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杭州市动物园的鬣羚每年产1胎,由母兽亲自哺育,幼鬣羚均体格强壮.该园曾对野生仔鬣羚成功地进行过人工育幼,但与母兽共同饲养仔鬣羚却未曾尝试过.此次饲养成功,对仔鬣羚在人工条件下的生长也多了一条饲养途径.  相似文献   

采用鲜牛奶替代母乳的方法,对3只被遗弃的麋鹿幼仔进行人工育幼和驯化,在6个月的饲养过程中,详细记录每天牛奶的饲喂次数和饲喂量,麋鹿的生长发育指标,麋鹿幼仔的疾病和治疗情况。同时,采取渐进式断奶及成兽带教幼仔采食饲料等方式,取得了麋鹿幼仔人工哺育和驯化的成功,为野生动物的人工育幼和麋鹿的人工育幼提供可借鉴的基础数据。  相似文献   

麋鹿幼仔人工哺育及驯化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用鲜牛奶替代母乳的方法,对3只被遗弃的麋鹿幼仔进行人工育幼和驯化,在6个月的饲养过程中,详细记录每天牛奶的饲喂次数和饲喂量,麋鹿的生长发育指标,麋鹿幼仔的疾病和治疗情况。同时,采取渐进式断奶及成兽带教幼仔采食饲料等方式,取得了麋鹿幼仔人工哺育和驯化的成功,为野生动物的人工育幼和麋鹿的人工育幼提供可借鉴的基础数据。  相似文献   

福州熊猫世界于2018年对一只初生被遗弃的小熊猫幼仔和由于母兽频繁叼仔导致颈部受伤的31日龄小熊猫幼仔进行全人工育幼,通过细致的育幼工作,两幼仔顺利成活,至今发育良好。本次试验对小熊猫初生幼仔首次采取辅助喂养初乳,并挑选PetAg新生幼犬乳粉(ESBILAC,美国产)喂养幼仔。在全配方乳粉饲喂期,制定基础日乳量占体重比值的17%~25%并结合日体重增长来合理控制乳量,配合细心的护理并控制环境温度适宜,人工育幼期间两仔健康且发育良好。本文并对育幼过程中辅食的添加、受伤幼仔的护理、消化不良的治疗以及人工育幼情况下幼仔生长发育变化等进行详细介绍。成功育幼经验总结可为今后小熊猫的人工育幼工作提供参考。  相似文献   

圈养条件下的雌性阿拉伯狒狒由于母性不强和受外界条件影响很大等原因,有明显的弃仔现象。因此,对阿拉伯狒狒幼仔进行人工育幼是提高其成活率的重要技术。文章以三明动物园被母狒狒遗弃的阿拉伯狒狒幼仔为对象,对其育幼环境的控制、饲喂方法和饲喂管理等技术进行调查研究,使人工育幼的成活率达百分之百。  相似文献   

对初生三胞胎大熊猫幼仔进行喂养护理,其中2只体质较虚弱,采用在育幼箱内双手覆盖幼仔人工增温、全身温水棉球按摩和诱导进食等措施,辅以人工近距离采集足量母兽初乳,巴氏消毒后分别饲喂3只幼仔。再根据幼仔个体情况决定由母兽喂养或者放置育幼箱进行人工喂养,最后轮换由母兽喂养。较好地平衡了3个幼仔的个体差异,使3个幼仔都顺利存活且生长发育良好,为大熊猫的喂养护理积累了经验。  相似文献   

正白颊长臂猿为我国一级保护动物,是类人猿之一。关于长臂猿人工育幼及饲养方面的报道不多[1-2]。笔者在整理杭州动物园白颊长臂猿育幼记录时发现,有些饲养过程与文献报道不尽相同,因此将该白颊长臂猿的育幼过程进行整理,供同行探讨。1动物个体及方法1.1白颊长臂猿幼仔和育幼环境情况2015年1月22日,1只35日龄白颊长臂猿幼仔被首次繁殖的母猿抛弃,只能取出进行人工饲养。幼  相似文献   

<正> 大熊猫是我国特有的珍稀动物之一,人工圈养存在发情难、配种受孕难、育幼存活难这三难问题。特别是大熊猫初生幼仔,体重仅100g左右,为了保证成活,很多时候需要进行人工辅助哺育。现在大熊猫初产母兽,很多已是子二代或子三代,从母兽获得育幼经验较少,容易造成幼仔意外伤害甚至死亡,而受  相似文献   

李婧 《兽医导刊》2019,(4):221-222
2017年4月,唐山动物园小羊驼在生产幼崽2日后因子宫部分脱出严重,感染继发肾衰死亡。随即对小羊驼幼崽进行全人工育幼。文章浅述了人工育幼奶源及方式方法的选择、诱导采食的注意点、饲喂种类及量的改变、发生疾病的诊治,并对出现的问题加以总结概括,为食草反刍兽的全人工育幼提供了借鉴案例。  相似文献   

天津动物园1只雌性金丝猴与1只雄性金丝猴于2009年4月26日繁殖1只雄性幼仔。由于当时雄性金丝猴干扰使得雌性金丝猴将幼仔放弃不顾,最终无奈取出幼仔进行全人工育幼,在185日龄时幼仔因患胃溃疡几近穿孔抢救无效而死亡。现对整个育幼过程及失败原因进行分析。  相似文献   

王才益  胡新波 《野生动物》2012,33(1):5-7,53
在人工饲养条件下,采用了目标动物取样法和随机取样法,对鬣羚的冲撞、攻击、领域、择偶、繁殖、母仔等行为进行了观察研究。结果表明,鬣羚初入新环境中,有高度的敏感性,由此产生强烈的应激行为。其中,猛烈地冲击笼舍和不停地向上跳跃是其严重的应激行为之一;有较强的领域行为;在繁殖期间鬣羚对配偶具有选择性;发情高峰期1~2d,怀孕4个月后,腹部明显向两侧膨大,怀孕期220~226 d:仔羚在产后需2h以上才能站立;在15日龄内母羚平均每天要哺乳6~8次;2月龄时,能较好地吃食人工饲料,断奶月龄在2~3个月,断奶时宜将母羚隔至邻笼而将仔羚留在原笼舍。鬣羚笼舍围栏的高度宜在2.5~3m,应为新进的鬣羚提供较暗的小内室,保持安静的环境。  相似文献   

葎草饲喂獭兔效果研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
葎草Humulus scandens分别饲喂生长獭兔、妊娠母兔以探讨其饲用效果.结果显示:葎草干粉代替全部普通青干草饲喂生长獭兔,日增重增加15.05%,料重比降低11.37%,对母兔的产仔数、产活仔数、泌乳力、断奶成活率等指标均没有影响.鲜嫩葎草补加部分精料饲喂生长獭兔,1.5-3.5月龄平均日增重20.52 g,最高日增重可达25.6 g;饲喂繁殖母兔,平均产活仔数6.72只,平均出生个体重54.2 g,平均断奶成活率95.2%,平均断奶个体重375 g .  相似文献   

在2010—2016年间,于每年的4—5月对吉林省左家自然保护区内人工巢箱条件下生长的野生花鼠仔兽的生长发育情况进行观察和分析,并与人工饲养条件下的花鼠仔兽进行对比,以探讨花鼠生长的最佳状态,从而为其人工繁殖提供指导。数据表明:仔兽生长过程中体重与体长的相关系数为r=0.9467,体重与尾长的相关系数为r=0.9210,体长和尾长的相关系数为r=0.9850,野生花鼠仔兽在人工巢箱条件下生长发育时间较短,各项系数较高,其体重和体长均高于人工饲养条件下的花鼠仔兽。  相似文献   

The effects of feeding level and major dietary energy source used during lactation on sow milk composition, piglet body composition, and energy balance of sows were determined. During a 21-d lactation, 48 primiparous sows were fed either a Fat-rich (134.9 g/kg fat; 196.8 g/kg carbohydrate) or a Starch-rich (33.2 g/kg fat; 380.9 g/kg carbohydrate) diet at either a High (44 MJ NE/d; 1,050 g protein/d) or a Low (33 MJ NE/d; 790 g protein/d) feeding level. Within each feeding level, the two diets were fed to provide an isocaloric and isonitrogenous intake. At the Low feeding level, no differences in milk production, milk composition, or piglet body composition were found as a result of feeding the two dietary energy sources. However, at the High feeding level, sows fed the Fat-rich diet produced higher milk fat (8.4 vs 6.9%) and milk energy (5.38 vs 4.77 kJ/g) concentrations and a higher piglet body fat concentration (152.1 vs 135.4 g/kg) than sows fed the Starch-rich diet. At the Low feeding level, the energy balance (d 6 to d 20) of the sows was similar when fed either the Fat- or the Starch-rich diet (-558 and -515 kJ x BW(-.75) x d(-1)), but at the High feeding level, the energy balance was more negative in sows fed the Fat than those fed the Starch-rich diet (-544 vs -372 kJ x BW(-.75) x d(-1)). This suggests that at the High feeding level, dietary energy in the form of fat is preferentially used for milk fat synthesis, resulting in growth and in fatter piglets. Alternatively, at the High feeding level, Starch as the major energy source is used only for growth of the piglets, as confirmed by protein deposition, and also results in a less-negative energy balance for the sows. From this experiment, it can be concluded that effects of substituting cornstarch for fat in the diet of lactating sows on milk composition, piglet body composition, and energy balance of the sows are dependent on feeding level.  相似文献   

The feeding of a high-fiber and low-energy diet to young rabbit does from weaning to the first kindling was used to modify their body reserves, stimulate their energy intake, and reduce the energy deficit during the first lactation. Rabbits (53 per group) were given ad libitum access to either a control or high-fiber diet (CP, 17.6 vs 15.8% of DM; crude fiber, 15.5 vs 19.9% of DM; digestible energy, 2,565 vs 2,261 kcal/kg of DM, respectively) from weaning to their first kindling. During lactation, both groups received the same diet, which contained 19.3% CP, 16.5% crude fiber, and 2,634 kcal/kg digestible energy (dry matter basis). Four comparative slaughters were performed to estimate the chemical and energy balance of rabbit does at different physiological states: at the beginning of the trial (12 rabbits, 45 d of age), at mating (10 rabbits per group, 136 d), at kindling (10 rabbits per group, 167 d), and at the end of lactation (12 and 11 rabbits for the control and the high-fiber group, 197 d). Large changes in body weight and composition were observed between slaughters. From 45 d to mating, doe body fat and energy increased 7.93 and 4.64 times the initial content, respectively. During pregnancy, body protein concentration decreased from 203 to 186 g/kg. At the end of lactation, body fat and energy concentration were reduced to values close to those measured at 45 d of age. Dietary treatment affected body chemical and energy balance during pregnancy and lactation but not reproductive and lactational performance. The high-fiber diet stimulated feed intake from weaning to the first kindling but not dietary energy intake. During lactation, the rabbits fed the high-fiber diet ate 10 kcal x d(-1) x kg live weight(-.75) more and lost less body fat (-405 vs -504 g) and body energy (-3,628 vs -4,294 kcal) than the does fed the control diet (P < .001). In the same period, all does showed water and protein retention (185 and 45 g, on average) regardless of dietary treatment. In conclusion, feeding young does a high-fiber diet until their first kindling reduced the chemical and energy body deficit at the end of the first lactation.  相似文献   

[目的]对比不同饲养方式对新疆褐牛生产发育的影响.[方法]选取16月龄左右的青年新疆褐牛68头,分为散栏组和栓系组.青年牛为试验对象分别于10月、11月、12月、次年1月和2月进行体型外貌的线性评定及体尺指标测定,并定期采集血样.[结果]在两种饲养方式中自由采食散栏饲养能提高青年新疆褐牛日增重(P<0.01),散栏全期青年牛平均日增重845.58 g显著高于栓系的619.11 g,提高了36.58%,散栏在12、1、2月份日增重显著高于栓系,分别高出13.61%,32.32%,53.47%.散栏式饲养显著提高了青年牛血清磷含量(P<0.01),在12、1、2月份分别高出栓系组0.62%,7.89%,14.29%了,而栓系式饲养的青年牛血清磷含量逐步下降.在两组青年牛之间血清钙含量影响不大,两组血清钙差异不显著(P>0.05).自由散栏饲养方式在全期生长中的速度较快,体斜长,胸围,胸深,胸宽,腰角宽,腰高,坐骨宽,髋宽等基本处于继续增长趋势.[结论]散栏饲养方式能显著提高青年新疆褐牛的日增重,同时还能加快其体高,胸围,体长等体尺的生长,散栏饲养血清钙、磷含量显著高于栓系饲养.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was (i) to evaluate the effect of ovariectomy on daily energy requirement in Beagle dogs, and (ii) to evaluate the effects of ad libitum feeding with a high energy diet on energy consumption, body weight gain and blood metabolites in these spayed dogs. Four young adult female Beagle dogs were used. Ovariectomy induced a significant decrease of daily energy requirement in dogs. Ad libitum feeding, initiated 6 months after spaying, induced a significant increase in consumption in spayed dogs. This overconsumption was greatest during the first month of ad libitum feeding but continued for the entire 4 months of this period. When fed ad libitum, dogs gained excess body weight without significant effect on plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and insulin, at short term. These data suggest that energy intake should be strictly controlled to avoid excess weight gain in spayed dogs.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding sows a starch diet or a diet with a high level of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) during gestation, lactation, or both gestation and lactation during the first three parities on reproductive performance, body weight, and backfat was studied. Four-hundred and forty-four postpuberal gilts were allotted to a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment. Treatments were diet composition during gestation (including the weaning-to-estrus interval; G-Starch: 274 g/kg of starch and 123 g/kg of fermentable NSP or G-NSP: 86 g/kg of starch and 300 g/kg of fermentable NSP), diet composition during lactation (L-Starch: 293 g/kg of starch and 113 g/kg of fermentable NSP or L-NSP: 189 g/kg of starch and 216 g/kg of fermentable NSP) and group-housing system during gestation (free access stalls or electronic feeding). Both gestation diets were formulated to be isoenergetic. During lactation, sows were given free access to the lactation diets from d 6 after parturition onwards. Body weight and backfat gains during gestation were lower in sows fed the G-NSP diet than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.001). The effects were more pronounced in the electronic feeding system than in the free access stalls. These results indicate an overestimation of the energy value of fermentable NSP. Body weight and backfat losses during lactation were less in sows fed the G-NSP diet during gestation than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.05),which can be explained by a 0.4 kg/d higher (P < 0.001) feed intake during lactation of the sows fed the G-NSP diet. Sows fed the L-NSP diet lost more backfat during lactation than sows fed the L-starch diet (P < 0.05). The number of total piglets born and live-born piglets was 0.5 piglet higher in sows fed the G-NSP diet than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.05). Lactation diet did not affect the number of total piglets born or live-born piglets. This study shows that, although high NSP diets negatively influence body weight and backfat thickness of the sows, it is possible to feed sows a diet with a high level of fermentable NSP diet during both gestation and lactation without negative effects on reproductive performance. Under the conditions of this study, feeding sows a diet with a high level of fermentable NSP during gestation and a high level of starch during lactation seems the most favorable feeding strategy.  相似文献   

We investigated the feasibility of enhancing the reproduction of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss and landlocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in lakes where the consumption of alewives Alosa pseudoharengus and other forage fishes containing thiaminase can cause them to become thiamine deficient and thereby reduce the survival of their fry. We evaluated feeding fingerling steelhead excess thiamine hydrochloride (THC1) for 1 or 2 weeks or equimolar amounts of thiamine mononitrate, thiamine-tetrahydrofurfuryl-disulfide, benfotiamine, or dibenzoyl thiamine (DBT). We found minimal internal reserves of thiamine after 6 months. We also compared the ability of injections of thiamine and its analogs to prevent mortality in thiamine-deficient steelhead and Atlantic salmon sac fry and found all forms to be effective, although benfotiamine was the least effective on an equimolar basis. Further, we injected yearling steelhead and found that DBT was tolerated at approximately 11,200 nmol/g of body weight, about 10 times more than thiamine in any other form. When yearling steelhead were injected with near-maximal doses of thiamine hydrochloride and several analogs and then fed a thiamine-deficient diet, DBT was retained for approximately 2 years--in contrast to other forms, which were retained for less than about 6 months. Therefore, these results suggest that neither feeding nor injecting young hatchery salmonids with DBT is likely to enhance their reproduction for more than 2 years after stocking. However, injecting DBT in nearly mature fish (either cultured fish from hatcheries or wild fish captured in lakes) may provide them with enough thiamine to successfully spawn within 2 years even though they consume mainly thiaminase-containing forage fishes.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同填饲量对北京鸭生长性能、血清生化指标及肝脏组织学的影响。试验选取96只35日龄健康、体重相近的雄性北京鸭,随机分成8个组,每组6个重复,每个重复2只鸭,试验期为7 d。对照组试鸭自由采食,平均日采食量为(259.55±18.59)g,填饲组试鸭在35日龄和36日龄时分别填饲260和300 g/d的玉米-豆粕型饲粮,之后5 d各填饲组填饲量保持不变,分别为300、330、360、390、420、450、480 g/d。结果表明:1)除300 g/d填饲组外,其他填饲组北京鸭试验末重和平均日增重显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。试验末重和平均日增重随填饲量的提高而逐渐提高,当填饲量为420 g/d以上时,试验末重和平均日增重基本保持稳定(P>0.05)。填饲组料重比与对照组相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。以平均日增重为评定指标,采用直线折线模型进行估算的最适填饲量为414.2 g/d。2)不同填饲量对北京鸭血清葡萄糖浓度、血清谷草转氨酶活性没有显著影响(P>0.05),450 g/d填饲组血清γ-谷氨酰基转移酶活性显著高于对照组(P<0.05),其他填饲组与对照组相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。血清甘油三酯、总胆固醇浓度和谷丙转氨酶活性随填饲量的提高而逐渐升高,且差异显著(P<0.05)。3)填饲使得北京鸭肝脏细胞肿大,胞浆中充满大量大小不等的脂肪滴。由此可见,填饲能够快速增加北京鸭的脂肪沉积,但填饲量超过420 g/d时,北京鸭生长性能基本保持稳定。  相似文献   

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