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广东省着力推进全省范围内的森林建设,将森林进城、森林围城的建设观念作为开展森林建设工作的重要指导,始终将增加森林面积,提高森林质量,增加森林碳汇作为主要的工作内容。广东省为了做好森林碳汇工作,积极建立,健全森林碳汇宏观监测体系,使其成为增加森林碳汇的重要信息指导。森林碳汇宏观监测体系的建立有利于森林事业建设的发展,增加森林碳汇量,改善生态环境。本文从广东省森林碳汇宏观监测体系的研究背景入手,对广东省森林碳汇宏观监测体系的设计工作和主要技术手段进行详细探讨。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖已经成为亟需解决的问题之一,城市森林生态系统对缓解温室效应、改善人居环境、实现人与自然互利共生有着重要意义。本研究介绍了城市森林生态系统、碳汇和城市森林碳汇量的内涵以及功能,阐述了研究碳汇量时应用的3个大类9个小类方法,并从数据获取、方法模型、适用范围、优缺点4个不同角度进行归纳总结。单一方法计算城市森林碳汇量在尺度耦合和估算结果方面差异较大,需要将不同方法融合起来提升估算准确度和科学合理度。  相似文献   

罗婉贞 《花卉》2019,(12):190-191
森林碳汇建设质量其关键之一在于种苗良种化,林木良种的应用是提高森林碳汇建设质量的基础,林木种苗生产供应由数量保障型向质量效益型转变。本文以广州市在林场建立的两个森林碳汇良种苗木基地的建设规划为例,探讨苗木基地的规划及建设。  相似文献   

森林碳汇指的是森林生态系统吸收大气中的CO2、放出氧气,并将CO2固定在植被或土壤中,从而减少大气中CO2浓度的过程、活动或机制。森林碳汇是最经济、最环保的固碳手段,所以大力建设碳汇生态林具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

刘旭光 《现代园艺》2014,(15):93-94
森林是城市生态文明的标志,更是促进城市发展的基础设施。要实现城市的可持续发展,就要将森林生态融入到城市生态文明建设当中。随着城市经济建设的跨越式发展,福安市以创建省级森林城市为契机,开展了城乡绿化一体化"四绿工程"、集体林权制度改革等多项活动,在城市绿化方面取得了显著成效。本文针对福安市创建森林城市的总体规划进行分析,并提出建设措施。  相似文献   

碳汇林业是指利用森林的储碳功能,通过植树造林、加强森林经营管理、减少毁林、保护和恢复森林植被等活动,吸收和固定大气中的二氧化碳,并按照相关规则与碳汇交易相结合的过程、活动或机制。本文以广东省为例,分析了碳汇林业的积极作用,并提出了碳汇林业建设的相关改进策略,以期提供参考。  相似文献   

随着全球环境保护运动的日益扩大和深入,以追求人与自然和谐相处为目标的"绿色革命"在世界范围内蓬勃展开。"(生态)城市森林"已成为世界城市发展的潮流。城市里拥有大片森林面积,无疑成为了建设绿色生态城市的优势条件和重要标志。大力开展森林城市建设,有效增加森林面积,是新世纪我国城市发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

针对森林碳汇的效益,做了简单的分析,并且提出了森林碳汇应用的措施。森林碳汇具有社会和经济的双重效益,是应对气候变化的有效手段,能够减缓和适应气候变化。同时发展森林碳汇,能够增加就业机会,拉动经济增长。在具体应用方面,主要是通过增汇、减排、储存、替代实现,具体包括植树造林和植被恢复等措施。  相似文献   

为实现碳汇造林生态效益最大化,促进森林可持续发展,更好地应对全球气候变化、缓解温室效应,展开对森林树种固碳能力的研究。综述了森林碳汇效应与碳汇造林的概念及内涵,对碳汇造林现状及效益进行分析,概括出森林树种固碳释氧量的主要测算方法及树种固碳能力的比较方法,兼顾生物量和含碳量的综合评价,分析不同树种的固碳能力,筛选出适合华南地区的优良碳汇造林树种,为碳汇育林研究和森林生态工程建设提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

近些年来,伴随着我国经济发展水平的不断提升,也出现了越来越严重的环境污染问题,因此对森林资源的开发、利用与保护的科学性研究逐渐受到了越来越多的关注与重视。为有效解决经济发展带来的环境污染问题,我国国有林场在开发森林经营碳汇方面投入了越来越大的工作力度,同时也获取了越来越广阔的发展前景。为此,本文将结合森林经营碳汇的相关内容,着重分析其具体的发展前景以及发展过程中存在的问题,并提出了发展碳汇林业应对气候变化、建立统一森林碳汇计量体系、提高碳汇林业科技服务水平、建立碳交易法律制度保障体系、加强宣传推进森林碳汇事业发展这几点有效解决策略,希望能够为我国国有林场开展森林碳汇研究共走提供有力的理论依据。  相似文献   

Parks are recognised as important elements of urban green infrastructure and for providing many benefits to city residents. In countries where urban growth is unplanned and sprawling, green space provision falls behind, inadequate amounts are provided or spaces are not located in the most effective places. Tehran, the capital of Iran, has experienced huge growth in population and corresponding sprawl in recent years. There has been no study of the effectiveness of parks as part of the range of green spaces in the city − their location, accessibility within the urban structure, relationship to the socio-demographic character of the population, amount per capita or quality and condition. Using a combination of existing data supplemented by new data from site surveys, this study firstly looked at the citywide scale of public open space in relation to population and socio-economic patterns. Second, a representative sample of 16 parks was examined in terms of their accessibility within the urban street structure using space syntax. The syntactical results were correlated with several different aspects of each park collected and rated on a 1–5 scale. The results showed a wide range of availability of parks with no specific pattern related to whether the district is better off or poor. The data on green space per district was often heavily biased by the presence of large areas of forest park or non-recreational land which gives a false picture.Many of the best parks are poorly integrated into the street network and found in the better off districts yet are very popular because they are “destination” parks in cooler, hilly areas. Poorly integrated parks in the inner city districts tended to show lower levels of maintenance, were often little used and had vandalism. Much more attention is needed to provide green space in an equitable way.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems are associated with environmental regulation services, such as carbon storage, which is an outstanding service. Carbon fluxes in cities are difficult to estimate due to the scale at which they are addressed, particularly at the local level. In this work, we were interested in determining the carbon stored in the aboveground biomass of the tropical montane cloud forest tree species located on the western periphery of the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. With these data, we interpolated the storage and sequestration over five decades through image satellites and aerial photography of this unique forest. Additionally, to assess this potential as a basis for a biodiversity contribution to city resilience, we conducted phytosociological sampling. Native species such as Quercus xalapensis, Liquidambar styraciflua var. mexicana and Q. lancifolia showed the most significant values of 72.92, 58.79, and 49.14 Mg ha−1, respectively, of carbon. We used phytosociological sampling to better understand structural and functional features of urban forest biodiversity that can contribute to management practices for adaptation to climate change. In addition, the native species currently studied offer an opportunity for the city to implement better-targeted reforestation and ecological restoration programs for integrated landscaping in urban planning. Our results suggest that between 1966 and 2022, there was a forest recovery of 52.4 ha and an increase in urban areas of 63.4 ha, which is equivalent to an increase from 7,700.86 Mg ha−1 in 1966 to 12,620.00 Mg ha−1 in 2022. In this context, it is possible to both recover the vegetation cover and expand the city, thus avoiding part of the loss of ecosystem services that urbanization usually implies. This should be promoted among decision-makers and citizens in urban planning. Recovery processes can take place successfully in some cases even as urban areas expand. This possibility is relevant due to the many contributions that vegetation provides to citizens, including carbon storage. The opportunity to study five decades allows us to know the history, monitor the processes and make a projection to conserve the vegetation and improve management.  相似文献   

Urban forests are important components of societal interactions with nature. We focused on urban forest patches, a distinct and underexplored subset of the urban forest that spans land uses and ownerships, and requires silvicultural practices to address their unique biophysical characteristics and management regimes. Our goal was to elucidate multi-scalar urban forest patch governance arrangements as they translated to on-the-ground management in four urban areas (Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, and Baltimore) within the eastern United States. A transdisciplinary knowledge co-production framework was used to guide identification of the prominent management challenge or dilemma motivating change to forest patch management in each location, and to describe the dynamic interplay of decision-making and governance processes across locations as they advanced toward desired forest conditions. A common management goal existed across all four locations: multi-age, structurally complex forests dominated by regionally native species. Ecological and social concerns affected by local context and city capacity served as starting points prompting management action and new collaborations. Disparate governance arrangements including top-down municipal resources, regional conservation facilitated by landowners, and grass-roots community-driven stewardship led to diverse support-building processes and innovative strategies that served as forces initiating and shaping new management actions. Science and iterative learning and adaptation influenced change in all locations, reinforcing new management arrangements and practices. Among the four study areas, the earliest management of urban forest patches started in the 1980 s, historically lacking embeddedness in urban forest management more broadly, and experiencing challenges with integration into existing governance infrastructure. Ultimately, new management and governance approaches to urban forest patches in all four study areas have evolved uniquely and organically, driven by place-based historical legacies and ongoing socio-ecological feedbacks. The generalization of findings for broader urban forest management guidelines, such as for trees and park, would lead to misguided outcomes.  相似文献   

Urban forests are increasingly valued for multiple benefits such as amenity, cultural values, native biodiversity, ecosystem services, and carbon sequestration. Urban biodiversity in particular, is the new focus although global homogenisation is undermining regional differentiation. In the northern hemisphere (e.g., Canada and USA) and in the southern hemisphere, particularly in countries like South Africa, Australia, South America and New Zealand, local biodiversity is further impacted by historical colonisation from Europe. After several centuries, urban forests are now composed of synthetic and spontaneous mixtures of native species, and exotic species from around the temperate world (e.g., Europe, North and South America, South Africa, Asia). As far as we are aware no-one has carried out in-depth study of these synthetic forests in any Southern Hemisphere city. Here we describe the composition, structure, and biodiversity conservation imperatives of urban temperate forests at 90 random locations in Christchurch city, New Zealand.We document considerable plant diversity; the total number of species encountered in the 253 sampled urban forest patches was 486. Despite this incredibly variable data set, our ability to explain variation in species richness was surprisingly good and clearly indicates that total species richness was higher in larger patches with greater litter and vegetation cover, and taller canopy height. Species richness was also higher in patches surrounded by higher population densities and closer to very large native forest patches. Native species richness was higher in patches with higher soil pH, lower canopy height, and greater litter cover and in patches closer to very large native forest patches indicating dispersal out of native areas and into gardens. Eight distinct forest communities were identified by Two-Way INdicator SPecies ANalysis (TWINSPAN) using the occurrence of 241 species that occurred in more than two out of all 253 forest patches.Christchurch urban forest canopies were dominated by exotic tree species in parklands and in street tree plantings (linear parkland). Native tree and shrub species were not as common in public spaces but their overall density high in residential gardens. There was some explanatory power in our data, since less deprivation resulted in greater diversity and density, and more native species, which in turn is associated with private ownership. We hypothesise that a number of other factors, which were not well reflected in our measured environmental variables, are responsible for much of the remaining variation in the plant community structure, e.g., advertising, peoples choice. For a more sustainable asset base of native trees in New Zealand cities we need more, longer-lived native species, in large public spaces, including a greater proportion of species that bear fruit and nectar suitable for native wildlife. We may then achieve cities with ecological integrity that present multiple historical dimensions, and sequester carbon in legible landscapes.  相似文献   

Sintra’s Cultural Landscape is a World Heritage Site and was the first cultural landscape to be listed in Europe by UNESCO, in 1995. It is a privileged ecosystem with natural and cultural value classified as priorities for conservation. Parques de Sintra-Monte da Lua is a state-owned company established to restore, maintain and promote the public properties in the World Heritage Site. The forest assumes an important role in Sintra’s Cultural Landscape with the gradual removal of undesirable species and their replacement with multiple native tree species as one of the goals of forest management. Two aspects should be considered by the forest manager: opposing public opinion in terms of cutting dominant trees, most of the time linked with childhood memories and feelings, and its impact on the ecosystem’s carbon stock. Removal and replacement of trees is part of the management of cultural landscapes and concerns like carbon stock and biomass losses cannot be priorities of the forest manager. This work evaluates the carbon stock balance obtained in a 20 ha forest by the removal of undesirable tree species and their replacement by native species. Twenty six inventory plots were measured and carbon stock was estimated to define the baseline of the study. Age-independent individual tree diameter equations, species specific height-diameter equations, and biomass allometric tree equations were used to estimate carbon in a 30-year horizon. Three management scenarios were considered. The results show that, after 30 years, the contribution of the native species to the carbon stock is small compared with the baseline carbon values, compensating only 30% of the carbon losses associated to forest restoration. Conflict management in a context of Cultural Landscape Forest is discussed.  相似文献   

The conflict between conservation and timber production is shifting in regions such as Biscay (Basque Country, northern Spain) where planted forests are no longer profitable without public subsidies and environmentalist claim that public subsidies should be reoriented to the regeneration of natural forest. This paper develops an approach that integrates scientific knowledge and stakeholders’ demands to provide decision-making guidelines for the development of new landscape planning strategies while considering ecosystem services. First, a participatory process was conducted to develop a community vision for the region’s sustainable future considering the opportunities and constrains provided by the landscape and its ecosystems. In the participatory process forest management was considered an important driver for the region`s landscape development and forest multi-functionality was envisioned as a feasible attractive alternative. The participatory process identified a knowledge gap on the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and how these depend on different forest types. Second, to study the existing synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and disentangle the identified knowledge gap, a GIS-based research was conducted based on spatially explicit indicators. Our spatial analysis results showed that natural forests’ contribution to biodiversity and carbon storage is higher than that of the plantations with exotic species in the region. The results from the spatial analysis converged with those from the participatory process in the suitability of promoting, where possible and appropriate, natural forest ecosystems restoration. This iterative learning and decision making process is already showing its effectiveness for decision making, with concrete examples of how the results obtained with the applied approach are being included in planning and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

袁海龙 《北方园艺》2011,(8):137-139
通过对安康中心城市的区位分析,结合秦巴山区蕴藏的丰富景观植物资源及自然山地、水域资源等优势,提出了构建安康中心城市地域特色绿地景观的途径是:因地制宜,确立城市绿地景观形象的意境定位;合理规划绿地系统,形成"水在林中,城在林里"的景观格局;尽快确立市树、市花、市果;合理规划城市绿化树种,塑造过渡带特色绿地景观等途径,从而打造富有地域特色的城市绿地景观。  相似文献   

CBD即中央商务区,是现代城市经济贸易核心区。由于CBD内车流量大、建筑密集导致环境质量下降,所以植物景观在其中显得尤为重要,植物景观不仅可以美化环境,还能缓解CBD内热岛效应、防尘降噪。文章通过对葫芦岛龙湾CBD地理环境进行分析,总结出适宜在葫芦岛龙湾CBD内生长的植物种类与植物配置方式。  相似文献   

Urban and community forests play an important role in the overall carbon budget of the USA. Accurately quantifying carbon sequestration by these forests can provide insight for strategic planning to mitigate greenhouse gas effects on climate change. This study provides a new methodology to estimate net forest carbon sequestration (FCS) in urban and community lands of northern New England using ground based forest growth rates, housing density data, satellite derived land cover and tree canopy cover maps at the county level. We estimated that the region's urban and community forests sequestered 603,200 tC/yr ($38.7 million/yr value), contributing 8.2% of regional net forest ecosystem carbon sequestration. The contributions at the state level varied from 2.3% in Vermont to 16.6% in New Hampshire with substantial variation at the county level up to 73.3%. Spatially, contribution rates from urban and community forests at the county level were much higher and concentrated in southeast portion of NH and southwest portion of ME along the coast, and decreased toward inland areas. Our estimated net FCS compared reasonably with gross FCS in the region reported by a previous study. On average, the net FCS was 34.2% lower (varying from 41.9% lower in Vermont to 28.1% lower in Maine) than the corresponding gross FCS mainly because of a lower regional average net growth rate used in this study, compared to the national average gross carbon sequestration rate used in the previous study.  相似文献   

This experimental study investigated differences in perceived restorativeness, mood, attention capacity and physiological reactions when visiting city and forest environments. Twenty female patients diagnosed with exhaustion disorder visited three different forest environments and one city environment in randomized order. They performed a standardized 90-min test procedure in each of these environments. Evaluation of the environments and psychological effects in mood were studied with self-administered questionnaires. Attention capacity was studied with Necker Cube Pattern Control task. Physiological responses were measured with regularly scheduled controls of heart rate and blood pressure, and a single test of heart rate recovery. Visits to the forest environments were perceived as significantly more restorative, enhancing mood and attention capacity compared to the city. This also applies to the results of heart rate and to some extent to the results of the diastolic blood pressure. The results from this experimental study support our hypothesis that short visits to forest environments enhance both psychological and physiological recovery and that visits to forest environments are likely to be beneficial when suffering from exhaustion disorder.  相似文献   

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