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The development of a market for currently non-merchantable forest material, such as harvest residues or small diameter trees, has been suggested as a possible win-win solution that could: (i) provide a material that can be processed in rural communities reeling from changes in the forest products industry and policy environment; (ii) capture more value from timber management activities; and (iii) provide a financial incentive for treatments to reduce wildfire risk or restore forest stands. Modeling the supply of this material with spatially-explicit potential demand locations allows for a realistic analysis of the feasibility of such a market to stimulate rural development. We model multiple scenarios for the utilization of harvest residues within the current forest products market in western Oregon. Sensitivity analysis explored the effects of cost of the depots on feasibility, including policy designed to support depot establishment through subsidies. Scenarios were also used to assess the effects of increases in federal harvest activities. Results suggest that with relatively high biomass prices, there is some potential for investment in depots to aid rural communities in western Oregon, but there is little change in either the overall feasibility or the location of depot establishment under scenarios of increased federal harvest.  相似文献   

湿地恢复激励机制在《生物多样性公约》、《湿地公约》等国际性立法中得到了充分体现,其主要方式有以直接付费、反向财政激励、以税收减免为主的财政性激励机制和以良好宣传的激励、独占使用湿地资源的激励、湿地缓解银行激励为主的非财政性激励机制。文中对这些激励机制进行了规范考察和效果分析,提出在湿地保护制度和机制构建中借鉴国际立法中的湿地恢复激励机制成功经验、丰富湿地恢复激励方式、拓宽湿地恢复资金来源、推行社区共管的湿地管理模式、加强公众环境教育是实现湿地资源保护的有效途径。  相似文献   

发展林业生物质能源对改善中国能源消费结构、应对气候变化以及实现“3060”双碳目标具有重要意义。文中梳理美国林业生物质能源政策演进过程;总结出美国林业生物质能源政策的主要特点,即始终以实现国家能源独立为核心目标,法律法规、财税支持、政府采购是主要手段,阶段目标与支持措施适时调整;提出促进我国林业生物质能源发展的建议:制定系统性的法律法规、明确发展路径,给予原料生产者补贴、完善向企业提供资金支持和税收优惠并强化科技创新力度等相关配套措施,适时调整阶段性的发展目标、重点解决好原料供应不足以及利用效率低下等问题。  相似文献   

The cultivation of cocoa has been an important driver of tropical deforestation globally. Efforts to reverse this trend are focusing on the reintroduction of shade trees to cocoa plantations. Shade trees are valuable in enhancing biophysical conditions on cocoa (Theobroma cacao) fields and contribute to biodiversity and product diversification for smallholder producers. Participatory trials of cocoa agroforests planted with indigenous shade tree species were undertaken with farmers in the Atwima District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana, to increase tree volume on cocoa fields while improving rural livelihoods and enhancing environmental sustainability. An ex ante financial analysis of the technology was undertaken to assess its economic viability. Input–output data were collected from farmer experiments over three seasons and supplemented with data from traditional cocoa fields of varying rotation ages, and secondary data on production in later years of an eighty-year cocoa rotation. A discounted cash flow analysis was carried out to estimate the benefit-cost (B/C) ratio, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and land expectation value (LEV) as well as the sensitivity to a 20% decline in cocoa prices and additional chemical costs for various shade scenarios at a 10% discount rate. It was observed that cocoa production is, in general, profitable. The change from the traditional system to one with hybrid cocoa raised the IRR from 31% to 57% with planted shade and 67% without, although extra agrochemical costs would tend to reduce the profitability of unshaded hybrid cocoa in particular. The age of maximum LEV for the various scenarios suggests that the optimum economic rotation for the hybrid cocoa is between 18 and 29 years, much less than the traditional system.  相似文献   

This study considers a carbon tax system as a policy tool for encouraging carbon sequestration through modification of management in existing forests and examines its welfare impacts and costs of the carbon sequestered. The simulated carbon tax leads to reduced harvest and increased carbon stock in the standing trees and understory biomass. Changes in the level of silvicultural investments vary by owner, depending on the nature of their initial inventory. In general investment under the tax is concentrated in regimes that establish faster growing plantations. Average rotation age increases, varying in extent across ownerships and site qualities. The carbon tax reduces both consumer and producer surpluses in regional timber markets. Producers are compensated by the carbon subsidies, except at low carbon tax levels. Not all rates of carbon tax will attract interest from private owners if participation is voluntary. Estimates of the marginal cost of sequestering carbon in western Oregon private forests are shown to be within the range of costs for projects considering afforestation alone in some eastern regions of the United States.  相似文献   

As forest biomass utilization becomes cost effective to harvest, more areas at risk of catastrophic wildfire can be thinned of dense brush and small diameter trees. In an effort to increase biomass utilization, the USDA Forest Service granted more than $36 million in National Fire Plan-Economic Action Program funds in the western United States during fiscal years 2001 to 2003. Interviews with program coordinators and grant recipients were used to characterize the types of investment strategies used and to assess accomplishments relative to national fuels reduction objectives. Findings include a strong emphasis on grants leveraging other funding sources, coordination of resources to increase utilization capacity, and the need for technical assistance to facilitate project design and implementation. We conclude that community assistance programs may help to create the type of utilization capacity necessary to reduce hazardous fuels, but that sustained progress will depend on synergistic activities on multiple fronts and improved demonstration of program accomplishments.  相似文献   

This paper reviews forestry seedling production systems in South-east and East Asia and identifies problems with respect to seedling quality, seedling distribution and financial sustainability, and measures which have been adopted or advocated to improve performance in this sector. The paper draws in particular on experience in a series of research projects on smallholder forestry in the Philippines. Some observations are also drawn from the following papers in this combined special issue of Small-scale Forestry. It is found that a mix of public and private sector models are adopted for forestry seedling production, between and even within countries. Often nurseries are set up to provide seedlings for a government-directed expansion in tree planting, and have difficulty surviving once the initial planting purpose is completed. Private nurseries often lack resources, and depend on contracts to supply seedlings for financial viability. Demand tends to be highest for fast-growing species (often exotics), fruit trees, and ornamentals in the case of urban nurseries. Government policies typically favour quantity over quality of the seedlings produced. Considerable scope exists for adopting best or at least improved management practice in seedling nurseries.  相似文献   


This research identified the central hindrances found in Brazilian wooden housing scenario in the fields of finished product, producer, and sector. Thus, a questionnaire with three qualitative questions based on multiple-choice answers allowed investigating the difficulties faced by these producers in Brazil. This sector still faces obstacles in the three observed fields, especially for the negative aspects of house financing, housing technique certification, skilled hand labour, general costs incurred in local production, tax exemptions, public policies, utilization of wooden houses in public works, and other factors. These obstacles in wooden housing sector have created limitations of production potential and restrictions of its market. A current panorama from these obstacles was formed, which could contribute with sectoral development. Actions such as creation and institution of incentives and specific policies should consolidate as the main direction to reduce these difficulties faced by the wooden housing producers.  相似文献   

Enhanced productivity in the logging industry is one of the key factors that determine the competitiveness of the forest products sector. Policy measures to improve efficiency must therefore start at the timber harvesting stage. This study analyzed and compared the production technologies in the timber harvesting industries of British Columbia (B.C.), Ontario, and Quebec, which are Canada's largest timber producing provinces. The study used annual data of log output and four inputs: labour, capital, energy, and materials from 1961 to 1999. Six models, encompassing different restrictions on the long-run translog cost function, were applied to each industry to determine the best technology for that industry. The cost function that best described each industry's technology was used to estimate own- and cross-price elasticities, input substitution elasticities, scale effects, technological change and bias, and total factor productivity. The production technologies of B.C. and Quebec were best described by homothetic, linearly homogeneous functions, while that of Ontario was found to be non-homothetic. Based on the Morishima elasticities of substitution, the results in general indicated inelastic substitution among all the four factor inputs. As a result the industries had limited options to make input adjustments with respect to changes in relative input prices; and hence required output levels were maintained at higher production costs. All three provincial industries exhibited biased technological changes, saving on capital and labour, and intensively using energy and materials. Labour and capital therefore recorded higher productivity than energy and materials over all provinces; consequently, efforts at improving the efficiency of the logging industries should focus on increasing the productivity of the latter inputs. Scale effects ranged from 2.17 in B.C. to 1.44 in Quebec implying that the timber harvesting industries appeared to have had the greatest potential for cost reduction through output expansion. In a competitive market structure, the strategic policy implication of these scale effects is that low-cost producers force high-cost industries out, leading to industrial concentration. The low levels of technological change in the timber harvesting industries observed in this study may reflect these industrial concentration problems. Policies that reduce the rental cost of capital, such an increase in investment tax credits and cuts in the corporate income tax rates have the potential to increase productivity and hence improve on the timber industry's competitive position.  相似文献   

Sequestered forest carbon can provide a climate change mitigation benefit, but in dry temperate forests, wildfire poses a reversal risk to carbon offset projects. Reducing wildfire risk requires a reduction in and redistribution of carbon stocks, the benefit of which is only realized when wildfire occurs. To estimate the time needed to recover carbon removed and emitted during treatment, we compared the 7-year post-treatment carbon stocks for mechanical thinning and prescribed fire fuels reduction treatments in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest and modeled annual carbon accumulation rates. Within our 7-year re-sample period, the burn only and understory thin treatments sequestered more carbon than had been removed or emitted during treatment. The understory thin and burn, overstory thin, and overstory thin and burn continued to have net negative carbon stocks when emissions associated with treatment were subtracted from 7-year carbon stock gains. However, the size of the carbon deficit in the understory thin and burn 7 years post-treatment and the live tree growth rates suggest that the remaining trees may sequester treatment emissions within several more years of growth. Overstory tree thinning treatments resulted in a large carbon deficit and removed many of the largest trees that accumulate the most carbon annually, thereby increasing carbon stock recovery time. Our results indicate that while there is an initial carbon stock reduction associated with fuels treatments, treated forests can quickly recover carbon stocks if treatments do not remove large, fire-resistant overstory trees.  相似文献   

Rattan, an important non-timber forest product, is a flexible palm used in weaving baskets or furniture. Rattan is light yet sturdy, making it suitable for furniture that can be moved often. Bangladesh has a large number of rattan-based enterprises. This paper reports a case study carried out in Sylhet City Corporation of north-eastern Bangladesh, exploring the production, financial profitability and marketing of rattan-based products, and the problems and priorities of rattan-based enterprises as well as their potential contribution to employment opportunity. A sample survey was conducted of 58 randomly selected rattan-based enterprises with entrepreneurs personally interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Based on the total investment, the enterprises were divided into large, medium and small categories. Three origins of rattan (Local, Myanmar and Indonesia) and five species were used by the enterprises to produce 29 rattan-based product types. Rattan products were divided into three basic categories, viz. domestic utensils, domestic decorative articles and others for which uses are not specific. Among the three rattan origins, processing cost of local and Myanmar rattan species products was less and more articles were sold than for Indonesia rattan species. Financial analysis indicated that rattan-based enterprises are a profitable and attractive option for local socio-economic development. Entrepreneurs’ views on major problems and issues in rattan-based product trading and suggested measures to improve the condition of rattan-based enterprises also collected. Rattan-based enterprises will generate more domestic revenue, foreign exchange and employment if policies are adopted to provide the enterprises with a reliable source of raw materials and technical and financial assistance from Government to NGOs to sell the products, and expand market facilities in both local and international markets.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to analyze the sprouting characteristics of Quercus pubescens and Q. frainetto trees after a wildfire and to recommend the appropriate silvicultural treatments in order to achieve dense sprout origin regeneration. This study was carried out in the area that was burned in a wildfire in northeastern Greece. Three years later, 140 Q. pubescens trees and 140 Q. frainetto trees were selected. Seventy trees for each species were individuals that were cut after the fire and were in the form of stumps, while 70 trees were intact top-killed trees, as a result of fire. In each stump and intact tree that was selected, various parameters were measured or counted: the diameter at the level of ground, the number of the developed sprouts (if any) and the height as well as the basal diameter of the tallest sprout, etc. Both species have similar sprouting behavior after a wildfire. Mother tree dimensions positively influenced the number of sprouts and the growth of the tallest sprout per individual. The mean height of the tallest sprout per stump, after three growing seasons from the forest fire, is high in both species (2.08 m for Q. pupescens and 2.29 m for Q. frainetto). Cut stumps had more sprouts than intact trees in both species. Forest practice, in order to maximize the sprouting of Q. pubescens and Q. frainetto trees after a forest fire, should cut the burned trees before the next growing season.  相似文献   

This paper offers a different framework for managing Mediterranean drought carob-tree orchard ecosystems. Two dry-farming systems were compared during two consecutive years: pure productive orchards and mixed orchards in a total of 360 mature trees distributed by 18 plots with areas of 0.55 and 0.30 ha per plot, respectively. Carob, fig, almond and olive trees compose mixed orchards. Trees of the mixed orchards were more productive than those of pure orchards. The main problem of both systems was the large variability and the low fruit production due to non-bearing trees, inducing unfavorable economic returns. Yield varied between 7.7 and 28.5 kg tree?1 respectively in pure and mixed orchards. In this paper we propose to use carbon sequestration calculations as an added benefit to farmers. A carbon stocking model estimation was established, based on trunk diameters of different trees. We depicted two management scenarios based on fruits production and carbon sequestration incomes: a low value scenario, using mean fruit production, and a high valuable scenario based on the hypothesis that all trees reached its potential maximum. Since under dry-farming systems fruit production irregularity is still a pendent problem, mixed orchards may offer a potential higher revenue, while maintaining higher crop diversification and whole biodiversity. C sequestration benefit, as here we purpose, may represent 125–300 % of income, respectively under low or high valuable scenario. Thus, CO2 equivalent is a novel ecological economic incentive that may potentiate a new income for farmers while assuring carob ecosystem services.  相似文献   

瑞典林业生物质能源产业政策   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
瑞典是全球发展林业生物质能源产业的典范。文中从克服市场机制失灵角度分析瑞典林业生物质能源产业政策目标, 介绍欧盟和瑞典本国的林业生物质能源产业相关法律法规, 瑞典为推动林业生物质产业发展出台的基础设施建设补贴、消费税免除、绿色采购等经济政策, 以及瑞典单独及与欧盟共同支持的相关科研项目, 提出对我国发展林业生物质能源产业的几点启示。  相似文献   

Weih M  Nordh NE 《Tree physiology》2005,25(9):1197-1206
Pot experiments are often performed to assess plant physiological traits and relationships among growth traits under controlled environments. However, the reliability of pot studies for predicting the growth and performance of trees in the field has rarely been rigorously assessed. We evaluated the suitability of pot experiments for predicting field performance, measured as shoot biomass production, by investigating determinants of growth in hybrid willows (Salix spp.) grown under various environmental conditions in the field, and by comparing the data with the results from a corresponding pot study. Biomass production in six hybrid willow clones, bred for use as bio-fuels, was assessed in three field trials located in central and southeastern Sweden throughout the first 3-year cutting cycle. The determinants of biomass productivity, measured as biomass allocation and nitrogen (N) economy, were identified in one of the field trials. Key traits for shoot biomass production in the field were total leaf area and total amount of N; plant N losses by shed leaves were only partly controlled by leaf-litter N concentration. These key traits were also obtained from the pot study and related to shoot biomass production and abscission-leaf N loss in the field. Total leaf area and total N pool of plants grown in pot experiments were good predictors of long-term biomass production in the field, whereas shoot biomass production, specific leaf area and tissue N concentration of pot-grown plants were less suitable as predictors of field performance. Relationships between the key traits and shoot biomass production were clone-specific, indicating the need for analysis of growth traits at the clone level if field performance of trees is to be evaluated based on data from pot studies. Nutrient loss components are important for tree performance in the long term and evaluations of nutrient loss characteristics at the individual-tree level should focus on nutrient pools lost rather than on nutrient concentrations in abscised plant parts.  相似文献   

Commercial pole production in linear agroforestry systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the stems of upperstorey trees in agroforestry systems have many uses such as firewood and fencing, it remains true that one incentive for growing upperstorey trees is the anticipated income generated by selling commercial quality poles. Three hundred and ninety-one poles representing 15 tree species grown under linear agroforestry conditions at four sites in Uganda were analyzed in terms of the length, diameter and taper of their poles. At the time of harvest, the trees were 41 months old. Although the poles varied in size and shape, none conformed to the standards observed in the commercial pole market in Kampala. The results demonstrate that linear agroforestry systems are unlikely to produce high quality commercial poles in a short time although they have other uses. Development of commercial pole production in these systems requires low cost management practices. New research designs and hypotheses are needed to assess the potential of commercial pole production. They must consider trials with larger plots, longer duration and varying management practices such as side pruning, spacing, coppicing and pollarding.  相似文献   

The introduction of carbon finance as an incentive in forestry farming has a potential of increasing the amount of carbon sequestered. However, this has created a daunting task among investors in forestry to optimise the joint production of wood and carbon sequestration. For instance, investors might find it profitable to give up some timber returns in exchange for carbon credits. This study evaluated expected income from growing Cupressus lusitanica Mill., Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham., Eucalyptus saligna Sm. and Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. for wood and/or the carbon market in central Kenya. The global average unit price of carbon and stumpage royalty were used to estimate expected returns from sale of carbon credits and wood, respectively. There were significant differences (p < 0.01) in the expected amount of income from sale of carbon and wood among the four species. Specifically, at economic rotation of 30 years with stand density of 532 trees ha?1 P. patula and C. lusitanica yielded US$28 050 and US$23 650, respectively, from sale of carbon compared with US$59 000 and US$51 000, respectively, from sale of wood. This was twice the value investors receive from clear-felling as compared with sales from carbon. Similarly, at economic rotation of 33 years with stand density of 150 trees ha?1, a forest investor in E. saligna would earn US$15 400 from sale of carbon compared with US$33 000 from sale of wood. Overall, the amount expected to be realised from sale of carbon was lower compared with that from sale of wood. This demonstrates that the price dynamics of carbon offsets in the voluntary and the compliance markets need to remain competitive and attractive for the forest owners to give up some timber returns in exchange for carbon income or to modify forest management regulation in order to increase carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are extensively used to simulate the economic impact of forest policies. In this study, we conduct a counterfactual analysis to assess the impact of an export tax ranging from 5 to 20% on the plywood sector to the Indonesian economy. The indonesian economy is aggregated into 5 sectors: 2 sectors are related to forest,i.e., (1) log, and (2) plywood. The other three sectors are not related to forest,i.e., (3) non-wood manufacturing, (4) agriculture, quarrying, and services, and (5) construction. The simulation results show that an export tax on the plywood processing sector is negatively correlated with real GDP and labor demand in log and plywood sectors, but is positively correlated with total labor demand, government revenue, income distribution, wood resources and social welfare. Reduction in labor demand by log and plywood sectors, due to a plywood export tax, can be absorbed in other sectors. The simulated policy of an export tax on plywood can reserve trees in production forests for future use.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) on tree growth, product recovery, stand value and financial return in jack pine stands in Northwestern Ontario. Ten sites composed of both control and PCT stands representing various stand densities (2000–6000 trees/ha) and stand ages (26–36 years old) were selected for this study. Three thousand and eighty-two trees were measured for DBH and total height, and were reconstructed in 3-D using a taper equation for jack pine. The reconstructed virtual trees were then “sawn” using the software package Optitek to obtain optimal lumber value recovery, which was then used to determine total product value per tree and financial return. The quadratic mean DBHs of trees from the PCT stands were significantly larger than those from the control stands for all 10 sites. Six of ten PCT stands had significantly taller trees than did the controls of the same sites. With increasing stand density, tree DBH decreased in the control stands while no consistent pattern could be recognized for the DBH of the PCT stands. The increment in average DBH due to PCT increased with increasing thinning intensity. PCT reduced total tree volume per hectare, benefited merchantable stem volume per hectare, and improved the total lumber volume and value recovery per hectare. On average, the PCT stands produced approximately $2760 and $1770/ha (or 19.6 and 16.1%) more product value per hectare for the dimension mill and stud mill, respectively. PCT also significantly reduced logging and lumber conversion costs. Higher total product values and lower total costs resulted in higher benefit/cost (B/C) ratios in the PCT stands than did in the control stands. The increased financial return due to PCT is associated with the magnitude of difference in quadratic mean DBH resulting from PCT. The B/C ratio difference between control and PCT stands increased with increasing thinning intensity. Overall, this study indicates that PCT appears to be an economically viable silvicultural investment for jack pine stands in Northwestern Ontario.  相似文献   

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