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氨基酸不仅是蛋白质和其他含氮化合物合成的重要前体,还参与体内主要代谢途径的调控。当氨基酸不足时,机体内多种机制参与调节体内平衡,包括快速停止蛋白质合成、增加氨基酸合成和转运,以及加强自噬作用。越来越多的学者证明氨基酸可作为信号分子参与细胞内信号传导过程,可以调节其他营养素如脂肪和能量的代谢,最终导致机体整体代谢的改变。本文主要综述细胞内氨基酸的营养感知与应答机制,涉及氨基酸应答(AAR)和雷帕霉素靶蛋白(TOR)2条信号转导通路,并探讨这2条信号通路对下游营养素代谢途径的调节。  相似文献   

氨基酸对动物的免疫反应的影响是多变的,雏鸡缺乏赖氨酸显然不会影响其免疫反应。动物免疫反应所需的苏氨酸和缬氨酸量与生长最快时所需要的苏氨酸和缬氨酸量相等。相反,雏鸡免疫反应所需的蛋氨酸量好象没有因甲基基团(譬如胆碱)或半胱氨酸的增加而减少。必须注意弄清感染部位和细胞素导致的免疫反应对氨基酸的需要量。这些混合免疫刺激如同改变了蛋白质的合成与降解,也改变了氨基酸的新陈代谢。  相似文献   

猪的支链氨基酸营养研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
支链氨基酸 (亮氨酸、异亮氨酸与缬氨酸 )作为畜禽的必需氨基酸 ,不仅是合成机体蛋白质的原料 ,而且具有许多重要的生物学功能。本文着重阐述了支链氨基酸的特殊营养生理作用及其对猪免疫反应的影响 ,不同阶段猪对支链氨基酸的需要量及其模式 ,常用饲料原料中支链氨基酸含量与模式的特点  相似文献   

许多营养素如维生素、微量元素、某些氨基酸和多不饱和脂肪酸等都可以影响动物机体的免疫反应。脂肪酸是一种重要的营养素,是机体能量的主要来源,发挥着重  相似文献   

蛋白质、氨基酸营养与动物机体免疫机能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
许多研究都已证实营养对机体免疫机能有着重要的影响 ,营养学与免疫学的交叉学科营养免疫学随着研究的不断深入而不断充实。因营养不良而导致免疫功能和机能障碍的营养性获得免疫缺乏综合症 (Nutritionallyacquiredimmunedeficiencysyndromes:NAIDS)已引起人们的普遍重视 ,对于人和动物必需的重要的营养素蛋白质和氨基酸与动物机体免疫机能的关系逐渐成为研究的重点。1蛋白质与动物机体免疫反应1.1蛋白质缺乏影响动物的免疫反应一些试验证实 ,日粮蛋白质缺乏影响动物的免疫反应。…  相似文献   

皮肤和黏膜上皮细胞既是机体的物理屏障,又是机体防御微生物的第一道防线。上皮细胞与白细胞、树突细胞(DCs)等之间的相互作用,是机体产生适应性免疫反应的重要因素。IL-17细胞因子家族是最近新发现的具有强大的促炎症作用的细胞因子,它们在机体的固有和适应性免疫中发挥着重要作用,IL-17A、IL-17C和IL-17F能够直接作用于组织的上皮细胞,诱导各种免疫反应来对抗病原体,且能够促进组织的修复。IL-17E最基本的作用是作用于白细胞和诱导Ⅱ型免疫,这在其对抗寄生虫的作用中是非常关键的,此外,IL-17E还可以反向调节白细胞对IL-17A和IL-17F的产生;而对于IL-17B和IL-17D的研究则相对较少一些。  相似文献   

<正>硒(Se)是对人类健康非常重要的微量元素,其功能涉及甲状腺激素代谢、预防神经退行性病变和癌症,以及免疫反应。硒的生物学效应的主要通过硒蛋白的产生,硒蛋白参与免疫细胞激活、增殖和分化,驱动天然免疫与适应性免疫。研究硒蛋白的作用机理,对掌握硒蛋白调控生物合成和代谢尤为重要。1 Se的生物活性及其功能非常低或高的硒水平都是有害或致命的。硒在机体内主要以含硒酶和硒蛋白质两种活性物质存在。硒代氨基酸主要是硒代蛋氨酸(Se-Met)和  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)是哺乳动物体内一种重要的神经性抑制递质,主要分布在中枢神经系统,具有广泛的调控功能。GABA可通过下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质(HPA)轴参与机体稳态的调节,并对外界有害刺激引起的机体炎性反应具有一定的缓解作用。机体在外界应激条件刺激下会引起血液中脂多糖(LPS)含量的升高并激活Toll样受体-4(TLR4)/NF-κB信号通路,引起肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)等的表达增多,最终导致机体产生炎症反应。GABA可在机体发生炎症反应时,通过调节相应炎性因子的表达来降低炎症反应对机体造成的损伤。作者通过对GABA生理学功能与受体类别及GABA在机体发生炎性反应时的作用进行综述,对GABA在机体发生炎性反应时的影响及其与LPS引起的机体炎性反应之间的关系进行分析,为临床上采用GABA治疗机体炎性反应提供理论依据。  相似文献   

1.什么是生物素?其主要作用及临床应用是怎样的?①生物素(Biotin),又叫维生素H、维生素B和辅酶R,是一种含硫维生素。生物素参与机体碳水化合物代谢;生物素酶能催化脱羧和羧化反应。特别是在饲料中碳水化合物不足时,生物素可通过蛋白质和脂肪的葡萄糖异生作用维持血糖的稳定。生物素参与机体的脂类代谢;生物素缺乏降低动物从亚油酸合成花生四烯酸的能力,导致亚油酸在体内的积累。生物素参与机体蛋白质和核酸的代谢;在蛋白质合成氨基酸、脱氨、嘌呤的合成,氨基甲酰转移,以及亮氨酸、色氨酸分解代谢,起重要作用。参与其他物质的代谢作用。  相似文献   

骨骼肌是机体的重要组成成分,与生命体的生长、运动和代谢等密切相关。研究表明,骨骼肌质量的增加主要依赖于蛋白质合成与降解的相对速率,而蛋白质合成的效率与饲粮氨基酸的组成和含量直接相关。赖氨酸(Lys)等碱性氨基酸作为动物体限制性或必需氨基酸,其吸收利用效率对动物的生长发育至关重要。前期研究发现,碱性氨基酸转运载体(CATs)是细胞吸收碱性氨基酸的主要转运载体,在Lys、精氨酸等碱性氨基酸的吸收过程中发挥重要作用。本文就CATs的分类、功能、表达规律及其调控机制等方面进行综述,为机体氨基酸的高效利用和肌肉生长发育调控提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Previous studies had indicated an active role of bovine forestomachs in the response to alimentary disorders as well as to inflammatory and infectious processes in both the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and elsewhere. We investigated the potential of bovine forestomachs to receive, elaborate and produce signals and mediators of the innate immune response. Indeed, we detected the expression of Toll IL-1R8/single Ig IL-1-related receptor (TIR8/SIGIRR) and other receptors and cytokines, such as Toll-like receptor (TLR)4, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-10 and Caspase-1 in the forestomach walls of healthy cows. Their presence suggests an active role of forestomachs in inflammatory disorders of the GI tract and other body compartments. Moreover, interferon (IFN)-γ was revealed in ruminal content. We confirmed and further characterized the presence of leukocytes in the rumen fluids. In particular, T-, B-lymphocytes and myeloid lineage cells were detected in the ruminal content of both rumen-fistulated heifers and diseased cows. An acidogenic diet based on daily supplements of maize was shown to inhibit leukocyte accumulation, as opposed to a control, hay-based diet, with or without a soy flour (protein) supplement. On the whole, results indicate that bovine forestomachs can receive and elaborate signals for the immune cells infiltrating the rumen content or other organs. Forestomachs can thus participate in a cross-talk with the lymphoid tissues in the oral cavity and promote regulatory actions at both regional and systemic levels; these might include the control of dry matter intake as a function of fundamental metabolic requirements of ruminants.  相似文献   

乳蛋白是体现牛奶质量的重要指标,乳蛋白氨基酸来源于日粮氨基酸。乳蛋白中酪蛋白、乳白蛋白和乳球蛋白除了满足人体基本营养需求,还对人体生长、发育和健康发挥重要作用,是动物源优质蛋白质来源。蛋氨酸与赖氨酸是奶牛日粮限制性氨基酸,不仅是乳蛋白合成的重要底物,同时还作为信号分子调控乳蛋白基因表达。本文综述了奶牛氨基酸需要与来源、必需氨基酸、限制性氨基酸、保护性蛋氨酸和赖氨酸在日粮中的应用,阐述了氨基酸营养在蛋白质合成代谢中的核心作用,为指导奶牛日粮配方提供参考。  相似文献   

It has been argued that stimulation of the immune system depresses performance. Accordingly, an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary xylitol (150 g/kg diet) on growth and selected inflammatory responses in male broiler chickens. During the final 6 d of the experimental periods, chicks were injected with antigens: Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on days 1, 3 and 5 and with Sephadex-G50 superfine on days 2 and 4 to stimulate macrophage functions. The immune stimulation reduced body weight gain and food intake, but enhanced alpha 1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) concentration and interleukin (IL-1) like activity in plasma. Feeding the xylitol diet partially, but significantly, prevented the reductions in body weight gain and food intake, without affecting the early stage of inflammatory responses triggered by LPS and Sephadex injections.  相似文献   

In dairy cows amino acids may be required for four processes: maintenance; as precursors for the synthesis of glucose (gluconeogenesis); for protein deposition in muscle or associated with foetal growth; and for the synthesis of milk protein.Estimates of the protein requirements for maintenance are often conflicting and seem far from accurate. Estimates of the ratio in which essential amino acids are required for maintenance are not yet available.Requirements of amino acids for gluconeogenesis are difficult to estimate. It seems rather unlikely that essential amino acids will be used in significant quantities for gluconeogenesis, even at high milk yields.Protein requirements for pregnancy and muscle growth in dairy cows are relatively low. The ratio in which essential amino acids are supplied in the blood seems adequate for both processes.Amino acid requirements for milk protein synthesis are somewhat higher than the net protein output. This is particularly true for essential amino acids of which, in the mammary gland, a surplus of some 50% needs to be extracted from the blood. The ratio in which essential amino acids are supplied to the mammary gland seems reasonably adequate for milk protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs), a family of transmembrane and cytosolic proteins, detect microbial patterns, initiating innate immune responses in various organisms. Although they are abundant, genetic characterization and functional differences of TLRs in economically important avian species such as chickens and turkeys have not been investigated in detail. In this study, the putative TLR5 coding region from turkey genome was sequenced, and its homology to other vertebrate species was analyzed. Secondary structure analysis revealed protein motifs typical of the chicken TLR5 protein structure, with 97% amino acid identity between them. mRNA expression profiling in adult turkeys revealed abundant TLR5 expression in a broad range of tissues. Stimulation with the TLR5 ligand flagellin resulted in the production of the inflammatory mediators interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, and nitric oxide in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. To our knowledge, this is the first complete turkey TLR5 coding DNA sequence reported in sequence databases.  相似文献   

The present study determined the cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of ferret (Mustela putorius furo) inflammatory cytokines, interferon (IFN)-gamma, interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. The homologies of the nucleotide sequences of IFN-gamma, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-alpha of the ferret to those from other mammalian species ranged from 64.3-92.9%, 73.0-83.9, 58.1-84.8%, 58.1-89.7% and 79.0-95.0%, respectively. As distinctive amino acid residues constituting various motifs and ligand-binding sites and cysteine residues were highly conserved in ferret inflammatory cytokine proteins, ferret cytokines may have fundamentally similar functions to those of other mammals. Phylogenetic analyses based on the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that all ferret inflammatory cytokines were more closely related to those of the Carnivora order, specifically dog and cat, than to other species.  相似文献   

本文综述了影响生长猪氨基酸利用的主要因素,探讨了养猪生产中有关氨基酸营养问题。结果表明:通过测定体沉积蛋白质(PD)中氨基酸的沉积、生理氨基酸损失(主要是皮肤和毛发、肠道内源氨基酸损失)与不可避免的氨基酸的分解代谢来估测氨基酸的需要量,估测氨基酸需要量的数据必须建立在蛋白质沉积、活体量、饲喂水平、饲料原料组成和饲料原料的可利用氨基酸含量上。既然PD是氨基酸需要量的决定因素,在建立日粮最佳氨基酸水平时,必须认真考虑活体重或动物间的差异对PD的影响。因此,饲料组成与机体蛋白质中氨基酸组成的变化对用于蛋白质沉积需要的可利用氨基酸利用的影响必须进行更精确的定量。  相似文献   

VB6对家蚕氮代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用人工饲料无菌饲育方式,分析维生素B6(VB6)对家蚕丝腺生长、血淋巴蛋白质浓度、血淋巴游离氮基酸组成变化及氮代谢终产物尿酸形成的影响。结果表明:5龄期家蚕在缺乏VB6条件下,丝腺生长严重受阻碍,血淋巴蛋白质不能正常合成,使体内氨基酸转化利用率下降,氮代谢终产物尿酸的排泄量增加,血淋巴中部分游离氮基酸浓度下降,特别是合成丝蛋白质主要成分的Ala、Ser和Tyr等蚕体非必需氨基酸的组成比率显著减少,而Gly、Orn和Cysta等的浓度增加异常,导致血淋巴中游离氨基酸组成动态平衡破坏,显示蚕体内固VB6缺乏引起氨基酸谢代调。  相似文献   

用人工饲料无菌饲育方式 ,分析维生素B6(VB6)对家蚕丝腺生长、血淋巴蛋白质浓度、血淋巴游离氨基酸组成变化及氮代谢终产物尿酸形成的影响。结果表明 :5龄期家蚕在缺乏VB6条件下 ,丝腺生长严重受阻碍 ,血淋巴蛋白质不能正常合成 ,使体内氨基酸转化利用率下降 ,氮代谢终产物尿酸的排泄量增加 ,血淋巴中部分游离氨基酸浓度下降 ,特别是合成丝蛋白质主要成分的Ala、Ser和Tyr等蚕体非必需氨基酸的组成比率显著减少 ,而Gly、Orn和Cysta等的浓度增加异常 ,导致血淋巴中游离氨基酸组成动态平衡破坏 ,显示蚕体内因VB6缺乏引起氨基酸代谢失调。  相似文献   

Exogenous porcine somatotropin (PST) administration stimulates protein deposition and inhibits lipogenesis, resulting in dose-related improvements in growth performance and reduction of carcass fat content. However, the associated impacts of this technology on dietary nutrient requirements and energy partitioning between maintenance, protein, and fat remain unclear. Studies with pigs between 25 and 60 kg body weight indicate that, because of unknown improvements in amino acid utilization and(or) in the energy available for protein synthesis, only marginal increases in dietary protein percentage are required to support 20 to 25% improvements in protein deposition induced by PST administration. In contrast, an increased dietary protein concentration is required to support maximal protein deposition in pigs 60 to 100 kg. Exogenous PST administration increased the maintenance energy requirement and altered the relationship between energy intake and protein deposition, although the magnitude of these changes and the consequent effects on expression of dietary protein (amino acid) requirements was influenced by gender. Albeit limited, information suggests that PST alters nutrient demand at the tissue level. Information of this type will form the basis for rational decisions concerning the method for expression of dietary nutrient requirements (% vs g/d) for PST-treated pigs. Further quantitative information is required on the effects of PST dosage on the relationship of protein deposition to energy intake and on any underlying changes in amino acid utilization and metabolism.  相似文献   

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