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To assess the effects of climate change on soil erosion we need to model changes in rate, frequency and extent of erosion. Present day rates of soil erosion for agricultural land in England and Wales are known from a national monitoring scheme and also from a local one. The latter, for the South Downs, covers a seven-year period and includes climatic data. This shows a strong correlation between total erosion and a Rainfall Index. The availability of these databases allows us to use existing models such as EPIC and an Expert System to predict erosion rates for postulated warmer and wetter (winter) conditions. EPIC is particularly suitable for specific sites where detailed data exists and crop yield implications can also be modelled. A rule-based Expert System approach allows us to examine erosion rates at a different scale across the landscape. We postulate that water erosion rates on arable land in the lowlands will increase markedly in severity, frequency and extent especially if land use changes. In the uplands predicted climatic warming suggests a longer growing season and fewer frosts: these may lead to a decrease in erosion of overgrazed eroding slopes. Increases in erosion rates are not inevitable if policy decisions are taken and implemented in good time.  相似文献   

Abstract. The quantitative effects of different cultivation practices and wheelings on the generation of runoff and soil loss on the South Downs were assessed experimentally with a small drip-type rainfall simulator and rainfall intensities of 42.5 and 23.3 mm/h. Runoff volumes generated by different cultivation practices and between wheeled and non-wheeled areas were significantly different. Amounts of soil lost from different cultivation treatments and from wheelings were less consistent. Less runoff and erosion occurred from shallow cultivated land than from conventionally ploughed and cultivated land. Runoff is further increased by rolling ploughed land after drilling and along tramlines compressed by wheelings. Under high intensity rainfall, considerable runoff can be generated from stubble, especially from wheeled areas.  相似文献   

A modelling approach is used to estimate some effects of changed climate upon rates of soil erosion on agricultural land on the UK South Downs.Previous studies have concentrated only on estimating shifts in long-term mean erosion rate: these were found to be approximately linear. However such simple shifts mask changes in the underlying distributions of annual erosion. A first series of simulations indicated that, under a wetter climate, erosion rates in wet years will generally increase more than rates in dry years. Under a “best guess” rainfall scenario with a 10% increase in winter rainfall, annual erosion increased by up to 150%. Erosion rates for individual years were shown to change in more complex nonlinear ways however, with decreases as well as increases occurring. These could be explained by the interaction of timing of rainfall with changes in the rate of crop growth.Most earlier work also assumed an equilibrium climate for the simulations, with climatic parameters such as mean monthly rainfall having stabilised at some new value, usually for a 2 × CO2 atmosphere. This however leads to an “initial conditions” problem: how will soil characteristics have changed by the time of CO2 doubling? A decrease in erodibility of about 20% by the time of CO2 doubling was indicated, resulting from changed soil profile properties. However, a second series of runs employed “transient” weather sequences (i.e. with a trend imposed). For these, present-day soil profiles could legitimately be used.  相似文献   

Abstract. Muddy floods due to runoff are a widespread problem on the South Downs of southern England and are associated with increased growing of autumn-sown cereals over the last two decades. The 10.6 km2 Sompting catchment has been monitored over the 12-year period 1990/91–2001/02. A housing estate at the lower end of the catchment that was frequently inundated by muddy floods in the late 1980s and early 1990s has not been flooded since the winter of 1993/94, even during the heavy rainfall events of October and November 2000. This is a result of the ameliorative measures put in place in the early 1990s, primarily the reversion of some winter cereal fields to permanent grassland (set-aside). Other land management changes helped, for example, some parts of the catchment were put down to short-term grass leys and small dams were constructed to impound runoff. Flooding of the housing estate occurred when more than 30% of the catchment was covered by eroded fields, which contributed runoff to the valley floors leading down to the housing estate. The length of continuous down-valley flow was greater in the early 1990s compared with later years. The introduction of grassland reduced the risk of flooding not only by reducing the area contributing to runoff, but also by stopping valley floor flows linking up. Such measures to alleviate runoff, erosion and flooding fit well with policies proposed in the recent report by the UK Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food.  相似文献   

北京地区五环内冬季园林绿地中裸土调研及其分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国北方地区,伴随阔叶植物冬季落叶造成大量土地出现季节性裸露.土壤在裸露情况下极易造成扬尘污染和空气污染,进而成为中国北方城市雾霾污染逐渐加重的重要组成部分;因此,准确掌握冬季裸露土地的分布情况和建立合理的治理方案,对中国北方城市的环境保护和生态建设具有重大意义.本文以北京城区五环内园林绿化用地中的裸地为调查对象,采用《全国土壤调查技术规程》中要求的调查方法,根据棋盘式布点法布设100个调查样点,调查总面积25万m2,占北京地区五环总面积的3.73%,按照草坪裸地、灌木裸地、树穴裸地3种类型进行分类研究.园林绿化用地总面积为8万7 539.84 m2,仅占总样方面积的35.02%,可见,北京城区内仍是以建筑、公路等硬化用地组成.在园林绿化用地调查样点中,草坪绿地、灌木绿地、树穴绿地面积分别为6万6 647.30、1万6 329.64和4 562.91 m2,证明北京城区五环内园林绿化用地以草坪绿地为主.裸地分布调查结果显示草坪裸地对裸地面积的贡献率达78.11%,是北京地区五环内主要裸地类型.在100个全部的调查样地中,43.42%的草坪绿地以及24.25%灌木绿地冬季变成裸地,而树穴裸地比例达到90.91%,证明北京城区五环内树穴在冬季基本无覆盖.通过对裸地区域分布研究发现,裸地面积排序前20个样点中有13个样点分布在南四环到南五环之间,裸地面积占总裸地面积的51.66%.裸露的土地不仅造成北京城区内水土流失和土壤养分下降,也加重雾霾污染程度,降低城市空气质量,建议在北京地区五环内推广种植具备抗寒性的冷季型草坪草品种替代现在易枯萎草坪草品种,使用园林绿化废弃物加工产物作为覆盖物对其余裸土类型进行有效覆盖,严格控制北京城区冬季裸地面积,为北京冬季城市生态环境发展保驾护航.  相似文献   

研究延怀盆地典型土地利用类型地表土壤风蚀物分布特征,可为了解该区域风蚀过程、改善生态环境提供数据支撑。以怀来县为研究对象,采用野外监测和室内分析相结合的方法,分析了葡萄、果桑、欧李、玉米免耕、玉米翻耕5种土地利用类型在冬季休耕期(上年11月—次年2月)和春季备耕期(3—5月)风蚀物质量、粒径及碳氮含量随高度的变化特征。结果表明:(1)欧李与玉米翻耕地土壤风蚀物质量分数垂向分布遵循幂函数递减规律; 果桑、葡萄与玉米免耕地土壤风蚀物质量分数在监测高度范围内随高度增加无规律性变化。(2)春季备耕期5种土地利用类型输沙通量均高于冬季休耕期。(3)冬季休耕期5种土地利用类型风蚀物的粒径范围集中分布在500~2 μm; 春季休耕期5种土地利用类型风蚀物的粒径范围集中分布在250~2 μm。(4)5种土地利用类型冬季休耕期风蚀物碳氮含量高于春季备耕期。风蚀物质量、碳氮含量及粒径的垂直分布受土地利用类型和人为活动的影响,其中人为活动对输沙通量影响较大,因此在该区域土壤风蚀防治过程中可以采用构建防风草篱、合理调整土地利用布局的方式,达到降低近地表风速、拦截风沙的作用。  相似文献   

农牧交错带土地利用类型对土壤风蚀的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究农牧交错带不同土地利用类型对土壤风蚀的影响,为干旱沙区土地资源的合理利用及经营耕作提供科学依据。[方法]通过气象资料和野外风蚀试验,分析该区不同土地利用方式下的土壤风蚀状况。[结果]不同土地利用类型对土壤风蚀的影响显著,在不同利用类型的人工草地中羊草地较苜蓿地减蚀效果显著,天然草地中滨草地减蚀效果优于蒿草地,人工草地较天然草地显著降低土壤风蚀量。农田用地中耕翻地土壤风蚀量最高,未留茬免耕玉米地较耕翻地风蚀量减少46.7%~48.6%;作物留茬地土壤减蚀效果显著,且留茬作物不同,减蚀效果差异明显,玉米留茬较耕翻地风蚀量减少了58.1%~63.5%,荞麦留茬较耕翻地减蚀率为50.5%~54.6%。在不同地形坡地中迎风坡风蚀量高于背风坡3.12~3.73倍。[结论]应在该地区适宜增加人工草地种植面积,减少冬春季节耕翻地面积,减少迎风坡土地的开垦利用,在冬春季节采取地表覆盖或者作物收获后留茬的保护措施,以降低土壤风蚀程度。  相似文献   

京郊延庆康庄地区不同土地利用类型对土壤风蚀的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在2005~2006年冬春大风季节,对北京市郊区延庆康庄地区不同土地利用类型(疏林地.乔灌草.林草.翻耕地,免耕地,菜地,果菜间作)进行了风速、粗糙度、风蚀量的实地观测。得出的初步结论为:不同防护林模式中乔灌草模式与疏林地和林草两种模式相比,地表粗糙度最大,削弱近地面风速和降低土壤风蚀量的效果也最为明显;农田中果菜间作地表粗糙度最大,免耕地次之,翻耕地最小;在削弱近地面风速方面,果菜间作效果最为明显.菜地次之,翻耕地最差;在降低土壤风蚀量方面,免耕地降低幅度最大,果菜间作次之,翻耕地最差;在不同防护林模式中.乔灌草防风蚀效果最好.在农田中,免耕与果菜间作防风蚀效果较好。  相似文献   

作物残茬与生物篱组合对减轻土壤风蚀的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了探究中国北方农牧交错带冬春风蚀季节生物篱与作物残茬组合对间作裸露秋翻地的防护作用,采用风蚀圈和野外移动式风洞试验的方法对研究区土壤风蚀情况进行监测,利用PC-3型自动气象站进行风速测定。结果表明,油葵秆生物篱减小了间作裸地近地面风速,提高了地表粗糙度;从防风蚀效果看草谷子茬优于油葵秆生物篱;在距油葵秆生物篱或草谷子茬下风向裸地不同位置处,土壤风蚀量基本呈先增加后减小的单峰曲线变化趋势,在4 m左右土壤风蚀量最大,在篱和茬的双重保护下,距茬5 m处发生了风积现象;土壤风蚀量降低率基本呈“V”字型分布;土壤风蚀模数随风速增大而增加,在生物篱的保护下5~15 m/s风速时土壤风蚀降低率为5.03%~20.53%。因此,油葵秆生物篱具有防风蚀作用,而且与草谷子残茬组合对间作裸地会起到更好的固土防蚀作用。  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式下赤红壤坡面土壤侵蚀特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为探究降雨和土地利用对南方赤红壤坡面侵蚀特征的影响,通过天然降雨观测试验,定量分析不同土地利用方式(坡耕地、果园、人工草地和撂荒地)下坡面径流和侵蚀泥沙特征,探讨降雨类型及土地利用对坡面侵蚀产沙的影响以及降雨特征参数与坡面水沙指标间的关系。结果表明:(1)2018年研究区降雨主要集中在5—9月,且每月降雨量主要由一场或几场暴雨及大暴雨组成;(2)坡耕地坡面年径流量和年侵蚀量均最大,分别是果园、人工草地以及撂荒地处理下的3.4,8.0,6.0倍和340.5,1605.3,1720.3倍;(2)次降雨下,坡面径流量在年内表现为前期平稳,后期波动增加,侵蚀量表现为前期波动较大,后期变化相对平稳,且侵蚀产沙主要集中在前期;(3)不同土地利用方式下,暴雨及大暴雨产生的径流量均占年径流量的75%以上,坡耕地、果园、人工草地以及撂荒地处理下由暴雨和大暴雨产生的侵蚀量分别占年侵蚀量的99.1%,71.8%,52.3%和51.6%;(4)降雨量和最大30min降雨强度是影响赤红壤坡面侵蚀最重要的降雨特征参数,降雨历时和植被覆盖度均显著影响果园、人工草地及撂荒地坡面径流量。研究结果有助于明晰南方赤红壤区不同土地利用现状土壤侵蚀特征,为区域水土保持提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Data on quantification of erosion rates in alpine grasslands remain scarce but are urgently needed to estimate soil degradation. We determined soil‐erosion rates based on 137Cs in situ measurements. The method integrates soil erosion over the last 22 y (time after the Chernobyl accident). Measured erosion rates were compared with erosion rates modeled with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). The comparison was done in order to find out if the USLE is a useful tool for erosion prediction in steep mountainous grassland systems. Three different land‐use types were investigated: hayfields, pasture with dwarf shrubs, and pasture without dwarf shrubs. Our test plots are situated in the Urseren Valley (Central Switzerland) with a mean slope steepness of 37°. Mean annual soil‐erosion rates determined with 137Cs of the investigated sites ranged between the minimum of 4.7 t ha–1 y–1 for pastures with dwarf shrubs to >30 t ha–1 y–1 at hayfields and pastures without dwarf shrubs. The determined erosion rates are 10 to 20 times higher compared to previous measurements in alpine regions. Our measurements integrated over the last 22 y, including extreme rainfall events as well as winter processes, whereas previous studies mostly reported erosion rates based on summer time and short‐term rainfall simulation experiments. These results lead to the assumption that heavy‐rainfall events as well as erosion processes during winter time and early spring do have a considerable influence on the high erosion amounts that were measured. The latter can be confirmed by photographs of damaged plots after snowmelt. Erosion rates based on the USLE are in the same order of magnitude compared to 137Cs‐based results for the land‐use type “pasture with dwarf shrubs”. However, erosion amounts on hayfields and pasture without dwarf shrubs are underestimated by the USLE compared to 137Cs‐based erosion rates. We assume that the underestimation is due to winter processes that cause soil erosion on sites without dwarf shrubs that is not considered by the USLE. Dwarf shrubs may possibly prevent from damage of soil erosion through winter processes. The USLE is not able to perform well on the affected sites. Thus, a first attempt was done to create an alpine factor for the USLE based on the measured data.  相似文献   

Yew was widespread but uncommon during the post-glacial period, though planting has extended its natural range and abundance. However, it is now common on the chalk hills of southern England as a dominant or minor species. Rainfall and humidity appear to influence its distribution on the South Downs. A developmentas study of yew-dominated woods on the Hampshire-Sussex border showed they originated on abandoned sheep down or rabbit warrens, as a result of rapidly changing agricultural practices during the last two centuries. Yew woods occur on high, steep slopes, often along parish boundaries, and their possible origin from parental seed trees marking those boundaries is discussed. It is suggested that they are a seral stage of secondary scrub; this has implications for their long-term conservation. The present conservation measures regarding 16 yew woods on the South Downs are described.  相似文献   

Abstract. To allow land planners and managers to assess erosion under alternative management practices a model has been developed. It is based on the universal soil loss equation but uses subfactors for crop cover and management. Readily available agronomic data and field expert opinion were used in formulating the method. Locally-derived data are used to validate the model which is then applied to agricultural systems in New South Wales, ranking the relative erosion hazard associated with crop and land management practices.  相似文献   

Crops are the most important ground cover on slope farmland and have a significant impact on the soil erosion. But soil erosion on slope farmland is also affected by many other factors, such as topography and rainfall. In order to explore the effect of crop growth on soil erosion on different slope gradient of slope farmland, and analyze the interaction of crop growth and slope gradient on soil erosion, this study used artificial simulated rainfall to observe the runoff rates and soil loss amounts under different slope gradients for maize, soybeans, and winter wheat in different growth stages. Results showed that crops and slope gradient both significantly affected production and development of slope runoff. Compared with bare land, mean runoff rate on slopes was reduced by 24%, 32%, and 94% respectively, and sediment yield was decreased by 44%, 55%, and 99% respectively on maize, soybean, and winter wheat fields. Inhibitory effects of crops on slope runoff rate and sediment yield were enhanced with crop growth and decreased with increasing slope gradient. Crop growth and coverage could offset the impact of increasing slope gradient on runoff and sediment to some extent and reduced water and soil loss on slopes. Sediment yield was produced largely when the slope gradient was greater than 10 degrees on maize and soybean fields, but soil erosion was effectively inhibited when the slope gradient was less than 15 degrees on winter wheat fields. Crop planting can effectively reduce the impact of slope gradient on soil erosion, especially during the flourishing period of crop growth.  相似文献   

Soil erosion assumes a different form in Australia and New Zealand. Sheet, rill and gully erosion are common in eastern Australia and wind erosion in the dry cropland areas. In New Zealand, mass movement dominates the erosion landscape but other kinds, including wind erosion, do occur. It is unclear how much of the mass movement is a natural phenomenon and how much is human-induced. In either case, it causes long-term reductions in soil productivity. A landmark analysis of the soil productivity loss due to land degradation was conducted by the Australian state of New South Wales. Water erosion was a greater problem than wind erosion, but soil structure deterioration was more costly than either kind of erosion.  相似文献   

我国南方亚热带丘陵山地土地退化研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
我国南方土地退化的形成是由其生态环境的脆弱性决定的。土地退化不仅表现为土壤退化,还表现为植被退化和土地状况恶化,具有明显的坡面分带性。从50年代到80年代,不同人类活动地区土地退化变化的特点不同。土地退化的动态变化主要是由于土地的开垦及人类活动对植被的破坏。土地退化严重的地区既不是人口较少和经济落后的基岩山区,也不是人口较密、经济发达的低丘岗地区,而是人口增长较快、经济较落后的低山丘陵区。  相似文献   

Soil conservation options in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Soil erosion occurs with sufficient frequency and severity on arable land in the UK to warrant erosion control measures. The main justification is to decrease the off-farm damages resulting from sedimentation and pollution. The grassing of valley floors, the creation of riparian buffer zones and the use of winter cover crops are recommended as suitable measures. These have additional benefits in terms of wildlife habitats and decrease of nitrate leaching. Financial incentives targeted at farmers in erosion-sensitive areas are proposed as the main method of implementation.  相似文献   

2018-2019年河南省兰考县土地利用变化对耕地风蚀的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]探索淮河流域黄泛平原风沙预防区耕地风蚀现状、年度动态及其变化原因,为区域风蚀研究与治理提供科学依据.[方法]选取河南省兰考县为研究对象,通过高分辨率遥感影像解译2018,2019年土地利用信息,采用耕地风蚀模型计算风蚀模数,分析土地利用年度变化对耕地风蚀的影响.[结果]①2018-2019年,兰考县土地利用以水...  相似文献   

华南热带水土保持林的水文效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从森林的截留、地表径流、地面侵蚀等方面,以窿缘桉纯林和由多树种组成的阔叶混交林为研究对象,分析了华南热带水土保持林的水文效应。观测和试验结果表明,无论是涵蓄水源或是防止土壤侵蚀,纯桉树林都不如混交林的效果显著。因此,华南热带水土保持林的方向应是发展混交林,改造纯桉树林。  相似文献   


Though erosion and its control is not a major issue in The Netherlands, in some regions of the country wind and water erosion have caused severe local damage and nuisance and continue to do so. The earliest farmers settled on the higher parts of The Netherlands but, over time, overexploitation has caused extensive tracts to become drifting sand. From 1500 – 1900 “Erosion Boards” were set up to control the sand drifts. Shifting sand areas were visited twice a year and conservation measures were applied. Despite this promising approach, the area of sand drifts increased because land users were poor and fines were high. Reforestation was important for the battle against drifting sand. Also contributing to the decline of drifting sands were the abolition of communal land use, the introduction of fertilizers and the collapse of the wool industry.

In recent decades, “modern agriculture” has aggravated wind and water erosion problems. Nowadays wind erosion is causing problems in the Peat Reclamation District (PRD) in the north-east of the country. Here, land consolidation is regarded as a possible solution to decrease wind erosion. As a result of water erosion in the hilly part of South Limburg, where loess soils are dominant, towns and villages in the valleys are regularly flooded. It is being attempted to mitigate the problems of flooding by means of legislation and cooperation between stakeholders: Redistribution of land, implementation of measures “on hot spots” in the drainage system and farm management plans. There have been major successes already, but sustainable land use is still a long way off.  相似文献   

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