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Tropical forests are at the center of any global debate on climate change and sustainable forest management because of their twin roles in climate change adaptation and mitigation and for resilient development. However, in the countries of the Congo Basin forests receive very little attention in national planning and policies. Climate change is not currently considered in decisions and long-term forest management plans in these countries. This paper demonstrates that: (1) Congo Basin forests are needed for adaptation because they can help to decrease human vulnerability to climate change; and (2) Congo Basin forest management practices need to be adapted to accommodate climate change because these forests are vulnerable to climate change. A framework for facilitating adaptation in forestry is discussed and a review of adaptive actions presented. The paper recommends the adoption of sustainable forest management approach that includes a climate change focus. Such management should not only avoid any adverse effects on the forest resources and conservation of biodiversity, but also provides opportunities for greater, more sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation through income generation and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

探讨了云南热区阔叶人工林可持续经营的生物多样性标准、生态安全标准及天然林保护标准及其指标。根据文献、试验及专题调研,提出生物多样性标准包括生物多样性集中地区或地段的保护、濒危物种保护、重要和特殊自然景观保护、具重要价值的林木种质资源保护、野生动物生境和栖息地保护5个具体指标,以及生态安全及天然林保护各两个指标,并计算了生物多样性指标。  相似文献   

森林生态系统的生物多样性保护问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性的保护和可持续的利用对森林的保护与可持续经营具有特别重要的意义,生物多样性保护在森林生态系统管理中也越来越显示其重要性。讨论全球森林生态系统生物多样性保护的发展趋势及森林生态系统生物多样性保护的理论和对策,以及生物多样性指数在评价生物多样性管理的应用,提出我国生物多样性保护研究应该加强的方向。  相似文献   

高黎贡山自然保护区森林资源丰富,动植物种类繁多,其物种多样性的丰富程度为国内外罕见。由于周边社区集体森林破坏严重,使保护区受到周围村社的"蚕食",给高黎贡山的森林资源管理和生物多样性保护工作带来了巨大的压力。在对村社集体林地的管理与高黎贡山生物多样性保护相关性论述的基础上,提出加强对乡村集体森林的管理,发展社区林业,实行"以林养林",即以发展集体林来保护国有林、保护区,使社区林业的发展既为当地农户提供日常生产、生活和经济发展所需要的非木材林产品、薪材及木材,又为保护区构筑一道以集体林为主的绿色屏障,以实现自然保护区森林资源管理、生物多样性保护和周围农村经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

全球人工林环境管理策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球人工林为木材生产和缓解贫困做出了重要贡献, 在减缓和适应气候变化中起到了非常重要的作用。文中在介绍全球人工林资源的基础上, 分析了人工林对生物多样性、水分循环、养分循环和碳循环的影响和相互作用机制, 提出了人工林环境管理策略, 即建立人工林多功能经营制度、通过森林认证助推人工林可持续经营、充分利用REDD+机制提高人工林固碳效应的政策推动策略, 加强生物多样性保护、降低人工林对水循环负面影响、提高人工林的养分循环、促进人工林生态系统碳循环的生态系统完整性策略, 以及保育高保护价值区域策略和鼓励利益相关者参与人工林规划与管理策略。  相似文献   

Certification and principles, criteria and indicators (PCI) describe desired ends for sustainable forest management (SFM) but do not address potential means to achieve those ends. As a result, forest owners and managers participating in certification and employing PCI as tools to achieving SFM may be doing so inefficiently: achieving results by trial-and-error rather than by targeted management practices; dispersing resources away from priority objectives; and passively monitoring outcomes rather than actively establishing quantitative goals. In this literature review, we propose six concepts to guide SFM implementation. These concepts include: Best Management Practices (BMPs)/Reduced Impact Logging (RIL), biodiversity conservation, forest protection, multi-scale planning, participatory forestry, and sustained forest production. We place these concepts within an iterative decision-making framework of planning, implementation, and assessment, and provide brief definitions of and practices delimited by each concept. A case study describing SFM in the neo-tropics illustrates a potential application of our six concepts. Overall our paper offers an approach that will help forest owners and managers implement the ambiguous SFM concept.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,林业的作用越来越重要。全面了解爱沙尼亚林业发展的实践和经验,可为我国林业建设提供借鉴。文中研究分析了爱沙尼亚森林资源、林业政策法规、林业机构和管理体制、国有林和私有林管理、自然保护区和森林公园、生物多样性保护、林产品贸易、林业科研教育现状,概述了其林业发展特点并提出对我国林业发展的启示:1)制定和完善林业相关的法律法规,发挥林业规划的引导作用,实行分类补贴政策;2)建立完备的森林认证体系,提高森林经营技术水平和管理手段,合理保护和利用各类森林资源;3)促使科研教育与森林文化相结合,通过森林户外教育和体验,树立人们尊重自然、顺应自然和保护自然的理念;4)加强森林公园建设,探索建立国家公园体制。  相似文献   

The loss of connectivity of forest landscapes is seriously hindering dispersal of many forest-dwelling species, which may be critical for their viability and conservation. In this context, explicitly incorporating connectivity considerations is an important challenge in current forest planning and management, but as yet there is a lack of operative methods for appropriate decision making in this respect. We describe a new methodology based on graph structures and a habitat availability index (integral index of connectivity) that integrates forest attributes (like habitat quality) and network connectivity in a single measure. We apply this methodology to examine the connectivity of the highly fragmented habitat of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in Catalonia (NE Spain), where the threatened status of this forest bird species calls for landscape-level forest planning solutions. We analyse data on the distribution of capercaillie forest habitat at 1 km spatial resolution obtained from the recent Catalan Breeding Bird Atlas. We determine the functionally connected regions existing within its habitat distribution and identify the forest habitat areas that are more important for the maintenance of overall landscape connectivity for this species. Based on these results, we provide recommendations on certain critical public forests where management oriented to the conservation of capercaillie habitat is more necessary. These results highlight the potential and practical interest of the proposed methodology for successfully integrating landscape connectivity in broad scale forest planning.  相似文献   

森林认证对生物多样性影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
维护森林生态系统的完整性,尤其是保护生物多样性是开展森林认证的重要目的之一。文中概述2大国际森林认证体系(FSC和PEFC)认证标准中有关生物多样性保护的要求,分析森林认证对生物多样性的影响,探讨现有认证标准与实现生物多样性保护之间的差距。分析表明,森林认证对生物多样性的保护具有积极作用,森林认证可作为促进生物多样性保护的有力工具;由于受到诸多因素的影响,在全球认证体系中生物多样性保护标准和指标的确立普遍缺乏科学数据支撑,不同区域差异较大,且生物多样性的监测和评估相对滞后。森林认证对全球森林资源的可持续发展具有重要的意义,生物多样性保护工作将成为推动森林认证持续发展的重要力量。  相似文献   

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one of the leading forest certification schemes. While many studies concern political aspects and social outcomes of FSC, little is known about the contribution of certification to biodiversity conservation. In Europe, the Russian Federation and Sweden have the largest areas of FSC-certified forest. We assessed the potential of FSC certification for boreal biodiversity conservation in terms of standard content, and outcomes as habitat area set aside and habitat network functionality. First, we compared the biodiversity conservation indicators at different spatial scales in Swedish and Russian FSC standards. Second, focusing on one large state forest management unit in each country, we compared the areas of formally and voluntarily set aside forests for biodiversity conservation. Third, we evaluated the structural habitat connectivity by applying morphological spatial pattern analysis, and potential functional connectivity by using habitat suitability index modelling for virtual species. The Russian standard included indicators for all spatial scales of biodiversity conservation, from tree and stand to landscape and ecoregions. The Swedish standard focused mainly on stand and tree scales. The area of voluntary set-asides for FSC was similar in Sweden and Russia, while formal protection in the Russian case study was three times higher than in the Swedish one. Swedish set-aside core areas were two orders of magnitude smaller, had much lower structural and potential functional connectivity and were located in a fragmented forestland holding. We conclude that to understand the potential of FSC certification for biodiversity conservation both the standard content, and its implementation on the ground, need to be assessed. We discuss the potential of FSC certification for biodiversity conservation with different levels of ambition. We stress the need for developing rapid assessment tools to evaluate outcomes of FSC for biodiversity conservation on the ground, which could be used by forest managers and FSC-auditors toward adaptive governance and management.  相似文献   

森林认证对森林可持续经营的影响及其在中国的实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
开展森林认证是促进我国森林管理与国际接轨并实现森林可持续经营的有效途径。文中概述了森林认证的发展概况以及森林认证对森林可持续经营的影响,并以我国吉林省经过认证的森林经营企业为例,通过对森林认证前后的对比,以及与未经过认证的国有林业局对比,分析森林认证对经济、社会和环境等方面的具体影响。结果表明,森林认证的开展在经济上可行,使社会受益,对环境友好,能够促进森林可持续经营。文中还对我国开展森林认证工作提出了具体措施建议。  相似文献   

沿海防护林是在沿海地区建立的以防护为主要目的的林木和灌木林,在防灾减灾、护岸固堤、生物多样性保护及景观美化等方面具有重要作用。目前,我国对沿海防护林复合经营的研究重点集中在复合经营模式配置、复合经营关键技术以及功能与效益等方面。文中通过总结我国既有沿海防护林复合经营模式和经营技术等研究成果,对今后海防林复合经营研究进行了展望:1)与乡村振兴等战略紧密结合,重视复合经营项目的规划布局;2)提升复合经营科技含量,进行新品种、新技术和新模式研发;3)开展复合经营技术综合应用研究,建立试验示范基地,提高其生态、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

发达国家自然保护地森林资源生态保育制度综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
森林生态系统是陆地上最大的生态系统,是衡量一个国家生态系统是否稳定、可持续的重要指标,我国以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系正在建设和完善中,自然资源保育制度尚存在许多不足。文中通过对西方发达国家(美国、加拿大、英国、德国、日本)自然保护地体系的研究,发现其通过规划、管理、立法等政策调整,将自然保护地立法与相关林业立法相互协调,同时重视公众参与、引入特许经营以及界外管理等措施能够对森林资源生态保育起到积极推动作用,并对构建我国森林资源生态保育制度提出了建议。  相似文献   

中国竹林可持续经营认证的必要性和可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献研究、野外调查和专家研讨和咨询等研究方法,从中国竹林经营现状和世界森林可持续经营认证(简称森林认证)发展趋势入手,对中国开展竹林可持续经营认证的必要性和可行性进行了研究。结果表明,竹林快速生长和更新特性使竹林具有一定的可持续经营性,同时,中国现有的竹林经营技术实践在一定程度上满足了可持续经营的要求。但是,中国有较大面积的人工经营天然次生竹林,长期高强度集约经营对整个竹林生态系统的复杂性和完整性也造成了很大影响,由此引发了很多集约经营的生产性竹林水土流失、地力下降、生物多样性丧失、严重病虫害频发等生态问题,威胁着竹林可持续经营。根据我们的研究,按照目前森林认证发展趋势,竹林可持续经营认证作为促进竹林可持续经营的市场激励手段之一,是值得研究和尝试的。在中国开展绩效性的竹林可持续经营认证,不但有利于中国竹产品在国际贸易中克服绿色贸易壁垒,保持竞争优势,也有利于引导和促进中国竹林的可持续经营实践。总体上竹林认证是必要的。但在可行性方面面临一些问题和挑战。鉴于竹林本身的生物学和生态学特性、竹林经营的技术特点、竹林产品为非木质林产品的特殊性以及我国较为普遍的分户经营特点,可开展小范围试点研究,解决如何开展中小农户的联合认证问题和认证成本过高的问题,同时确保中小农户的利益和竹产品的公平贸易,为进一步的推广行动提供技术支持。在研究和推进竹林可持续经营认证的过程中,要充分考虑与中国现有竹林经营的行业标准和经营实践相衔接和适应。除了要充分利用国内外现有森林认证的理论、技术和经验,还必须充分与竹产业的生产、教学和研究人员进行磋商,充分利用现有竹业经营和开发的经验和技术。以期通过可持续经营认证,保护中国竹产品的国际贸易竞争力,同时积极引导和促进中国竹林可持续经营实践的发展和行业标准的制定。  相似文献   


Efforts at achieving sustainable forest management throughout the world often appear to pit global economic and development interests against those who seek preservation and environmental protection of the Faith's resources. Such conflicts, where they do arise, are often unmindful of the full range of land use parameters which must be taken into account when developing sustainable forest models on a regional, if not subconlinenlal scale the scale on which many multinational corporate entities now base their business planning. In fact, sustainable forest resource planning in the global marketplace must be integrated with regional sustainable land use, cultural, ecosystem and economic planning if the myriad forest attributes are to be maintained for future generations. The proposed paper would describe comprehensive sustainable land use planning being implemented in the Lake Baikal region of south central Siberia, Russia, which incorporates the full range of forest utilization from wild forest preserves to ecologically sustainable forest management for wood products. This paper describes similar projects being undertaken by Ecologically Sustainable Development, Inc. (ESD) in Mongolia, the Altai region of Russia, the Ussuri River Basin of Far Eastern Russia and China. Nicaragua and British Columbia, finally, the authors make recommendations key to achieving sustainable forest policy on the federal, state, regional and local levels.  相似文献   

This paper offers a forest operations perspective in environmentally sensitive areas in Europe and the United States. The objective is to help inform key sustainability knowledge gaps in forest operations to reduce impacts on the environment and the equipment operators in these increasingly targeted and difficult to operate in areas. Under existing guidelines and best management practices, the protection of ecosystem services linked to soil, water, wildlife and biodiversity have rightly received the highest considerations. However, the connection between protecting these ecological values, safe operational practices and technological advancements is rarely well articulated. One means to address the operational and technological gap is the selection of equipment and tailor the work conditions to terrain type, forest features and management objectives. To that effect, this paper discusses the environmental, planning, equipment selection and operator considerations and proposes possible solutions and guidelines to contain both the operators’ safety and environmental risks in forest operations.  相似文献   

Setting aside parcels of land is the main conservation strategy to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss worldwide. Because funding for biological conservation is limited, it is important to distinguish the most efficient ways to use it. Here, we assess implications of alternative measures to conserve biodiversity in managed boreal forest landscapes. We calculated four alternative spatio-temporal scenarios and compared these to the current management regime over 100-year time period. In the alternative scenarios, a fixed amount of funding was invested in (1) permanent large reserves (each tens of ha in size), (2) permanent small reserves (each a few ha in size), (3) temporary small reserves (based on 10-year contracts with private land owners), and (4) green-tree retention (small groups of trees retained on clear-cuts). To assess biodiversity implications, we used habitat suitability indices to calculate overall habitat availability for five groups of red-listed and habitat-specific species associated with decaying spruce logs. The possibilities for timber harvests did not differ among the scenarios, but biodiversity performance was different. The scenarios with permanent reserves tended to outperform other scenarios, suggesting that conservation policies based on permanent reserves are the most cost-efficient in the long term. Results, however, varied among time scales and species groups. In the short term, a strategy of investment in temporary small reserves was the most efficient. Habitat for species associated with old spruce dead-wood and preferring shade was rare throughout all simulations, and therefore, it is likely that these species cannot be sustained in managed forests. Species that live on fresh dead-wood and are associated with forest edges coped well in all scenarios suggesting that such species will persist in managed landscapes without additional conservation efforts. Explicit definition of conservation objectives and time frames for conservation action are thus prerequisites for successful conservation planning.  相似文献   

The potential for traditional and local ecological knowledge to contribute to biodiversity conservation has been widely recognized, but the actual application of this knowledge to biodiversity conservation is not easy. This paper synthesizes literature about traditional and local ecological knowledge and forest management in the Pacific Northwest to evaluate what is needed to accomplish this goal. We address three topics: (1) views and values people have relating to biodiversity; (2) the resource use and management practices of local forest users, and their effects on biodiversity; (3) models for integrating traditional and local ecological knowledge into biodiversity conservation on public and private lands. We focus on the ecological knowledge of forest users belonging to three groups who inhabit the region: American Indians, family forest owners, and commercial nontimber forest product harvesters.  相似文献   

Agroforestry for production and ecosystem health is a centuries-old form of ecosystem management used in many cultures indigenous to Mesoamerica, yet implications of such practices for biodiversity conservation are not well understood. Agroforestry systems were studied using interviews of farmers and field surveys of tree and bird diversity in three communities surrounding the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Campeche, Mexico to examine how differences in forest management practices affect forest biodiversity. Tree diversity and bird species richness were higher in areas surrounding communities that generated a greater variety of forest products and that cultivated “restoration trees,” species planted to aid in regeneration of mature forest. We conclude that traditional ecosystem management methods in areas surrounding natural reserves as practiced by inhabitants who depend on resources in the reserve for survival are compatible with maintaining and perhaps enhancing diversity of bird and tree communities at the site level.  相似文献   

The role of deadwood on biodiversity conservation of forest ecosystems is widely recognised. Interest on deadwood has increased in the last years, and forest management policy regards deadwood as indicator of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

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