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三大粮食作物产量潜力与产量差研究进展   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
产量潜力和产量差的研究对揭示未来粮食增产潜力,有针对性地制定提高作物产量的措施具有重要意义。通过总结近年发表的64篇经典文献,本文总结了世界三大粮食作物小麦、水稻和玉米的产量潜力和产量差的研究进展,并对定量产量潜力和产量差的4种常用方法进行了比较分析。研究表明:1)当前全世界小麦、水稻、玉米的平均产量潜力分别为6.7 t-hm-2、8.1 t-hm-2、11.2 t-hm-2,农户产量分别实现了产量潜力的60%、60%、53%。2)模型模拟是目前定量评估产量潜力最为有效的方法之一,综合使用模型模拟和高产纪录两种方法进行比较分析产量潜力结果会更加可靠;试验产量和高产农户产量一般会低于模型模拟产量潜力,对探索农户短期内增产潜力具有重要意义。3)优化栽培管理措施比如应用土壤-作物综合管理系统等方法是缩小产量差的有效途径。因此,当前三大粮食作物具有较大增产潜力,如何有效缩小产量差、提高作物产量、保证粮食安全是未来需要关注的重点。  相似文献   

为明确辽河三角洲典型单季稻区氮肥减施潜力,采用区域施肥调查和田间试验相结合的方法,以了解区域施肥现状以及不同缓释肥减量替代化肥对产量、氮素供给和流失风险的影响。结果表明,目前辽河三角洲单季稻氮肥施用量主要分布在200~350 kg·hm-2之间,区域平均施氮量为294.5 kg·hm-2,区域平均经济产量为10479.9 kg·hm-2,依据水稻需氮量计算得出适宜的施氮量为182~202 kg·hm-2。经研究表明,根据目前区域内可选择的肥料类型选择适宜的缓释肥料,减氮潜力在19.2%~30.8%之间,在保证作物产量的条件下,可以提高1.39%~15.79%的氮肥利用率,维持土壤养分含量,有效降低田面水中68.4%~79.6%的氮含量,增加541.4~5816.6元·hm-2的经济效益。综上,在减氮潜力较高的地区,适当减氮条件下施用缓释肥可以在保证作物产量的同时降低氮素损失的环境风险,减少人工成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

郭小鸥  崔晓辉 《核农学报》2022,36(8):1657-1663
为明确杂草绿肥以及作物秸秆的利用潜力,本试验以山东地区休耕农田中杂草为研究对象,设置6个处理,即未刈割(W0,对照)、刈割1次(W1)、刈割2次(W2)、杂草与玉米共作(W0+M)、杂草与高粱共作(W0+B)以及杂草与大豆共作(W0+S),采取有机管理模式,研究夏季休耕农田不同杂草利用模式对后茬小麦产量的影响。结果表明,杂草与作物共作能提升土壤肥力,显著提高冬小麦籽粒产量,各处理中杂草与大豆共作(W0+S)优势最明显。与对照相比,W0+M、W0+B及W0+S处理2020年土壤有机碳分别提高4.3%、4.7%、11.8%,冬小麦产量分别提高8.8%、11.0%、12.7%;冬小麦籽粒中,N、P、Ca、Fe、Mn含量均以W0+S处理最高。综合土壤理化性质、冬小麦生物学特性以及产量等指标,推荐夏茬休耕模式可适当种植豆科类作物进行养地。本研究为农田杂草资源的合理利用提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

养分平衡是养分管理的必要环节,对增加作物产量和提高品质具有重要的作用.本文综述了硫(S)素与其他营养元素之间的交互作用对作物养分吸收、产量和质量的影响.S 与N或Ca、 K、Zn之间交互作用对养分吸收和利用是协同的,而S 与Mg、Mo、Cu、、Se、Fe、Sb、Cd、B、Br之间交互作用对养分吸收和利用是拮抗的.然而,S 与 P或Se之间的交互作用对养分吸收和利用是协同还是拮抗取决于作物种类、生长阶段和养分的浓度.N、S配施可以促进蛋白质的合成,提高作物产量和品质.由于S素与其他营养元素之间存在的这种拮抗作用,因此施用S肥可以减轻污染土壤重金属对蔬菜的毒害作用或加剧缺S土壤上蔬菜B和Mo的缺乏.  相似文献   

根据气候统计资料和4个气象站多年气象数据,分析了石河子地区光、热、水、土资源的空间分布特点,并计算分析了该区主要作物的光合潜力、光温潜力变化规律。结果表明,石河子地区光能资源丰富,高于长江中下游及同纬度其他地区;沙漠、戈壁的增温效应使其热量资源高于国内同纬度其他地区。降水量虽小,作为灌溉农业的调节用水,可基本上满足生产需要。该地区土地资源丰富,但耕地质量差。其主要作物实际产量与光合潜力、光温潜力相差很大,具有较明显的增产潜力。对光温潜力分析表明,该区产量的主要限制因子是水,其次是温度。同时根据对石河子荒漠绿洲耕地资源潜力、宜农土地光热资源潜力和水资源潜力的分析,提出了自然资源优化和可持续利用的措施和模式。  相似文献   

水稻、小麦和玉米是3种主要的禾本科草本植物,其产量的高低对社会的经济发展和人们的日常生活起着举足轻重的作用。株高性状是影响作物产量的重要农艺性状之一,矮秆作物相对于高秆来说,耐肥抗倒,株型比较紧凑,更有利于提高单产。目前,矮秆作物在生产上已经显示了巨大的增产潜力,但同时也存在利用单一的现象。因此,矮秆基因的发掘及遗传研究利用在育种中越来越受重视。  相似文献   

康定县位于四川省西部,青藏高原东南缘。玉米是康定县人民的主要粮食之一,常年种植1 453 hm2,仅次于青稞。玉米是一种适应性很强的作物,产量高、营养丰富、适应性广,增产潜力大,其产量的提高对促进康定县粮食产量再上一个新台阶具有十分重要的意义。为提高玉米产量和品质,提出以下高产玉米栽培技术。  相似文献   

本文根据在我省五个县设置的10个水稻土监测点1985-1992年的定位监测结果,通过统计和综合分析指出:培肥土壤,提高土壤的地力贡献是提高作物产量的重要措施;在水稻土目前养分含量水平下,氮、磷是影响作物产量的主要因素,但从植物营养元素输入输出看,搞好配方施肥,增磷、补钾仍是值得重视的问题;在目前施肥水平下,作物产量已接近最高水平,单增加施肥量,经济效益不高。  相似文献   

作物产量差研究与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作物实际产量与潜在产量间存在较大差距,地区间甚至同一地区不同田块间作物产量也存在显著差异,这种现象在世界范围内的农业生产中广泛存在.缩小该差距对于提高粮食产量,确保粮食安全具有重要意义.本文在阐述开展作物产量差研究重要性和必要性的基础上,从产量差的内涵、研究尺度的扩展及分析方法等方面介绍了目前国内外有关作物产量差的研究进展,并综述了作物生长模拟模型在产量差研究中的应用,最后分析了目前作物产量差研究中存在的问题和不足之处,并探讨了未来作物产量差研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

中国主要粮食作物肥料利用率现状与提高途径   总被引:632,自引:5,他引:627  
总结了近年来在全国粮食主产区进行的1 333个田间试验结果,分析了目前条件下中国主要粮食作物水稻、小麦和玉米氮磷钾肥的偏生产力、农学效率、肥料利用率和生理利用率等,发现水稻、小麦和玉米的氮肥农学效率分别为10.4 kg kg-1、8.0 kg kg-1和9.8 kg kg-1,氮肥利用率分别为28.3%、28.2%和26.1%,远低于国际水平,与20世纪80年代相比呈下降趋势。造成肥料利用率低的主要原因包括高产农田过量施肥,忽视土壤和环境养分的利用,作物产量潜力未得到充分发挥以及养分损失未能得到有效阻控等。要大幅度提高肥料利用率就必须从植物营养学、土壤学、农学等多学科联合攻关入手,充分利用来自土壤和环境的养分资源,实现根层养分供应与高产作物需求在数量上匹配、时间上同步、空间上一致,同时提高作物产量和养分利用效率,协调作物高产与环境保护。  相似文献   

中国灌溉农田粮食作物水分利用效率的研究   总被引:52,自引:8,他引:44  
以1980年至1986年、22个省(市、自治区)、10种作物、共计4422个站的年实测作物耗水量和产量数据为基础,用加权平均法计算得到全国灌溉农田上粮食作物平均水分利用效率值约为1.1kg/m3。并根据典型试验站作物产量、总耗水量及水分利用效率之间的相互关系,以及全国粮食作物单产随年分的变化趋势,经分析认为这一数值可以作为衡量全国灌溉农田上粮食作物平均水分利用效率的现状值  相似文献   

Abstract. Growing cover crops during the winter before spring-planted crops is often suggested as an effective method to decrease nitrate leaching. A four-course crop rotation (potatoes-cereal-sugarbeet-cereal) was followed through two rotations on a sandy soil in the English Midlands. Three management systems were imposed on the rotation to test their effects on nitrate loss. The effects of cover crops on nitrate leaching and crop yields were compared with the more conventional practice of over-winter bare fallow before potatoes and sugarbeet.
Cover crop N uptake was variable between years, averaging 25 kg ha−1, which is typical of their performance on sandy soils in the UK. The cover crops usually decreased nitrate leaching but their effectiveness depended on good establishment before the start of drainage. Over 7 years, cover crops decreased the average N concentration in the drainage from 24 to 11 mg l−1. Potato yield and tuber N offtake increased after cover crops. Ware tuber yield increased by an average of c . 8%; this was unlikely to be due to additional N mineralization from the cover crop because the potatoes received 220–250 kg fertilizer N ha−1, and non-N effects are therefore implicated. Sugar yield was not increased following a cover crop.
After 8 years of nitrate-retentive practices, there were no measurable differences in soil organic matter. However, plots that had received only half of the N fertilizer each year contained, on average, 0.14% less organic matter at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Biological N2 fixation (BNF) by associative diazotrophic bacteria is a spontaneous process where soil N is limited and adequate C sources are available. Yet the ability of these bacteria to contribute to yields in crops is only partly a result of BNF. A range of diazotrophic plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria participate in interactions with C3 and C4 crop plants (e.g. rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane and cotton), significantly increasing their vegetative growth and grain yield. We review the potential of these bacteria to contribute to yield increases in a range of field crops and outline possible strategies to obtain such yield increases more reliably. The mechanisms involved have a significant plant growth-promoting potential, retaining more soil organic-N and other nutrients in the plant-soil system, thus reducing the need for fertiliser N and P. Economic and environmental benefits can include increased income from high yields, reduced fertiliser costs and reduced emission of the greenhouse gas, N2O (with more than 300 times the global warming effect of CO2), as well as reduced leaching of NO3-N to ground water. Obtaining maximum benefits on farms from diazotrophic, plant growth promoting biofertilisers will require a systematic strategy designed to fully utilise all these beneficial factors, allowing crop yields to be maintained or even increased while fertiliser applications are reduced.  相似文献   


The main objective was to compare the response of grain yield to fertiliser N in a winter wheat-white clover intercropping system with the response in wheat alone. Clover was undersown in spring barley and remained established in two consecutive crops of wheat in two field experiments. Clover reduced grain yield in the first crop of wheat and increased it in the second. There was more inorganic N in the soil and a higher concentration of N in the grains in the intercropping system. The grain and N yield response to fertiliser N was equal or less with intercropped than with wheat alone. The reduction of clover biomass with a herbicide increased grain yield of the first crop of wheat without reducing the clover biomass or the positive residual effect in the second wheat crop. It was concluded that in order to produce large grain yields, competition from clover needs to be kept small when wheat is at the tillering stage.  相似文献   


By restricted access to manure, nitrogen (N) supply in organic agriculture relies on biological N-fixation. This study compares grain yields after one full-season green manure (FSGM) to yields with repeated use of a green-manure catch crop. At two sites in south-eastern Norway, in a simple 4-year rotation (oats/wheat/oats/wheat), the repeated use of ryegrass, clover, or a mixture of ryegrass and clover as catch crops was compared with an FSGM established as a catch crop in year 1. The FSGM treatments had no subsequent catch crops. In year 5, the final residual effects were measured in barley.

The yield levels were about equal for grains with no catch crop and a ryegrass catch crop. On average, the green-manure catch crops increased subsequent cereal yields close to 30%. The FSGM increased subsequent cereal yields significantly in two years, but across the rotation the yields were comparable to those of the treatments without green-manure catch crop. To achieve acceptable yields under Norwegian conditions, more than 25% of the land should be used for full-season green manure, or this method combined with green-manure catch crops. The accumulated amount of N in aboveground biomass in late autumn did not compensate for the N removed by cereal yields. To account for the deficiency, the roots of the green-manure catch crops would have to contain about 60% of the total N (tot-N) required to balance the cereal yields. Such high average values for root N are likely not realistic to achieve. However, measurement of biomass in late autumn may not reflect all N made available to concurrent or subsequent main crops.  相似文献   


Intercropping and bicropping are common cultivation systems in many countries. Maize (Zea mays L.) as a main crop combined with a legume as secondary crop is in general use in many countries. These systems may contribute to a higher biodiversity, and reduced import of fertilizer, concentrates and agrochemicals. The objective of this research was to select an appropriate secondary crop that could be grown with maize in an intercropping system to control weeds while maintaining maize yields. Field beans (Vicia faba L.), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.) and thyphon [Brassica rapa L. ar. rapa (L.) Thell] were selected as secondary crops. Acceptable yields of dry matter in maize were obtained regardless of secondary crop. Different yield levels were obtained depending on the morphology of the secondary crop. Thyphon, a high, dense secondary crop with large leaves, shaded the lower maize canopy, and thereby reduced the yield of maize. In contrast, field bean, which is tall and has a narrow canopy, did not reduce maize yield. A negative relation was found between the yield of secondary crop plus weeds in August and October and the yield of maize in October. The secondary crops were not sufficiently competitive against weeds in the first part of the growing season. Thyphon competed too much against maize. Field bean and phacelia resulted in a minimum of competition against maize, and a maximum competition against weeds, compared with the other secondary crops.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching during the winter period can be reduced and often prevented by growing catch crops after the harvest of a main crop. However, catch crops which effectively take up residual nitrogen do not necessarily show good nutrient effects on a succeeding main crop. The objective of this experiment was to investigate how the content of soil mineral nitrogen in spring was affected by the time of incorporation of non-legume catch crops and how the yield and nitrogen uptake of a succeeding main crop was influenced. The yield of spring sown onion and white cabbage was significantly increased by catch crop growing the previous autumn. The nitrogen effect of Italian ryegrass corresponded to 50–100 kg N per ha in the vegetables. However, the yield of spring barley was not significantly affected by the nitrogen released from decomposing catch crops. During decomposition of non-legume catch crops, grown at a high level of nitrogen fertility, nitrogen immobilization did not occur.  相似文献   

A high proportion of the soils in the central zone of Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, are chemically and physically degraded, with low organic matter and N contents, compacted subsoil layers and a propensity to crusting, hardsetting and wind erosion. The aim of the experiment discussed in this paper was to identify suitable cover crops to be used in combination with subsoiling for the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the improvement of crop yields in eastern Bolivia. Fertilizers were not used because of their high cost. An experiment with a split complete block design, with subsoiling and no-subsoiling as the main treatments, 14 cover crops and a continuously cultivated soybean/wheat control as the subtreatments, and four replications, was established on a degraded site comprising a mosaic of two compacted siliceous isohyperthermic soils (a coarse loamy Typic Ustropept and a fine loamy Typic Haplustalf). After a two-year fallow period, the cover crops were incorporated and test crops were sown for five seasons to evaluate the effects of the treatments on subsequent crop yields. Soil samples were taken to measure changes in chemical fertility. The only significant cover crop effect on soil nutrients was an increase in exchangeable K from 0.47 to 0.56 cmolc kg−1 by Lablab; subsoiling had no effect on chemical fertility. For all treatments there was an average 24 per cent increase in soil organic matter from 13.1 g kg−1 at 3 months after cover crop incorporation to 16.3 g kg−1 at 19 months after incorporation. No significant differences in total N were found during this period. Test crop yields were not influenced by subsoiling, but were significantly increased by some of the cover crops as compared to the soybean/wheat control during the first three seasons only. Evidence from foliar analysis suggests that the effects of the cover crops on soybean yields were not nutritional and so presumably were physical in nature, whereas the benefits on wheat yields were possibly related to increased N availability. Panicum maximum var. Centenario and P. maximum var. Tobiatá gave the highest total yield increases over the first three cropping seasons (101 and 85 per cent, respectively), but these yield increases would not compensate the farmer for the loss of four crop harvests whilst the land was in fallow. These results highlight the difficulties of rehabilitating soil fertility and increasing crop yields through the use of subsoiling and cover crop fallows on compacted, low organic matter soils in eastern Bolivia.  相似文献   

基于经验模态分解的中国粮食单产波动特征及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
探索中国粮食单产的多尺度波动特征及其影响因素,进而有针对性地采取措施来稳定和提高粮食单产对保障中国粮食安全有重要意义。该文对1978-2012年中国粮食及其主要构成作物稻谷、小麦和玉米的单位面积产量,利用经验模态分解方法进行了多尺度波动分解,并分析了改革开放以来中国粮食单产波动的多尺度特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明:1)应用经验模态分解方法可以将1978年以来中国的粮食和三大作物的单产分解为1个趋势项和2个波动项,分别反应了科技、政策和气候对于中国粮食单产波动的影响。其中技术趋势为主导,2个尺度的波动都较小。2)粮食趋势单产年增长率从1997年前的2.28%下降到之后的0.69%,明显放缓。稻谷的趋势单产与粮食走势最为接近,但1997年以后几乎走平。玉米和小麦的趋势单产增速1997年后虽有所下降,但目前上升依然明显。3)中期波动项包括了3个完整的周期和1个进行中的周期,且与中国粮食政策的重大调整及其所产生的后效在时段上具有很好的一致性。总体看粮食生产领域政策的影响大于气候的影响,但不同作物对各种政策的响应也有所不同,土地、税收、补贴、奖励和保险政策的普惠性和同步性较价格政策更强。小麦的中期波动率明显大于其他作物,显示其对政策更加敏感。4)粮食单产的短期波动率为1.80%,其中玉米为3.38%,高于小麦(2.55%)和稻谷(1.06%),显示中国的粮食生产系统有较强的抵御气象灾害的能力,但玉米防灾能力不及稻谷和小麦。5)综合长期趋势和中短期波动来看,3大作物中稻谷最为稳产。稻谷的主要问题是1998年以后单产的趋势产量上升乏力,玉米的主要问题是短期波动较大,受气象灾害的影响大,而小麦的政策波动大于玉米和稻谷。当前中国的农业已经进入了新的发展阶段,农业政策的调整势在必行,该研究结果可为新阶段农业宏观调控政策的制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

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