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城墙遗址公园有其独特的价值,人们可以更好地感受到文化气息,了解历史文化。将城墙遗址公园与传统带状公园进行比较,对城墙遗址公园的特征进行深入的了解与分析,同时总结城墙遗址公园的地形、道路因素等,根据实际情况和保护原则,对城市遗址公园进行设计,从而使城墙遗址公园发挥出更大的价值。  相似文献   

以目前唐城墙遗址公园中最受肯定的高新区唐城墙遗址公园为例,选取公园部分遗址展示节点和功能性节点,结合树种选择与植物配置方式,为遗址公园植物景观配置以及遗址展示提供一些参考。  相似文献   

通过对北京城区两个代表性带状遗址公园的考察对比总结,阐述了城墙遗址公园的主要特点。从城墙遗址公园设计要点,设计特色,设计元素等对定边明长城遗址公园的设计进行分析指导。  相似文献   

遗址公园顾名思义是为某一历史文化遗址而建造的公园,那么遗址是主题、是核心,公园是从属,是为保护遗址和展示遗址而建的。整个公园从规划设计构思到建设全过程,必须服从于遗址主体,使人们在观赏、休闲的同时,领略先民们的历史面貌和文化精髓。这种建立遗址的方法最有效地保护了历史文化遗址,并且增加了城市绿地,开辟了城市周边公共休闲场所,缓和了当今城市发展与环境保护之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

汉阳陵国家遗址公园位于陕西省西安北郊正阳镇,其景观设计要尊重历史文化,彰显其所在场地的精神,并运用现代的造园手法,营造一处开放的、生态的,集文物保护、科学研究、科普教育、旅游观光为一体的大型国家遗址公园。本文以汉阳陵国家遗址公园的景观设计实践出发,提出此类国家遗址公园的主要设计原则和设计手法,以期对今后相关国家遗址公园类的景观设计项目有所启迪。  相似文献   

周懿雯 《现代园艺》2023,(3):149-151
随着人们对文物遗址保护意识的不断增强,遗址公园越来越成为遗址保护开发的一大重要场所,促进着全人类文化产业的发展。阐述了遗址公园景观规划的概念、开发保护原则和分类特点,介绍了遗址公园景观规划的设计原则和内容,以期为打造具有浓厚历史内涵和文化特色的遗址公园景观提供参考。  相似文献   

赵晗 《花卉》2022,(18)
为解决遗址公园对遗址的“保护”与“利用”两个核心问题,本文以苑陵故城遗址公园规划设计方法为例,对遗址保护、公园建设和历史文化传播三个遗址公园要素进行研究,提出对遗址的充分保护与展示、通过景观规划设计满足人们亲近自然与休闲游憩需求和结合科普教育手段传播历史文化价值三个解决措施,以期为相关工程或研究提供参考。  相似文献   

遗址是一个国家、一个地区、一个民族历史文化发展的记忆,是人类文明发展所遗留下来的财富。随着人们对遗址价值认识的不断加深,遗址开发日益得到了重视。在众多的遗址开发方式中,遗址公园这种集遗址文化保护、休闲娱乐、美化环境于一体的模式,得到了人们广泛的关注和青睐。由于缺乏针对于遗址公园景观设计相关专业理论的引导,在我国遗址公园的景观建设中出现了遗址利用过度、遗址文化内涵表现力不强、景观建设违背历史原真性的诸多问题。本文就杜陵遗址公园景观规划设计做了重要论述。  相似文献   

龙山文化遗址公园将遗址保护与公园设计紧密结合,运用保护、修复、展示等一系列手法,根据遗址的历史和文化属性对其进行重新整合再生,使遗址公园具有保护遗址和展示历史的双重功能,同时具有科研、教育、游憩等功能。  相似文献   

潘萌萌 《现代园艺》2023,(17):126-128+131
古遗址文化蕴含丰富的历史文化信息,具有重要的复活价值。在遗址公园公共设施系统中,古遗址文化所蕴含的重要内涵与历史价值应当像考古文物一样被利用与传承。鉴于目前很多遗址公园的公共设施呈现“千园一面”的低品质开发和批量化设计现象,提出将考古遗址文化融入公共设施设计中,结合具体案例的示范与解读,提炼出古遗址文化在遗址公园公共设施设计中的4种应用方式。研究结果为提升遗址公园公共设施的文化属性和建设品质提供思路,也为遗址公园开发等提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

李少红 《北方园艺》2011,(10):202-206
在调研胶东地区多个新农村特色农业观光园的基础上,根据农业观光园的功能和特点,将胶东地区的农业观光园主要分为休闲观光采摘型、特色农业品尝型、休闲娱乐疗养型;分析了目前各观光园景观规划出现的问题,并以青岛金麒玉麟温泉山庄景观规划为例,阐述了胶东地区城市边缘区新农村特色农业观光园景观规划中要注重园区选址、突出主题、人性化设计的原则。  相似文献   

城市公园入口空间是城市公园整体设计的重要组成部分,植物景观是公园入口空间不可忽视的元素之一。文章以深圳市莲花山公园、仙湖植物园、东湖公园、荔枝公园为例,通过实景图和植物配置平面图,联系各城市公园的实际情况,探讨分析公园入口的植物配置,可供相关植物景观设计借鉴。  相似文献   

聊城市凤凰苑园林植物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于守超  郭帅  吴福川  刘玮 《北方园艺》2007,(11):150-151
通过对聊城市凤凰苑园林绿化植物种质资源的调查,得知凤凰苑内用于绿化的树种共有83种隶属43科49属,针对目前凤凰苑园林绿化植物运用中存在的一些问题,提出了解决问题的方法及建议,旨在为聊城市制定园林绿化规划、建设花园城市提供一定的理论依据和参考.  相似文献   

浅析城市儿童公园场地设计原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内儿童公园的现状进行了分析,并提出了儿童公园的营造原则,以期能创造出真正适合儿童、满足儿童诉求的富有价值的场地空间.  相似文献   

李寿冰 《北方园艺》2010,(3):152-154
通过对潍坊市区园林植物介壳虫危害情况进行普查,共调查到14种介壳虫,其中日本龟蜡蚧(Ceroplastes japonicus Green)、紫薇绒蚧(Eriococcus legerstroemiae Kuwana)、桑白盾蚧(Pseudaulacaspis pentagona(Targioni-Tozzetti))危害最为严重。结合园林植物养护的生产实际,从绿色环保角度出发,提出了介壳虫综合防治方案。  相似文献   

公园的风景建设往往是以其历史文化发展线索为背景依据的.都江堰离堆公园将川西古园与现代园林合为一处,悠久历史文化和现代文明融为一体,以其特有的园林风格和其中有关都江堰水利工程的历史文化与文物古迹特色,而成为闻名中外的一个旅游名胜.整个公园的园林设计风格继承了中国传统造园的精华,运用现代风景园林的设计手法,充分表达了时代特点和川西地方特色.现主要以离堆公园为例探讨历史文化对园林古迹开发的影响作用,希望对地方历史性园林的建设有一定启示作用.  相似文献   

浅析园林规划设计相关理论在矿山公园规划设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘爽  赵伟韬 《北方园艺》2010,(9):133-135
以非常具有代表性的阜新海州露天煤矿国家矿山公园为例,阐述了园林规划设计相关理论在露天矿类矿山公园规划设计的应用,并总结出在规划设计时需要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Due to the various social and environmental benefits provided by urban parks and open spaces, ensuring that residents have equitable access to high-quality parks is paramount for planners and allied professionals. While research has identified inequities in park access based on race, ethnicity, and income, previous studies primarily focus on objective measures of access such as proximity to parks. Additionally, previous research typically includes single study regions that do not capture differences in distinct places. Relying on survey data from six metropolitan areas of the U.S., we address these gaps by investigating how subjective perceptions of parks vary by race/ethnicity and income (while controlling for other factors). Specifically, we employ linear mixed models to test for interaction effects between race/ethnicity and the six metro regions. We also compare subjective views of parks to ParkScore® rankings and metrics that represent park access. Overall, we found that perceived problems with park availability and quality were highest in the Baltimore area, as well as Los Angeles, Miami, and Boston; they were lowest is Phoenix and Minneapolis–St. Paul. Meanwhile, residents perceived significantly more improvements in park availability and quality in Miami and Minneapolis–St. Paul, followed by the other regions. Compared to objective ParkScore® measures, subjective perceptions of parks do not always follow the relative rankings of metrics for park access and quality. Additionally, Black and Hispanic residents perceived greater park problems than White residents, and Hispanic residents perceived more improvements than White residents. However, distinctions in public perceptions of parks by racial/ethnic groups and regions did not hold up in our mixed, multivariate models. Instead, our results highlight regionally distinct perceptions by race/ethnicity, suggesting that subjective views of park quality are context-dependent. In contrast, income is a more dominant driver of perceived improvements in local parks and open spaces. As a whole, this research underscores the need to consider both objective and subjective measures in particular geographic contexts to fully understand and plan for the equitable distribution of high-quality parks across diverse people and places.  相似文献   

Smellscape, as the sense of smell cross space, has a huge impact on human behavior, attitudes and health. However, so far it has rarely been addressed and measured in both landscape practice and theories. The present case study refined the quantitative smellwalk method to examine the spatial and temporal features of urban park smellscape. The effects of landscape patterns on smellscape were further unraveled combining with remote sensing techniques and field surveys. The results indicated that: (i) human activities and nature odors dominated the urban park odor environments, (ii) the temporal variation of the urban park smellscape was mainly driven by human activities, (iii) the different site types of urban park exerted a significant impact on the composition of the smellscape, and (iv) the landscape pattern characteristics of forest, shrubs, grass, water, buildings and roads had significant effects on different types of odors. This study poses a first systematic exploration of various odors in urban green environments and offers novel insights into the design of smellscape via unveiling spatial-temporal odor distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Drought damage in the park forests of the city of Helsinki   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During spring and summer 2003 severe drought-caused damage was observed in the park forests of the city of Helsinki; especially in barren site pine and spruce stands. The objectives of this study were to map and document the extent of the damage through the use of existing geographical information, digital aerial photography and field surveys and to examine the feasibility of assessing drought damage by visual interpretation of digital aerial photography. Our aim was also to assess the reasons for drought damage in Helsinki city park forests using geographic information system (GIS) analyses of existing interpretative and geographical data, i.e. digital aerial photographs, rainfall statistics and the compartmentwise GIS database of the park forest site and soil types.The total amount of area falling into serious damage classes represented approximately 25 ha (the total forested area in Helsinki is about 3700 ha). A majority of these areas were located on rocky sites having low stem volumes. The total proportion of damaged stock volume was estimated as 17 300 m3, which is 3.3% of the total stock volume in the study area. An accuracy assessment showed that visual interpretation of digital aerial photos is an excellent tool for assessing drought damage. The mean estimation error was 0.7 classes, and errors comprising 2 classes were found in all test grids. The overall correct percentage of photointerpretation was 46%, and estimation was unbiased (kappa 0.264). The forest site and soil type together with the tree species on site showed the greatest correlation with drought damage. The drier and more barren the site, the more likely that damage will occur. Roadside forests were in better condition than areas located further off the roads. Hills clearly impacted the condition of the trees through soil type and flow.  相似文献   

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