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A 6-year-old, male neutered mixed breed dog was presented emergently with a three-week history of hyporexia, vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss. Upon examination, the patient was dull, had generalised muscle atrophy, moderate abdominal pain and a mild amount of peritoneal effusion. A fluid-filled, distended, corrugated small bowel with marked gastroparesis and moderate peritoneal effusion was noted on abdominal ultrasonography. Endoscopy revealed hyperaemic and friable mucosa and a subjectively narrowed pylorus. Emergency exploratory celiotomy was performed due to worsening patient condition and revealed thick, diffuse, fibrous adhesions of the abdominal cavity. Based on these findings, sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (SEP) was suspected. A large mass of omentum adjacent to the greater curvature of the stomach had caused a pyloric outflow obstruction. Adhesiolysis was attempted but was unsuccessful due to the friability of the small intestines. The dog was humanely euthanased under anaesthesia. A diagnosis of SEP was confirmed via necropsy. No underlying cause was identified. This is the first known case of a pyloric outflow obstruction secondary to SEP in a dog. Although rare, this condition should be considered as a differential for dogs with signs of a pyloric outflow obstruction with concurrent ascites and abdominal pain, hyporexia, vomiting and diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Three cows with regwort (Senecio alpinus) poisoning were examined clinically, haematologically and ultrasonographically, and biopsy specimens of the liver were examined histologically. At the end of the study, the cows were euthanased and examined postmortem. The major clinical signs included severely disturbed general demeanour and behaviour, and severe diarrhoea. One cow was photosensitive. The activities of liver enzymes and the concentration of bilirubin were high in all of the cows. In two of the cows, ultrasonographic examination revealed a heavy accumulation of abdominal fluid, which was diagnosed as non-inflammatory ascites. In all the cows, the liver parenchyma was heterogeneous, and cows 1 and 2 had multiple echogenic foci 5 to 10 mm in diameter. In cow 3, the facies diaphragmatica of the liver appeared irregular in outline owing to the presence of nodules which were approximately 5 cm in diameter. The liver was also greatly enlarged and extended almost to the linea alba ventrally and beyond the reticulum cranially. All the cows had portal hypertension and the portal vein was dilated, resulting in oedema of the walls of the gall bladder, the small intestines and the omentum. The diameter of the caudal vena cava was reduced as a result of the impaired hepatic circulation. Histological examination of liver biopsy specimens revealed severe hepatic fibrosis in all the cows.  相似文献   

Mesotheliomas are uncommon neoplasms that arise from mesothelial cells in either the abdominal or thoracic cavities and are rarely diagnosed in cats. A 10-y-old spayed female domestic shorthair cat was presented to the Louisiana State University oncology service for evaluation of a large amount of abdominal effusion. Abdominal ultrasound identified a large mesenteric mass with numerous ill-defined nodules. An abdominocentesis was performed with cytologic and immunocytochemical findings consistent with a neoplastic effusion, with large clusters of epithelioid cells that exhibited strong cytoplasmic expression of pancytokeratin, vimentin, and Wilms tumor 1 antigens. Further testing was declined, and meloxicam was prescribed until the cat died 23 d after initial presentation. Upon postmortem examination, the omentum was contracted into a firm mass adhered to multiple organs and accompanied by numerous small white nodules throughout the abdominal cavity. On histopathology and immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells were found throughout the abdominal cavity; 60–95% exhibited moderate-to-strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for cytokeratin, vimentin, and Wilms tumor 1 protein. The final diagnosis was an epithelioid mesothelioma. Our case illustrates the utility of cytology, immunocytochemistry, and its relation to histology and immunohistochemistry. We also reviewed the reported cases of feline mesothelioma.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old intact Pomeranian bitch presented with a 2-month history of abdominal distension and anorexia. Ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a large tumor in the abdominal cavity without metastases. The tumor was surgically resected and histopathologically characterized by spindle-shaped to atypical-shaped neoplastic cells with basophilic stroma in the omental adipose tissue. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin but negative for cytokeratin, S-100 protein, and α-SMA. The bitch was diagnosed as a myxosarcoma arising from the greater omentum. Postoperatively, metronomic chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide and piroxicam was initiated. The tumor recurred on postoperative day 49. Although the bitch died 102 days after the initial examination, her general condition was maintained until death.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old domestic shorthair cat was spayed to remove bilateral ovarian masses and an enlarged uterus. Both ovaries were effaced by large, irregular, firm, glistening, white cystic masses filled with clear viscous fluid. The uterine lumen was filled with copious amounts of clear viscous fluid, and the uterus contained multiple, firm, glistening, white nodules. Histologic examination revealed an invasive spindle cell neoplasm with features of malignancy, and extensive hypocellular areas containing an alcian blue-positive myxoid matrix. Tumor cells expressed caldesmon, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and estrogen receptor but were negative for desmin. The animal was euthanized 1 month later because of suspected local tumor recurrence. At necropsy, the abdominal cavity contained 120 ml of mucoid ascites; multiple tumor nodules were present in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The clinical behavior and gross, microscopic, and immunohistochemical findings established a diagnosis of myxoid leiomyosarcoma.  相似文献   

An 11-yr-old female cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) was diagnosed clinically with hepatic and renal disease and euthanatized after an extended illness. Postmortem examination revealed 8-10 L of milky white fluid in the abdominal cavity and markedly dilated lymphatic vessels within the intestinal mesentery. The abdominal fluid was a chylous effusion based on the cytologic predominance of lymphocytes and macrophages and comparison of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the fluid and in serum. Gross and histopathologic lesions in the liver were consistent with a diagnosis of venoocclusive liver disease. Chylous ascites is uncommon with human chronic liver disease and is rarely identified in animals.  相似文献   

The report describes a case of abdominal neoplasia in a mare diagnosed ante-mortem by the technique of paracentesis abdominis. Histopathological findings suggest that the lesion was a mesothelioma, primarily involving the greater omentum.  相似文献   

呋喃唑酮致蛋雏鸡腹水综合征的诊断与复制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某养鸡户的3~4周龄罗曼商品蛋鸡患“大肚子”病,经浆液粘蛋白定性试验及细菌学检验,确认腹腔积液是漏出液,而不是渗出液,诊断为蛋鸡腹水综合征。经详细的病史调查,初步认为饲料中连续添加0.02%呋喃唑酮是主要的致病因素。立即停喂呋喃唑酮,饮服10%葡萄糖及腹水净,配合应用速补-14,取得了较好的治疗效果。经动物试验,验证了呋喃唑酮对蛋雏鸡腹水综合征的致病作用。  相似文献   

A nine-year-old Arabian gelding was evaluated for acute abdominal pain. Based on clinical signs and the results of the diagnostic work-up, surgical exploration of the abdominal cavity was performed. An adhesion was found involving a section of jejunum, its mesentery, and the omentum. Passage of gas and/or ingesta was obstructed at that point. On closer examination of the involved bowel, a porcupine quill which had perforated throught the intestinal wall from the lumen was identified. This was believed to have been the inciting cause for the formation of the adhesion and subsequent intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

This case report describes a three-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with ascites due to thrombosis of the caudal vena cava. Ultrasonography verified the ascites and revealed dilatation of the abdominal portion of the caudal vena cava (4.8 cm). It was presumed that the caudal vena cava was occluded by a thrombus or by perivenous compression cranial to the dilatation. Post mortem findings included: a massive accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity; a 15 cm long thrombus in the subphrenic region of the caudal vena cava; multiple pulmonary abscesses; severe thrombosis of the pulmonary vasculature; hepatic congestion; oedematous abomasal folds; and severe thrombophlebitis of the left jugular vein and both udder veins, due to poor intravenous injection technique. Ascites caused by thrombosis of the caudal vena cava is rare because collateral routes of venous return, including the udder veins, are usually established. It was therefore concluded that the ascites was attributable to bilateral thrombosis of the udder veins.  相似文献   

An aged beef cow had a primary lung tumor that was diagnosed postmortem. Clinical signs included inappetence, weight loss, coughing, dyspnea, and reduced lung sounds. Antibiotic treatment was ineffective. The cow was euthanatized. Postmortem examination revealed numerous, firm nodules throughout both lungs. Microscopically, the pulmonary nodules contained neoplastic cells and the diagnosis was bronchiolar adenocarcinoma. A diagnosis of pulmonary neoplasia, although rare, should be considered in an aged cow with similar historical and clinical findings.  相似文献   

Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was diagnosed in a 3 1/2 year old cow of the Simmental breed. The cow was little less than 6 months pregnant and was admitted to the clinic because of severely disturbed general health. The most important clinical findings were increased heart and breathing rate, rectal temperature of 39.9 degrees C, nosebleed and petechiae on the nasal mucosa. Additionally, the cow showed petechiae on the vaginal mucosa, haemorrhage from the rectum lasting several hours after rectal examination and severe haemoglobinuria. Haematological and biochemical examinations showed increased liver enzymes and severe changes in all coagulation parameters (platelet count, PT, PTT, thrombin time, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation products). Based on the mentioned findings the diagnosis DIC was made. Possible causes were severe necrotic endometritis and placentitis combined with fetal death. High counts of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens were determined in liver, lung and abomasal contents of the aborted fetus as well as in the placenta. Uterine secretion contained Actinomyces pyogenes besides.  相似文献   

The feasibility of leaving the ovaries within the peritoneal cavity after laparoscopic coagulation and transection of the ovarian pedicle was assessed in the juvenile horse. Elective ovariectomy was performed on 10 quarter horses, aged 4 to 5 mo, with the fillies in a Trendelenburg position. The mesovarium was isolated, and multiple coagulation and transection cycles were performed until all ovarian attachments had been severed. The ovaries were dropped within the abdomen, and hemostasis of the transected mesovarium was evaluated before closure. The mean surgical time was 33 min (range, 23 to 48 min). Ten weeks after surgery the fillies were humanely euthanized. At postmortem examination, the ovary location within the abdomen was noted. In 1 horse, there was an abdominal adhesion; viscera had been punctured during insufflation. Of the 20 ovaries, 4 were free-floating within the abdominal cavity; the other 16 were enveloped in the free portion of the greater omentum in the cranioventral abdomen. Histologic examination of the ovaries was performed to assess follicle cell viability. In both the free-floating and the attached ovaries, the deep blood vessels and all examined follicular structures were necrotic and partially mineralized. Laparoscopic electrosurgical transection of the ovarian pedicle without removal of the ovaries should be considered an alternative to other ovariectomy techniques that may be performed in young female horses.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old mare presented for evaluation of recurrent colic episodes. The horse was diagnosed with a mass within the spleen at the ultrasound examination of the abdomen; the levels of Serum Amyloid A and the fibrinogen were high and so a presumptive diagnosis of an abscess involving the spleen was made base on clinical, ultrasonographic and laboratory findings and it was decided to perform n exploratory laparotomy for a definitive diagnosis and possible treatment. Upon abdominal exploration a mass involving the spleen, the lateral wall of the ventral colon adherent to the left abdominal wall was diagnosed and with an intraoperative ultrasound examination a linear hyperechoic foreign body was diagnosed within the mass. It was removed through an enterotomy of the left ventral colon that allowed the digital exploration of the mass without spilling of pus within the peritoneal cavity. The horse was discharged and the long term follow-up revealed no complications and no more signs of abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Metastasizing seminal vesicle adenocarcinoma in a Wistar rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An adenocarcinoma in the seminal vesicles of a 15-month-old male Wistar rat from a 30-month inhalation study is described. The rat was killed because of cachexia, apathy and a large palpable mass in the abdominal cavity. Macroscopic examination of the abdominal cavity revealed a 3.8 cm x 3.2 cm yellow-grey to pink mass, firm to soft in consistency. The cut section revealed cystic spaces. Histologically, the mass consisted of epithelial cells arranged in glandular and solid patterns with abundant amounts of connective tissue. Epithelial tumour cells were round-to-cylindrical with round-to-oval basophilic nuclei and one or two prominent nucleoli and a distinct eosinophilic cytoplasm. The glandular structure contained clusters of macrophages in their lumen with eosinophilic cytoplasm and indented nuclei. Extensive necrosis and reactive inflammation were present. The histological features of the small nodules in the pancreas and on the surface of the liver, rectum and urinary bladder resembled those of the primary tumour in the seminal vesicles. Based on these criteria, the neoplasm (mass) was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma of the seminal vesicles. The immunohistological examination confirmed the diagnosis, i.e. immunostaining was positive for cytokeratins (4, 7, 14, 15, 18, and 19), vimentin, PCNA, and ED(1).  相似文献   

A six-year-old, neutered male Siberian husky was presented for euthanasia for end-stage liver disease. Examination of the dog raised questions regarding the severity of the condition. It had presented to the referring veterinarian with polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss. Blood tests at that time revealed elevated liver enzymes and hypoalbuminaemia. Cirrhosis was presumptively diagnosed, based on an ultrasound examination, which showed ascites with a normal liver. The dog had a history of hypothyroidism, which was controlled with levothyroxine. Physical examination revealed cachexia. A second abdominal ultrasound examination was performed and revealed portal vein and aortic thromboses. Tick titres showed a positive Ehrlichia canis titre of 1:640. Skin biopsies showed lymphoplasmacytic vasculitis. Doxycycline and aspirin treatment was initiated, and the clinical signs resolved. The authors concluded that the thrombi were primarily caused by chronic ehrlichiosis, based on the clinical findings and the response to treatment.  相似文献   

腹水是指在动物腹腔内充盈的液体处于非生理性存留的一种状态。液体可分为炎性渗出液和非炎性漏出液两种。腹水并不是一种独立的疾病,而是由其他病症引起的一种临床继发症状。腹水在临床上容易诊断通过视诊、触诊、叩诊结合腹腔穿刺实验可以综合诊,关键在于其病因难以诊断。本病例根据临床症状通过视诊、触诊、叩诊临床一般检查结合腹腔穿刺实验、血液常规检查、血液生化检查、血气检查、X光片检查、B 超检查、心电图检查结果判断是心源性腹水、稀血性腹水、瘀血性腹水、寄生虫还是中毒等引起的。然后采取对症对因治疗,去除病因。  相似文献   

This study describes the ultrasonographic findings in 14 cows with abdominal fat necrosis. Ultrasonography of the abdomen revealed the presence of heterogeneous hyperechoic masses and hyperechoic omentum with localized masses floating in a hypoechoic peritoneal fluid. A hyperechogenic rim was imaged around both kidneys. The intestines were coated with hyperechoic capsules and the intestinal lumens were constricted. Ultrasonographic examination of the pancreatic parenchyma showed an overall increased echogenicity which was homogenously distributed in 3 cases. A diagnosis of abdominal fat necrosis was made with ultrasound-guided biopsy of the echogenic masses, and thereafter at postmortem examination. Results from this study demonstrate the efficacy of ultrasonography as an imaging modality for antemortem diagnosis of abdominal lipomatosis in cattle. To the authors' knowledge, this study is the first that illustrates ultrasonographic findings in cattle affected with abdominal lipomatosis.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old Golden Retriever dog had a solitary tumor mass arising from the greater omentum. Histologically, the tumor showed varying cellularity and patterns of cellular arrangement. In dense cellular areas, spindle-shaped cells were arranged in interlacing bundles. The sparse cellular area was characterized by loosely arranged fusiform cells. The neoplastic cells frequently contained PAS-positive eosinophilic globules in the cytoplasm, and mitotic figures were frequently observed. The tumor cells were positive to vimentin, S-100 protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein, myelin basic protein, neuron-specific enolase and myoglobin. The present tumor was diagnosed as a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) with eosinophilic cytoplasmic globules arising from the greater omentum. To our knowledge, this may be the first case of primary omental MPNST in domestic animals.  相似文献   

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