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灭鼠雷灭鼠弹防治林地甘肃鼢鼠试验初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
试验结果表明:只要使用方法得当,应用灭鼠雷、灭鼠弹可有效地杀灭鼢鼠,且对环境安全。但灭鼠弹的效果不如灭鼠雷,且其杀灭效果很难准确定性。  相似文献   

银杏苗圃危害最严重的鼠种是棕色田鼠。防治时主要采用⑴农田生态防治:选用栽过水稻刚回旱的田块育苗;⑵化学防治:采用甘氟毒饵灭鼠、熏蒸灭鼠;⑶生化剂灭鼠:采用肉毒素毒饵灭鼠;⑷人工捕杀:采用洞跌法捕杀等4个方面的综合方法,将危害降到最低限度。  相似文献   

青藏高原退耕还林(草)地鼠害防治技术研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在退耕还林草地设置鼠害防治试验示范小区,运用铗日法和化学药剂克鼠星对地上鼠进行防治试验。运用灭鼠雷、人工地箭及窒息灭鼠弹对地下鼠进行防治试验的结果表明:鼠药最佳投放时间应为每年的3—4月,灭鼠雷和人工地箭灭鼠率分别是70.8%和75.4%。  相似文献   

老鼠是人们生活中一大公害。在同鼠害斗争实践中,人们不断地创造和发明了许许多多新的防鼠灭鼠方法,如利用柴些植物来驱鼠灭鼠,就是劳动人民智慧的结晶。人们把这些具有躯鼠功能的植物,称之为“植物猫”。采用植物驱鼠既经济,又方便,灭鼠率高,驱鼠效果好,对人、畜十分安全,无二次中毒的危险,有利于维护生态平衡,是具有发展前途的防鼠灭鼠措施。驱鼠和  相似文献   

1.窒息灭鼠弹是杀灭鼢鼠的一项新技术,为了保证杀灭效果。制定本技术推广要点。 2.使用窒息灭鼠弹以春秋两季为主。夏、冬季可结合造林、整地、管护进行。 3.用窒息灭鼠弹必须准确判别有效鼠洞。实施防治措施的洞是交通洞。  相似文献   

森林害鼠尤喜啃食樟子松幼树地际的树皮,致其养分与水分运输阻断而死亡。利用袋装毒饵和散投毒饵在樟子松人工林地进行灭鼠试验,结果表明:袋装毒饵不影响害鼠咬食,灭鼠效果优于散投毒饵;袋装毒饵比散投毒饵的残效期延长达5个多月,两者差异显著。投放袋装毒饵是一种安全、有效的灭鼠方法。  相似文献   

近年来,锡林浩特市防风林内,有五六种野鼠危害整个林地,成批成批地啃死树木,特别是群居的达乌里鼠兔为害尤为严重。为保护幼林,消灭鼠害,阿巴嘎纳尔旗造林站全体职工奋发工作,自己做鼠炮灭鼠,1981年春天灭鼠450亩,1982年春天灭鼠510亩,施用鼠炮2300个,  相似文献   

近几年来,我区平原人工林和山区林场苗圃,鼠害发生面积,危害程度逐年加重,已引起基层森防技术人员的重视。但由于缺少灭鼠知识,在灭鼠工作中出现了一些问题,如:灭鼠前不进行必要的调查,在鼠种不清的情况下就进行防治;配制毒饵时随意加大用药浓度,降低了毒饵的适口性,使鼠  相似文献   

灭鼠能手──猫头鹰黎明“鼠年谈灭鼠,当属猫头鹰。”这是人们对猫头鹰除暴安良造福人类的赞誉。那么,你看过科教片《不平凡的夜》吗?猫头鹰那种机智、勇猛、灭鼠除害的拼搏精神,真是名不虚传,令人钦佩啊!猫头鹰的学名叫,又叫猫王鸟,夜猫子,是山区比较常见的一种...  相似文献   

2011年在阿拉善荒漠区吉兰泰天然梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)林中分别选用胡萝卜+C型肉毒素、小麦+C型肉毒素2种不同毒饵,采用毒饵盒、毒饵裸投2种不同投饵法分别在春季和秋季进行大沙鼠防治试验。结果表明:大沙鼠的防治适期为春季,最佳投饵方法是毒饵盒胡萝卜+c型肉毒素。胡萝卜+c型肉毒素方法灭鼠效果最佳;其次是裸投小麦+c型肉毒素方法。毒饵盒胡萝卜+c型肉毒素方法灭鼠适宜在鼠密集的重灾区进行集中小面积防治,会取得理想的防治效果。裸投小麦+c型肉毒素方法灭鼠可以用于野外大规模的灭鼠活动。  相似文献   

以4年生"不育紫薇"和普通"可育紫薇"为研究对象,进行杂交育性分析,并利用液体培养法和荧光显微技术测定了两个紫薇品种的花粉活力和柱头可授性。结果表明:"不育紫薇"的花药表面较光滑湿润,难以释放花粉;花粉粒畸形,不能萌发,没有生活力;雌蕊的柱头对正常成熟的花粉有亲和力,具有可授性,但结实率仅4.0%。"不育紫薇"的不育性状由雄性不育和雌性不育共同作用所致。  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted in a mango (Mangifera indica L.) orchard located on Penang Island, Malaysia, to determine the efficacy of neem oil at 1, 2 and 3% concentrations and imidacloprid, a commonly used synthetic insecticide, on populations of thrips and their toxicities to mango pollinators. Daily periodicities of several pollinators that frequently visited mango panicles were studied prior to the insecticide trial to determine the appropriate time of insecticide application. Pollinators were collected at 2-h intervals for 2?months in the dry season and 1?month in the wet season of 2009. Mean numbers of all pollinators were greater in the morning (0800?h) and peaked in the late afternoon, but remained low during other times of the day. After two consecutive applications at 7-day interval, both neem oil and imidacloprid effectively reduced thrips populations compared to an untreated plot. Imidacloprid was the most effective insecticide reducing 68.7% thrips adult and 80.7% larval populations, respectively. However, it caused 92.5% mortality in pollinator populations. Neem oil at 2% was effective against adult thrips 96?h after the second application (59.8% reduction) and caused only 24.9% mortality of pollinators. Proper timing of neem oil application such as at midday when pollinators are least active would control thrips populations satisfactorily but less detrimental to mango pollinators. Future improvement of neem oil formulation should be aimed at improving its efficacy against thrips and further reducing toxicity to pollinators.  相似文献   

进行白蜡外齿茎蜂Stenocephus fraxini成虫和幼虫防治试验,结果表明:在成虫羽化高峰期喷药防治成虫,2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯2500倍液,1.8%阿维菌素1500倍液,3%噻虫啉1500倍液速效性好。在幼虫孵化初期灌根防治幼虫,25%噻虫嗪1000倍液和20%呋虫胺2000倍液防效最好;打孔注药防治幼虫,5%和10%吡虫啉原液、5%啶虫脒原液防效最好;毒死蜱不适宜于打孔注药使用。  相似文献   

Palanisamy  K.  Ansari  S. A.  Kumar  Pramod  Gupta  B. N. 《New Forests》1998,16(1):81-88
Adventitious rooting in shoot cuttings of neem (Azadirachta indica) and karanj (Pongamia pinnata) was investigated in different seasons. The influence of auxins and B-vitamins (neem only) was evaluated. Maximum rhizogenesis coincided with the emergence of new sprouts i.e. February (neem) and March (karanj). Considering both rooting percentage and root biomass, IBA was the most effective auxin tested. Compared to auxin free controls, IBA (1000 ppm in neem and 800 ppm in karanj) significantly increased adventitious rooting percentage (80 to 100 % respectively), the numbers of roots and root biomass for both species. In neem, B-vitamin treatment yielded 40–50% rooting for cuttings. This was significantly greater than rooting for controls but equivalent to IAA treatments. In neem, some of the cuttings treated with 2000–3000 ppm IBA had well developed root systems without any sprouts. In karanj, all auxin treatments promoted sprouting. The level of total soluble sugars in the rooting zone of neem and karanj was higher in non-rooted than rooted cuttings.  相似文献   

印楝人工林对植物多样性的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
以种植在元谋不同年龄的印楝林为研究对象,对林内的植物群落种类组成进行区系分析,结果表明群落内的植物种类以泛热带分布和全世界分布为主。用Gleason丰富度指数、Simpson和Shannon Weiner多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数对调查样地多样性进行分析,获得如下结果:(1)生物多样性指数随印楝林盖度的提高而逐渐下降,说明盖度是影响林下植物多样性的主要因子;(2)印楝林对林下植物多样性影响主要通过林荫,印楝盖度<40%时对林下植物多样性影响不明显,而当盖度>40%时,影响明显;(3)印楝林下植物生长好于对照,印楝枯枝落叶对林下植物生长没有抑制作用。  相似文献   

Constituents of aromatic plants: eucalyptol   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The subacute toxicity studies reported up to now in rats and mice suggested that mice were less susceptible than rats to the toxicity of eucalyptol. In fact, after gavage, it was found toxic in male rats at doses higher than 600 mg/kg while no effect was seen in mice up to 1200 mg/kg. However, the limitations and the quality of the study do not allow the extrapolation of a 'no effect level'. Several reports in rat and brushtail possum show the formation of hydroxylated bicycled products of eucalyptol as main metabolites. Moreover, metabolites which require ring opening have been also detected. Following the accidental exposure of human beings, death was reported in two cases after ingestion of 3.5-5 ml of essential eucalyptus oil, but a number of recoveries have also been described for much higher amounts of oil.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta is a key pest of tomato crops originating from South America. The consequences of X-radiation on this species were studied under laboratory controlled conditions. The effect of radiation on adult emergence was evaluated exposing male and female pupae to increasing X-rays. Adult emergence decreased as doses of X-radiation increased, with the appearance of deformities such as malformed wings and bent legs at doses ≥350?Gy. Besides, males and females obtained from irradiated pupae were out crossed with untreated counterparts to explore the effects of X-radiation on inherited sterility. (a) Irradiated male?×?untreated female crosses. Both fecundity and fertility of the untreated females were reduced by radiation, and the effect was stronger as the doses increased. Neither the longevity of parental males and F1 adults nor the sex ratios of the F1 and F2 generations were affected by X-radiation (F1 and F2: first and second generation of descendants of irradiated adults). Inherited sterility effects were manifested by a significant reduction in the F1 fecundity, F1 fertility, and the amount of larvae and pupae produced. Doses of 200–250?Gy could be used to induce inherited sterility in T. absoluta males. (b) Untreated male?×?irradiated female crosses. The minimum dose at which irradiated females were completely sterile was 200?Gy. The present study is the first study in T. absoluta that provides the starting point for implementing the inherited sterility in this species.  相似文献   

The efficacy of NeemAzal powder, two local neem (Azadirachta indica ) products [neem seed powder (NSP) and neem seed oil (NSO)], as well as a local Lamiaceae, Plectranthus glandulosus leaf powder, applied at four different rates for the control of Sitophilus zeamais was determined. Mortality was recorded 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after S. zeamais infestation, followed by the determination of F1 progeny production. Grain damage, population increase and grain germination were assessed for treated grains that were stored for 4 months. Grains treated with P. glandulosus powder and NSP had relatively low mortality (5.0–22.5%) after 3 days whereas NeemAzal and NSO had higher mortality (55.0–98.8%). Maximum mortality of 99, 100, 96 and 74% were achieved for NeemAzal (12 g/kg after 14 days), NSO (4 ml/kg after 7 days), NSP (40 g/kg after 14 days) and P. glandulosus powder (40 g/kg, after 14 days), respectively. In the same order, 7-day LC50 values were 0.02 g/kg, 1.46 ml/kg, 12.44 g/kg and 28.9 g/kg. The three neem products greatly reduced progeny emergence, while P. glandulosus powder was less effective. NeemAzal protected the grains against S. zeamais damage better than the local neem products, which in turn provided far better grain protection against the weevil damage than P. glandulosus powder. NeemAzal was superior to the local neem products in grain protection against germination loss, with P. glandulosus being the least effective. NeemAzal and NSO had sufficient efficacy to be a component of an integrated management package for S. zeamais.  相似文献   

【目的】以雌雄异株山鸡椒为研究材料,分析雌雄植株在生殖生长过程中水分及氮素利用策略的性别特异性动态变化规律,以期为雌雄异株植物资源分配动态变化机制提供理论依据。【方法】测定雌雄植株在开花后105~165天共5个时期叶片养分含量(碳含量、氮含量、碳氮比)、稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)、稳定氮同位素组成(δ15N),并分析其动态变化规律。【结果】1)雌雄株叶片δ13C平均值分别为-29. 38‰和-28. 08‰。性别和发育时期对雌雄株叶片δ13C值影响均显著,5个时期雌株δ13C值均显著低于雄株;且随发育进程雌雄植株δ13C值均不断下降。2)雌雄株叶片δ15N平均值分别为1. 90‰和2. 95‰。性别和发育时期对雌雄株叶片δ15N值均有极显著影响,开花后105~150天(即雌株果实中精油及柠檬醛含量快速积累期)雌株δ15N值显著低于雄株;随着发育进程,雌雄株叶片δ15N值均表现出双峰变化趋势,双峰出现在开花后105天和135天,雌株叶片δ15N在开花后120天达到最低值,雄株叶片在开花后165天时达到最低值。3)雌雄株叶片碳含量平均值分别为49. 44%和49. 28%。开花后105天和120天,雌株叶片C含量高于雄株叶片C含量,开花后135~165天(果实精油快速积累期到稳定期),雌株叶片C含量低于雄株。雄株叶片C含量随发育进程显著升高,而雌株叶片C含量在不同时期无显著差异。4)雌雄株叶片N含量平均值分别为1. 71%和1. 51%。性别对N含量影响显著,雄株叶片N含量均低于雌株(除开花后135天)。5)雌雄株叶片C/N平均值分别为29. 15和33. 72。性别对叶片碳氮比影响显著,雌株C/N值在不同发育时期均小于雄株,但发育时期对其无显著影响;随着发育时期推进,雄株C/N值下降程度高于雌株。6)雌雄植株叶片δ13C与N含量以及δ13C与δ15N之间均无显著相关性。【结论】山鸡椒雌雄植株在养分含量、水分及氮素利用策略存在差异,且在开花后105~165天表现出动态变化规律。雌株水分利用效率低于雄株,从果实精油及柠檬醛含量快速积累期到稳定期,雌株水分利用效率不断下降;雌株氮利用低于雄株,且随着植株发育,雌雄株叶片氮素利用效率均表现出双峰变化趋势;雄株叶片氮含量低于雌株,分配更多的氮素至花芽以保证花粉形成;果实精油快速积累期到稳定期,雌株叶片碳含量低于雄株,为果实及种子的形成提供更多的碳元素。  相似文献   

[目的]建立一套适合印楝药用优树无性系测定的分析评价方法,并进行农药型印楝优株评价。[方法]以印楝药用优树和平均木无性系为试验材料,通过不完全谱系设计建立无性系品比试验,采用重复力估算法在表型水平上对无性系当代种子农药品质性状进行遗传变异分析,提出"农药型印楝"的概念和标准,根据该标准进行农药型印楝优株评价。[结果]无性系种子印楝素组分含量随优树种子印楝素组分含量的变化而变化,但在无性系内和无性系间都存在不同程度变异:同一无性系各分株间的印楝素B变异(5.26%37.55%)较印楝素A变异(6.06%15.80%)和印楝素AB变异(2.95%16.14%)大,印楝素B和印楝素AB几乎呈退化和/或趋中遗传倾向,而印楝素A则既有退化和/或趋中遗传倾向又有超母遗传倾向;无性系间种子印楝素组分含量性状具有异质性(P0.01)。无性系印楝素A重复力(0.78)、印楝素B重复力(0.81)和印楝素AB重复力(0.83)均较高,表明无性系间印楝素组分含量的差异主要是由遗传效应和一般环境效应造成的,受特殊环境效应影响较小。按农药型印楝标准,评定LD0505、WW0401、AT0515三个无性系为"农药型印楝品种",LD0505和WW0421是"农药型印楝亲本"。[结论]重复力估算法适用于印楝药用优树无性系测定的分析评价,优树种子农药品质性状的遗传传递力强,无性系能保持优树农药品质的优良特性;评定LD0505、WW0401、AT0515为农药型印楝品种,LD0505和WW0421还可作为农药型印楝亲本,其余优树无性系不宜选择。  相似文献   

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