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1.努力改善环境条件依据虾、蟹的生物学特性,运用虾、蟹生态学原理来指导无公害虾、蟹生产,为虾、蟹营造一个良好的、有利于生长发育的生态环境,使其在生长发育期间最大限度地减少病害发生。首先,养殖场地的水源、水质、土、大气等必须符合有关标准,如无公害水产品产地环境要求、淡水养殖用水水质、海水养殖用水水质等。其次,苗种放养前要严格清淤、晒(冻)塘和消毒,避免养殖期间硫化氢、氨、沼气等有毒有害物质的危害。第三,通过种草投螺,模拟虾、蟹生长的自然生态环境,既为虾、蟹提供天然饵料、活动隐蔽场所等,又可起到增加溶氧、改善水质、调节水温等作用。  相似文献   

<正>1高pH值对水产养殖的危害pH值是海水化学性质的一个综合性指标,海水的pH值与水生物代谢活动有关。在甲壳类动物中,pH值是影响渗透压调节机制的重要因素之一。养殖池塘水质pH值一旦高达9以上,将加剧水质氨氮的毒性,对虾蟹苗种会造成严重危害。长期以来,河北沧州沿海,在海水虾、蟹池塘养殖中,遭受高pH值的危害。早春季节,养殖  相似文献   

菱湖区淡水甲壳类养殖主要品种是青虾和河蟹,养殖模式是池塘主养青虾和虾、蟹混养两种。为了摸清菱湖区 1998年全区虾、蟹养殖情况,提高虾、蟹养殖水平,为农民增加收入提供成熟的养殖模式,于 1999年 2~ 3月进行虾、蟹养殖现状的调查,调查了新溪、千金、菱湖、下昂、和孚等重点产区养殖户 20户,池塘 122只, 513.64亩,其中池塘主养青虾面积 302亩,池塘虾、蟹混养面积 211.64亩。   一、池塘主养青虾和池塘虾、蟹混养调查结果对比   虾、蟹混养亩收益比主养青虾增收 1363.76元,增幅 66.8%。虾、蟹混养模式更具有实用性和先进…  相似文献   

稻田养殖鱼、鳝、虾、蟹、鳖,为鱼、鳝、虾、蟹、鳖等提供了水蚯蚓、部分害虫等各种饵料生物和良好生态环境,养殖对象对水稻的生长起到了松土、追肥作用,从而达到了稻渔共生相得益彰,降低养殖成本,提高稻田生产综合效益的目的.它具有投资少、见效快等优点,为农民增收提供新的途径.现将鱼、虾、鳝、蟹、鳖养殖技术综述如下:  相似文献   

使用6口面积均为15×667m~2的池塘进行河蟹雌雄分池单养、雌蟹与罗氏沼虾混养、雌雄蟹与罗氏沼虾同池分隔养殖和雌雄蟹同池养殖模式研究。结果表明:蟹种的放养密度与成蟹产量成正相关关系,与成蟹的规格成负相关关系;单养雄蟹模式产量明显高于单养雌蟹模式;雌雄蟹分塘养殖与雌雄蟹混合养殖模式在产量、效益上没有明显差别;套养罗氏沼虾后,对河蟹的成活率、产量和成蟹的规格以及经济效益均有一定影响;蟹虾同池分隔养殖模式产量高于蟹虾混合养殖模式。  相似文献   

螺旋藻在水产动物养殖中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈子伟 《河北渔业》2006,(12):8-9,25
螺旋藻在水产养殖上被广泛应用于鱼、虾、蟹、贝的饵料或饵料添加剂。它具有高蛋白、高营养、高消化吸收率,可增强和调节机体免疫力等特性,并且含有较多的胡萝卜素、维生素和微量元素,其特殊的类胡萝卜素有增色和改善鱼体肉质的作用。本文从鱼、蟹、虾、贝类和鳖中的应用情况探讨了螺旋藻在水产动物的应用现状。  相似文献   

蟹、虾养殖池塘移动投饲装置的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决蟹、虾池塘养殖过程中存在投饲不均匀的问题,设计制作了一种用于大中型蟹、虾塘养殖池塘的移动投饲装置。该装置可实现行动轨迹自动控制,可不间断向池塘抛撒饲料。通过自动行走机构在池塘中行走,其绞龙结构将饲料从饲料箱输送到撒料盘,撒料盘配有可调频伺服电机,通过变频器调节撒料盘转速,可控制撒料半径和撒料量。设计投饲储料箱容积0.08 m3,撒料盘距水面高度0.62 m。试验选用养殖池塘长100 m、宽33 m。结果显示:满储料箱饲料可满足面积0.33 hm2蟹、虾池塘投喂一次的要求;直线行走时,投饲直径可调节范围为1.2~5.8 m;投饲速度可调节,饲料破碎率在1%左右,储料箱残饲率在2%~8%。研究表明:该移动投饲装置具有自动行走、投饲均匀、投饲范围广等优点,能有效提高蟹、虾池塘饲料利用率,减少劳动力成本,可推广到各大中型养殖池塘使用。  相似文献   

<正>在我国,池塘养殖是水产主要养殖模式,其中池塘底质的控制是养殖的一个重要环节,经过一段时间养殖,鱼、虾、蟹等的排泄物及残饵都会沉入到池底,给池塘造成危害,对鱼、虾、蟹等产生了不良影响。笔者通过多年在北方池塘养殖方面的经验,介绍一下北方池塘底质恶化的危害和控制方法。一、池塘底质恶化危害的主要表现多余的池塘底泥是池塘底质恶化的主要危害。一定限度内的池塘底泥对鱼、虾、蟹等生长  相似文献   

复合硝化细菌制剂降低亚硝酸盐浓度的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、亚硝酸盐对鱼、虾、蟹的危害养殖水体中氨氮和亚硝酸盐的积聚会导致水体中藻类非正常死亡、引起水体溶氧急剧下降、有害气体增多,有害细菌和条件致病菌大量滋生,造成鱼、虾、蟹等养殖动物的体质下降,抗应激能力差,易导致各种病原菌的侵袭,造成养殖动物疾病的大量暴发且难以  相似文献   

张艺 《科学养鱼》2023,(1):75-77
<正>拟穴青蟹又称青蟹,在我国主要分布于福建、广东、广西、浙江等沿海地区。2020年,福建省青蟹养殖面积约为6万亩,主要养殖模式以池塘养殖为主。近年来一蟹一盒的“蟹公寓”养殖模式有所发展,解决了池塘养殖条件下青蟹互相残杀、抵抗自然灾害能力弱和占地面积大等问题,但目前仅限于育肥、育膏、软壳蟹养殖等阶段。国内外学者关于盐度变化对青蟹存活的影响、甲壳动物的渗透压调节机制等进行了广泛研究,而盐度对青蟹养殖效果、  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between ion levels (Na?, Cl?, K?, Ca2?, and Mg2?) in the fluid phase and total chyme of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract segments of freshwater and marine-estuarine teleosts collected in different salinities (0-34 ppt) in estuarine and freshwater portions of the S?o Gon?alo channel, southern Brazil. In addition, the relative contribution of feeding and osmoregulation to the ionic content of each portion of the gastrointestinal tract of fishes collected in different ambient salinities was analyzed. There was no relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of the segments of the gastrointestinal tract when considering all species together. However, there was a significant positive relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of two fish species (Micropogonias furnieri and Genidens barbus) collected in three or more different salinities. In most species, ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme changed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, suggesting absorption, but the ionoregulatory mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract seem to vary according to species.  相似文献   

甲壳动物渗透调节生理学研究进展   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
潘鲁青 《水产学报》2005,29(1):109-114
Osmoregulation involves many aspects of physiological function in crustacean. Crustacean species exhibit almost all possible patterns of osmotic regulation and they are widely distributed in most of known biotopes. With the changes of liquid environment, the structure and function of the osmoregulation organs( such as gills, antennary glands) ,haemolymph osmotic pressure and ionic transport will turn to maintain the well-balanced metabolism, which are under the neuroendocrine regulation. The current research status of physiological mechanism of crustacean osmoregulation was reviewed in the following aspects. 1 ) Structure and function of gills and antennal glands(maxillary glands). The gills are very important organs and play a prominenet role in osmoregulatien; 2)Regulafien of ion transport in branchial epithelium. Ion transport enzymes (Na^ -K^ -ATPase, V-ATPase,HCO3^--ATPase and carbonicanhydrase)stimulated by bioamines and cAMP may participate in the ion transport of branchial epithelium in crustacean; 3 )Haemolymph composition and osmoregulation. Haemolymph concentration of ion and free amino acid accompanied by metabolites of blood can contribute to the most of haemolymph osmotic pressure; 4)Neuroendocrine control. Many neuropeptides may regulate the osraotic pressure of haemolymph and proteinsases activity of epithelial gill cells. Bioamines, cAMP and CaM have been proved to stimulate the uptake of Na^ and transport of Cl^-.  相似文献   

Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn) is one of the most commercially important scombroid fish used as a food resource. Recently, there has been a demand for efficient rearing methods of this fish for a full‐life cycle aquaculture. In the present study, we evaluated the physiological responses in the juvenile S. japonicus to different ambient salinities. A significantly higher gain of the body mass was observed in the juveniles reared in 24 g/L and 13 g/L seawater than in those reared in natural seawater (34 g/L) within 40 days of the experimental period without affecting mortality. A principal enzyme for osmoregulation, Na+/K+‐ATPase, was expressed in the ionocytes located in the gill filaments of the juveniles. The number and the cell size of ionocytes and the enzymatic activity of Na+/K+‐ATPase in the gills decreased within 10 days after the low‐salinity challenge, which implies the reduction of the energy‐consuming active ion secretion under the low‐salinity environment. The physiological capacity for adaptation to low‐salinity seawater in chub mackerel could be basic knowledge to carry out culturing of these fish in coastal sea pens where ambient salinity fluctuates. The improvement of the growth performance by rearing in low‐salinity seawater will contribute to the efficient production of the seed juveniles for aquaculture.  相似文献   

溶解于水中的各种盐类,主要通过水的渗透压影响鱼类的生活,它关系到鱼类的分布、洄游、生长、发育和繁殖等很多生命活动。随着全球气候不断恶化的影响,水域盐碱化面积在我国北方地区不断扩大,许多不耐盐碱的淡水生物逐渐消失,少数喜盐或耐盐碱种类也因水域盐碱含量的升高面临考验。如何提高鱼类的耐盐碱特性,增加盐碱水域养殖鱼类品种已成为鱼类育种研究的工作重点。针对催乳素在鱼类耐盐碱生理生化过程中发挥的重要作用,本文对鱼类催乳素基因的结构,催乳素的分布、功能及其在渗透压调节中的作用等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of salinity on the hatching rate, hatching time, survival percentage, osmoregulation pattern and the incidence of abnormalities in newly hatched larvae, embryos of Sphoeroides annulatus (Jenyns 1842) were exposed to 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 35 and 40 psu. The hatching percentage (HP), survival percentage (PS), normal larvae (PN), deformed larvae (PD) and hatching time (HT) were significantly affected by salinity (< 0.05). The embryos exposure to 5 psu caused that HP, PS, and PN had lower values (2.6 ± 0.32, 7.78 ± 0.88 and 70.37 ± 7.75% respectively), PD and HT had the highest values 26.67 ± 7.54% and 55.53 ± 0.59 h respectively. However, the survival of newly hatched larvae was not possible in 5 ups, though it was in 40 ups. Osmotic pressure (OP) remained constant in each salinity, whereas isosmotic points changed from 435.5 mOsm kg?1 in 21 h post fertilization to 342.8 mOsm kg?1 at 47 h post fertilization, obtaining a pattern of hyper‐osmoregulation at lower salinities and hypo‐osmoregulation in higher salinities. This study is the first carried out on embryos of this species; therefore, the obtained information is essential to improve strategies and growing conditions in their initial development.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹亲蟹渗透压调节和抗氧化系统对盐度的响应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
探讨了中华绒螯蟹亲蟹血清离子和渗透压对盐度的响应以及肝胰腺抗氧化能力与盐度的关系.设立4个盐度组(盐度6、12、18、24)和1个淡水对照组,检测第4天和第20天时中华绒螯蟹亲蟹血清中Na+、K+、Cl-浓度、渗透压以及肝胰腺超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氧酶(CAT)活性和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)、丙二醛(MDA)...  相似文献   

This is an overview of our recent studies of energy metabolism in fish brain and other organs regulated by exogenous (feeding, salinity) and endogenous (hormones) factors. To highlight our approach, we present latest results concerned osmoregulation in the gills of gilthead seabream, Sparus auratus. Our model, the seabream, is a euryhaline teleost capable of adaptation to extreme changes in environmental salinity. Treatment with cortisol allowed us to achieve circulating cortisol levels similar to those observed during osmotic adaptation and to assess how elevated hormonal levels affected simultaneously metabolic and osmoregulatory capacities of the gill tissue. Cortisol-implanted fish showed higher gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity than control fish but no changes were observed in plasma osmolality and ion levels. Plasma levels of glucose and lactate increased in cortisol-implanted fish while protein levels decreased. Cortisol treatment elicited metabolic changes in liver and brain reflecting an activation of the glycogenic and gluconeogenic potential in liver, and the glycogenic potential in brain, which are confirmatory of data obtained in previous experiments. In gills, we demonstrated that cortisol treatment elicited changes in their energy metabolism that can be summarized as a decreased capacity in the use of exogenous glucose (decreased HK activity), a decrease in the capacity of the pentose phosphate pathway (decreased G6PDH activity), and an increased glycolytic potential (increased PK activity). Observed metabolic changes in gills can be associated with those occurring in nature during osmotic adaptation in the same fish species.  相似文献   


Hemolymph osmolality and osmoregulatory capacity (OC) of brown tiger shrimp, Penaeus esculentus (0.94±0.04 g mean initial weight) and western king shrimp, P. latisulcatus (5.37±0.10 g mean initial weight) from four salinities (10, 22, 34 and 46 ppt) were determined following 7, 14 and 21 minutes of air-exposure. Hemolymph osmolality of both species increased with increasing salinity. Isosmotic points of brown tiger shrimp calculated from regression lines between hemolymph and medium osmolality were 30.9, 31.9, 32.1 and 31.1 ppt at 0, 7, 14, and 21 minutes of air-exposure, respectively. Isosmotic points of western king shrimp were 33.8, 33.3, 32.8 and 33.1 ppt at 0, 7, 14, and 21 minutes air-exposure, respectively. OC of brown tiger shrimp at salinity of 34 ppt did not change when exposed to air for any length whereas OC of shrimp at other salinities (10, 22 and 46 ppt) were significantly different (P < 0.05) when exposed to air for 21 minutes. OC of western king shrimp at salinity 10 ppt was reduced (P < 0.05) when exposed to 14 and 21 minutes of air when compared to control and 7 minutes of air exposure. The results indicate that both species spent less energy (P < 0.5) for osmoregulation from 30 to 34 ppt. Furthermore, salinities 10 and 46 ppt were unsuitable for rearing brown tiger shrimp and salinity 10 ppt was unsuitable for growing western king shrimp.  相似文献   

本研究采用RT-PCR方法对生长快、耐盐性弱的尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus),耐盐性强、生长慢的萨罗罗非鱼(Sarotherodon melanotheron)以及生长与耐盐均较优的杂交子代(O.niloticus ♀早×S. melanotheron ♂)的催乳素PRLI基因cDNA序列片段进行了克隆与序列分析,以探讨罗非鱼耐盐性的分子机制,分析和筛选与耐盐性相关的基因.主要结果:(1)序列克隆及ClustalX1.83分析表明克隆所得cDNA序列长度为339 bp,编码112个氨基酸.(2)3种罗非鱼PRLI的cDNA具有高度的保守性,核苷酸序列同源性介于97.94%~99.71%之间,氨基酸序列同源性均在99.11%以上,表明罗非鱼的PRLI基因具有高度保守性.(3)杂交子代同尼罗罗非鱼的cDNA序列相比有5个碱基的变异,变异比例为1.47%;同萨罗罗非鱼相比有1个碱基的变异,变异比例为0.30%.(4)尼罗罗非鱼推导氨基酸序列中第80位氨基酸残基为脯氨酸残基(P),而杂交子代和萨罗罗非鱼在该位点均为丝氨酸残基(S).(5)MEGA4系统进化树分析显示,杂交子代同萨罗罗非鱼聚为1支.结果(3)、(4)、(5)表明,在PRLI基因的表达方面,杂交子代同父本萨罗罗非鱼的关系较近.  相似文献   

付萍  吕建建  刘萍  李健  高保全 《水产学报》2017,41(3):374-381
为探究不同盐度环境下三疣梭子蟹肌肉和血淋巴中游离氨基酸(free amino acids,FAAs)的含量及浓度的变化规律,明确FAAs的组成以及在盐度适应中发挥的作用,丰富FAAs在甲壳动物盐度适应领域的研究,为后续分子机理的研究提供依据,实验设定胁迫盐度分别为10、20、40、50,以正常海水(盐度33)为对照,用日立835-50型氨基酸自动分析仪测定三疣梭子蟹血淋巴与肌肉组织中游离氨基酸的组分,分析不同盐度环境下三疣梭子蟹肌肉和血淋巴中FAAs的含量及变化规律。结果显示,在正常海水中三疣梭子蟹血淋巴和肌肉中含量较高的FAAs主要为牛磺酸(Tau)、精氨酸(Arg)、甘氨酸(Gly)、脯氨酸(Pro)和丙氨酸(Ala)。盐度为10~50,梭子蟹肌肉和血淋巴总游离氨基酸(total free amino acid,TOFAA)的含量随盐度的增加而显著升高,非必需氨基酸(non-essentical free amino acid,NEAA)的含量随盐度的升高而上升,而必需氨基酸(essentical free amino acid,EAA)的含量变化不显著,因此,TOFAA在渗透压调节方面的作用主要取决于NEAA。发挥主要渗透压调节作用的FAAs为脯氨酸(Pro)、丙氨酸(Ala)、甘氨酸(Gly)、天冬氨酸(Asp)、谷氨酸(Glu)。Ala、Gly、Asp、Glu属于鲜味氨基酸(taste amino acid,TAA),研究表明,NEAA中的TAA在渗透压调节方面作用显著,Pro含量的升高对TOFAA含量的增加作用显著,盐度为40~50尤甚,表明Pro在梭子蟹高渗调节中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

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