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In 1932 CANNON described the physiological wisdom of the body. This cannot exist without morphological wisdom. Since morphology is a formative process, both kinds of wisdom depend on the same formative forces. These forces are the forces of consciousness at all levels. Their existence is proved by the fact that they can be eliminated by narcosis. The wisdom of these forces is twofold: Firstly, the wisdom of need sensation which lasts only until the need is satisfied. This is the conscious intelligence of the body which is responsible for restraint in all living beings. Secondly, the wisdom, or better, the prudence of need satisfaction which requires knowledge and appropriate tools. The organs of the body are these tools. Knowledge belongs to the intellect which knows how to handle material. This is achieved in all prehuman species subconsciously and is demonstrated in all structures built by cells and animals. Only the human mind can be unwise and imprudent; but man, being free, is also able to be wise and prudent and so prevent the extinction of the earthly creation.  相似文献   

All living organisms have a consciousness, not only humans. To seek to find humans’ consciousness in animals is to seek wrongly. The question must be:‘To what extent are prehuman and human consciousness comparable?’ Animals have an instinctive sensational consciousness with a partial learning consciousness. It is a purely self-sustaining consciousness. In addition, humans have a spiritual-thinking consciousness, which is predominantly a learning consciousness and is not a pure self-sustaining consciousness. Since human consciousness arose from animals’ consciousness, that behaviour in animals which is similar to the thought process in human beings can only be based on sensations. Sensations of pain and fear are not very different in man and animal, because they also belong to the sensation consciousness in humans, but humans have the additional advantage of being able to think about them and to understand their cause and meaning. That is not possible in animals, therefore, animals have to be anaesthetized to protect them from pain. Seiferle recognized this clearly, and my consciousness theory reinforces Seiferle's view, i.e. that consciousness is the central force of the soul. Its afferent forces are perception and sensation; its efferent forces are will, feeling, and deed.  相似文献   

Fossil evidence indicates an association between human beings and animals dating back at least half a million years. Today, this relationship remains strong, as evidenced by millions of visits to zoos annually, high rates of pet ownership, and the economic prosperity of the pet industry. A review of the literature indicates that human-animal interactions can remarkably enhance human physical health and psychological well-being. Yet despite reported benefits and public enthusiasm for animal-related activities, human affiliation with animals and nature is rapidly on the decline largely owing to a shift toward industrialized city living. Future research should not only continue to examine the mental and physical health implications of companion animal ownership, but also the ways to most successfully incorporate them into modern lifestyles and communities.  相似文献   

The subject is introduced by a brief historical resumé and account of campylobacter enterocolitis in man. Published figures on the prevalence of campylobacters in normal dogs and cats show a wide range. It is highest (49% dogs, 45% cats) in immature animals, particularly strays or those living in kennels, and lowest (<1.6% dogs and cats) in adult animals living in households. Several studies have shown no significant difference between the prevalence in normal animals and those suffering from diarrhoea, but two surveys did show such a difference. It seems that while most animals are unaffected by infection with campylobacters, a few suffer an illness like that seen in man. Longitudinal studies to determine incidence — as opposed to prevalence — of infection are required. A small proportion of human infections are acquired from dogs. These are usually puppies that are themselves suffering from diarrhoea. Only four infections associated with cats (all kittens with diarrhoea) have been reported. Contact is invariably close and the victims are often small children. The application of simple hygienic measures should prevent such infections.  相似文献   

以审美为立足点,结合体育运动物质因素及其发生的现象特点,探求其审美性质——丰富感性,多重律动,游戏性,超越性等,试以揭示体育运动的审美价值,阐述其美学意义,说明其与人类生命状态和人生价值的关系,从而加深对体育运动的认识和理解,促进其发展。  相似文献   

饲料添加剂残留的生态危害与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵青  胡玉敏 《家畜生态》2004,25(4):207-210
饲料添加剂残留进入生态环境,对环境土壤、土壤生物、水体、水生生物及动植物均造成不良影响,可造成对环境的直接危害;其本身由于环境影响发生转移、转化或在植物、动物体内富集,在食物链中传递,输入人或动物体内,并通过食物链对环境产生间接危害。为了降低饲料添加剂的生态危害,应用新型饲料添加剂替代常用的饲料添加剂是一条积极可行的途径。  相似文献   

The implications of cognitive processes for animal welfare.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In general, codes that have been designed to safeguard the welfare of animals emphasize the importance of providing an environment that will ensure good health and a normal physiological and physical state, that is, they emphasize the animals' physical needs. If mental needs are mentioned, they are always relegated to secondary importance. The argument is put forward here that animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned. In general, if these cognitive needs are met, they will protect the animals' physical needs. It is contended that in the few cases in which they do not safeguard the physical needs, it does not matter from a welfare point of view. The human example is given of being ill. It is argued that welfare is only adversely affected when a person feels ill, knows that he or she is ill, or even thinks that he or she is ill, all of which processes are cognitive ones. The implications for welfare of animals possessing certain cognitive abilities are discussed. For example, the extent to which animals are aware of their internal state while performing behavior known to be indicative of so-called states of suffering, such as fear, frustration, and pain, will determine how much they are actually suffering. With careful experimentation it may be possible to determine how negative they feel these states to be. Similarly, the extent to which animals think about items or events absent from their immediate environment will determine how frustrated they are in the absence of the real item or event but in the presence of the cognitive representation.  相似文献   

People have obligations to ensure the welfare of animals under their care. Offences under the UK Animal Welfare Act are acts, or failures of action, causing unnecessary suffering. Veterinary professionals need to be able to provide current, scientifically based prophylactic advice, and respect the limits of their expertise. The ethical concept of a life worth living and the Five Freedoms are core to welfare. Behaviour is a central component, both influencing and influenced by physical health. Owners frequently misunderstand the behaviour of small prey mammals and how to meet their needs. This review provides insight into the physical‐social (external) and the cognitive‐emotional (internal) environments of small prey mammals, contextualised within an evolutionary perspective. This is extrapolated to captivity and practical suggestions given for meeting behavioural freedoms and enhancing client understanding and enjoyment of their animals, thereby improving welfare.  相似文献   

The use of conventional battery cages for hens will be prohibited in Germany in 2007. Only few studies, however, have considered the differences between battery cages and alternative systems with regard to infectious diseases. The existing gaps in the current knowledge need to be closed by research and measures must be developed that will prevent the spread of viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections in alternative poultry housing systems.With regard to virus infections, avian influenza requires particular attention. Since wild birds, particularly anseriformes, represent a reservoir for avian influenza viruses, free-ranging poultry is much more at risk of infection than birds in closed hen-houses. Appropriate measures must prevent direct contact with wild birds and transmission via contaminated water, feed, or equipment. Several bacterial infections of poultry represent zoonoses. Salmonella and Campylobacter are considered as particularly important. To avoid a potential increase in the risk of infection for consumers due to poultry keeping systems that might favour infections with bacterial zoonotic agents, there is a special need for research in this area. With regard to parasitic infections, coccidioses may cause problems in alternative poultry housing systems, and lead to considerable economic consequences. The epidemiological situation concerning infections with Histomonas meleagridis needs to be analysed. Since all compounds that had been used for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes in the past have been banned, there is a need to develop new drugs which are safe for animals and humans.  相似文献   

Animals need sufficient space to ensure physical health and to permit the performance of important behaviors. The effects of spatial restriction will increase with duration of confinement. In addition, diurnal rhythms are relevant. Animals may often require only sufficient space to rest comfortably but, at certain periods, additional space will be required for the performance of comfort, foraging, social or exploratory behavior. The spatial needs of unassuming animals such as chickens and rodents have been assessed using many approaches. First, animals can be housed at relevant allowances and a broad range of measures of health, behavior, physiological status and immune function taken to assess overall welfare. Second, the behavior of animals can be observed after spatial restriction is removed. A significant rebound in behavior performance would indicate that this behavior was being prevented by confinement. Third, the strength of animals' choices for additional space can be examined. Evidence from all three approaches showed that the extreme spatial confinement experienced by laying hens in conventional battery cages resulted in poor welfare, helping to secure a phase-out of conventional cages in Europe by 2012. It has been more difficult to establish optimum space allowances for species kept under less extreme restriction, such as laboratory mice and rats. No consistent effects on welfare were found when inbred and outbred mice were housed at 60, 100 or 167 cm2/mouse. In contrast, sleep disruption was increased when young rats housed were housed at higher stocking densities. Finally, assessment of optimum spatial allowance (stocking density) for animals housed in large groups, is complicated by complex interactions between enclosure size and group number.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammatory liver disease regardless of aetiology leads to failing regeneration and fibrosis, ending in cirrhosis. Both in man and in animals this worldwide health problem has no definitive cure. Chronic liver injury causes hepatic stellate cells to proliferate and differentiate into matrix-producing cells. New therapeutic options will be developed upon detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving liver fibrosis. This may lead to new anti-fibrotic therapies which need to be tested in suitable models before application in the veterinary and human clinic. On the other side, to restore the failing regenerative capacity of the diseased liver cells, adult progenitor cells are of interest, as an alternative to whole organ transplantation. In order to find the most suitable large animal model it is important to recognise that the typical histopathological reaction pattern of the liver can differ between mammalian species. It is therefore imperative that specialists in veterinary internal medicine and pathology, being familiar with the diseases and pathologies of the liver in different animal species, are teaming-up in finding the best models for veterinary and human liver diseases. Several large animal models have been mentioned, like pigs, sheep, and dogs. Based on the observations that man and dog share the same hepatopathies and have identical clinical, pathological and pathogenetic reaction patterns during the development of liver disease, the dog seems to be a properly suited species to test new therapeutic strategies for pets and their best friends.  相似文献   

To many veterinarians, it may seem that university did not equip or prepare them adequately to deal with exotic animals. In fact, the opposite is true--graduate veterinarians have been trained as problem-solvers and doers. By applying the knowledge and skills learned at University, most veterinarians are more than capable of providing quality medical services to exotic pet owners. Veterinarians wishing to take this further need to accept that they have some learning to do and experience to gain. Those with a true love and affinity for exotic animals will be able to develop their skills and achieve proficiency and competency in one of the most exciting and fast-growing fields of veterinary medicine today.  相似文献   

This brief review is concerned with the main aspects of our knowledge of a deficiency of the trace element selenium in man and animals. After an introduction about the history of the discovery of selenium as an essential trace element in man and animals a short definition of the term "essential" is given. The following chapters are concerned with the etiology of selenium deficiency, the measurement of selenium status and the biological functions of selenium in mammals. Finally selenium deficiency diseases in man and animals will be discussed.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that nutrient deficiencies and excesses can influence immune responses. Despite advances in the development of therapeutic agents, a competent immune system is crucial for prevention and resolution of disease. Leukocytes are some of the most metabolically active cells in animals. We know that growing animals require nutrients to sustain growth and reach their full potential, whether that is size, strength, speed, or agility. We do not expect kittens to grow or greyhounds to run without provision of adequate nutrients. To expect the immune system to function in the face of nutrient deficiency neglects our knowledge of the physiological needs of metabolically active tissues. Immune responses may be modified through dietary manipulations. However, the clinician must answer the question "to what end or consequence will the response be changed?" No "golden" nutrient ensures an appropriate immune response in all conditions, just as no "golden" drug heals all diseases. Our knowledge of nutrient-immune system interactions is increasing. Yet, for all of the current knowledge of nutrient effects on immunity, the words of Dr R.K. Chandra hold sterling advice, "Moderation is a good dictum in biology and medicine, and it applies equally to nutritional immunology."  相似文献   

21世纪土壤科学的主要任务及挑战   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
结合已有的相关工作,对21世纪土壤科学面临的主要任务及挑战进行了论述,同时对有关的问题阐述了见解.重点从生态环境与生物学角度阐述土壤学与生物学、分子生物学的交叉与融合,将是土壤科学发展的必然趋势.分子生物学是生命科学中发展最为迅速的分支学科,必将影响土壤学发展的趋势.自然科学、社会科学与人文科学在生态科学领域中走向了融合与交叉.分子生物学的理论与技术正全面地渗透到生态科学中,将出现分子生态学的长足进展,即在基因表达与调控水平上探讨群体及生态系统的功能机制,并进一步利用生物技术手段,有目的地改良环境,从而使人类有一个可以持续健康发展的协调生存空间.土壤学面临了多种挑战与机遇,除了在微观与宏观2个层次上继续拓展外,更加注重尺度转换与实践应用问题以及同其他学科的交叉,尤其生物学,这也正是推动土壤科学发展的动力所在.无疑,生物因素将是多学科交叉与融合的生长点,是解决目前人类面临重大难题的根本性措施的源泉.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular disorders in small animals include a diverse group of congenital and acquired diseases. The prognosis will vary according to the disorder and the portion of the motor unit affected. A number of diseases might be satisfactorily treated (for example, myasthenia gravis, congenital myotonia), whereas others may be self-limiting (for example, hereditary myopathy of Labrador Retrievers). Accurate diagnosis is necessary for establishing a prognosis and treatment plan suitable to the patient and client. Specific diagnosis in the absence of specialized tests is difficult, although not always impossible (for example, congenital myotonia in the Chow Chow). A knowledge of the neuromuscular diseases that might affect small animals, a detailed history, and a thorough physical examination will help in the presumptive diagnosis. Specialized laboratory examinations may need to be applied (for example, antiacetylcholine receptor antibody titer for acquired myasthenia gravis). Referral may be necessary for more detailed diagnostic workup (for example, electromyographic examination, nerve or muscle biopsy examination). In the case of inherited neuromuscular disorders, a knowledge of inheritance patterns will allow genetic counseling to avoid future problem breedings.  相似文献   

自古以来,家养动物是我国农牧民重要的经济来源,也是满足人民的营养以及生活各方面需求的重要生物。代谢组学是根据生物体内所有代谢物进行定量分析,并寻找代谢物与生理病理变化的相对关系的研究方式的重要技术手段,可能会为家养动物的科学饲养,疾病治疗提供帮助。本文阐述了家养动物(牛羊猪鸡等)关于代谢组学研究的最新进展,为今后科研人员对代谢组学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Huge amounts of work have been dedicated to the establishment of embryonic stem cell lines from farm animal species since the successful isolation of embryonic stem cells from the mouse and from the human. However, no conclusive results have been obtained so far, and validated lines have yet to be established in domestic animals. Many limiting factors have been suggested and need to be studied further to isolate truly pluripotent cell lines from livestock. In this review, we will discuss the difficulties in deriving and maintaining embryonic stem cell lines from farm animal embryos and how can this lack of success be explained. We will summarize results obtained in our laboratory regarding derivation of pluripotent cells in the pigs. Problems related to the identification of standard methods for derivation, maintenance and characterization of cell lines will also be examined. We will focus our attention on the need for appropriate stemness-related marker molecules that can be used to reliably investigate pluripotency in domestic species. Finally, we will review data presently available on functional key pluripotency-maintaining pathways in farm animals.  相似文献   

Carriers of foot-and-mouth disease virus: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This review describes current knowledge about persistent foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infections, the available methods to detect carrier animals, the properties of persisting virus, the immunological mechanisms, and the risk of transmission. In particular, knowledge about the carrier state, the period in which virus can be isolated from animals 28 days or longer post infection, is important, because the risk that animals may carry the virus will influence the diagnostic and preventive measures that need to be taken. Although many years of research have led to much knowledge about foot-and mouth disease and its causative agent, there are still numerous aspects of the virus and the disease that are not yet fully understood. Areas for further research on persistence of FMDV are discussed.  相似文献   

A.K. Pascalev   《Livestock Science》2006,103(3):208-220
The paper discusses central moral issues raised by the applications of advanced biotechnology to animal agriculture and introduces the major ethical concepts and principles of animal bioethics. It is argued that biotechnology enables human beings to transform animals according to human needs, which blurs the boundary between humans and non-human animals in moral and biological sense. The more humans change animals, the more responsible humans are for the welfare of the animals and the greater their moral obligations. The paper introduces the main ethical approaches to animal welfare, traces the philosophical roots of animal ethics in the Judeo-Christian tradition and discusses the views of classical and contemporary ethicists such as Kant, Bentham, Mill, Peter Singer and Tom Regan. The paper explores the concept of animal welfare, suffering and rights, and the values behind Animal Liberation. Special attention is given to the animal welfare issues posed by cloning, genetic engineering and patenting of living organism. For each technology, actual or potential risks to animal welfare are identified and their moral implications are outlined. It is noted that the traditional moral principles of animal welfare, animal interests and animal rights are inadequate as means for evaluating the morality of certain advanced technologies because the technologies can change the animals in profound ways that make animal awareness too limited to give rise to claims about welfare, interests or rights. The principle of animal integrity is endorsed as an alternative better suited for evaluating the morality of advanced biotechnology.  相似文献   

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