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浅谈闽东茶叶税收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶业经济是闽东国民经济的重要组成部分,茶叶税收是闽东地方财税的重要来源.2000年闽东茶叶税费达8500万元,如何应用好税收杠杆,调控和促进这一涉及千家万户的经济产业的持续发展,是各级政府所关心的问题.本文叙述了茶叶税收的演变与发展,分析闽东茶叶税现状,提出了税收征管的办法与建议. 一、茶叶税收的历史演变 我国税制始于唐代中后期《旧唐书·德宗本纪》载:建中三年(782年)判度支赵赞上言……“竹木、茶、漆皆,十税其一,以充常平之本”,这是我国历史上最早形成的茶税和茶叶税率.茶税确立后,每年为朝廷提供…  相似文献   

郑廼辉 《福建茶叶》2014,36(6):47-49
闽东依山傍水,长期以来经济欠发达地区的生态优势逐渐显现.茶叶是闽东的一大特产,随着国家对农业的重视,这一富民产业的重视而普遍受到更多的关注.茶叶生产区基本上都分布在生态环境良好的丘陵山区.青山绿水,靓丽田园,非常适合当前国内外普遍看好的休闲农业旅游业的发展.闽东应发挥茶产业与山水生态优势,写好茶休闲旅游的这篇文章.  相似文献   

秦威 《福建茶叶》2000,(2):46-47
一福安论茶 福安市是福建省重点茶区之一,产茶历史源远流长,可追溯至晋隋两朝时期,目前福安有1.66万公顷茶园,每年产出茶叶1.27万吨,产值2.5亿元,位居全省前列.作为闽东人文重镇,福安的茶叶经济早已融入大众生活,形成富有地方特色的民风与茶俗,近十多年来,福安市在发展茶叶生产的同时,注重开展地区性茶文化内容的挖掘,研究与交流,于1991-1992年连续举办二届中国闽东福安茶文化交流会.  相似文献   

闽东地处福建省东北部 ,早在新石器时期 ,就有古越人在此劳动生息。自晋至唐的六百多年时间 ,闽东先民靠海上交通方便的地理条件 ,引进茶叶生产技术 ,开山种茶 ,制茶饮茶 ,发展茶叶生产 ,成为唐代福州地区茶叶主要产区。但是闽东悠久的产茶历史 ,史书文字记载少 ,尤其是晋、南朝时期有关茶叶史料未见到闽东文字 ,因而闽东茶叶史源被遗忘。部分专家、学者推论闽东于唐代开始种茶。笔者根据温麻县治址出土茶具及查闽有关史料 ,认为闽东产茶、饮茶源于唐前二百年的东晋时期。由于笔者茶史知识浅簿 ,此种见解妥否 ,提出供茶叶界、史学界商榷。晋…  相似文献   

茶叶是闽东主要经济作物,已成为振兴山区农村经济支柱产业和农民脱贫致富奔小康的重要途径,在市场经济条件下,要使闽东茶叶参与激烈的市场竞争中能立于不败之地,就必须加大科技推广力量,加速科技成果转化为现实生产力,提高科技含量。只有建立高效率转化的科技推广体系,建设一支高素质的科技队伍,才能实现茶叶生产目标和实现科技兴茶。本文就闽东茶叶科技队伍现状及建设作一浅述,旨在抛砖引玉。一、闽东茶叶科技队伍现状闽东是福建省茶叶生产区之一,现有茶园面积69.37万亩,年产毛茶4.引万吨,产值6.3亿元,创税8500多万元,茶…  相似文献   

茶叶是闽东的大宗经济作物和传统出口、内销的重要物资,也是闽东食品工业的重要支柱和财政收入的主要财源。因此,茶 叶的兴衰对闽东经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。改革开放的十年,全区共产茶10.97万吨,总产值达4.76亿元,向国家缴纳税金1.6亿元,分别比改革前的十年增长0.75倍、  相似文献   

闽东既是革命老区又是贫困地区,茶叶生产是闽东地区的重要经济支柱产业之一,为适应闽东茶区茶产业结构调整的发展需要,以及应对加入世贸后茶业的发展要求,在老同志茅苓(原省外贸公司经理)及有关企业的关怀、支持与帮助下,省茶叶研究所于月日主持举办了闽东老区茶叶技术415-25"培训班。培训班由所内一批具有多年茶叶工作经"验的高、中级技术职称科研人员担任主讲与实习指导,培训班学员大多来自革命老区贫困县市茶叶生产第一线的科技人员及茶农,培训内容有以下几个方面:、加入世贸后茶业应对策略与措施。、适12合于我省茶区推广应用…  相似文献   

宁德地区,是福建省茶业重点产区之一。全区辖于德、福鼎、福安3个市、寿宁等6个县,123个乡镇。县(市)、乡(镇)均产茶。1995年全区茶园面积达70万亩,其中可采56万亩,产茶3.35万吨,总产值8.7亿元,全社会茶叶经济效益总量达10.5亿元,年提供国家税金5000多万元。茶叶对闽东经济、社会发展与稳定起着积极作用。如何使闽东茶叶实现两个根本性转变。为此,我们深入调查研究,寻找闽东茶叶发展出路,望能为21世纪福建茶业发展起到积极作用。一、闽东茶叶历史地位和作用(一)建国后的茶叶历史回顾建国后,闽东茶叶发展的历史可分为五…  相似文献   

闽东是福建省最大的绿茶主产区,全市茶园面积、产量、产值均占全省总量的三分之一以上.为了适应国内外茶叶消费市场多元化发展趋势,近年来闽东茶区及时有效地调整茶类结构,大力发展乌龙茶生产,增加花色品种,逐步形成多茶类发展新格局,闽东乌龙茶生产现已初具规模、初显成效.  相似文献   

柘荣县地处闽东高寒山区,产茶历史悠久,所产茶叶具有香高、味浓、耐冲泡而著称。茶叶是柘荣县的传统产业,现已成为当地农民和财政收入的重要来源。随着名优特茶、无公害茶叶的兴起,柘荣茶叶结构也在积极调高、调优。其中“双芽”牌仙岩雪峰茶、白毛猴茶两产品已获得中国绿色食品标志使用权,同时,仙岩雪峰茶在第三届“中茶杯”全国名优茶评比中荣获一等奖。但随着市场经济不断地发展,同时面对WTO的挑战,柘荣茶叶粗放型格局,低附加值、低科技含量的茶叶产品很难适应市场的需求,严重影响柘荣茶叶产业的进一步发展。如何将资源优势转化为产业优势,使传统产业焕发新生机已摆在我们的面前。  相似文献   

针对豫北地区的大豆生产现状,从气候、土壤、品种、生态因素及市场需求等方面提出了优质大豆的发展策略与途径。  相似文献   

In the western Sahel, indigenous plants become important staples when cereal harvests are inadequate to support populations inhabiting that region of Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutrient content of several of these edible wild plants. The leaves of the following seven plant foods were analyzed: Ziziphus mauritiana, Cerathotheca sesamoides, Moringa oleifera, Leptadenia hastata, Hibiscus sabdarifa, Amaranthus viridi, and Adansonia digitata. The fatty acid, vitamin E, carotenoid, selected mineral and amino acid contents of these plant foods were determined. These same analyses were performed on the fruit of the Adansonia digitata. In quantitative and qualitative terms, Amaranthus viridis was found to be an excellent source of protein. Its amino acid composition compared favorably to that of a World Health Organization (WHO) protein standard. It also contained considerable amounts of the two fatty acids that are essential in humans (linoleic and -linolenic) and a number of minerals including iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc. The leaves of Hibiscus sabdarifa contained an appreciable quantity of protein the composition of which was comparable to the WHO standard. The mineral content of the leaves of this plant was also exceptionally high; noteworthy was its high zinc content. H. sabdarifa also contained significant quantities of the two essential fatty acids. Ziziphus mauritiana was an excellent source of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid and several of the metals including iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Its content of other essential nutrients, however, was rather low. In general, Adansonia digitata leaves were nutritionally superior to the fruit of the tree; however, the fruit did contain useful quantities of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and -linolenic acid. The Leptadenia hastata leaves were an especially good source of lutein and -carotene. These data should be useful to the people who inhabit the western Sahel in helping them devise healthy diets during times when cereal staples are in short supply.  相似文献   

通过电解质外渗法和匍匐茎恢复试验对‘阳江’狗牙根及其12个通过形态鉴定选出的坪用价值高且花序密度低的诱变后代进行抗寒性鉴定。电解质外渗法结果表明:诱变后代间的抗寒性具有较大差异,其叶片半致死温度(LT50)的变异范围为-7.6~-0.2℃(最低值与最大值相差7.4℃);参试材料抗寒性由强到弱依次为M18>M4>M26>M28> M22>阳江>M29>M31>M10>M37>M16>M1>M25,其中,有5个诱变后代抗寒性优于亲本,分别是M18、M4、M26、M28、M22。匍匐茎恢复实验结果表明:诱变后代M1、M22、M26、M31、M25在0℃和-5℃低温胁迫后的恢复生长率都高于亲本,恢复能力均优于亲本;M10、M37、M28在-5℃低温胁迫下,恢复生长能力低于亲本,抗寒性相对较弱,M16和M4在0℃和-5℃低温胁迫下,恢复生长率都低于亲本,抗寒性明显弱于亲本。综合2种方法鉴定结果显示:诱变后代M1、M25的恢复能力较强;M4、M28的叶片抗寒性较好,青绿期较长;M22、M18、M26的叶片抗寒性和匍匐茎恢复能力均较强;M29,M31的叶片抗寒性和匍匐茎恢复能力与亲本相似;M10、M16、M37的叶片抗寒性和匍匐茎恢复能力均较弱,整体抗寒性较弱。  相似文献   

1 吉林省平安农业科学院大豆研究工作简介吉林省平安农业科学院大豆研究所 ,设在吉林省长春市西安大路种子大厦内。现有科技人员 6人 ,其中研究员 2人 ,农艺师 2人 ,技术员 2人 ,定向培养研究生 2人。大豆研究所的主要任务是选育稳产、高产、优质及抗病虫大豆新品种 ;同时密切  相似文献   

Irrigation of Netted Gem potatoes was scheduled during three growing seasons by three methods: (a) when plants displayed first visual symptoms of moisture stress, (b) when indicated by a soil moisture budget involving estimated evapotranspiration, and (c) on the basis of tensiometer readings of soil moisture suction. When the tensiometer method of scheduling was used, the mean yields of tubers were 55.0 and 25.8 cwt/acre (6160 and 2890 kg/ha) higher than those obtained with the other two scheduling methods. Methods did not affect the specific gravity of potatoes. Method (a) scheduled irrigations least frequently. Scheduling by the budget method was not always adequate because it was based on the assumption that the crop extracted water from a constant 4 ft (1.2 m) profile from planting to full vegetative growth. In one year the budget method scheduled the first irrigation earlier than necessary and delayed the second irrigation during a critical period of crop growth. From full vegetative cover to harvest the irrigation schedules were alike for both the budget and tensiometer methods.  相似文献   

以长沙县高桥相同嫩度茶鲜叶原料采用卷曲形毛尖茶加工工艺制绿茶为对照,分别对沅陵县齐眉翠峰、凤娇碣滩茶、干发茶和军大坪茶4种绿茶的主要生化成分与感官品质进行初步分析。结果表明,沅陵4种绿茶的茶多酚总量28.76%~30.34%,游离氨基酸总量2.35%~3.22%,咖啡碱含量3.00%~3.63%,水浸出物含量37.26%~40.07%,可溶性糖总量5.46%~5.65%,可溶性蛋白含量1.50%~1.74%,类黄酮化合物总量1.16%~1.79%,叶绿素总量1.36%~2.01%,儿茶素总量13.53%~16.20%。与对照相比,4种绿茶的茶多酚、可溶性糖和儿茶素总量均高于对照,除齐眉翠峰外其余3种茶样水浸出物和叶绿素总量均高于对照,除干发茶外其余3种茶样类黄酮化合物总量均高于对照。  相似文献   

A broadcast application of PCNB (Terraclor) resulted in a reasonably uniform distribution of the chemical in the soil with the concentration decreasing in a linear fashion with increasing depth in the soil profile. A banded application resuluted in a considerably higher chemical concentration at the 4–6 inch depth than at the 0–2 or the 2–4 inch depths. The problem of the lack of uniformity of chemical distribution could probably be solved by altering nozzle placement and size and allow use of the band method of application to minimize grower cost. More complete disking in the case of the broadcast treatment would probably result in a relatively uniform distribution of the chemical but at higher cost to the grower. PCNB application rates of 10, 15 and 25 lbs per acre broadcast and 71/2, 10 and 121/2 lbs per acre in a band significantly reduced the severity ofRhizoctonia infection of Russet Burbank potatoes but did not increase potato yields significantly.  相似文献   

Data from in vivo digestibility trial with four to six horses fed twenty-seven forage-based diets are used to calculate prediction equations for the digestibility of dry and organic matter, based on the crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP) and crude fibre (CF) contents of diets and faeces. The most precise prediction of dry-matter digestibility (r.s.d. = 0.032, R2= 0.80) was derived from a multiple regression including faecal (CP, CF) and dietary parameters (CF). Among faecal parameters, CP was the best single predictor of both digestibility (r.s.d) = 0.040, r2= 0.63) and dietary CP content (r.s.d = 0.028, r2= 0.59). For biological reasons we propose a non-linear model that allows prediction of dry- and organic-matter digestibility from faecal CP Content with reasonable Precision (r.s.d = 0.038, 0.036, r2= 0.65, 0.74, respectively). This will be adequate for many studies, especially for free-living animals in rangelands.  相似文献   

橡胶树丛枝病病原的抗血清制备与应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以感染橡胶树丛枝病病原的长春花为材料,制备得到橡胶丛枝病病原菌抽提液,以抽提液为抗原免疫家兔,制备抗血清,经微量沉淀测定,抗血清效价为1:2048。应用橡胶丛枝病抗血清检测橡胶褐皮病,无症苗木检出率达30%-37%,可疑的褐皮病树检出率达85.7%。  相似文献   

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