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施马伦堡病毒感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施马伦堡病是由施马伦堡病毒(schmallenberg virus,SBV)引起的一种新发现的吸血昆虫传播的动物疾病。该病可引起成年牛发热、腹泻、奶牛产奶量下降,怀孕牛羊感染可引起胎儿畸形、流产或死胎。目前荷兰、比利时、德国西部、法国北部和英国东南部有疫情报道,已有国家严禁从上述出现施马伦堡病毒疫情的国家进口相关动物产品。本文汇总了最新的疫情研究进展,介绍了该病的病原、流行病学和预防控制措施。  相似文献   

2012年1—2月,全球发生的重大动物疫情主要有禽流感、口蹄疫、非洲猪瘟、蓝耳病和新发的施马伦堡病等。越南、印度、不丹、尼泊尔、中国香港和南非发生高致病性禽流感疫情,斯里兰卡、澳大利亚首次发生低致病性禽流感疫情。此外,中国台湾、纳米比亚、南非和利比亚等国家和地区发生口蹄疫,俄罗斯继续发生非洲猪瘟,越南、秘鲁发生蓝耳病,荷兰、比利时、法国、德国、英国发生施马伦堡病。  相似文献   

2011年11月在德国西部城镇施马伦贝格检测出一种新型病毒,以其首次阳性病毒标本检出的地名命名为“施马伦贝格病毒”。该病毒能够感染牛、山羊、绵羊等家畜并引起发热、腹泻、乏力等症状,导致动物早产或难产。继德国之后,荷兰、比利时、法国、卢森堡、意大利、西班牙等欧盟8个国家的牛羊等家畜中证实出现疫情。由于现阶段缺乏有效疫苗,被感染牛、羊数量仍在继续上升,引起世界范围内对此病毒的关注,本文就施马伦贝格病毒的危害及在欧洲的传播情况作如下简述,以期为进出口检疫部门和动物引种工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

肖肖 《动物检疫》2012,(3):65-69
2011年底,一种新病毒在德国发病奶牛中被发现,暂命名为施马伦堡病毒。该病毒也出现在荷兰绵羊群中,主要导致羔羊先天性畸形。至目前,已向OIE通报该病的国家有荷兰、德国、比利时、英国、法国、意大利和卢森堡。为使国内读者对本病有一个较全面了解,本文参照农业部兽医局《一二三类动物疫病释义》体例,将目前已经掌握的相关知识,包括最新疫情情况进行了梳理,并从科学不确定角度提出了一些预警防范性措施和建议。  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病是2011年11月首次在德国北莱茵一威斯特法伦州的反刍动物中发现的,由一种新的布尼病毒,布尼病毒科,布尼病毒属的新成员一施马伦贝格病毒引起的一种新发动物传染病,主要感染猪、牛、羊和野牛,主要通过蠓传播。会造成动物精神不振、体质下降、厌食和腹泻等临床症状。本文从病原学、流行病学、诊断和防控等方面对该病进行了综述。  相似文献   

2012年1-2月,全球发生的重大动物疫情主要有禽流感、口蹄疫、非洲猪瘟、蓝耳病和新发的施马伦堡病等。越南、印度、不丹、尼泊尔、中国香港和南非发生高致病性禽流感疫情,斯里兰卡、澳大利亚首次发生低致病性禽流感疫情。此外,中国台湾、纳米比亚、南非和利比亚等国家和地区发生口蹄疫,  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病因最早于2011年11月发生于德国西部城镇施马伦贝格(Schmallenberg)而得名.该病主要感染绵羊,也感染山羊、牛和野牛.染病动物出现发热、腹泻、食欲不振、产奶量下降,并引起怀孕母畜流产、死胎或胎儿畸形.该病经媒介昆虫传播,也可通过胎盘垂直传播,在反刍动物中迅速蔓延,至今已在德国、荷兰、比利时、英国、法国、意大利、卢森堡、西班牙等国得到确诊,给欧洲相关国家的畜牧业生产造成了较大的损失,已引起了世界各国的关注.截至2012年5月,已有包括中国在内的18个国家宣布对施马伦贝格病疫区的动物及动物产品采取限制措施.虽然目前人们对该病的了解和认识还很不够,还存在许多不确定性,但作为兽医工作者,及时了解该病的有关情况是非常必要的.下面根据世界动物卫生组织(OIE)等网站信息对该病进行介绍,希望对兽医工作者了解该病有所帮助.  相似文献   

本文对2011年引起德国奶牛疾病的一种新病毒——施马伦贝格病毒的病原学、流行病学、临床症状及检测方法进行了阐述。。该病毒可引起牛、山羊、绵羊等家畜发病,造成动物发热、腹泻、乏力等临床症状,可导致动物早产或难产,给畜牧业带来了巨大的危害.  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病是一种由施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus,SBV)感染引起的新发病毒病。因最早在德国西部城镇施马伦贝格的病牛血液样品中分离到病毒而暂被命名。目前,荷兰、比利时、德国、英国、法国等欧盟国家相继报告牛、绵羊和山羊等反刍家畜中发生或存在这种疫病。鉴于我国与欧盟国家之间的反刍动物活体、遗传物质(胚胎、精液等)、动物产品(肉、奶、毛、骨、蹄、角等)贸易频繁,对该疫病开展深入研究,进一步揭示其病原特性、流行病学特征及介绍其在欧洲流行与防控现状显得十分必要。  相似文献   

@@ 2013年2—3月,全球发生的重大动物疫病主要有禽流感、蓝耳病、古典猪瘟、新城疫、结节性皮肤病、牛布病和施马伦贝格病等。禽流感疫情继续保持高发态势。印尼、柬埔寨、印度、越南、缅甸、埃及、墨西哥发生高致病性禽流感疫情;德国、荷兰、意大利、澳大利亚发现H5、H7亚型低致病性禽流感病毒;柬埔寨、埃及新出现3人感染禽流感病毒死亡。全球发生的其他动物疫情还有,越南蓝耳病疫情复发,拉脱维亚继续发现野猪感染古典猪瘟,以色列继续发生新城疫,智利监测发现牛布病,巴勒斯坦首次发现结节性皮肤病,欧洲地区继续流行施马伦贝格病等。  相似文献   

Leptospirosis has been reemerging in both developed and developing countries including Europe, where, this phenomenon has notably been associated with urban transmission. However, the comprehensive data that are needed to fully understand the ongoing epidemiological trends are lacking. In this article, we report surveillance data from throughout Europe, especially in France, to have an overview of this neglected disease in temperate countries. Our results underline the important role of wild rodents as reservoir of leptospirosis, and highlight the potential danger of a reemergence of this under-reported infectious disease in European cities, associated with the important expansion of the rat population in urban areas.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) represents a severe form of generalized avian influenza which is characterized by a rapid and severe course of disease and a very high mortality. All poultry species are susceptible. Turkeys and chickens are most vulnerable. There are no pathognomonic symptoms or specific pathological alterations. The disease is caused by avian influenza virus strains of the subtypes H5 or H7. These viruses arise spontaneously from apathogenic progenitors by insertional mutation in the HA gene. Until recently, outbreaks of HPAI were rare events, however, they have been found to cause increasing losses over the past few years. Since 2003, a widespread occurrence of HPAI has been registered in southeast Asia, and some countries are endemically infected with HPAIV strain H5N1. In six countries this virus has also caused fatal human infections. This has sparked fears that this agent may be the progenitor of a new pandemic influenza virus. During summer 2005 the disease has slowly spread westward. Isolated outbreaks have been reported from Kazakhstan, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and Ukraine. Migratory birds have been tentatively accused for spreading the infection along their flyways.  相似文献   

口蹄疫感染性克隆疫苗的发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口蹄疫是一种严重威胁畜牧业发展的重要传染病 ,目前世界上许多国家和地区都有该病的流行与发生。开展新型口蹄疫疫苗的研究一直是口蹄疫防制技术的一项重要内容。鉴于传统疫苗所存在的诸多缺点 ,人们先后研制开发了口蹄疫的第二代基因工程苗和第三代基因疫苗 ,这些新型疫苗都具有一定的优越性 ,显示出进一步发展的潜力。文章着重讨论了在感染性 c DNA的基础上所构建的一类新型基因疫苗—感染性克隆疫苗及其发展前景。感染性克隆疫苗不仅继承了以往基因疫苗的许多优点 ,而且克服了其表达量低 ,免疫效果不理想的缺点 ,为新型疫苗的研制提供了一种新的思路  相似文献   

Encouraged by the success of the global smallpox eradication certified in 1980, the global poliomyelitis eradication program was launched in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to routine polio immunization included in the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI), two major activities were planned: mass polio vaccination campaigns and surveillance of all cases of acute flaccid paralysis. In 2000, the disease had been eliminated from most countries in the world. However, as of 2002, the community acceptance of vaccination was endangered in some countries by rumors about assumed adverse effects of oral polio vaccine. The rejection of polio immunization provided a worrying resurgence of polio in Northern Nigeria, followed by re-infection of 21 countries, whereas resurgence of the disease also was observed in Northern India. Supplementary vaccination activities were resumed, additional resources were mobilized and, in 2007, most re-infected countries became polio-free again. Today, polio remains endemic in only four countries. The goal of global polio eradication has now been set at 2010, but doubts have been expressed about the feasibility of its achievement.  相似文献   

Progress in the development of tuberculosis vaccines for cattle and wildlife   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Vaccination against bovine tuberculosis is likely to become an important disease control strategy in developing countries, which cannot afford a test and slaughter control programme, or in countries which have a wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis infection. In the past decade, considerable progress has been made in the development and evaluation of tuberculosis vaccines for cattle and for a range of wildlife maintenance hosts including possums, badgers, deer and African buffaloes. Experimental challenge systems have been established for the different target species and the resulting disease process has mimicked that seen in the field. In cattle, neonatal vaccination with BCG appeared to be more effective than vaccination of 6-month-old calves and in most situations no other vaccine has been shown to be better than BCG. However, prime-boost strategies involving combinations of BCG with a protein or DNA vaccine, to improve on BCG vaccination alone, have produced very encouraging results. Differential diagnostic tests have been developed using mycobacterial antigens that are only present in virulent M. bovis to differentiate between BCG-vaccinated and M. bovis-infected cattle. BCG vaccine has been shown to reduce the spread of tuberculous lesions in a range of wildlife species and a prototype oral bait delivery system has been developed. Prospects for the development of improved vaccines against bovine tuberculosis are promising and vaccination approaches could become very valuable in the control and eradication of bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E is a human disease mainly characterized by acute liver illness, which is caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV). Large hepatitis E outbreaks have been described in developing countries; however, the disease is also increasingly recognized in industrialized countries. Mortality rates up to 25% have been described for pregnant women during outbreaks in developing countries. In addition, chronic disease courses could be observed in immunocompromised transplant patients. Whereas the HEV genotypes 1 and 2 are mainly confined to humans, genotypes 3 and 4 are also found in animals and can be zoonotically transmitted to humans. Domestic pig and wild boar represent the most important reservoirs for these genotypes. A distinct subtype of genotype 3 has been repeatedly detected in rabbits and a few human patients. Recently, HEV genotype 7 has been identified in dromedary camels and in an immunocompromised transplant patient. The reservoir animals get infected with HEV without showing any clinical symptoms. Besides these well‐known animal reservoirs, HEV‐specific antibodies and/or the genome of HEV or HEV‐related viruses have also been detected in many other animal species, including primates, other mammals and birds. In particular, genotypes 3 and 4 infections are documented in many domestic, wildlife and zoo animal species. In most cases, the presence of HEV in these animals can be explained by spillover infections, but a risk of virus transmission through contact with humans cannot be excluded. This review gives a general overview on the transmission pathways of HEV to humans. It particularly focuses on reported serological and molecular evidence of infections in wild, domestic and zoo animals with HEV or HEV‐related viruses. The role of these animals for transmission of HEV to humans and other animals is discussed.  相似文献   

Streptococcus Suis: Past and Present   总被引:109,自引:0,他引:109  
Staats, J.J., Feder, I., Okwumabua, O. and Chengappa, M.M., 1997. Streptococcus suis: past and present. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (6), 381-407Steptococcus suis is a Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic coccus that has been implicated as the cause of a wide range of clinical disease syndromes in swine and other domestic animals. In swine, the disease has spread worldwide but is more prevalent in countries with intensive swine management practices. The disease syndromes caused by S. suis in swine include arthritis, meningitis, pneumonia, septicaemia, endocarditis, polyserositis, abortions and abscesses. S. suis has also been implicated in disease in humans, especially among abattoir workers and swine and pork handlers. In humans, S. suis type 2 can cause meningitis, which may result in permanent hearing loss, septicaemia, endocarditis and death. The pathogenic mechanism of S. suis is not well defined. Several virulence factors have been identified, but their roles in pathogenesis and disease have not been well elucidated. Much work is in progress on characterization of virulence factors and mechanisms, with emphasis on the control of the disease. Because of the non-availability of suitable immunoprophylaxis, control of S. suis infection has depended mainly on the use of antimicrobials.  相似文献   

Exotic Newcastle disease (END) is a virulent strain of avian paramyxovirus-1. This virus has devastated the poultry industry in many countries. As a result, strict international regulations are in place to control the movement of exotic birds, poultry, and poultry products to prevent the introduction of this disease into countries where it has been eradicated. When END is introduced to a naı̈ve, unvaccinated population of poultry, mortality may reach 100%. Signs in chickens will depend on the strain of END involved. However, this disease should be suspected in any outbreak of disease in poultry where there is high mortality and respiratory, gastrointestinal and/or central nervous system signs are observed. In the most recent END outbreak in the United States, many birds had edematous heads, cyanosis, and diphtheritic lesions of the trachea, oral cavity, and esophagus. Signs in companion birds are variable and often nonspecific. Practitioners, however, should suspect this disease in parrots, particularly Amazon parrots, if the sick bird is of questionable origin and over the course of the disease develops signs related to the central nervous system. Efforts to keep END out of the United States have been largely successful; however, on repeated occasions in the last 30 years, END has entered the United States through the illegal transport of fighting chickens and psittacine birds. In two cases, END has made it into commercial poultry operations, resulting in the slaughter of millions of birds and a significant economic impact to poultry and exotic bird producers. Education about this disease, strict biosecurity measures, and continued vigilance will be necessary to prevent future outbreaks of END.  相似文献   

Australia, a major exporter of meat, has met and continues to meet the import requirements of various countries. It is free of many epizootic and zoonotic diseases and is eradicating bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis. Frequently, individual country requirements have not been relevant to the animal and public health status in Australia. Such a situation is unscientific, wasteful and unnecessary, and may divert priorities away from areas of major public and animal health significance which should be the main concern of consumers both in Australia and overseas. In recent years the Inspection Service of the Department of Primary Industry has reviewed meat inspection procedures necessary to protect public and animal health in Australia and in countries importing Australian meat. Priorities include attention to national or regional occurrence of disease in Australia and to the use of scientific principles in inspection, including disease identification, concepts of pathogenesis and effectiveness in removal of diseased tissue from meat. Revised post-mortem procedures for cattle, pigs, sheep and goats more relevant to disease occurrence and consideration of public health are described. In particular, this involves a reduction in the number of lymph node incisions. Future directions for meat inspection in Australia are postulated. Concern is expressed that the requirements of some importing countries are fixed in their legislation and consequently might inhibit desirable developments. In this context it is important that scientifically sound national codes for meat inspection of the exporting country be accepted by importing countries as providing public and animal health safeguards.  相似文献   

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