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采用鲜牛奶替代母乳的方法,对3只被遗弃的麋鹿幼仔进行人工育幼和驯化,在6个月的饲养过程中,详细记录每天牛奶的饲喂次数和饲喂量,麋鹿的生长发育指标,麋鹿幼仔的疾病和治疗情况。同时,采取渐进式断奶及成兽带教幼仔采食饲料等方式,取得了麋鹿幼仔人工哺育和驯化的成功,为野生动物的人工育幼和麋鹿的人工育幼提供可借鉴的基础数据。  相似文献   

福州熊猫世界于2018年对一只初生被遗弃的小熊猫幼仔和由于母兽频繁叼仔导致颈部受伤的31日龄小熊猫幼仔进行全人工育幼,通过细致的育幼工作,两幼仔顺利成活,至今发育良好。本次试验对小熊猫初生幼仔首次采取辅助喂养初乳,并挑选PetAg新生幼犬乳粉(ESBILAC,美国产)喂养幼仔。在全配方乳粉饲喂期,制定基础日乳量占体重比值的17%~25%并结合日体重增长来合理控制乳量,配合细心的护理并控制环境温度适宜,人工育幼期间两仔健康且发育良好。本文并对育幼过程中辅食的添加、受伤幼仔的护理、消化不良的治疗以及人工育幼情况下幼仔生长发育变化等进行详细介绍。成功育幼经验总结可为今后小熊猫的人工育幼工作提供参考。  相似文献   

圈养条件下的雌性阿拉伯狒狒由于母性不强和受外界条件影响很大等原因,有明显的弃仔现象。因此,对阿拉伯狒狒幼仔进行人工育幼是提高其成活率的重要技术。文章以三明动物园被母狒狒遗弃的阿拉伯狒狒幼仔为对象,对其育幼环境的控制、饲喂方法和饲喂管理等技术进行调查研究,使人工育幼的成活率达百分之百。  相似文献   

2007年7~10月,昆明动物园对1只小熊猫幼仔进行人工育幼,提供适宜的育幼条件,采用兔奶与人工乳制品相结合饲喂,终于获得成功.同时结合前几年昆明动物园小熊猫人工育幼失败的教训及其他动物园成功的经验,指出了小熊猫人工育幼成败的关键因素在于适宜的环境条件,合理的饲料配给,精心的护理,特别是饲喂适合的动物乳汁可大大提高人工育幼条件下小熊猫幼仔的成活率.  相似文献   

人工圈养条件下,初胎华南虎由于无哺育幼仔的经验或个别母虎母性不好,常常会弃仔,导致华南虎存活率低,造成重大损失.因此对幼仔进行人工育幼是提高华南虎存活率,扩大种群的关键技术措施.笔者对华南虎人工育幼环境条件的控制、人工乳的配制、饲喂方法等关键技术进行了研究,使人工育幼的成活率从首次的33.3%提高到现今的100%.  相似文献   

对初生三胞胎大熊猫幼仔进行喂养护理,其中2只体质较虚弱,采用在育幼箱内双手覆盖幼仔人工增温、全身温水棉球按摩和诱导进食等措施,辅以人工近距离采集足量母兽初乳,巴氏消毒后分别饲喂3只幼仔。再根据幼仔个体情况决定由母兽喂养或者放置育幼箱进行人工喂养,最后轮换由母兽喂养。较好地平衡了3个幼仔的个体差异,使3个幼仔都顺利存活且生长发育良好,为大熊猫的喂养护理积累了经验。  相似文献   

人工育幼是提高动物幼仔存活率、扩大种群的关键技术措施。本文以上海动物园近几年成功育幼的9只美洲狮(6公3母)为研究对象,结合育幼经验总结一套适合国内美洲狮人工育幼的操作流程,着重阐述环境条件的控制、人工奶的饲喂和辅食添加、体重的监测和行为观察等关键技术。  相似文献   

小熊猫的人工育幼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记载了成都动物园人工哺育小熊猫幼仔的经验。结果表明育幼的温度及正确饲喂方式是成功的关键。  相似文献   

梁冰 《野生动物》1996,(4):16-20
本文记述1例笼养川金丝猴幼仔“粒粒”,从出生至169日龄成功地放归笼养群体的全人工哺育技术,同时对幼仔个体行为与母乳哺育幼仔进行了对比观察,结果表明:(1)以优质人工乳哺育金丝猴幼仔,补加适量维生素和活性钙,于111日龄添加固体食物以后,随着日龄增长哺乳量递减,固体食物的种类、数量逐渐增加,206日龄断奶,幼仔健康成活;(2)主要护理技术为育幼期严格调控育幼箱内温、湿度,适度通风、日照,严格消毒和保育人员的精心爱抚:(3)20日龄开始社群行为驯化,145日龄开始放归训练,并逐渐延长放归时间,169日龄顺利放归笼养群体,为其同类所接纳,到180日龄摆脱对保育员的依赖,习惯于群体生活;(4)全人工哺育金丝猴幼仔与母乳哺育者相比,个体行为发育20日龄前差异不显著,20日龄后全人工哺育幼仔行为发育较迟缓。  相似文献   

天津动物园1只雌性金丝猴与1只雄性金丝猴于2009年4月26日繁殖1只雄性幼仔。由于当时雄性金丝猴干扰使得雌性金丝猴将幼仔放弃不顾,最终无奈取出幼仔进行全人工育幼,在185日龄时幼仔因患胃溃疡几近穿孔抢救无效而死亡。现对整个育幼过程及失败原因进行分析。  相似文献   

新生犊牛的消化道系统发育尚未完全,尤其是瘤胃和网胃。在此时期,犊牛营养主要依靠皱胃和肠道进行吸收,与单胃动物类似,液体饲料成为哺乳犊牛阶段最为理想的日粮。酸化乳是指以牛乳(含废弃乳和异常乳)或犊牛代乳粉为原料,添加酸度调节剂,使牛乳的pH保持在4.0~4.5,可以限制牛乳中病菌增殖,从而降低了犊牛的腹泻率,提高其对营养物质的消化、吸收能力,并且可以较长时间保存,节省了人工成本。本文阐述了近10 年来饲喂酸化乳对犊牛生长性能、肠道菌群结构以及免疫功能影响的研究。  相似文献   

The digesta dry matter and N-passage rates at the duodenum were measured at 3-to-8-week-old calves with duodenal re-entrant cannulae within 24 hours. The animals received the amount of milk in 1,2 and 4 meals. The milk enriched with 2% fat was given fresh, treated with hydrochloric acid or with formaldehyde. The calves received their feed in buckets. The feeding frequency influenced the chyme- and N-passage rates. After the feeding of 7 l milk in 4, 2 and 1 portions resp. up to 1,200; 1,600 and 2,200 ml chyme resp. passed the duodenum in the first hour after the feeding. More frequent feeding thus guarantees a more continuous flow of the chyme. On average the amount of chyme reached 180 . . . 186% of the amount of milk taken in independent of the feeding frequency whereas the N-amount corresponded to that contained in the feed. Formaldehyde treatment increased the amount of chyme to more than 200% of the milk intake and disturbed the coagulation process in the abomasum. The souring of the milk supported the effective protein hydrolysis in the abomasum due to a quick decrease of the pH-value and, after the feeding in 1 portion, prevented an "overflow" of the abomasum.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of prolonged feeding of urea‐treated rice straw, compared with feeding of hay, on the regulation of body fluids, milk yield and mammary circulation at early lactation (30 days postpartum), mid‐lactation (120 days postpartum) and late lactation (210 days postpartum) in crossbred Holstein Friesians. Sixteen first lactating crossbred Holstein Friesians (HF), consisting of eight animals of two breed types, 87.5%HF and 50%HF, were selected and each breed was randomly allocated into two groups. Each group, consisting of four animals from the same breed, was fed either 5% urea‐treated rice straw or pangola hay (Digitaria decumbens) as the source of roughage in combination with a similar concentrate throughout the experiments. During the course of lactation there were no significant differences in body weight, heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, plasma osmolality, plasma volume and blood volume among groups of 87.5%HF animals and 50%HF animals fed either hay or urea‐treated rice straw. Water turnover rate, total body water space and total body water as a percentage of body weight of 50%HF animals were significantly higher than those of 87.5%HF animals fed either hay or urea‐treated rice straw. The packed cell volume was significantly higher in all lactating periods of both groups of 50%HF animals in comparison with 87.5%HF animals. The ratio of DM intake to milk production for 87.5%HF animals fed either hay or urea‐treated rice straw was significantly lower than that of 50%HF animals in early lactation. The udder blood flow and milk secretion of 87.5%HF were significantly higher in early lactation and markedly declined when lactation advanced in comparison with those of 50%HF animals fed either hay or urea‐treated rice straw. The ratio of mammary blood flow to milk yield for all groups was in a similar range during early lactation although it significantly increased in mid‐ and late lactation for both groups of 87.5%HF animals. From these results it can be concluded that both 50%HF and 87.5%HF animals feeding on urea‐treated rice straw as a roughage source do not show any undernutritional effects in comparison with those fed with hay during the course of lactation. The physiological response differences between breeds are that 87.5%HF animals, which have a genetic makeup closer to the exotic bos taurus breed and a high milk yield, show a poor adjustment to the tropical environment and poorer lactation persistency in comparison with 50%HF animals.  相似文献   

Effects of milk from animals fed locoweed on kittens, calves, and lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calves, lambs, and kittens given milk from cows fed locoweeds developed microscopic lesions typical of locoweed poisoning. Serum aspartate aminotransferase activities increased markedly during the feeding period in both the cows given the locoweed and the animals receiving their milk. The results of this experiment indicate that the toxin in locoweed can be secreted in the milk.  相似文献   

At the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) in Braunschweig a feeding trial with 30 first lactating cows (German Holstein) was realised in 2004 for a complete lactation. All animals received a diet based on maize- and grass-silage ad libitum at the rate of 60:40 (DM-base) and concentrate depending on their milk yield.The animals were fed with energy and protein as recommended (GfE 2001) and were kept in loose housing. After calving they were split randomly into two feeding groups with 15 animals each. Group 1 was fed a concentrate according to the recommendations of the GfE (2001), whereas group 2 was offered the same concentrate with roughly the double amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, beta-carotene and vitamins A and E. To study the influence of the different concentrates on the serum concentrations of minerals and vitamins, blood, feed and milk samples were regularly taken and analysed in the course of lactation. Significantly higher blood concentrations were detected for phosphorus, zinc and vitamin E in group 2, but therefore a direct influence of the feeding on the blood concentrations was detected only for zinc and vitamin E. Over the whole lactation the average milk yield of group 1 was 2.6 kg/day higher and the average milk fat content was reduced about 0.6 percent points compared to group 2.  相似文献   

本研究评估了日粮添加不同水平的废弃咖啡渣对乳山羊瘤胃发酵、泌乳性能和采食行为的影响。试验选择平均泌乳量为(1.2±0.30)kg、平均泌乳天数为(35.5±9.0)d的40头乳山羊,按照体重分为4组,每组10头。对照组浓缩料不添加废弃咖啡渣,处理组日粮废弃咖啡渣添加水平为2%、4%和8%。对照组与处理组补饲的粗饲料为苜蓿草。试验结果:随着日粮废弃咖啡渣添加水平的升高,乙酸、丁酸和乙酸与丙酸比值表现为显著线性升高(P<0.05),而丙酸、异丁酸、戊酸、异戊酸和支链脂肪酸浓度表现为显著线性降低(P<0.05)。乳山羊每天产奶量、乳蛋白质、乳糖量随着废弃咖啡渣水平的升高表现为显著二次曲线升高(P<0.05),同时泌乳占比方面,产奶量也表现为显著的二次曲线升高(P<0.05)。试验期间,乳山羊每天的采食时间随着废弃咖啡渣添加水平的升高显著升高(P<0.05),而反刍时间表现为二次曲线升高趋势(P=0.06)。结论:浓缩料中废弃咖啡渣添加水平不超过10%时,可以改善瘤胃乙酸和丁酸含量,提高乳产量和乳成分。  相似文献   

The following are some of the key elements to successful rearing of the orphaned puppies and kittens: Do not overfeed, especially during the first several days, to allow for adaptation to the milk replacer. Use a milk replacer with a composition similar to the natural milk. Cleanliness during feeding is essential. Weigh the animals periodically to monitor performance and establish feeding levels. Maintain a warm, draft-free environment with adequate humidity. Keep the animals clean and aid their bowel movements and urination if necessary. Feeding frequency should allow for stomach emptying before feeding. Control diarrhea as soon as possible by the suggested methods. If it becomes necessary to re-establish desirable bacterial populations in the gastrointestinal tract, a suitable live culture such as Bene-Bac may be used. Other supportive therapy may be necessary. Make all formula or ration changes slowly. Start the animals on some solid food as soon as possible and certainly by age 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the species. These 10 guidelines will allow for successful rearing of orphaned puppies and kittens. To follow them requires patience and attention to detail. The goal is the preservation of life and a sound program of nutrition and management throughout the nursing period.  相似文献   

The described feeding experiment on rats comprised three groups, each consisting of 9 females. The control group was fed a commercial pellet diet fortified with brewer’s yeast and whole milk. Groups II and III were fed pasty fish diets which contained 90.5 % of undehydrated raw or boiled coalfish. The feeding experiment started when the rats were 34 days old. The rats were mated three times during the experiment.Undiversified feeding with a raw coalfish diet to rat females during gestation and lactation, and to their litters during weaning and after-weaning, resulted in evident anemic symptoms in the young animals. If boiled fish substituted the raw fish, the anemic symptoms were reduced, but not eliminated.Repeated gestation periods of mother animals, fed fish diets, did not result in increased anemic symptoms in their litters. Nor did the repeated gestation periods result in anemic mother animals.The anemic young rats, when continously fed the same fish diets, gradually improved their health state. The resulting adult animals were non-anemic and appeared normal as to growth and development.  相似文献   

Twelve crossbred sows were used in an energy balance study to estimate energetic efficiency of milk production from feed. Balances were made from 7 to 14 d and from 18 to 25 d of lactation. Two feeding levels were applied (high and low). The low level (L) was meant to supply energy slightly above maintenance, with energy needed for milk to be derived from body reserves. The high level (H) was meant to supply sufficient energy for maintenance and for milk production. The low-level animals received 2.5 to 2.6 kg of feed/d and the high level animals 4.8 to 6 kg/d. The loss of weight of sows during lactation depended more on feeding level than on stage of lactation. A high level of feeding to sows resulted in heavier piglets compared with the low feeding level (significant after 10 d). At 24 d of age piglets with the high-feeding-level sows weighed 7.5 kg and those with the low-level sows, 5.7 kg. At the high level, animals excreted 1,200 to 2,800 kcal more milk energy per day than the low-level animals. Energy for milk from feed was produced with an efficiency of 67 to 69% with a maintenance requirement of 112 to 125 kcal metabolizable energy (ME) X W-.75 X d-1. Efficiency of milk production from feed was calculated as 62% and the maintenance requirement was 68 kcal. In this calculation, milk was corrected toward zero energy balance. Another way of calculating this efficiency after correcting feed toward zero energy balance resulted in estimates of 68% for efficiency and of 88 kcal ME X W-.75 X d-1 for maintenance requirement. From these data it was derived that, for each piglet, the sow needed to receive .5 to .6 kg of extra feed (ME content 3,000 kcal/kg) per day to cover milk production. Level of metabolic rate for nursing piglets was estimated as 97 kcal ME X W-.75 X d-1 for maintenance and, in addition, .195 kcal/kcal extra of milk intake above maintenance.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the growth potential of Sahiwal calves given milk or milk replacer with or without concentrates. For this purpose, forty-eight Sahiwal calves were divided into four groups of 12 animals each with equal sex ratio. In each group, the calves were offered either milk or a milk replacer (MR) at a rate of 10% of their body weight adjusted weekly. In addition to this, calves were fed either a starter ration plus Egyptian clover hay (SR + H) or hay only (H) until the end of trial. The milk or MR was withdrawn gradually from day 56 until animals were weaned completely by day 84. Calves offered milk grew faster than those offered MR (357 ± 9 vs. 162 ± 9 g/day; p < 0.05) and displayed higher weaning weights (51.6 ± 0.8 vs. 35.2 ± 0.8 kg; p < 0.05). The calves offered SR + H grew faster (311 ± 9 vs. 208 ± 9 g/day; p < 0.05) and displayed higher weaning weights (48.7 ± 0.8 vs. 38.1 ± 0.8 kg; p < 0.05) than those fed H alone. Calves offered milk plus SR + H showed the highest growth rate and weaning weights (401 ± 13 g/day and 56.3 ± 1 kg, respectively). The lowest growth rate and weaning weights were observed in calves offered MR and H only (115 ± 13 g/day and 30.3 ± 1 kg, respectively). Calves offered the MR had higher number of scour days than those offered milk (13.5 vs. 3.3). The feeding of whole milk in combination with the starter ration and hay resulted in superior growth rates, higher weaning weights, and healthier calves than the other feeding regimens.  相似文献   

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