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Certain diseases cause an increase in the amount of fluid present in the pleural and/or peritoneal cavity (an effusion). Uroperitoneum subsequent to kidney, ureter, bladder, or urethra rupture also can cause an increased amount of fluid in the abdomen. Evaluation of fluid samples often is helpful in identifying the mechanism causing the effusion and, occasionally, results in a specific diagnosis. The TP, TNCC, and general cytologic examination can be performed easily, quickly, and inexpensively in-house. The TP and TNCC are used to classify effusions as transudates, modified transudates, or exudates. Transudates usually are caused by hypoalbuminemia, but also can be caused by leakage of fluid from efferent intestinal lymphatics. Cytology and culture usually are not rewarding in the evaluation of transudates. Modified transudates usually are caused by increased vascular permeability or increased intrahepatic hydrostatic pressure. Cytologic and radiographic examinations often are helpful in evaluating patients with modified transudates, while cultures usually are unrewarding. The exudate class encompasses the inflammatory exudates (septic or nonseptic), neoplastic exudates, and chylous effusions. Inflammatory exudates have a high TP and predominantly contain inflammatory cells. They may be septic or nonseptic. When septic, degeneration neutrophils often, but not always, are found. Cultures often are needed to determine whether sepsis is present, to identify the specific organism, and to determine the best therapy. Neoplastic exudates may contain numerous neoplastic cells. If there is concern that the cells are dysplastic instead of neoplastic, the cytology preparation should be referred to a consultant. Chylous effusions usually contain many small lymphocytes with a variable number of neutrophils and macrophages. In chronic chylous effusions, however, neutrophils and/or macrophages may predominate. Chylous effusions usually are differentiated easily from pseudochylous effusions by cytology. Comparison of fluid and serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations can be used to differentiate chylous and pseudochylous effusions when differentiation cannot be accomplished by cytology.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has potent angiogenic, mitogenic, and vascular permeability enhancing properties specific for endothelial cells. VEGF is present in high concentrations in inflammatory and neoplastic body cavity effusions and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of neoplastic and inflammatory effusion formation. In this study, VEGF was quantitated by solid-phase enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) in samples of pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal effusions (N = 38) from dogs (N = 35) with neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases. VEGF was detected in 37 of 38 effusions (median, 754; range, 18-3,669 pg/mL) and was present in much higher concentrations than in previously established normal concentrations for canine plasma (median, < 1 pg/mL; range, < 1-18 pg/mL) or in those previously noted in the plasma of dogs with hemangiosarcoma (HSA; median, 17 pg/mL; range, < 1-67 pg/mL). In 4 dogs with HSA, the concurrent plasma VEGF concentration was much lower than in the abdominal effusion (P = .029). No significant correlation was demonstrated between VEGF effusion concentration and effusion total protein content or nucleated cell count. Mean VEGF concentrations were significantly higher in pericardial (median, 3,533; range, 709-3,669 pg/mL) and pleural effusions (median, 3,144; range, 0-3,663 pg/mL) compared to peritoneal effusions (median, 288; range, 18-2,607 pg/mL; P < .05). There was no marked difference demonstrated between effusions associated with malignant and nonmalignant diseases. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the role of VEGF in body cavity effusion formation in dogs.  相似文献   

The key to effective evaluation of pleural effusions lies in an understanding of the dynamic nature of its formation and alteration. Trying to fit a specimen neatly into a distinct diagnostic category will not only lead to frustration, but is often unnecessary or incorrect. Combined etiologies are common, and although the possibilities are infinite, certain patterns often present themselves: inflammation frequently complicates congestive failure and neoplasms, hemorrhage is common in neoplastic and chylous effusions, neoplastic effusions may cause transudation from venous obstruction or pericardial stricture, and sepsis is frequently secondary to traumatic effusions. In the presence of atypical findings and the establishment of one cause of pleural effusion, one cannot rule out other operative conditions.  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity were determined for the cytologic detection of malignant tumors in canine and feline body cavity effusions. In a prospective study, 424 body cavity effusions from dogs and cats were collected and evaluated, including 70 pleural and 163 peritoneal effusions from dogs, and 77 pleural and 114 peritoneal effusions from cats. Final diagnoses were confirmed in 339 of the 424 cases by clinical follow-up, necropsy, and in the case of malignant tumors, Histopathology. Malignant tumors were found in 18% of canine and 25% of feline body cavity effusions. Approximately one-half of tumors in both dogs and cats were carcinomas. Discrete cell tumors accounted for 56% of feline neoplastic effusions. The sensitivity of cytologic evaluation for the detection of malignant tumors in body cavity effusions was 64% for dogs and 61% for cats. Specificity was 99% for canine and 100% for feline effusions. Sensitivity and specificity were comparable to those obtained with cytologic evaluation of human samples.  相似文献   

Diagnostic value of pericardial fluid analysis in the dog   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The physical, chemical, and cytologic characteristics of 50 pericardial effusions were reviewed to determine their value to the clinician for distinguishing a variety of pericardial disorders in the dog. Pericardial fluid analysis allowed identification of chylous and bacterial pericardial effusions. Overlap in the ranges of RBC counts, nucleated cell counts, and protein concentrations between dogs with neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders precluded identification of the cause of the effusion. Of 19 neoplastic effusions, 74% were not detected on the basis of cytologic findings and 13% of 31 nonneoplastic effusates were falsely reported as positive or suspect for a neoplasm. It was concluded that pericardial fluid analysis, including cytologic examination, did not reliably distinguish neoplastic from nonneoplastic disorders.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase activity (ADA) (EC was determined according to the method of Slaats and associates in the autoanalyzer Hitachi 705.(1) The analytical quality was controlled. Accuracy was tested by supplementing a sample with an ADA solution. The measured difference of ADA was close to the calculated one. The within-run and between-run precision of the method was sufficient. The detection limit was 1 U/l. ADA measurements were set in relation to a canine plasma pool and expressed as a percent to achieve reproducibility due to the lack of a commercial ADA standard. Body cavity effusions of 156 dogs were examined. The ADA of neoplastic effusions and the ADA of cardiac congestive effusions differed highly significantly (p < 0.001) in pleural and in peritoneal effusions. A discrimination value of 60% for pleural and a discrimination value of 100% ADA for peritoneal effusions separated neoplastic from cardiac congestive effusions. ADA determination in the serum of dogs did not contribute to the etiological differentiation of effusions. The elevation of ADA seemed to originate from the effusion, because the ratio of ADA (effusion/serum) was relatively high in cases of canine neoplasia. In this analysis the ADA in body cavity effusions of dogs was determined for the first time.  相似文献   

A commercial nephelometric test kit for human fibronectin (FN) was found suitable for the estimation if fibronectin concentration in body effusions of cats and dogs. The FN measurements were set in relation to the FN concentration of plasma pools in cats and dogs. A discrimination line of 31.5% completely separated malignant from cardiogenic pleural effusions in cats. For the diagnosis of a malignant pleural effusion, sensitivity was 100% and specificity was 57%. Pleuritis also resulted in high FN concentrations. The FN concentration in malignant pleural effusions in dogs differed significantly ( P < .02) from that in cardiogenic effusions. There were no clinically useful differences in the FN concentration in peritoneal effusions in cats and dogs. The FN/albumin ratio was significantly higher ( P < .02) in dogs with neoplastic abdominal effusion than in those with congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

Pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma with spread to the pleural cavity were diagnosed in 2 horses. Clinical signs included respiratory distress, depression and pleural pain. The affected body cavities contained copious, serous effusions containing very large neoplastic mesothelial cells with densely-staining cytoplasm, hyperchromic nuclei and prominent, often multiple, nucleoli. Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic cells appeared as solid aggregates, with profuse microvillous borders and neolumen formation. Cytological examination, together with confirmative ancillary diagnostic tests, including electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry, may be used to obtain an ante-mortem diagnosis of mesothelioma.  相似文献   

The clinical, laboratory, radiographic and pathological findings of two dogs with similar neoplasms are described. Both dogs were mature males of a large breed and had pleural and abdominal effusions containing neoplastic cells. Diffuse scirrhous thickening of the pleura and serosal surfaces was a prominent feature. A fibrous layer containing nests of neoplastic, epithelial-like cells was present on serosal surfaces. The morphological appearance of the cells was suggestive of either an atypical sclerosing mesothelioma or a scirrhous carcinoma. On the basis of ultrastructural and differential staining characteristics, a diagnosis of a scirrhous carcinoma of undetermined primary origin was made in one case and of prostatic urethral origin in the other case.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old German Shepherd cross was presented with a history of dyspnoea, decreased activity, episodic collapse and abdominal distention. Cytological examination of thoracic and abdominal fluid demonstrated neoplastic cells, either round or mesenchymal in nature. The dog was found to have a mass in the heart-base region. Exploratory thoracotomy was performed to identify the exact nature of the mass histologically, and to determine if it was the source of neoplastic cells seen in the effusions. Histological diagnosis of the mass was mesothelioma. Postoperatively the dog developed thrombocytopenia, probably immune-mediated, which was treated with prednisone therapy. The dog developed signs of respiratory distress shortly before discharge and, due to its deteriorating condition, was euthanased. A necropsy was performed and tissues were collected for histological examination. The histological diagnosis was angiotropic intravascular lymphosarcoma. Diagnosis of mesothelioma was not confirmed.  相似文献   

This prospective study of 15 dogs evaluated biochemical parameters in abdominal effusions of neoplastic and nonneoplastic origin in an attempt to identify markers for malignant effusions. Dogs in the neoplastic group had statistically significant lower glucose concentrations (mean, 72.6 mg/dL versus 110.0 mg/dL; P=0.0431) and higher lactate levels (mean, 3.81 mmol/L versus 1.68 mmol/L; P=0.0377) in their abdominal fluid than did dogs in the nonneoplastic group, indicating that low glucose and high lactate in abdominal effusions may be markers for neoplasia.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, animals with lymphadenopathy are eminently suitable candidates for cytology sample collection by FNAB from several enlarged nodes; or, if surgical biopsies are made, imprint smears from the tissue may yield diagnostically useful information to supplement the histological findings. Cytology may reveal the lesion to be reactive, inflammatory, or neoplastic. Cytologically, reactive nodes will contain increased numbers of plasma cells, possibly with some inflammatory cells, along with the resident lymphoid population. If inflammation is present, neutrophils and macrophages also will be found and the type of inflammation may be classified. Any infectious agent such as fungal hyphae, yeasts, bacteria, and protozoa also may be demonstrated. Aspirates may be cultured directly onto blood agar plates or transported in nutrient broth for culture at a referral laboratory. In chronic dermatopathic nodes, a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate is expected, and in pruritic skin disorders, eosinophils usually are plentiful in node aspirates. Increased numbers of eosinophils also may be found in dogs that are microfilaremic with heartworm infection. Background debris of hemosiderin and melanin pigment and other fine particles may occur in some chronic inflammatory lymphadenopathies. Metastatic lesions are identified by the presence of foreign neoplastic cells, but this diagnosis may be missed in early metastatic spread or if the aspirate is not sufficiently cellular. A cytological guide to the classification of the more common diffuse canine lymphomas is provided but full characterization of the lymphoma type may require histology and immunocytochemistry. In practice, a simple differential Romanowsky stain such as Diff Quik is suitable for most purposes. Supplementary stains using 1 per cent toluidine blue may increase the detection of mast cells. Aspirates also may be transferred into suitable media for transport to a referral diagnostic laboratory for cytocentrifugation or further tests such as electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and culture. Although definitive diagnosis by histopathology and other tests still may be required, in many routine cases, diagnoses can be achieved expediently in clinical practice by aspiration cytology.  相似文献   

Pleural effusions (PE) reportedly occur most commonly secondary to bacterial pneumonia with neoplastic effusions contributing a minority of cases. The majority of reports originate from the USA and Australia, where long distance transport of horses, a recognised risk factor, may occur more frequently than in the UK. Anecdotally, a greater proportion of horses with PE are diagnosed with neoplasia in the UK than has been reported. The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the causes of PE in horses in the UK, and to identify markers that can help differentiate between septic and neoplastic causes of PE. Medical records from 4 equine hospitals in the UK were searched for horses diagnosed with PE. Information recorded included case background, admission physical examination and biochemical findings, and characteristics of the effusion (volume, cell count, total protein [TP] concentration). A total of 69 horses were identified, with 26 (38%) diagnosed with a neoplastic effusion. The remainder were categorised as septic, including 14/43 (32.5%) that had a history of international transport. Horses with septic effusions were significantly younger (8 vs. 13 years; P = 0.001) and had significantly smaller volumes of pleural fluid drained at admission (9.8 l vs. 32.2 l; P<0.001). Horses with septic PE had a significantly higher rectal temperature (38.6°C vs. 38.2°C; P = 0.03), fibrinogen concentration (7.8 g/l vs. 5.3 g/l; P = 0.01) and serum amyloid A concentration (230 mg/l vs. 59 mg/l; P = 0.02) than those with neoplastic effusions. Significantly higher pleural fluid cell count and TP concentration were identified in horses with septic PE (63.9 × 109/l vs. 8.6 × 109/l; P<0.001; 57.5 g/l vs. 35.9 g/l; P = 0.04). These results suggest that in the UK, neoplastic effusions account for a greater proportion of PE than previously reported. A large volume of PE in an older horse with a low cell count and relatively low TP concentration should increase the index of suspicion of neoplasia.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological and immunohistochemical findings of a primary feline mammary tumour with features similar to human and canine primary inflammatory carcinoma are described for the first time. The cat presented to the clinic for the rapid onset of oedema, severe erythema, local pain and warmth of the inguinal region, with a pustular-to-nodular cutaneous lesion in association with an ill-defined underlying mass. An epithelial malignant tumour was diagnosed by cytological investigation. Necropsy revealed a thickening of the skin with oedema of the subcutis in the right inguinal area, and regional and distant metastases. Histology showed an unencapsulated tubulopapillary proliferation of malignant epithelial cells, with a massive embolisation in the dermal lymphatics and a mild inflammatory infiltrate. Through immunohistochemistry, the tumour was found to be oestrogen (ER)-alpha-, androgen (AR)- and progesterone (PR)-negative; neoplastic cells were ER-alpha, AR-negative and focally PR-positive. An irregular, mild and focal HER-2 immunoreactivity was present (score +1, non-HER-2 overexpressing). The neoplastic cells were cyclo-oxygenase-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor positive.  相似文献   

Five horses with squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach are described. The clinical findings included anorexia, weight loss, abdominal distension, abnormal chewing and swallowing behaviour and abdominal masses palpable per rectum in four cases. Haematological studies revealed a normocytic anaemia in three horses, and neutrophilia and hypoalbuminaemia in two. Analysis of peritoneal fluid revealed abnormal effusions in all five horses and neoplastic cells were identified in three of them. The tumours originated in the cardia and metastases were present in all the horses. Three of them had many small nodules covering the entire peritoneum.  相似文献   

It was the intent of this study to define which, if any, radiographic observations corresponded with specific causes of diffuse infiltrative small bowel disease and if radiographic findings could differentiate inflammatory disease from neoplastic disease and either of them from normal. Bowel spasticity, luminal narrowing, and thumbprinting tend to indicate the presence of tumor more often than inflammatory disease. Increased bowel gas in cats and barium adhesion in dogs and cats suggest that a component of enteritis is present. Decreased bowel gas in dogs is more often associated with obstructive disease, but is not helpful in differentiating diffuse inflammatory disease from diffuse neoplastic disease. While several observations that can foster differentiation of neoplastic from inflammatory disease were found, this study also indicated that the UGI lacks a high degree of predictive value other than to indicate the presence of infiltrative small bowel disease.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, neutered, male Golden Retriever cross dog was euthanized following a history of recurrent pericardial effusions. At necropsy, blood-tinged pericardial and intrathoracic effusions were seen along with numerous firm to hard plaque-like masses that studded the epicardial, pericardial, mediastinal, and costal pleural surfaces. Within the right thorax, the lesions coalesced into a large mass that occupied most of the cavity. Histologically, the masses were composed of solid sheets and papillary aggregates of medium-sized polygonal cells that contained abundant vacuolated to clear cytoplasm. Some of the cytoplasmic vacuoles stained positive with oil red O. The stroma contained metaplastic trabeculae of woven and lamellar bone. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells expressed vimentin, pancytokeratin, and S-100 protein. Transmission electron microscopy corroborated the presence of intracytoplasmic vacuoles and demonstrated prominent intercellular junctional complexes and apically located microvilli. These findings are consistent with a lipid-rich variant of mesothelioma. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a lipid-rich mesothelioma in a dog.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of megakaryocytes containing intracytoplasmic blood cells was frequently observed in the bone marrow of rats. The frequency appeared to increase in inflammatory or neoplastic conditions. The types of blood cells engulfed were mainly neutrophils. For the first time, megakaryocytes also were found to be engulfed.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma in urban dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical and postmortem materials from six dogs with a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma were studied retrospectively. The dogs were urban pets with clinical signs of malignant effusions. Two mesotheliomas were pleural, one pericardial, and one peritoneal. Both pleura and pericardium were involved in one dog, and the pleura and peritoneum in another. On gross examination at necropsy, diffuse granular or velvety plaques covering mesothelial surfaces were found in all dogs; firm discrete pleural nodules also were present in two dogs. Neither distant metastases nor areas of deep lung invasion were found. The tumors varied histologically, but the most common type was epithelial with a papillary pattern. Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic cells had prominent surface microvilli, numerous desmosomes, and tonofilaments. Lung tissue from these dogs and from control dogs was evaluated for the presence of ferruginous bodies. Asbestos bodies were found in three of five dogs with mesotheliomas but rarely were found in control dogs. As a group, the mesothelioma cases had significantly more asbestos bodies and total ferruginous bodies than controls. The clinical and morphologic appearance of canine mesothelioma is similar to human mesothelioma and also may be associated with exposure to airborne fibers.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hemangiosarcoma in young rats is rare. In this report, we describe a case of a spontaneous hemangiosarcoma in the spleen and liver of young rats. At necropsy, multiple pale red masses were observed in the spleen. Histopathologically, solid growth and haphazardly arranged neoplastic cells were observed, although no characteristic growth pattern was observed. In contrast, irregularly sized small slit-shaped spaces containing erythrocytes were found among the neoplastic cells. Reticular fibers incompletely surrounding the neoplastic cells were observed by silver staining. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the neoplastic cells were positive for vWF and CD34. Electron microscopic examination revealed that the neoplastic cells had erythrocytes in the lumen and Weibel-Palade bodies in the cytoplasm and were arranged along a discontinuous basal lamina. These features indicate that the tumor originated from vascular endothelial cells. Based on these results, the tumor was diagnosed as a hemangiosarcoma in the spleen and liver.  相似文献   

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