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马铃薯块茎休眠和发芽的分子机理及调控策略   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
司怀军  张宁  王蒂 《中国马铃薯》2007,21(2):104-107
马铃薯块茎的休眠和发芽对于马铃薯的栽培、块茎生产和加工工业都极为重要。本文综述了马铃薯块茎休眠和发芽的分子生物学研究进展,着重介绍了通过调控块茎糖代谢中的协同因子——无机焦磷酸来调控块茎休眠和发芽特性的分子策略。  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎休眠及休眠调控研究进展   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
系统介绍了马铃薯块茎休眠的总体特征以及休眠块茎在细胞生理学方面的研究进展.同时还论述激素对马铃薯块茎休眠的调节作用,并提出了一些打破休眠的方法。  相似文献   

储藏条件对马铃薯块茎肉质部分α-茄碱含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨亮  高荣  陈朗  熊兴耀  张薇 《作物研究》2012,26(5):478-481
研究不同储藏条件下马铃薯块茎肉质部分α-茄碱的含量变化.在不同温度、光照、时间条件下储藏马铃薯,用乙醇-乙酸法提取马铃薯块茎肉质部分α-茄碱,用高效液相测定其含量.结果表明,在储藏温度为8、15、25℃条件下,样品中α-茄碱含量分别为0.9556%、3.923%、7.520%;在储藏时间为6、12、18 d条件下,样品中α-茄碱含量分别为3.923%、6.187%、9.257%;在有光照、无光照条件下样品中α-茄碱含量分别为7.520%、4.665%.马铃薯块茎肉质部分α-茄碱含量与储藏温度、时间呈正相关,光照对α-茄碱含量的影响显著.马铃薯应该在避光、低温条件下储藏并要控制储藏时间.  相似文献   

马铃薯休眠块茎上芽眼组织休眠机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏  连勇  金黎平 《中国马铃薯》2002,16(4):195-198
以早熟品种中薯 3号和加工品种大西洋脱毒试管薯为试验材料 ,通过对休眠块茎芽薯分离培养 ,研究休眠块茎上芽离体培养后的生长发育变化。初步结果表明 ,休眠马铃薯块茎上侧芽停止生长始于匍匐茎生长期 ,主要受顶端优势的影响 ;顶芽停止生长开始于块茎形成起始 ,可能是因为匍匐茎上的细胞分裂中心和代谢重心转移影响 ;在块茎休眠过程中顶芽和侧芽不生长主要是受到来自块茎内部因素的抑制 ;当芽从休眠块茎上分离出来 ,在培养基上能够很快的生长。马铃薯块茎休眠和块茎上芽的休眠可能是两种不同的生理机制所控制。  相似文献   

研究了测定初感和再感采植株所结块茎内的马铃著卷叶病毒(PLRV)和马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)的必要条件。分析了用Rindile处理打破休眠期前的块茎。PLRV在休眠块茎中可准确地测出,而PVY只有在经Rindite处理并且在暗处于22℃高温的条件下保持2~3周的马铃薯块茎中才容易鉴定出来。感染块茎内的马铃著卷叶病毒的浓度脐部比顶端高,并在35天的试验期间内,其浓度保持恒定。然而发现马铃薯Y病毒在块茎顶端浓度大,并且在打破休眠期后迅速增加。在22℃贮藏期间,休眠块茎中的马铃薯Y病毒浓度下降。也讨论了ELISA方法用于块茎的鉴定。  相似文献   

赤霉素解除马铃薯块茎休眠的调控敏感位点初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以马铃薯栽培品种“大西洋”和“中薯 3号”脱毒试管薯为试验材料。以针沾取GA3处理休眠期试管块茎不同部位 ,研究GA3 解除马铃薯块茎休眠的调控部位。结果表明 :块茎顶部对GA3 处理最敏感 ,其次是基部 ,然后是第一侧芽、第二侧芽 ,说明GA3 解除块茎休眠过程中的敏感调控部位主要是在块茎的顶部  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片分析了室温储存条件下马铃薯栽培品种‘Favorita’块茎休眠解除过程中的形态组织学变化,并对块茎中的淀粉和蛋白质含量的变化作了研究。结果显示,马铃薯块茎在休眠期芽眼分生组织细胞停止分裂,伴随着休眠的解除,芽眼分生组织细胞开始分裂且分裂速度越来越快,芽原基最终形成一个完整的芽,伴随此过程,观察到芽原基周围部分细胞程序性死亡最终发育形成环纹、螺纹导管的现象;马铃薯块茎从休眠解除到芽的萌发过程中淀粉含量则出现下降且淀粉颗粒逐渐由规则卵圆形变为较小的不规则状,在靠近芽原基的分化部位蛋白质含量有明显上升趋势。室温储存60 d的块茎被认为完全解除休眠。  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)是马铃薯生产中较常见的病毒之一,马铃薯病毒的检测是生产中保障马铃薯品质和产量的重要基础,收获后批量检测是进行种薯质量评价的主要依据之一。研究针对‘56-2’‘Ivory Russet’‘Clearwater Russet‘’龙薯14号‘’龙薯3号‘’龙薯15号‘’龙育201401-70‘’龙薯7号‘’克新23号’和‘克新28号’马铃薯品种(系)休眠块茎样品,采用TRIzol法提取马铃薯休眠块茎顶端和茎端芽眼组织的总RNA,经qRT-PCR和RT-PCR检测分析,比较块茎的顶端与茎端芽眼组织PVY含量分布的情况。结果表明,上述供试材料的休眠块茎茎端芽眼组织PVY浓度均高于顶端芽眼组织,能够精准的检测到病毒的存在;对‘Ivory Russet’品种的休眠块茎选取100个带病样品通过TRIzol法提取顶端与茎端的总RNA,采用4合1的方法合样后进行PVY RT-PCR检测,所有处理的顶端芽眼组织检测条带亮度低于茎端芽眼组织。可见,马铃薯休眠块茎茎端芽眼组织取样能够更加精准的检测出PVY。研究结果为马铃薯种薯收获后PVY的检测及合理取样提供了...  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎发育过程中的影响因子   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了马铃薯块茎发育 (块茎诱导、发生、膨大、休眠和复苏 )过程中的各种影响因子  相似文献   

马铃薯(Solamum tuberosum)通常用块茎繁殖,以生产均匀、丰产、优质的薯块。但块茎易罹病害,以致大大降低其生产力及品质。有些马铃薯品种和育种品系能结似绿色小番茄一样的果实,内有自由传粉(OP)的植物学种子。这种真马铃薯种子(TPS)通常是白花传粉的结果,并且不带病。虽然TPS类似番茄种子,但只有20%那样大。TPS的休眠常常延缓或降低萌发力。这种休眠可通过长期贮藏,或用赤霉酸或其他打破休眠的化学物质处理来克服。  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important source of dietary carbohydrate and cash income generation for farmers in the tropical highlands of Kenya. The feasibility for cold storage at the farm level is limited due to the high costs of maintaining such a facility and there is limited data on the long-term post-harvest storage and quality of tubers of tropical-adapted cultivars. Application of sprout suppressants to control premature sprouting of ware potato is an attractive proposition. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of pre-harvest foliar applications of paclobutrazol (PBZ) and ethephon for sprout suppression on ware potato tubers in storage. Post-harvest spray applications of Isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl carbamate) chloropropham (CIPC) and 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene (DMN) on tubers as fog was also evaluated. Potato cultivars had varying levels of tuber dormancy. The tubers were stored at ambient temperature (23 C) and evaluated weekly for 24 weeks for percent of tubers sprouting, length of longest sprouts, tuber weight loss and assessed for dormancy for 24 weeks. Paclobutrazol prolonged tuber dormancy by 21–31 days and reduced tuber weight loss. Ethephon treatment had no effect on dormancy and tuber weight loss. Potato tubers treated with CIPC had greater sprout control than the other treatments in storage. Tuber response to DMN treatment varied among the three potato cultivars evaluated. The findings from this study imply that PBZ is effective in prolonging potato tuber dormancy for short-term basis at 23 C, while CIPC applied on tubers was effective for long term storage. Optimization of post-harvest potato storage can improve food security in the highland tropics.  相似文献   

Is dormancy breaking of potato tubers the reverse of tuber initiation?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Tuber formation is a well orchestrated physiological event that involves many metabolic changes. Dormancy gradually develops in potato tubers from the moment cell division in the stolon tip has stopped and the tuber starts to develop. Dormancy breakage may be the reverse of dormancy initiation suggesting that there may be similarities between tuber induction and dormancy development. Based on a literature review it is concluded that, when comparing tuber induction and the breaking of dormancy, hormonal activities are only partly reversed, whereas carbohydrates and enzyme activities might be reversed. For more definite conclusions more research should be done to assess precisely the moment of dormancy breaking. Moreover, measurements on events associated with tuber induction and dormancy breaking should be carried out using the same techniques and the same material. Molecular genetic analyses may provide well-defined markers for the timing of breaking of dormancy.  相似文献   

Payette Russet is a full season, russet-skinned potato cultivar notable for its cold-sweetening resistance and associated low acrylamide formation, making it ideally suited for processing into French fries and other potato products. Low asparagine and reducing sugar concentrations in Payette Russet tubers contribute to an 81 % reduction in acrylamide content in French fries relative to cultivars Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank following eight months storage at 9 °C. In three years of evaluations in the Western Regional Potato Variety Trials, average yield of Payette Russet was intermediate between Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank, but Payette Russet had the highest U.S. No. 1 yield when averaged across all eight trial locations. Acceptably low tuber glucose concentrations (<0.10 % glucose FWB) were maintained in Payette Russet following up to nine months storage at temperatures as low as 5.6 °C with consistently acceptable French fry color scores obtained (USDA value ≤2.0). Reducing sugars are also maintained uniformly throughout Payette Russet tubers, resulting in a low incidence of sugar ends and reduced mottling in French fries relative to standard processing cultivars. Long tuber dormancy also benefits long-term storage for processing. With its russet skin, Payette Russet could also be used for fresh-pack, and its assemblage of disease resistances makes it especially suitable for organic production, or for use by growers and companies seeking greater sustainability in their production. Payette Russet is resistant to foliar and tuber late blight, common scab, and has extreme resistance to PVY conferred by the presence of the Rysto resistance gene. Payette Russet also has a moderate level of resistance to Verticillium wilt, early blight, and corky ringspot. It is susceptible to Fusarium dry rot (F. sambucinum), therefore production and storage management guidelines are provided to minimize tuber infection. Payette Russet displays a low incidence of second growth and growth cracks, especially relative to Russet Burbank, and is intermediate between Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank for incidence of hollow heart/brown center. Blackspot bruise expression for Payette Russet is similar to Russet Burbank and reduced relative to Ranger Russet. Payette Russet was more susceptible to shatter bruise, internal brown spot, and tuber weight loss in storage relative to the industry standard cultivars. Payette Russet was released in 2015 by the USDA-ARS and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and is a product of the Northwest (Tri-State) Potato Variety Development Program.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tuber dormancy is usually defined as lasting from tuber initiation until a sprout of 2 mm long has been formed under storage conditions optimal for sprouting. We tried to find out whether there is a period during which buds of seed tubers do not grow and whether different batches of seed take the same time to grow sprouts 2 mm long. We measured changes in number of leaf primordia and length of tuber buds of cvs Diamant and Désirée over two years. After early haulm pulling, buds did not grow for at least 60 days (‘Diamant’) or 95 days (‘Désirée’). Buds in both cultivars and two tuber weights of ‘Diamant’ took about 20 days from the estimated onset of sprouting to grow 2 mm long. We question whether this period is always similar and thus whether the moment sprouts 2 mm long have formed is a good criterion for the end of dormancy.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a short tuber dormancy and the subsequent sprout growth of the seed tubers during storage at 4 °C on the processes related to plant development and tuber formation was investigated in a diploid population with 238 genotypes, its crossing parents and seven tetraploid varieties. Sprout growth during storage at 4 °C was positively correlated to the duration of the dormancy period at 18–22 °C, the low temperature prolonging the dormancy period. Results show that the duration of the dormancy period and the sprouting of seed tubers during storage at low temperature did not have a determinant influence on plant development, tuber formation or the duration of the plant cycle in this large and highly diverse population of potato.  相似文献   

Summary With advancing physiological age of potato tubers an increase in electrolyte leakage from tuber tissue was observed for various seed lots. This increase was most marked after tubers exhibited sprout growth and corresponded with a decline in tuber water content. Leakage increased minimally with storage time when sprouting was prevented or limited by either dormancy, low storage temperature, or frequent desprouting. Sprouting capacity of tubers increased to a maximum and then declined with storage time. This decline coincided with the increase in electrolyte leakage, suggesting that membrane integrity was one determinant in vigour of seed potato tubers. The pattern of electrolytes leaking from tuber tissue could be described by a function composed of a saturable and a linear component, suggesting two different sources contributing to the leakage. The saturable component, expected to reflect membrane integrity, was most responsive to aging treatments. H/LA Paper No. 93-13. Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Project No. 1984. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Washington State University. This work was supported in part by grant funding from the Washington State Potato Commission.  相似文献   

In potato breeding and selection, storability should be regarded as equally important as yield, disease resistance, and quality. A study documenting the dormancy period, sprouting behavior, and weight loss of 17 International Potato Center potato elite and advanced clones was carried out in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, under cellar and cold store conditions, during 2008 and 2009. Ninety tubers of each of 17 clones were allocated to experimental units of 30 tubers each placed in trays and randomized in three replications following a random complete block design. Therefore, there were three replications of 30 seed tubers each per entry. The dormancy period ranged from 77 to 115 days and from 100 to 186 days under cellar and cold storage, respectively. There was a relatively high positive correlation (0.69) for dormancy period between storage systems, indicating that clones demonstrating longer and shorter dormancy periods under one system will also behave similarly under the other system. A negative correlation (−0.53 and −0.88) was found between dormancy period and length of the longest sprout in cellar and cold store, respectively, meaning that clones with shorter dormancy often showed a greater length of their longest sprout. The weight loss percentage per tuber was similar in both storage systems, from 5.0% to 8.0% in the cellar and from 5.0% to 9.8% in the cold store, although for different storage periods (an average of 110 and 166 days under cellar and cold storage conditions, respectively). The study indicated that under cellar conditions, clones with a longer dormancy period and slower rate of sprout growth have less weight loss during storage and therefore better keeping quality.  相似文献   

Physiological regulation of potato tuber dormancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At harvest, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers are dormant and will not sprout. As the period of postharvest storage is extended, tuber dormancy is broken and sprout growth commences. The loss of tuber dormancy and onset of sprout growth is accompanied by numerous biochemical changes, many of which are detrimental to the nutritional and processing qualities of potatoes. Endogenous hormones have been proposed to play a significant role in tuber dormancy regulation. The involvement of all major classes of endogenous hormones in tuber dormancy is reviewed. Based on available evidence, it is concluded that both ABA and ethylene are required for dormancy induction, but only ABA is needed to maintain bud dormancy. An increase in cytokinin sensitivity and content appear to be the principal factors leading to the loss of dormancy. Changes in endogenous IAA and GA content appear to be more closely related to the regulation of subsequent sprout growth.  相似文献   

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