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高黎贡山北段东坡公路迹地土壤种子库的植被,采用对不同海拔段(海拔3100m、2400m、2000m)土壤种子库,进行密度丰富度和物种组成的研究的方法。结果表明:1.东坡公路迹地土壤种子库密度及丰富度均大于对照组土样,2.在海拔2000m的土壤种子库物种最多,密度最大,最适宜于植物的生长,3.随着海拔的升高,土壤种子库密度和丰富度均降低,4.土壤种子库中以草本植物占有很大的不利,其中以禾本科和菊科为主。研究东坡公路迹地土壤种子库与地上植被密度和丰富度相一致,并且都在海拔2000m的调查区域。  相似文献   

采用野外取样与种子萌发相结合的方法对湖南近自然森林经营主要林分类型(杉木、马尾松林)土壤种子库特征进行了研究。结果表明,杉木林土壤种子库主要由16种植物组成,其物种组成以草本为主,马尾松林20种,其种子库组成包括乔、灌、草生活型的物种。地上植被作为土壤种子库中种子来源,与种子库物种组成具有较高的相似性。种子库萌发过程呈现先草本植物种子萌发后木本植物的现象。杉木林、马尾松林土壤种子库密度具有一定相似性,杉木林、马尾松林最大值均出现在0~10 cm土壤层,分别为434.7粒/m2、523.6粒/m2。杉木林、马尾松林土壤种子库Margalef丰富度指数在10~20 cm土壤层中最低,最大值均出现在0~10cm土壤层中。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数存在一定差异,在10~20 cm土壤层中,杉木林多样性指数为1.56,而马尾松林为1.34,为各层取样中多样性指数最低值。杉木林多样性指数最低值出现在枯枝落叶层,为0.70,多样性指数最高值均出现在0~10 cm土壤层中,分别为1.72、2.01。马尾松林土壤种子库在数量及质量上高于杉木林土壤种子库,马尾松林已逐渐演变为以马尾松占优势,青冈栎、香樟等乔木伴生的次生林,具有一定的林分自然更新能力。  相似文献   

通过对云南普洱地区季风常绿阔叶林原始林、恢复15年及30年群落的野外调查及土壤种子库的萌发试验,探讨其土壤种子库的基本特征、变化规律及与地上植被的关系。结果表明:试验中共有1667粒种子萌发,分属30科65属76种;恢复15年群落土壤种子库密度最高,每m2达(361±69.87)粒,原始林次之,为(142.5±27.5)粒,恢复30年群落最低,为(108.33±30.01)粒;恢复30年群落土壤种子库多样性最高。种子生存策略与群落结构是土壤种子库物种组成变化的主要原因,3种群落类型土壤种子库生活型主要由草本植物组成,恢复15年群落中1年生草本植物种子密度要显著高于恢复30年群落。恢复15年与30年群落土壤种子库与地上植被相似性系数要高于原始林群落;草本层对土壤种子库物种组成的影响要高于乔木层,幼苗库物种组成则与乔木层联系更加紧密。  相似文献   

为更好地利用土壤种子库进行植被的自然恢复更新实践,利用"萌发幼苗法"测定海拔差异对岷江干旱河谷灌丛植被土壤种子库特征的影响,相应地上植被的特征采用样方法进行调查。结果表明:各海拔的土壤种子库库容量和物种丰富度随土层加深而减小;海拔间隔100 m以上时,土壤种子库和地上植被的物种组成更易呈现出显著的差异性;3个样地中,各海拔的土壤种子库和地上植被的物种组成频数均呈显著的负相关,表明海拔这一局部环境因子对土壤种子库和地上植被物种组成关系的影响不明显,岷江干旱河谷局部地段土壤种子库的特征可能由河谷整体环境所决定。  相似文献   

运用样方法对昭通北部地区的十齿花群落进行调查,结果表明:在面积2000 m2的样地内共有维管植物124种,隶属于56科86属,蔷薇科、壳斗科、樟科、冬青科、山矾科、百合科等为群落主要组成科;群落可划分为十齿花-金佛山方竹群丛(海拔2000~2100 m)、十齿花-绥江玉山竹群丛(海拔1900~2000 m)2个群丛;群落物种多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数为草本层乔木层灌木层,与暖温带落叶阔叶林的物种多样性特征相似;从径级结构、树高结构来看,十齿花种群为增长型种群,群落能长期保持其稳定性。  相似文献   

采用野外调查和室内分析相结合的方法,对河西走廊中部沙漠人工梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)林土壤种子库进行研究。结果显示:(1)沙漠人工梭梭林中土壤种子库共统计到9个物种,隶属3科9属,以藜科植物最多,土壤种子库总体表现出科属组成较为集中、1年生草本的物种和密度占优势的特点;(2)在沙漠人工梭梭林土壤种子库中,0~2 cm层、2~5 cm、5~10 cm的物种数量分别为4种、5种、6种,其种子密度依次为54.71粒/m~2、58.00粒/m~2、132.86粒/m~2。物种数量和密度均呈现5~10 cm2~5 cm0~2 cm层的分布规律,5~10 cm层与2~5 cm、0~2 cm层密度差异明显。(3)不同土层种子库的Shannon—wiener、Simpson、Peilow指数变化趋势基本一致,随土层深度增加而增大,而Margalet指数和生态优势度指数与之相反;(4)种子库和地上植被的相似性系数在0.545 5~0.666 7之间,相似程度比较高。(5)从土壤种子库物种的生活型构成及各功能群优势度比例分析,整体上,种子库中以1年生植物的种子比例最高,达到86.13%;沙漠植被自我恢复的程度较低。  相似文献   

纬度和海拔是影响生物多样性分布格局最重要的环境梯度,同时关注纬度和海拔梯度的影响对区域生物多样性保护有实际指导意义,然而目前相关研究还较少。在生物热点地区高黎贡山选取不同纬度的姚家坪(25.94°N)、亚坪(27.14°N)和独龙江(27.90°N)三个地点,每个地点在2 000~2 400 m海拔范围采用样线法进行鸟类调查,利用物种丰富度和Jaccard相似性指数分析海拔梯度和纬度梯度上鸟类多样性的分布格局,并比较海拔梯度和纬度梯度对鸟类多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)在纬度梯度上,低纬度的姚家坪鸟类物种数最高,且三个地点之间鸟类物种Jaccard相似性指数均较低,低纬度的姚家坪和亚坪之间鸟类组成相似性略高;(2)在海拔梯度上,姚家坪、亚坪、独龙江鸟类物种数峰值分别出现在2 200 m海拔段、2 400 m海拔段、2 300 m海拔段,且每个地点的不同海拔段间,鸟类物种Jaccard相似性指数均较低;(3)研究区域100m海拔梯度上的Jaccard相似性指数与1°纬度梯度相近。研究结果表明,高黎贡山海拔和纬度空间梯度上鸟类群落的Jaccard相似性指数均较低,整个区域鸟类群落组成差异极...  相似文献   

通过郭岩山自然保护区不同海拔梯度样地调查,计算群落不同物种的重要值。选择Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、Simpson指数(D)、Pielou指数(E)及Margalef指数(DM)、Sorensen指数、Jaccard指数、CD系数、Cody指数来反映郭岩山不同海拔梯度内部与之间的物种多样性。研究结果表明:栲树、油茶、木荷等分布在四个以上的海拔梯度山地中,是研究区群落的主要组成;区域内群落物种多样性随海拔梯度的增高呈现先增高后降低的趋势,在中高海拔梯度范围内(700~900 m)物种多样性较高,物种组成丰富;在高海拔梯度(900 m以上)的群落物种多样性较低,海拔700~800 m与800~900 m群落间物种多样性相似度最高,而800~900 m与900~1 000 m的物种相似度最低。  相似文献   

关帝山次生林区典型植物群落物种多样性垂直分布研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高俊峰  张芸香 《林业研究》2006,17(2):111-115
为了分析和探讨海拔对植物多样性的影响,沿海拔梯度(1600–2600m),设定14个样地,对每个样地内对植物物种进行调查。结果表明:随海拔升高,群落优势种变化依次为:辽东栎、油松、白桦、红桦、华北落叶松和云杉。群落内乔木树种的平均树高和胸径表现为先增大后减小,最大树高和胸径表现为单峰变化。群落内不同生活型树种(针叶树和阔叶树)的最大树高表现为先增大后减小.阔叶树最大胸径无明显变化规律,针叶树最大胸径不断减小。中海拔群落内,针叶树种的最大树高和胸径高于阔叶树种。群落的Shannon-wiener指数和Margalef指数均表现为单峰变化,中海拔群落(1900–2200m)植物多样性最高,高于低海拔群落(1600–1900m)和高海拔群落(2200–2600m)。Shannon-wiener指数和Margalef指数反映出的植物α多样性变化与海拔高度显著相关。在研究地区,植物多样性变化与群落所处的海拔显著相关,此外,还与群落结构、物种组成、树种特性和人为干扰有关。图8表3参13。  相似文献   

采用样线法调查研究区内林隙分布,共获得36个林隙,大小不同林隙内植物种类组成表现出一定差异,大林隙(300~400m2)乔木树种18种,灌木、草本植物28种;小林隙(<100m2)乔木树种13种,中林隙(100~200m2)11种,两者灌木及草本植物均21种。大、中林隙内乔木树种以江南桤木居多,小林隙中暖木和甜槠占优势;3个林隙中灌木均以青栲幼苗占绝对优势,表明青栲将有可能进入林冠层而逐渐成为优势树种。林隙内乔木树种种数、丰富度指数均大于非林隙,均匀度小于非林隙;灌木、草本植物具有同样规律。乔木树种物种多样性以大林隙最高、中林隙最低;不同面积林隙SW多样性指数、均匀度指数依次为:大林隙>中林隙>小林隙;生态优势度为:中林隙>大林隙>小林隙。灌木、草本植物物种数、丰富度指数表现出300~400m2面积的大林隙内达最大值,并随林隙面积的减小而减小,灌、草层植物多样性最大值也出现在大林隙中;生态优势度指数中林隙最大,小林隙最小。  相似文献   

庞泉沟自然保护区河岸林群落的土壤种子库特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以人工拣种结合种子萌发法研究了庞泉沟自然保护区9种河岸林群落的土壤种子库特征,结果表明: 9种群落的土壤种子库密度间于684±108 - 2 696±266粒·m-2,69.27% - 88.65%的种子留存于0 - 5 cm的层次,沙棘灌丛的种子库密度最大,乌柳灌丛最小;离河岸10 m和20 m处的种子库密度大于岸边、离河岸30 m和40 m处;种子库包含的40种植物以多年生草本为主,灌木和草本种多为耐干扰种,存在典型的湿地植物,但种子储量以先锋种白桦最丰;辽东栎无完整种子,白桦、华北落叶松、云杉和油松的种子活力保持期为1 - 2年,多数草本的种子活力保持期超过2年;按照群落土壤种子库的相似性,将群落划分为林分开始期、林分排除期、下层再现期和老熟期4个演替阶段。演替后期群落的种子库密度、丰度以及与地上植被的相似性都小于前期群落。土壤种子库是森林自然更新及种群恢复的重要基础,本文对于研究地区河岸林的保护和重建具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

Human-induced forest edges are common in many forest landscapes throughout the world. Forest management requires an understanding of their ecological consequences. This study addressed the responses of three ecological groups (non-forest species, secondary forest species and primary forest species) in edge soil seed banks and edge understory vegetation, and explored the relationship between the invasion of non-forest species in edge understory vegetation and the accumulation of their seeds in edge soil seed banks. The soil seed banks and understory vegetation were sampled along transects established at the edges of a continuous subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest tract (Lithocarpus xylocarpus forest) bordering anthropogenic grasslands and three tropical seasonal rain forest fragments (Shorea wantianshuea forest) bordering fallows. Species composition in both soil seed banks and understory vegetation showed great difference among edge sites. In soil seed banks, the dominance (relative abundance and relative richness) of each ecological group did not change significantly along the edge to interior gradient. In understory vegetation, the invasion of non-forest species concentrated on the first several meters along the edge to interior gradient. The dominance of secondary forest species decreased with distance from the edge, while the dominance of primary forest species increased with distance from the edge. In forest edge zones, the invasion of a majority of non-forest species in understory vegetation lags behind the accumulation of their seeds in soil seed banks. Forest edges do not act as a good barrier for the penetration of non-forest species seeds. The lack of non-forest species in understory vegetation must then be due to conditions that are not appropriate for their establishment. Therefore, to prevent germination and survival of non-forest species further into the forest, management should focus on maintaining interior forest conditions.  相似文献   

毛花柱忍冬花蕾化学成分研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
对毛花柱忍冬花蕾进行化学成分研究,从中分离鉴定了10个化合物:绿原酸(Ⅰ)、5-O-咖啡酰基-奎宁酸丁酯(Ⅱ)、5-O-咖啡酰基-奎宁酸甲酯(Ⅲ)、槲皮素(Ⅳ)、木犀草苷(Ⅴ)、芦丁(Ⅵ)、山奈酚-3-O-芸香糖苷(Ⅶ)、秦皮乙素(Ⅷ)、β-谷甾醇(Ⅸ)和胡萝卜苷(Ⅹ)。其中化合物Ⅶ为首次从该属植物中分离,化合物Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ均为首次从该植物中分离。  相似文献   

Senbeta  Feyera  Teketay  Demel  Näslund  Bert-Åke 《New Forests》2002,24(2):131-145
Regeneration of native woody species was studied in the plantations and the adjacent natural forest at Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area, Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that tree plantations foster regeneration of native woody species. A total of 60 plots, having 10 × 10 m area each, were studied in monoculture plantations of 4 exotic species (Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, E. saligna, Pinus patula) and an adjacent natural forest. Ages of the plantations ranged between 9 and 28 years. Soil seed bank analysis was also undertaken from soil samples collected in each of the 60 plots to examine the similarity between the soil seed flora and aboveground vegetation. A total of 56 naturally regenerated woody species were recorded beneath all plantation stands with densities ranging between 2300 and 18650 individuals / ha in different stands. There was a significant difference among plantation stands with regard to understorey density (standard deviation: 4836 ± 1341). Vegetation diversity was assessed through analyses of floristic composition, species richness and abundance. Generally, seedling populations were the most abundant components of the regeneration in most of the plantation stands, forming 68 % of the total regeneration count in all stands. A total of 77 plant species represented by 44 herbs, 13 woody species, 8 grasses and 12 unidentified species were recorded in the soil seed bank from all stands. Similarity between the soil seed bank and aboveground flora was very low implying that the role of soil seed banks is negligible rather dispersal plays an important role in the process of regeneration. These results support the concept that forest plantations can foster the regeneration of native woody species, thereby increasing biological diversity, provided that there are seed sources in the vicinity of the plantations.  相似文献   

We investigated characteristics (scales and composition) of soil seed banks at eight study sites in the rocky mountain region of Beijing by seed identification and germination monitoring. We also surveyed the vegetation communities at the eight study sites to explore the role of soil seed banks in vegetation restoration. The storage capacity of soil seed banks at the eight sites ranked from 766.26 to 2461.92 seeds·m -2 . A total of 23 plant species were found in soil seed banks, of which 63 80% of seeds were herbs in various soil layers and 60% of seeds were located in the soil layer at 0 5cm depth. Biodiversity indices indicated clear differences in species diversity of soil seed banks among different plant communities. The species composition of aboveground vegetation showed low similarity with that based on soil seed banks. In the above- ground plant community, the afforestation tree species showed high importance values. The plant species originating from soil seed banks represented natural regeneration, which also showed relatively high importance values. This study suggests that in the rocky mountain region of Beijing the soil seed banks played a key role in the transformation from pure plantation forest to near-natural forest, promoting natural ecological processes, and the role of the seed banks in vegetation restoration was important to the improvement of ecological restoration methods.  相似文献   

The growth of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.Br. in plantations and on farms was assessed on 67 sites selected at random in the major ecological zones of Rwanda. The following parameters were assessed: diameter at breast height, tree height, altitude above sea level, annual rainfall and temperature, soil pH, soil type, soil fertility, soil depth, spacing and forest type (plantation or farm).

Analyses of variance demonstrated that fertile soil, intercropping and cultivation between trees considerably improved growth performance. However, growth was negatively correlated with altitude, with stands above 2300 m above sea level showing poor growth. In Rwanda with proper management, the species can be grown in plantations and on farms for firewood, poles and sawlogs.  相似文献   

To better understand the potentials of the soil seed banks in facilitating succession towards a more natural forest of native tree species, we quantified the size and composition of the soil seed banks in established plantations in South China. The seed banks were from four typical 22-year-old plantations, i.e., legume, mixed-conifer, mixed-native, and Eucalyptus overstory species. Species diversity in the seed banks was low, and the vegetation species differed from those found in the seed bank in each plantation. A total of 1211 seedlings belonging to eight species emerged in a seedling germination assay, among which Cyrtococcum patens was most abundant. All species detected were shrubs and herbs, and no viable indigenous tree seeds were found in soil samples. Size and species composition of the seed banks might be related to the overstory species compositions of the established plantations. The seed bank density in soils was highest in the mixed-conifer plantation followed by Eucalyptus, mixed-native, and legume plantations. Species richness among the seed banks of plantations was ranked as follows: Eucalyptus > mixed-conifer > mixed-native = legume. The results indicated that the soil seed banks of the current plantations are ineffective in regenerating the former communities after human disturbances. Particularly, the absence of indigenous tree species seeds in the seed banks would limit regeneration and probably contribute to arrested succession at the pioneer community stage. It would appear from these data that the soil seed banks under the current plantations should not be considered as a useful tool leading the succession to more natural stages. Introduction of target indigenous species by artificial seeding or seedling planting should be considered to accelerate forest regeneration.  相似文献   

选择四川省沐川县凉风坳亚热带次生常绿阔叶林为研究对象,在2004年5月、2004年12月和2005年5月对其林下土壤种子库、种子雨以及种子天然萌发状况等方面进行系统调查及分析研究。结果显示,种子下落前后土壤种子库储量,变动为643.2~889.2粒.m-2,物种和种子密度多年生草本物种均占优势。天然林土壤种子库Shannon-Wiener指数均在2004年5月最大,2004年12月次之,2005年5月最小;Simpson指数却和Shannon-Wiener指数H'的变化趋势相反;Pielou均匀度指数在2004年12月有所降低,此后又升高。种子均呈明显垂直分布,其中0~2 cm土层种子数量最多,其次是枯枝落叶层,其数量随着土层加深而降低。土壤种子库年输入活力种子142.3粒.m-2,年输出活力种子268.9粒.m-2,动物取食是造成种子损失的主要原因。对照人工林土壤种子库物种和密度均低于天然林地;种子库与地上植被物种相似性系数,人工林较高,而天然次生常绿阔叶林较低。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the variation in the soil seed banks and the aboveground vegetation in relation to three habitats, i.e., swamp forests, grassland and sand dunes within the Sundarbans mangrove forests of Bangladesh. We collected vegetation data (species and their percentage cover) by using quadrat sampling: 10 m × 10 m for swamp forests and 5 m × 5 m for grassland and sand dunes. We estimated the density of viable seeds of species in the seed bank by counting germinants from soil cores in a germination chamber. Species richness and composition of both aboveground vegetation and the soil seed banks differed significantly among habitats. We identified a total of 23 species from the soil seed bank. Of these, two were true mangrove species and the remaining were non-mangrove species, including halophytic grasses, herbs and mangrove associate species. Our results confirm that mangrove species do not possess a persistent soil seed bank. The presence of high-density non-mangrove and associated mangrove species in the soil seed bank implies that after frequent catastrophic disturbances which limit incoming propagules from adjacent forest stand, large canopy gaps can easily become invaded by non-mangrove and mangrove associate species. This would result in the formation of a cover of non-mangrove species and cryptic ecological degradation in mangrove habitats. We suggest that forest managers should actively consider gap plantations with mangrove species in the large canopy gaps created after catastrophic disturbances to counteract the invasion of non-mangrove species and cryptic ecological degradation.  相似文献   

Composition and structure of the main forest types, as well as the species changes under disturbance, were described as the representation of the forest vegetation in the north slope of Changbai mountain, northeast China. There were 3 forest zones from 600 m to 2,000 m asl, (1) broad-leaved-conifer mixed forest zone, 600–1,100 m asl, dominated byPinus koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Acer mono, Ulmus japonica, (2) coniferous forest zone, 1,100–1,700 m asl, dominated byPicea jezoensis var.komarovii, P. koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, and (3)Betula ermanii forest zone, 1,700–2,000 m asl, dominated byBetula ermanii, except for the east slope which was occupied byLarix olgensis. The evergreen component increased with elevation up to the upper limit of the coniferous forest zone (1,700 m), but disappeared in theB. ermanii zone. Species richness was significantly related to elevation. Towards higher elevation, the lapse rate of species-number was 1.6 species per 100 m, and it was only one species near the timberline. Species richness was reduced sharply under intensive disturbance, such as clear cutting, windfalletc. The species diversity was very low in the early stage of succession, and high in the later.  相似文献   

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