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为了研究红外断喙在"817"肉杂鸡中的应用效果及其对鸡生产性能的影响,将160羽1日龄"817"肉杂鸡随机分为红外断喙组和不断喙组(对照)两组,每组80羽,统计初生重、1~7周龄体重、料肉比和喙长等数据。结果表明,红外断喙后,喙部尖端在9日龄开始脱落,23日龄100%完成脱落;红外断喙组的上喙喙长与对照组呈极显著的差异(P0.01),下喙喙长比对照组短,但无显著性差异(P0.05);红外断喙对"817"肉杂鸡体重有短期影响,但这种影响随着日龄的增加逐渐消失,且红外断喙组表现出了较好的出栏体重和饲料转化率。  相似文献   

本文对蜂鸟的分类地位、分布、习性、生态作用及蜂鸟的保护等方面进行了综述,并对蜂鸟与蜜蜂及蜜源植物的生态关系进行了探讨,提出蜂鸟与蜜蜂一样,为植物传花授粉,是长期与植物协同进化的产物,属于蜜蜂的生态竞争者,并非仅仅是蜜蜂敌害。  相似文献   

旨在明确福建省漳州地区3个"短喙侏儒综合征"半番鸭群的病原及病理组织学特征。对患病半番鸭体质量、喙长、喙宽进行测定及统计分析,采集患病半番鸭肝、脾、胰腺组织进行病原学检测、病毒分离鉴定和基因序列测定与分析,同时采集心、肝、脾、肺、肾等10种组织进行病毒分布及病理组织学研究。结果表明,患病半番鸭喙长,体质量与同场正常未感染半番鸭相比,发病鸭体质量减少达49.00%,喙长缩短达32.00%,喙宽缩短达22.00%;经PCR或RT-PCR检测显示,所采样品禽流感病毒、新城疫病毒、鸭瘟病毒、坦布苏病毒、鸭甲肝病毒、呼肠孤病毒、鸭圆环病毒、鸭疫里默氏菌、鸭大肠杆菌、鸭沙门菌均为阴性,均为水禽细小病毒阳性;对组织匀浆液致死的鸭胚尿囊液检测表明,分离毒株均为水禽细小病毒,经进一步基因序列分析显示所分离3株病毒与番鸭细小病毒病(MDPV)各代表株核苷酸同源性达97.7%以上,与新型MDPV SAAS-SHNH株核苷酸同源性高达98.9%。组织病毒分布检测结果显示,患病半番鸭心、肝、脾、肺、肾等10种组织均不同程度带毒,其中以胸腺、法氏囊、心、脾和胰腺病毒含量最高,肝、肺、脑、小肠次之,肾脏最低;病理组织学研究可见心肌颗粒变性,肝脏水泡变性,胸腺出血,骨骼肌出血、坏死。以上结果表明,福建省漳州地区的3个半番鸭群发生的"短喙侏儒综合征"由新型MDPV所致,且与经典的MDPV在感染宿主、临床症状、病变特征等方面存在较大差异,为新型MDPV病的诊断提供了科学依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

夏秋季节,是鬼脸天蛾危害蜂群最猖獗之际。鬼脸天蛾,顾名思义是因其胸背部长有脸谱般的纹理,酷似“鬼脸”而得名。昆虫分类上为鳞翅目天蛾科,体躯肥大,盗食蜂蜜,食量极大。其生活特性是白天很隐蔽,常藏于枯枝烂叶下。由于长有迷彩般的保护性体色,平时很难被人们发现。一旦被发现,因其飞行笨拙,逃避反应远远没有蜡螟那样敏捷快速,捕杀很容易。  相似文献   

试验测定和分析了Bombus pyrosoma、B.terrestris、B.patagiatus和B.lucorum 4种熊蜂蜂王初生重和三型蜂的喙长,结果表明:4种熊蜂的蜂王喙长与初生重均存在高度正相关性,各回归方程的相关系数均达极显著.同种熊蜂三型蜂间,蜂王喙长明显长于工蜂和雄蜂的喙长,除B.pyrosoma工蜂喙长明显长于雄蜂的喙长外,其他三个熊蜂种的工蜂与雄蜂喙长相等.同型蜂4种熊蜂间,B.pyrosoma和B.terrestris蜂王初生重和工蜂喙长分别相等,蜂王喙长和雄蜂喙长均不等,B.patagiatus和B.lucorum的蜂王初生重和三型蜂喙长分别相等,但前两者蜂王初生重明显重于后两者的,三型蜂喙长分别长于后两者的.  相似文献   

正近年来,蛋鸡饲养成本逐年增加,而蛋雏鸡1日龄断喙技术因具有"防止啄癖发生"、"减少饲料浪费"和"不影响鸡群体重增长"三大优势,逐渐被越来越多的饲养管理者接受和选择。目前,国内多采用传统的电灼断喙方式进行雏鸡断喙处理,但其会对鸡只造成较强的应激,导致断喙过程中易出血或伤口感染,影响鸡群生产性能的发挥。与传统断喙方式相比,红外断喙技术能够较好的克服上述缺点,因其操作原理为使用  相似文献   

1 天蛾 甘薯天蛾又名旋花天蛾,属鳞翅目天蛾科.主要危害甘薯,也取食牵牛花等旋花科植物.幼虫食害甘薯的叶和嫩茎,严重时能把叶吃光,影响产量.成虫灰褐色,体长43~52毫米,翅展100~120毫米.前翅灰褐色,上有许多锯齿状纹和云状斑纹,后翅淡灰色,有4条黑褐色斜带.雄蛾触角栉齿状,雌蛾触角棍棒状,末端膨大.卵球形,淡黄绿色,直径约2毫米.老熟幼虫体长100~120毫米,体色有绿色和褐色,头顶圆,第8腹节背面有光滑成弧形的尾角.蛹体长约56毫米,褐色,喙伸出很长并弯曲呈象鼻状.  相似文献   

我园一只白鹳,因受惊后将上下喙自行折断,断喙长约20cm(正常喙长25cm)几乎接近鼻孔.在鹳类断喙病例中较为严重.我们曾多次不断的修复至安装义喙,使其自由啄食4余月有余,至今健康状况良好.  相似文献   

我们深圳市华宝公司庄边鸡场在运用普谭切喙机进行鸡的切喙方面进行了一项技术革新,采用一种新切喙方法——烙喙法,先后对16,000只雏鸡进行切喙,取得了良好的效果。这种方法的优点主要是:(1)能破坏雏鸡上喙的生长点,使上喙在以后一段时间内长不起来;(2)烙喙过程中无流血现象;(3)技术容易掌握,操作时  相似文献   

本试验通过对已知性别的44只成年朱鹮喙的长度和高度的测量,运用统计学原理分析,得出雄性朱鹮口裂到喙尖的直线距离为16.67±1.29 cm,喙1/2处高度为1.47±0.17 cm;雌性朱鹮则为14.57±0.88 cm和1.29±0.15 cm。采用分别测量喙长和喙高的方法综合判定成年朱鹮的性别,其准确率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: From 26 days of age, an Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) was noted to have a severe beak deformity and reduced bodyweight gain compared to its nest mate. The bird was euthanised at 43 days of age. CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The beak abnormality consisted of distortion of the right nares and severe shortening resulting in deviation of the upper maxilla to the right and cranially. On sectioning the head, copious mucoid material was found in the infraorbital sinus and the bony sinus architecture was disrupted. Histopathological examination of the infraorbital sinuses revealed a large focus of chronic but active inflammation, bony lysis on the right side and pockets of a mixed population of bacteria. DIAGNOSIS: Severe beak deformity, likely secondary to bacterial sinusitis. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The case illustrates the need to look for underlying aetiologies to beak malformation, particularly in young parrots. KEYWORDS: Sinusitis, beak malformation, Antipodes Island parakeet, parrot, beak growth.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: From 26 days of age, an Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) was noted to have a severe beak deformity and reduced bodyweight gain compared to its nest mate. The bird was euthanised at 43 days of age.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The beak abnormality consisted of distortion of the right nares and severe shortening resulting in deviation of the upper maxilla to the right and cranially. On sectioning the head, copious mucoid material was found in the infraorbital sinus and the bony sinus architecture was disrupted. Histopathological examination of the infraorbital sinuses revealed a large focus of chronic but active inflammation, bony lysis on the right side and pockets of a mixed population of bacteria.

DIAGNOSIS: Severe beak deformity, likely secondary to bacterial sinusitis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The case illustrates the need to look for underlying aetiologies to beak malformation, particularly in young parrots.  相似文献   

The beak, or bill, of the bird is a complicated structure. This article describes beak anatomy as well as disorders of the beak, including trauma and diseases.  相似文献   

1. The effects of beak trimming on 16-week-old Brown Leghorn hens, housed individually in battery cages, was assessed by comparing their behaviour after trimming with their behaviour before trimming and with the behaviour of a sham-operated control group. 2. In the short-term, times spent feeding, drinking and preening decreased. 3. In the long-term, times spent preening and pecking at the cage decreased and times spent standing inactive increased, with no signs of returning to pretreatment values after 5 weeks. 4. During the first three weeks, times spent feeding and drinking decreased and during the first two weeks, times spent sitting dozing increased, but after 5 weeks these had returned to near pre-treatment values. 5. It is argued that pain is the most probable cause of these behavioural changes. 6. The decrease in welfare to the individual bird caused by this pain will conflict with any increase in welfare to the flock brought about by beak trimming; this should be considered before any decision to beak trim is taken.  相似文献   

Between 2000 and 2004 a disease occurred in an aviary in Germany affecting various bird species belonging to the order Passeriformes including Collared Grosbeaks (Mycerobas affinis), Eurasian Bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula griseiventris), Brown Bullfinches (Pyrrhula nipalensis), Grey-headed bullfinches (Pyrrhula erythaca) and Yellow-bellied Tits (Periparus venustulus).The major clinical signs included increased mortality of fledglings and young birds, as well as feather disorders and feather loss in adult birds. In addition, adult Eurasian Bullfinches showed in one year a disease course, in which the major symptom was inflammation of the skin beginning on the basis of the beak and spreading over the head occurring a few days before death. Bacteriological and parasitological investigations did not reveal any consistent findings. Using a newly developed polymerase chain reaction protocol, DNA of the recently discovered finch polyomavirus (FPyV) was demonstrated in several affected birds. Because of the consistent detection of FPyV-DNA and the similarity of the symptoms with those observed during infection with the closely related avian polyomavirus in other bird species, an etiological role of FPyV in the observed disease is assumed.  相似文献   

1. Preen oil derived from the preen gland has previously been shown to differ in its composition between birds of different ages, sex and diet. As a part of a larger study on preening behaviour and its components, the relative percentages of fatty acids in preen oil were examined in laying hens that differed in age, beak trimmed status, feather pecking status (pecker and pecked) and method of sampling (either direct from the preen gland or from lipid extracted from feathers). 2. Five experiments are described. Fatty acids extracted from lipid were analysed by gas chromatography (GC). Fatty acid composition was affected by age, by whether or not a bird was feather pecked (but not if it was a feather pecker) and by lipid source. 3. Changes in preen oil composition with age (shown here) may be due to changes in circulating concentrations of hormones. Differences in preen oil composition between feather pecked and non-pecked birds may influence plumage odour and therefore taste, making the plumage of some birds more attractive to pecking than others. 4. The proportions of some fatty acids derived from feathers differed to those extracted from the preen gland. Lipid found on feathers is most likely a combination of that from the preen gland and from sebaceous secretions from the skin.  相似文献   

Avian dermatology is an important part of avian practice. Feather plucking, or self-mutilation, is one of the most common and challenging syndromes seen in avian practices, yet our understanding of it has developed piecemeal. Psittacine circovirus, which causes psittacine beak and feather disease, can devastate breeding programs and cause masked distress to new bird owners and their young birds. Cutaneous neoplasms are increasing in incidence as veterinarians are seeing more older bird patients.  相似文献   

为了丰富长耳鸮的形态学资料,对其消化系统进行了解剖观察,结果表明∶长耳鸮有锋利的角质喙以利于撕裂食物;舌后端左右分叉,而且分叉的两侧各有一排尖端后指的角质栉状突,可以防止食物滑落;食管位于气管和颈椎之间,有较大的收缩性;嗉囊不明显;食道胸段粗大,伸缩性强;肌胃壁薄而无明显角质膜,在很大程度上用来进行化学消化,而不是起到研磨的作用;肠道较体长略长,其中小肠为肠道内最长的一段,具有不甚发达的双侧盲肠。并将长耳鸮消化系统与部分肉食和植食性鸟类作了比较。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis was diagnosed in 4 cockatoos with psittacine beak and feather disease. Three of the birds had cryptosporidiosis confined to the epithelium covering the bursa of Fabricius. One bird had generalized parasitism of the small intestine, large intestine, and bursal epithelium. All of the birds had intermittent to protracted diarrhea before death. Presumably, acquired immunodeficiency from psittacine beak and feather disease promoted establishment of cryptosporidiosis and other secondary diseases including septicemia, peritonitis, chlamydiosis, and mycotic ventriculitis.  相似文献   

In Germany, Bio-beaker and infra-red irradiation (PSP) are used for beak trimming in turkey chicks as routine methods to prevent feather pecking and cannibalism. By both procedures the animals suffer from extensive damage and considerable continuous pain. Beak trimming is allowed by animal welfare legislation, but the operation requires an official permission and must be carried out under anesthesia. The official intention, due to animal welfare reasons, to decrease this operation and to question it permanently fails because beak trimming without anesthesia is tolerated. Elaboration of alternative programs has been demanded for a long time. Therefore selection of stocks tending less to cause feather pecking and cannibalism as well as adequate keeping and housing conditions during hatching and rearing are proposed.  相似文献   

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