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The establishment of a solid understanding of regional economic development has proved to be highly elusive. Research efforts within this area have focused largely on major urban areas, yet this somewhat narrow focus means that economic development activities in smaller urban centers have not received the attention that they deserve. This article investigates regional economic development within a small city context through a survey-based study of the entrepreneurial ecosystems operating in two small cities in the province of Manitoba. The results indicate that many currently accepted bases of regional business community expansion, such as government support and development of local suppliers, have limited utility within these cities. Concurrently, business leader survey responses from the two cities reveal a unique set of factors that drive economic development success in this nonmetropolitan case study, keyed by the pivotal role of a unique mix of nonlocal linkages, local cultural resources, and social connections in catalyzing local business expansion. These findings indicate that business community growth in the study cities proceeds from a distinctive template relative to larger centers, and suggest that increased research attention is necessary to elucidate the bases of business success in a more diverse selection of successful small cities.  相似文献   

Differential rates of growth and decentralization are processes that characterized U.S. urban areas over the past three decades. This paper examines the determinants of growth in cities and suburbs during the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s. The modeling approach adopted in the study allows for simultaneity between population and employment, and between cities and suburbs, while also taking into account a range of other explanatory factors. Results indicate that population and employment growth in cities tend to be jointly determined, but that growth of employment in the suburbs tends to drive growth of suburban population. Results also suggest that suburban and city growth are interrelated, but that the nature of these interrelationships varies over time: suburban growth promoted city growth during the 1970s and 1980s, while city and suburban growth were jointly determined during the 1990s. Other factors that consistently explain variation in city growth include demographics, population density, crime rates, and income inequality. Factors consistently explaining suburban growth include regional location and climate.  相似文献   

The paper conceptualises the process of voluntary relocation undertaken by rural farmers to informal settlements in coastal cities. These are journeys that occur without formal institutional support, utilising migrants' own agency. Learning from these community‐driven relocations has merit in rethinking climate change adaptation at the regional level. In this paper we present stories of 17 families who have progressively relocated to the fringes of Khulna city in southwestern Bangladesh. We observe three key attributes: first, relocations are slow, neither singular nor immediately completed, but rather take months of careful back and forth journeys of family members between their places of origin and destination. Second, relocations rely on small networks of relatives and acquaintances at the destination. Third, relocations are built on shared responsibilities distributed among a range of actors in places of origin and destination. We conclude that these slow, small and shared relocations are likely to be realised as forms of ongoing adaptation by rural farmers if their aspirational mobilities, social relations and supports are maintained at a regional scale. This kind of migration as adaptation may bring about just outcomes for those displaced without necessarily promoting rigid planning interventions that tend to fix resettlement solutions in place and time.  相似文献   




Lacking a tradition of settling immigrants and the appropriate infrastructure to integrate them, small‐ and medium‐sized cities often face the challenge of attracting and retaining immigrants. Using a mixed methods approach, this study compares the experiences of immigrant and non‐immigrant entrepreneurs in a mid‐sized Canadian city, Kelowna, British Columbia. A survey reveals different experiences between these two groups, with immigrants facing more challenges. In the absence of institutionally complete communities or strong ethnic economies, immigrants do not rely extensively on their own community resources, an element considered instrumental for immigrant business development in large cities. Compared to non‐immigrants, immigrant entrepreneurs have a more optimistic outlook on doing business in Kelowna; this is encouraging for a city trying hard to attract immigrant investment. Key informants recommended transforming the city into a more welcoming community, establishing appropriate support infrastructure, and removing potential institutional offsets. This paper adds new theoretical insights to the literature on immigrant entrepreneurship; all socio‐cultural, political‐institutional, and economic‐structural considerations are embedded in geography. The findings also have implications for growth strategies in small‐ and medium‐sized cities.  相似文献   

Oregon is known for its strict Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) policies. While UGBs are designed to accommodate land supply for 20 years of growth, land within UGBs must be annexed into city limits before it can be developed at urban densities and serviced. In Oregon, cities use a variety of municipal annexation and voter‐approved annexation policies (VAAPs), providing an opportunity to study how different annexation policies affect land and housing markets, and affect urban density. Previous research on annexation has not considered how annexation policy influences housing values. This paper examines how VAAPs impact land growth, housing development, and density at the city level. It also examines how VAAPs impact housing values. Based on city‐level and tax‐lot‐level statistical analyses from 107 cities outside Portland Metro area, the results suggest that VAAPs negatively impact the availability of developable land within city limits. VAAPs also positively impact residential density and housing value. Lastly, VAAPs inequitably affect housing value between relatively high‐value housing and relatively low‐value housing, posing economic equity impacts for lower value housing. These findings provide important lessons for Oregon and other states. While VAAPs may increase residential density in cities, the policies may exacerbate affordability problems.  相似文献   

The economical construction and development of China can't be separated from the development of rural economy.Due to appearance and development of rural enterprises,surplus labor force of rural areas was accepted, agricultural economy had been developed and farmers' income enhanced. The traditional agriculture had been reconstructed. The construction and development of small cities and towns are connected with the development of rural economy and accelerate the development of city economy. The construction of small cities and towns can have congregation effect and scale benefit. The industry structure of country will be optimized in whole, management cost will be cut down, energy consumption will be reduced, pollution will be lowered and labor productivity will be increased. In this paper, the importance of town construction in economic development of China is elaborated. The achievement and problem in town construction are summarized. A method of gradual advance for town development is put forward and the problems that must be handled in town development are pointed out.  相似文献   

Policy makers and academics frequently emphasize a positive link between city size and economic growth. The empirical literature on the relationship, however, is scarce and uses rough indicators for the size of a country's cities, while ignoring factors that are increasingly considered to shape this relationship. In this paper, we employ a panel of 113 countries between 1980 and 2010 to explore whether 1) there are certain city sizes that are growth enhancing and 2) how additional factors highlighted in the literature impact the city size/growth relationship. The results suggest a nonlinear relationship which is dependent on the country's size. In contrast to the prevailing view that large cities are growth‐inducing, for a majority of countries relatively small cities of up to 3 million inhabitants are more conducive to economic growth. A large share of the urban population in cities of more than 10 million inhabitants is only growth promoting in countries with an urban population of 28.5 million and more. In addition, the relationship is highly context‐dependent: a high share of industries that benefit from agglomeration economies, a well‐developed urban infrastructure, and an adequate level of governance effectiveness allow countries to take advantage of agglomeration benefits from larger cities.  相似文献   

全国农村工作会议提出,要认真贯彻落实党的十六大精神,加快农村教育发展,深化农村教育改革,促进农村经济社会和城乡协调发展。农民收入增长缓慢是当前我国农业和农村经济中最突出的问题,而农民增收必须以提高农民素质为前提,因此,针对当前我国农村基础教育薄弱、中等职业教育发展滞后的现状,必须调整当前农村教育的培养方向、完善农村教育体系、加大对农村科技和教育的投入和支持、增强农民的发展能力。  相似文献   

Based on longitudinal office distribution data on top domestic financial enterprises, this study explores the evolution of China's financial city network in the last two decades by means of a social network analysis. The position of each city in financial city network is evaluated from two aspects which are external financial resources attraction and headquarters financial development based, respectively, on urban weighted indegree and urban weighted outdegree. Taking these two aspects together, the top echelons of the financial city network can be regarded as potential national or regional financial centers. Furthermore, by means of a panel data regression analysis, determining factors of financial city network evolution are explored from perspectives of location, institution, and social‐economy. We find that most cities have witnessed significant changes in city position, especially in terms of external financial resources attraction, and the influencing factors of financial development vary by region due to the disparities in regional financial development environments.  相似文献   

Internal migration has been recognized as the major influence in terms of population redistribution across urban systems, but it is not a homogeneous phenomenon. Within the context of internal rural‐urban migration decline and the negative changes in migratory balances in the metropolitan area of Mexico City, the core of enquiry in this paper is the approach to growth and consolidation of an internal urban–urban migration system in the early twenty‐first century (2000–2015). This process has taken place through two main networks, among metropolitan areas not corresponding to the principal city and among intermediate cities. Internal migration is a complex process that involves both individual and spatial characteristics and which leads to spatially uneven development in the long term. Data from three censuses of the population of Mexico (2000, 2010, and 2015) show a transition to a more urban–urban migration pattern, with skilled migrants tending to have metropolitan and urban destinations, whereas less‐skilled migrants prefer rural and small urban destinations.  相似文献   

You ought to speak of other States in the plural number; not one of them is a city, but many cities, as they say in the game. For indeed any city, however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich; these are at war with one another; and in, either there are many smaller divisions, and you would be altogether beside the mark if you treated them all as a single State. [Plato, The Republic (Jowett translation), Book IV: 422.]  相似文献   

摘要:精明增长是20世纪90年代末诞生于美国规划界最流行的时髦概念,总的来说,精明增长是一种在提高土地利用效率的基础上控制城市扩张、保护生态环境、服务于经济发展、促进城乡协调发展和人们生活质量提高的紧凑式城市规划发展模式。本文是在新一轮的土地利用规划修编背景下结合栾川县的土地利用规划修编实际,阐述了“精明增长”理论对栾川县城镇空间扩展的启示,以及在栾川县的土地利用总体规划中的具体运用。  相似文献   

>Although Sarawak has a rapidly growing economy, the benefits of growth have been focused largely in the urban centres. However, the majority of the population lives in rural areas, where poverty, although on the decline, prevails. Attention is given to the role of rural roads in countering remoteness and, hence, promoting more equitable development. To assess the impact of rural roads, two roads were used for comparison. One provided Iban communities with access to Betong, a small district town. The other provided Bidayuh communities with access to Kuching, the capital city. This paper focuses on three economic impacts of roads – agricultural production, employment, and household income. Findings show that the impact of roads varied within an area (a function of remoteness) and between areas (also a function of remoteness). Impacts were considerably greater when roads provided communities with access to a major urban centre compared with a small town. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the government's strategy of rural development.  相似文献   

渝东北地区作为重庆市“一圈两翼”发展战略的重要组成部分,具有三峡库区的特殊性,该地区农村集体建设用地的集约利用将更加有效地显化农村土地资产、保护库区生态环境。基于此本文对渝东北地区丰都、忠县、垫江、梁平、万州、开县、云阳、奉节、巫山、巫溪、城口等11个区县展开实地调研,并综合运用问卷调查、专家咨询和文献资料等方法,解析了该地区“宅基地置换城镇住房保障”、“城乡建设用地增减挂钩”等多种土地集约利用创新模式,以及产权管理模糊、规划管理薄弱等面临的挑战,最后从完善农村集体建设用地产权、统筹城乡建设用地规划管理2个方面论述了农村集体建设用地集约利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper shows that in the Baltic countries, commuting reduces urban‐rural wage and employment disparities and increases national output. To quantify the effect of commuting on wage differentials, two sets of earnings functions are estimated (based on Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Labor Force Surveys) with location variables (capital city, rural, etc.) measured at the workplace and at the place of residence. We find that the ceteris paribus wage gap between capital city and rural areas, as well as between capital and other cities is significantly narrowed by commuting in some cases but remains almost unchanged in others. Different outcomes are explained by country‐specific spatial patterns of commuting, educational and occupational composition of commuting flows, and presence or absence of wage discrimination against rural residents in urban markets. A treatment effects model is used to estimate individual wage gains to rural—urban or inter‐city commuting; these gains are substantial in most but not all cases. Wage effects of commuting distance, as well as impact of education, gender, ethnicity, and local labor market conditions on the commuting decision are also explored.  相似文献   

陇南山区乡村聚落空间格局研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
解决好山区乡村问题对建设小康社会和实现全面发展具有重要意义。文章基于景观格局指数,以陇南市为研究对象,借助ArcGIS、GeoDa空间分析工具,从数量、规模、形态、邻近度出发,探索了山区乡村聚落在不同空间尺度上的分布特征。结果表明:(1)陇南市独院和小型聚落数量庞大,占乡村聚落总数的79.25%,大、中型聚落数量相对较小,但面积占乡村聚落总面积的79.66%;(2)西和县的中西部和徽县的中部是单位土地面积上乡村聚落数量和面积高值出现的热点区;(3)陇南市乡村聚落规模在东西方向上呈现“中部较东西两侧大,东部略大于西部”的特点,在南北方向上呈现“自南向北缓慢增加”的特点;(4)陇南山区最西端有一个狭小的聚落形态规整带,其余地方乡村聚落的形态普遍不规整;(5)陇南山区乡村聚落形状指数存在高值与高值聚集、低值与低值聚集的特点;(6)陇南市乡村聚落的土地利用集约水平较高,聚落显著聚集的村有1937 个,占全市行政村个数的61.16%,并且显著聚集的村在空间上集中分布。  相似文献   

To assess development potential of small business, this research examines the age and size characteristics of nonmetropolitan firms and the contribution of business ‘births,’‘deaths,’ expansions, and contractions to job growth. Analysis of data derived from the federal‐state unemployment insurance program in Georgia indicates that firms employing fewer than 100 workers account for 44.3 percent of private sector nonfarm employment in nonmetropolitan counties. Overall, the mix of small and large firms remained quite stable over the five year study period. The dynamics of job creation and loss differed dramatically by enterprise size and manufacturing/nonmanufacturing sector. Three segments of the business population contributed most to rural job growth: very small continuing firms, large manufacturing establishments, and non‐manufacturing businesses owned by large enterprises. The paper concludes with a discussion of economic development policies that may enable rural communities to capitalize on these business demographic trends.  相似文献   

The slow growth of the permanently settled migrants in host cities poses new challenges for the sustainability of China's future urbanization. Given the growing importance of homeownership, this paper clarifies migrants' settlement intentions into three mutually exclusive patterns, including de facto permanent settlement intention through homeownership, long-term temporary settlement intention and short-term temporary settlement intention. Based on matched micro- and macro-level data, this paper examines the influence of city economic development and housing prices on these three patterns. The results suggest that economic development exhibits an attractive effect on migrants' settlement intentions for both earning money and for making a life while housing price weakens rural migrants' de facto permanent settlement intention. We also highlight the effect of the Housing Provident Fund (HPF), the most important housing financial policy in China, on settlement intention, and the results suggest that the HPF serves as an option to help migrants achieve permanent settlement through housing availability. The findings can explain the mixed results of previous research and provide policy references for sustainable urbanization in China.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A modification of the Boamet model of local economic change is developed that links the growth of urban nodes in functional economic regions to employment and population change in the rural hinterlands of these regions. The two-equation model uses labor market and residential zone observations that are consistent with commuter fields around each rural community in the regions studied. The model parameters are estimated for 204 Danish rural municipalities, for 3515 rural communes in six regions of Eastern France, and for 268 rural census tracts in South Carolina. Results indicate that urban nodal spread effects are often significant and tend to dominate urban backwash impacts on rural communities. Accordingly, rural communities need to be concerned with the economic fortunes of their urban nodes and with policies that affect the pattern of urban growth between urban center and the urban fringe.  相似文献   

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