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2004年以来,新邵县委、县政府树立“以人为本”的动物防疫新观念,始终把动物防疫工作作为一项重要的政治任务来完成,突出规模养殖户规范管理,统一思想、有的放矢,严格按照《动物防疫法》和省、市有关文件精神,积极开展动物防疫工作,取得了很好的成效,全县动物防疫工作实现了常年免疫率、挂标率、发证率、建档率、屠宰检疫率、产地检疫率六个100%的目标。  相似文献   

今天,省畜牧水产局与中华保险湖南分公司共同举办“中华保险杯最美乡村动物防疫员”评选活动启动仪式。省政府向来高度重视动物防疫工作,硕辅副省长专门听取了评选活动的汇报,要求我们评选好、宣传好“最美乡村动物防疫员”,并以此为契机,进一步巩固和加强基层动物防疫体系建设,促进养殖业稳健发展。农业部十分赞同我们举办这次活动,认为这是全国农业系统首次评选“最美乡村动物防疫员”活动,要求以此次活动激发干劲、推进工作,把动物防疫工作推向新的台阶。我省是畜牧业大省,切实做好动物防疫工作,既关系到养殖业的健康发展、农民增收,又关系到社会稳定和湖南对外形象。近年来,省委省政府切实加强动物防疫工作,特别是对基层动物防疫体系建设高度关注,在兽医队伍建设和防疫检疫设施等方面给予了大力支持。到目前,我省已率先建成P3兽医实验室,县级防疫检疫冷链体系基本健全,大部分乡镇动物防疫站得到改造,乡镇动物防疫检疫员队伍基本稳定,逐步建立了健全规范化的动物防疫长效机制。  相似文献   

2003年11月15日,河北省政府办公厅转发了省编办、财政厅、人事厅、劳动和社会保障厅和省畜牧局等五部门《关于建立健全乡镇动物防疫体系的意见》后,我市积极落实,并大胆创新,进行了自上而下的改革和建设,现已取得阶段性进展。农业部兽医局贾幼陵局长视察后指出:石家庄市委、市政府对动物防疫工作非常重视,在体系建设中下了很大功夫,走在了全国的前列,  相似文献   

为改善基层动物防疫、检疫、监督执法装备水平,提高动物防疫队伍快速应急反应能力,切实加强重大动物疫病防控工作,确保全省畜牧业又好又快发展和公共卫生安全,4月14日,省畜牧业管理局在长春市吉林大学农学部三角广场隆重举行了全省畜牧业发展三年攻坚战动物防疫专用车发放仪式。  相似文献   

2008年4月9日,由广东省农业厅、省畜牧兽医局主办的全省《动物防疫法》培训班在广州华泰宾馆开课。这次培训班是新的《动物防疫法》实施以来我省首次开展的培训。我省各地级以上市、县(市、区)畜牧兽医局、农业局、动物防疫(卫生)监督所的领导以及省畜牧兽医局各处室、省农业厅有关事业单位负责同志约300人参加了培训。  相似文献   

3月29日,河北省春季动物防疫工作现场观摩调度会在涿州召开。期间,与会人员参观考察了涿州市兽医实验室和2个乡镇动物防疫监督分站,并听取了涿州市关于基层动物防疫体系建设和春季重点动物疫病防治情况的典型发言。省畜牧兽医局局长李忠文到会并作了重要讲话。  相似文献   

据报道,《湖北省实施<中华人民共和国动物防疫法>实施办法》经省九届人大常委会第13次会议通过,并予以公布,将于2000年1月I日起施行。昨日下午,省畜牧局召开会议,要求各地采取措施,迅速掀起学习、宣传、贯彻该实施办法的热潮。 会议指出,依据《动物防疫法实施办法》,防疫、检疫部是政府行为,必须实行计划与强制结合的办法,确保疫病发生控制在经济允许的水平。《动物防疫法实施办法》赋予了农牧部门动物防疫管理权和行政执法权,并对动物疫病的预防、控制、扑灭,动物和动物产品的检疫,动物防疫监督和法律责任等均作了…  相似文献   

近两年来.河北省永年县认真贯彻落实省、市关于加强动物防疫体系建设的意见,多次召开党政联席会、县政府常务会和县长办公会,对基层动物防疫体系建设和落实“三定”问题进行研究,以县政府[2004]65号文件下发了《关于加强基层动物防疫监督站建设的通知》,加快了示范站建设,保障了该县在国内外动物疫情形势非常严峻的情况下,没有发生禽流感、口蹄疫等重大动物疫情,有力地促进了畜牧业的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

新时期四川兽医工作发展战略的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川是一个畜牧业大省,也是生猪大省。近年来在省委、省政府领导的高度重视和关心下,经过全省畜牧兽医工作者的共同努力,四川畜牧业已经发展成为“托起农业经济半边天,挑起农民增收大梁”的重要支柱产业,为社会稳定、振兴地方经济作出了巨大的贡献。这其中全省动保工程和畜产品安全工作功不可没。2002年,四川省兽医工作荣获农业部授予的“全国动物防疫工作先进省”称号,还荣获了“全国动物防疫监督工作2001年度目标考核‘综合甲等省’”和“动物疫情测报甲等省”称号。随着我国市场经济建设的不断发展,特别是我国加入世贸组…  相似文献   

元月6日,全省动物防疫工作会议在那东县隆重举行,省农业厅、畜牧局领导主持了会议,大会交流了各地情况,分析了形势,一致认为1998年主要是抓好如下四项工作:三强化法制建设,坚持依法防疫灭病11深入宣传贯彻《动物防疫法》1.1.l要重点宣传动物防疫工作的意义和所取得的成绩,忽视动物防疫工作的反面典型和教训,防疫管理相对人的法律责任,政府和有关部门的法律义务以及动物防疫科学知识.1.1.2全省宣传月活动中行动较慢、声势不大的少数地县应端正认识.统一思想.按照省畜牧局通知要求,在今年3~4月份,开展一次广泛的宣传活动…  相似文献   

海南草坪草病害调查初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对海南省草坪草病害进行了初步调查,已经鉴定出草坪草病害13种,均为海南草坪草病害新记录.明确了海南草坪草病害的种类及其为害状况.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of systemic disease signs for classifying severity of acute coliform mastitis in dairy cows. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 144 dairy cows. PROCEDURE: Cows were examined at the time of initial identification of disease (time 0) and classified as having mild, moderate, or severe disease on the basis of rectal temperature, hydration status, rumen contraction rate, and attitude. A CBC and serum biochemical analyses were performed, and milk samples were submitted for bacterial culture at time 0 and 48 hours later. RESULTS: 69 cows were classified as having mild disease, 44 as having moderate disease, and 31 as having severe disease. Median WBC and neutrophil counts were significantly lower in cows with moderate or severe disease at time 0 than in cows with mild disease. Band neutrophil count was significantly higher at 48 hours and serum calcium concentration was significantly lower at time 0 and at 48 hours in cows with severe or moderate disease, compared with cows with mild disease. Twenty-eight, 51, and 77% of cows with mild, moderate, and severe disease, respectively, had > 100,000 colony-forming units/ml of milk at time 0. The odds that a cow with severe disease would die or be culled were 3.6 times the odds for a cow with moderate disease and 11.2 times the odds for a cow with mild disease. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that a classification scheme based on readily observable systemic disease signs can be used to classify disease severity in cows with acute coliform mastitis.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1988 235 koalas were necropsied and 67 were found to have urinary tract disease. Six affected koalas out of 48 were derived from wildlife parks around Sydney while 61 of 187 were derived from free living populations on the central and north coasts of New South Wales. Sixteen had cystitis alone, 5 had cystitis and associated renal disease only, 16 females had cystitis with genital disease, 23 had urinary disease in combination with other systemic disease and 7 had renal disease only. Overall 49 animals had cystitis (30 females and 19 males; 47 being free living) with 12 of these having renal extension (all free living). Cystitis tended to be active but chronic while associated renal disease was mainly designated as hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis. Other forms of renal disease included lymphosarcoma, oxalate nephrosis, acute and chronic nephritis, and microabscessation related to septicaemia. Female genital disease associated with cystitis was commonly vaginitis and metritis. Paraovarian cysts were detected with and without metritis. Other diseases occurring with urinary tract disease included conjunctivitis, dermatitis/stomatitis, pneumonia and hepatic disease. The higher prevalence of urinary tract disease in free living koalas, especially cystitis, is in contrast to captive koalas and may reflect the interaction between disease cause and habitat.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the clinical and pathological features of a neurological disease syndrome in a free-living possum population in New Zealand and to compare this syndrome with wobbly possum disease. METHODS: An outbreak of a neurological disease in possums in the Rotorua district was investigated in 1994. A variety of tissues was collected and investigated microbiologically and histopathologically. Tissues stored from clinically affected possums were homogenised, clarified and inoculated into healthy possums by the intra-peritoneal route. The clinical signs and histopathological lesions in naturally-infected and in experimentally-inoculated possums were assessed and compared with those of possums affected with wobbly possum disease. RESULTS: Histopathological investigation of three of the naturally-affected possums revealed non-suppurative encephalitis with perivascular cuffing, diffuse non-suppurative meningitis and focal non-suppurative myocarditis. These lesions were suggestive of a viral infection. No pathogenic bacteria were recovered and no viruses were isolated in tissue culture. A neurological disease, indistinguishable from wobbly possum disease, was reproduced in five out of the eight experimentally inoculated possums. In two experimental cases the clinical signs were very mild and, in most cases of the natural and experimental disease, histopathological lesions in the central nervous system were mild in comparison with wobbly possum disease. Possums which did not develop clinical signs of neurological disease or have lesions in the central nervous system did have infiltrations of mononuclear inflammatory cells in the liver and kidney. CONCLUSIONS: This neurological disease, reported for the first time in a free-living population, closely resembles and may be the same as wobbly possum disease. The milder nature of this disease could suggest there may be more than one strain of the aetiological agent.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine and 47 randomly selected Colorado cow-calf operations participated in the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) during rounds 2 (October 1986 to September 1987) and 3 (October 1987 to September 1988), respectively. Data on the incidence of disease conditions within each herd were collected by federal and state Veterinary Medical Officers and university veterinarians through monthly visits to the ranches. Annual disease incidence for disease classes and the most frequently reported individual disease conditions were determined and expressed on a per 100 cow basis. The mean annual disease incidences for all diseases in these herds were 48.8 and 47.7 new cases per 100 cows for rounds 2 and 3, respectively. The ranges for herd annual disease incidence were wide in both study years. The enteric disease class had the highest mean annual disease incidence in both years of the study, and this was primarily because of diarrhea of unknown cause in calves. Diarrhea of unknown cause accounted for approximately 25% of all new disease cases in both rounds of the study. The mean annual disease incidences were not different for any disease class between the two rounds. The data indicate that, on the average, diarrhea of unknown cause, pneumonia, dystocia, foot rot (interdigital necrobacillosis), pinkeye (infectious keratoconjunctivitis), respiratory tract infection, death of unknown cause, and nonpregnancy had the highest incidences in these Colorado beef herds during the study period. However, because of the wide variation of the predominant disease problems between herds, a herd's disease history as well as the common disease problems in the geographic area of a herd must be considered in designing a herd health program.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical utility of serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha, C-reactive protein and microalbuminuria as disease activity markers in canine idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Dogs with chronic gastrointestinal disease for which no underlying cause could be identified were considered to have idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease and were included in the study. Serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha was assessed using a canine-specific ELISA, C-reactive protein by immunoturbidometric assay and quantitative microalbuminuria was analysed using a monoclonal antibody directed against canine albumin. The canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and histopathologic grade were used to assess disease severity; biologic markers were then compared with the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and histopathologic grade. RESULTS: Sixteen dogs were included in the study. C-reactive protein level was mildly elevated in 15 dogs. Microalbuminuria was elevated in two of 15 dogs, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha was not detected in any dog tested. No correlation was found between the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index and C-reactive protein or microalbuminuria or between histopathologic grade and C-reactive protein or microalbuminuria. There was no correlation between histopathologic grade and the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Although only a small number of dogs were evaluated, this study does not support the use of serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha measured by canine-specific ELISA or microalbuminuria in the evaluation of disease activity in dogs with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. Although mildly elevated in most dogs, C-reactive protein did not reflect disease severity as assessed by the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index or histopathologic grade.  相似文献   

试验研究了250μmol/L的2,3-BD分别进行1、2、3、4次诱导对匍匐翦股颖植株抗病性的影响,计算了各处理的病情指数、诱导效果并测定了抗病相关酶以及叶绿素和丙二醛(MDA)等的含量。结果表明:2,3-BD多次诱导能使匍匐翦股颖植株的抗病性提升,其中,2次诱导处理的病情指数最低,为24.60%、诱导效果最好,为65.05%,同时与其他处理相比,,2次诱导处理下的SOD、POD、CAT、PAL等酶的活性增加,始终高于对照且差异显著,MDA的积累量最低。综合分析2,3-BD能够提高匍匐翦股颖的抗病能力,且经过2次诱导处理的效果最佳。  相似文献   

为了明确广西杧果流胶病的发生情况,于2012和2013年分别对百色市右江区、田东县、田阳县、武鸣县和灵山县等不同地区的杧果品种进行了流胶病发病情况调查。结果表明,广西杧果流胶病发生较为普遍和严重,平均病株率达50%以上,不同品种的发生为害情况差异显著。其中百色市右江区阳圩农场华屯分场、田阳县林逢镇福兰村、田阳县百育镇九合村的台农发病率分别高达98.1%、97.5%、97.4%,病情指数分别为13.7、12.5、10.7。武鸣的四季蜜杧发病率高达96.8%,病情指数为11.8,而田阳县百育镇九合村的红象牙发病率为30.2%,病情指数仅为1.5,受害较轻。在同一果园中,台农发病重,而红象牙、金煌杧发病较轻;同一植株上嫁接不同品种时,也是嫁接台农的发病重而嫁接红象牙、金煌杧的发病轻。  相似文献   

Historical and physical signs associated with prostatic disease diagnosed in dogs over a 5.5-year period were defined. One hundred seventy-seven male dogs were determined to have prostatic abnormality. Of the 177 dogs, 87 were determined to have specific prostatic disease. The most common prostatic disease identified in this study was bacterial prostatitis, followed by prostatic cyst, prostatic adenocarcinoma, and benign hyperplasia. The most common prostatic disease identified in neutered dogs was prostatic adenocarcinoma. Mean age at onset of prostatic disease was 8.9 years; statistically significant difference was not observed between age at onset of the various types of prostatic disease identified. Doberman Pinscher was the most common breed with prostate disease. Twenty-nine percent of dogs with a specifically identifiable prostatic disease had signs of systemic illness, 41% had signs of lower urinary tract disease, 28% had signs of gastrointestinal tract abnormalities, and 13% had signs of locomotor difficulty.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ten cats that had CT imaging of the head between January 2000 and December 2007 were evaluated retrospectively. Data that were recorded included signalment, presenting complaint, clinical signs, presence of upper respiratory tract disease, and CT findings. One hundred and one cats had evidence of middle ear disease on CT. Thirty-four of the 101 cats (34%) did not have a primary complaint of ear-related disease, clinical signs or physical findings consistent with ear disease, suggesting that the middle ear disease was subclinical. Twenty-seven of the 34 cats (79%) had concurrent nasal disease. Middle ear lesions were chronic in appearance. With the exception of tympanic bulla lysis, CT findings were similar in cats presenting with primary aural disease versus cats with presumptive subclinical middle ear disease. The majority of the cats did not return for treatment of the identified middle ear abnormalities. Subclinical middle ear disease is relatively frequent in cats undergoing CT imaging of the head. Few cats required subsequent treatment for ear disease although follow up was limited. Identification of subclinical middle ear abnormalities on CT should prompt acquisition of a detailed patient history and bilateral otoscopic examination.  相似文献   

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