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瘤胃臌气是反刍类家畜的常见病和多发病,中兽医又称为气胀、肚胀,是饲草料停滞瘤胃异常发酵,超过胃的正常容量,使瘤胃失去运动机能,而引起患畜嗳气受阻、腹胀作痛的一种疾病。通过对13例牛瘤胃臌气(其中原发性泡沫性2例、非泡沫性4例,继发性非泡沫性7例)发病原因分析及治疗方法的介绍,为治疗该病提供参考。  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃甲烷的产量对饲料的能量利用率以及全球的温室效应有重要影响,而日粮类型是影响瘤胃发酵和甲烷产量最重要的因素。本文综述了瘤胃甲烷产生的生化机制和影响因素,以及不同日粮类型对瘤胃发酵和甲烷产量的影响。  相似文献   

牛的瘤胃臌气病是由于过量采食易于发酵的饲料,在瘤胃微生物参与下过度发酵,产生大量气体,同时拌发反刍和暖气障碍,从而使瘤胃发生臌胀的一种常见病。近年来笔者试用自拟复方草果生姜散治疗牛瘤胃臌气多例,效果显著,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

牛瘤胃顽固性阻塞是一类由多种病因引起的瘤胃顽固性积食疾病,而误食塑料袋就是引发该病的病因之一。当被误食的塑料袋通过牛反刍咀嚼后变成塑料硬团,因未能通过瘤网胃口,而阻塞在瘤网口就会引发瘤胃发生顽固性阻塞。结合实际经验,对该病的防治方法进行介绍,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

山羊瘤胃积食诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>瘤胃积食即急性瘤胃扩张,俗称"宿草不转",亦称瘤胃阻塞。为羊最易发生的疾病,是由于过量的饲料滞留在瘤胃内引起的一种消化不良性疾病。本病以反刍、嗳气停止,瘤胃容积增大,胃壁受压及运动神经麻痹为特征。尤以舍饲情况下最为多见。山羊比绵羊多发,年老母羊较易发病。  相似文献   

羊属于反刍家畜,有4个胃,前胃驰缓是常见病之一。  相似文献   

牛瘤胃积食(又称瘤胃食滞)发病较快,采食反刍停止,病初不断嗳气,随后嗳气停止,左侧腹下轻度膨大,触摸硬实,通常排少量软粪或稀粪,严重者粪内有血液和黏液。病情严重时,病牛表现心跳、呼吸加快,脱水。治疗若不及时,可导致死亡。牛瘤胃积食是当前牛病发生率较高的一种常见病,对发展养牛业的危害性非常大。  相似文献   

瘤胃积食是牛常见的多发病之一,多因牛体羸瘦,脾胃虚弱,运化功能减退或饲养管理不当而发病。此外,前胃弛缓、瓣胃阻塞、真胃阻塞等亦能继发本病。笔者近几年来采用中西药结合治疗牛瘤胃积食98例,治愈95例,治愈率达96.9%,取得了满意的效果,现报告如下。1临床症状初期患牛精神沉郁,食欲减退,反刍减少,嗳气酸臭,空口咀嚼,低头弓背,回头顾腹,左肷膨大,按压瘤胃,留有压痕,排少量稀软粪便。随病情的发展病牛食欲废绝,反刍停止,瘤胃蠕动音减弱,次数减少,鼻镜干燥,眼球凹陷,结膜发绀,站立时四肢开张,后肢踢腹,起卧不安,痛苦呻吟,触压瘤胃,疼痛不安,…  相似文献   

<正>牛前胃弛缓是前胃的兴奋性降低,收缩力减弱,消化紊乱的疾病。中医称为脾胃虚弱。主要临床症状:前期食欲减弱,反刍减少,瘤胃蠕动音减弱,轻度瘤胃膨胀。后期食欲废绝,反刍停止,嗳臭气,粪便坚硬色暗,被覆粘液呈球状,体温下降,磨牙,粘膜发  相似文献   

青蒿提取物和大黄对山羊瘤胃发酵和甲烷产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用体重相近的4只南江黄羊,安装永久瘤胃瘘管,运用体外培养的方法研究添加青蒿提取物和大黄对山羊瘤胃发酵和甲烷产量的影响。试验采用2×3+2试验设计,设负对照组(未添加组)和正对照组(添加15mg/kg莫能菌素组),试验组分别添加青蒿提取物(分别为2.5、5、10g/kg)和大黄(分别为10、40、70g/kg)。结果显示:与负对照组相比,除10g/kg和40g/kg的大黄组在12h未对甲烷产量的影响达到显著外,其余各组均降低了发酵气体中甲烷的含量(p<0.01);与负对照组相比,各种添加剂都减少了原虫的数量;除2.5g/kg青蒿提取物外,各组均增加了发酵12h后TVFA的浓度,但对各种VFAs所占比例的影响却不尽相同,并且对pH值影响不显著;添加5g/kg青蒿提取物(p<0.05)和70g/kg大黄(p<0.01)可以减小乙酸丙酸比。结果表明:添加5g/kg青蒿提取物和70g/kg大黄可以替代15mg/kg莫能菌素来降低瘤胃发酵过程中甲烷的产量,改善瘤胃发酵的绿色添加剂。  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion (AD) of sulfate-rich brackish aquaculture sludge (BAS) is an effective method to reduce negative environmental impact and produce biogas. However, the mechanisms of electron-acceptor utilization during AD of BAS, and the effects of elevated sulfate, nitrate and nitrite levels on biogas production, have never been investigated. The current study is the first to demonstrate the mechanisms of electron-acceptor utilization in BAS under methanogenic conditions. Nitrate, nitrite and iron were almost completely depleted during the first day of AD, and methane production began only when these electron acceptors were removed. In contrast, sulfate reduction also started immediately, but took 15–28 d, dependent on the treatment, and largely coincided with methane production. The volume of produced biogas, the lag phase for methane production and methane content in the biogas were affected by the inhibition of sulfate reduction and by the increase in nitrate and nitrite concentrations. However, the average methane-production rates in all treatments were similar. Our data suggest that methanogenesis in BAS under naturally high sulfate levels results in the highest possible methane-producing capability of the system; no additional manipulations are required to further increase methane production, suggesting the robustness of AD of BAS under the currently reported conditions.  相似文献   

This paper compares the quantity and quality of solid waste obtained from traditional ponds and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for striped catfish and evaluates methane and compost production from these wastes. Striped catfish sludge was collected from four commercial ponds along the Mekong river and from three indoor RAS. The amount of sludge dry matter produced per kilogram of fish in ponds was 6 times higher than that in RAS. However, the concentration of nutrients in solid waste from RAS was much higher, with better compost quality and higher methane yield than that of sludge from ponds. Out of the collected 381 L biogas, the methane yield of striped catfish’s solid waste in RAS systems was 201 L per kg chemical oxygen demand (COD). In ponds, the collected 267 L biogas yielded 125 L CH4 per kg COD. The higher methane production from RAS sludge concurred with higher digestibility of COD: 58% for RAS versus 38% for ponds. The quality and quantity of methane from striped catfish sludge were lower than that for other animal manures, and the resulting electricity yield was low. Considering the higher nutrient concentration in RAS-sludge, we recommend the combination RAS and composting in reusing sludge, which is presently the best option for a more sustainable and cleaner striped catfish production system.  相似文献   

The mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion (AcD) performances of waste activated sludge (WAS) and aquaculture sludge (AS) were studied. Mixtures of different compositions (0, 30, 50, 70 and 100 % of AS on the volume basis) were used as AcD substrates and tested via biochemical methane potential assay. The results showed that CH4 production increased with AS/WAS ratio increment, and AS alone used as the substrate showed the maximum CH4 yield, which was 8% higher than that achieved using WAS alone as the substrate. The CH4 yield values were well fitted with the modified Gompertz model. The maximum methane potential (P0) and maximum methane production rate (R0) increased from 66.8 mL CH4/g VSfed to 70.9 mL CH4/g VSfed and from 4.40 mL CH4/g VSfed·d to 5.59 mL CH4/g VSfed·d, respectively, as the AS/WAS ratio increased from 0% to 100 %. In addition, lower levels of free ammonia and non-biodegradable organic matter contributed to the CH4 production increasing with AS/WAS ratio increased.  相似文献   

The US Midwest region has saline water resources that include saline aquifers, saline springs, water from oil extraction, effluents from coal beneficiation, water produced from coal‐bed methane production, and other industrial effluents. There is considerable quantity of saline water in the Midwest to support a saltwater aquaculture industry. Striped bass, Morone saxatilis, is a saline fish species that has attracted interest in the Midwest region for aquaculture production. The study used willingness‐to‐pay information from consumers to assess the potential market for striped bass grown in the Midwest. The results suggest that males and consumers of age 29 yr and younger are more likely to pay higher amounts for striped bass. In particular, consumers who prefer farmed and fresh seafood, those who purchase seafood frequently for home consumption, and those who consume seafood 26–50% of the time when eating out have a higher probability of paying higher amounts for striped bass grown in the Midwest.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is a way to utilize the potential energy contained in solid waste produced in recirculating aquaculture systems (RASs), either by providing acidogenic products for driving heterotrophic denitrification on site or by directly producing combustive methane. In this study the biochemical acidogenic potential of solid waste from juvenile rainbow trout was evaluated by measuring the yield of volatile fatty acids (VFA) during anaerobic digestion by batch or fed-batch reactor operation at hydrolysis time (HT)/hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1, 5, or 10 days (and for batch additional 14 and 20 days) in continuously stirred tank reactors. Generally, the VFA yield increased with time and no effect of the reactor type used was found within the time frame of the experiment. At 10 days HT or 10 days HRT the VFA yield reached 222.3 ± 30.5 and 203.4 ± 11.2 mg VFA g−1 TVS0 (total volatile solids at day 0) in batch and fed-batch reactor, respectively. For the fed-batch reactor, increasing HRT from 5 to 10 days gained no significant additional VFA yield. Prolonging the batch reactor experiment to 20 days increased VFA production further (273.9 ± 1.6 mg VFA g−1 TVS0, n = 2). After 10 days HT/HRT, 16.8–23.5% of total Kjeldahl N was found as TAN and 44.3–53.0% of total P was found as ortho-phosphate. A significant difference between reactor types was detected for the phosphorous dissolution at 5 days HT/HRT as a relatively steep increase (of a factor 2–3) in ortho-P content occurred in fed-batch reactors but similar steep increase was only notable after 10 days HT for batch reactors. No differences between reactor types at the other HT/HRT were recorded for P as well as (for all HT/HRT for) N. Based on this study a HRT of approximately 5 days would be recommended for the design of an acidogenic continuously stirred reactor tank in a RAS single-sludge denitrification set-up. The biochemical methane potential of the sludge was estimated to 318 ± 29 g CH4 g−1 TVS0 by a batch assay and represented a higher utility of the solid waste when comparing the methane yield with the VFA yield (in COD units). This points toward a technological challenge of ultimately increase the acidogenic output to match the methane yield as both products are formed from the same source.  相似文献   

揭示温度升高对浅水湖泊中溶存甲烷(CH4)浓度的影响,可为全球碳评估提供重要的理论支撑,为更好地应对气候变化对浅水湖泊碳排放的影响提供数据支持。采集梁子湖表层沉积物和湖水,并置于塑料水缸(沉积物厚度为10 cm,注入深度为1 m的湖水),设置比周围环境温度升高3.5℃的升温组(W)和不进行温度设置的控制组(C),每组6个平行,2022年1月完成系统设置后放置两个月后开始采样,分别在春季(3、4月)和夏季(7、8月)进行,计算甲烷浓度,同时测量水温(T)、pH、电导率(EC)、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、正磷(PO43-)、氨态氮(NH4+)、硝态氮(NO3-)和亚硝氮(NO2-)、Chl-a、溶解性有机碳(DOC)等参数,并分析甲烷浓度和环境因子的相关关系。结果显示,W组的甲烷浓度与C组之间差异不显著,W组的甲烷浓度总体上低于C组;夏季甲烷的浓度显著高于春季,说明温度是影响甲烷排放的重要因素;Spearman相关性分析和逐步回归分析表明甲烷浓度主要与水温、营养盐含量(TP、PO43-、DOC)、pH、DO和电导率(EC)有关,其中,季节性温度变化是影响水体溶存甲烷浓度的最主要环境因子。  相似文献   

An experimental small scale partial recirculating system for rainbow trout was assembled. The system components were two 1.3-m3 fish tanks with sloping bottoms, each connected to a sedimentation column and containing 50 kg rainbow trout biomass, an anaerobic up-flow digester (total volume 0.424 m3, available volume 0.382 m3) connected to the funnel shaped bottom of the sedimentation column by means of a peristaltic pump, an aerobic submerged plug-flow filter (total volume 1 m3; filled with 0.83 m3 plastic rings with a specific surface of 194 m2·m−3) and a submerged pump. Aeration was provided through porous stones. The anaerobic digester was filled with 35 mm cubes of expanded polyurethane foam (25 pores·cm−2, specific surface 1.375 m2·m−3, filtering volume 0.291 m3) and kept at a temperature of 24–25 °C using an electric heater. The gas chamber at the top of the anaerobic digester was connected to a gas meter and to an infrared continuous gas analyser. Measures on system performance with a recirculation rate of 60 % were done following three feeding levels (1, 1.5 and 2 % live weight). At the highest feeding rate, 2.8 L of faecal sludge collected from the trout tanks were pumped every four hours in the anaerobic digester. Slurry characteristic were: total N 0.197 g·L−1, TAN 0.014 g·L−1, volatile solids (VS) 16.91 g·L−1, suspended solids (SS) 21.39 g·L−1 and pH 6.9. Biogas production was 144 L·d−1 (mean value) with a methane content higher than 80 %. Methane volumetric production was 0.3 m3·m−3·d−1 and methane daily yield was 0.4 and 0.32 m3·kg−1 VS and SS respectively. After passing through the anaerobic digester, effluents were characterized by a total N content of 0.243 g·L−1, TAN 0.222 g·L−1, VS 1.1 g·L−1, SS 1.32 g·L−1 and pH 6.8. The anaerobic digester was able to significantly reduce VS and SS content of wastewater and the zeolite ion-exchange column significantly improved water quality of effluent produced by the digester. The aerobic biofilter significantly reduced the ammonia content of the water leaving the fish tanks.  相似文献   

张福寿 《福建水产》2012,34(3):173-176
渔业安全生产事关渔民群众根本利益,事关社会发展稳定大局。近年来,福建省始终坚持以人为本,把渔业安全生产作为加强和创新社会管理的主要内容抓紧抓好,渔业安全生产形势持续稳定好转。但渔业安全生产必须警钟长鸣,常抓不懈。本文在构建渔业安全生产长效机制方面作了深入的探讨,对各地落实渔业安全生产工作具有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   


This study was conducted to evaluate the biochemical and nutritional characteristics of naturally occurring estuarine macroalgae in the Patos Lagoon (Rio Grande, Brazil). The study of these macroalgae, dominated by Ulva and Cladophora species, contributes to current research on the potential utilization of green tide-forming algae. Although high levels of carotenoids (378 ± 0.02 µg g?1) and antioxidant activity (75.0% for DPPH) were found in the naturally occurring macroalgae, these macroalgae cannot be used in the food industry due to the presence of toxic levels of arsenic (exceeding the thresholds of both French and Brazilian legislation for food). Regarding the potential of the studied macroalgae as a biofuel source, the low lipid and very high carbohydrate contents suggest a possible use in the fermentation of ethanol, butanol, or methane.  相似文献   

粮食安全是国家经济发展和社会稳定的基础,粮食综合生产能力直接关系到一个国家或地区的粮食安全。本文根据1990~2009年江西省粮食生产相关数据,利用灰色关联度相关理论对江西省粮食综合生产能力影响因素进行分析,并根据分析结果提出了提高江西省粮食综合生产能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

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