conditions except for better germination and greater root DW which might make them suitable as rootstocks under irrigation conditions.  相似文献   

Drought and salinity are two of the most important factors limiting the lemon yield in south-eastern Spain. The effects of drought and salt stress, applied independently, on water relations, osmotic adjustment and gas exchange in the highest evapotranspiration period were studied to compare the tolerance and adaptive mechanisms of 13-year-old ‘Fino 49’ lemon trees, in immature and mature leaves. The study was carried out in an experimental orchard located in Torre Pacheco (Murcia). Three treatments were applied: Control, well-irrigated; drought-stress (DS), non-irrigated from 15th May to 7th July and salinity, irrigated with 30 mM NaCl from 1st March to 7th July. At the end of the experiment, only DS trees showed a decreased leaf stem water potential (Ψmd). Under DS conditions, both types of leaf lost turgor and did not show any osmotic or elastic mechanism to maintain leaf turgor. Osmotic adjustment was the main tolerance mechanism for maintenance of turgor under salt stress, and was achieved by the uptake of Cl ions. Gas-exchange parameters were reduced by DS but not by salinity, stomatal closure being the main adaptive mechanism for avoidance of water loss and maintenance of leaf turgor. Salinity gave rise to greater Cl accumulation in mature than in immature leaves. The increase of proline in immature leaves due to DS indicates greater damage than in mature leaves.  相似文献   

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