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We consider various methods for estimating age composition from length and age samples. The standard age–length key (ALK) approach does not use information from the length frequency distribution, so we develop likelihood-based methods with and without seasonality, growth curves, and cohort-specific growth effects.Asymptotic variances of the estimated age proportions are derived and converted into ‘equivalent sample size’, i.e. the sample size that would achieve the same variance if only age data were collected at random. This is used to compare and evaluate the information obtained from various models using likelihood and from ALK. The methodology is illustrated by analysing a large data set on Southern Bluefin Tuna Thunnus maccoyii. For younger fish, there are considerable gains (in equivalent sample size) over ALK from using likelihood estimation, and further gains from allowing for within-season growth. Sampling designs can improve the estimation of age composition of targeted older age ranges.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, carapace length statistics including minimum size caught (Lmin), mean male and female lengths, size at sex transition (L50) and maximum size (Lmax) of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) decreased in commercial and survey catches off Newfoundland and Labrador. Decreased growth rates caused by decreases in per‐capita food availability due to large population increases, exacerbated by increased metabolic demands from higher water temperatures in the mid‐1990s, appear to be the main cause of the size decrease. Fishing could have had an accelerating effect on environmentally driven decreases in shrimp growth and size by ‘cropping’ the largest shrimp from the population. The greatest decreases in shrimp size occurred in Hudson Strait and the adjacent northern shelf, the area which also has the highest densities and largest shrimp. We hypothesize that the greater size decrease here resulted from decreased primary production from decreased nutrient flux into the euphotic zone, caused by increased atmospheric warming, freshwater runoff and stratification during the warming trend of the 1990s.  相似文献   

Great variations were observed in length-at-age among populations of white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, in 32 Ontario lakes. The spatial structuring of these data was examined using the Mantel test with respect to the corresponding spatial structuring for various environmental variables which might affect growth of the white sucker. These environmental variables include lake geographic location, lake morphometry, water chemistry, food supply, presence/absence of major predator species, and population density and length at sexual maturity of the white sucker. Geographic distances among lakes and among-lake differences in water chemistry were significantly related to among-population differences in length-at-age. Among-lake differences in lake morphometric variables, benthos densities, presence/absence of predator species, and length at maturity and population density of the white sucker were not significantly related to among-population differences in length-at-age. No sex-specific differences in the effects of environmental variables on length-at-age were observed. This study suggests that the among-lake differences in water chemistry (thus, physiological stresses) and isolation-by-distance (thus, genetic forces) are the two most important factors in patterning the large variations in length-at-age among white sucker populations. However, discerning the separate effect of each of these two factors is not possible because the spatial patterns of these two factors are related.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》1988,6(4):317-335
The catch-curve method was used to estimate the instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) of jackass morwong (Nemadactylus macropterus) in south-east Australian waters. Age-frequency distributions were obtained for fish collected from eastern Bass Strait during the 3 years. March 1982–February 1985. Fish were obtained from: (1) demersal research fishing surveys stratified by depth; (2) commercial landings from eastern Bass Strait; (3) commercial landings from the adjacent New South Wales fishery.Jackass morwong were found in water 65–299-m deep, and almost half the biomass was in water 90–179-m deep. Our estimate of the total biomass (from the survey results) of the part of the population in eastern Bass Strait was 15 700 t. The oldest male morwong caught was 11 years old, the oldest female 13 years old. From the survey data, total mortality (Z) was estimated as 0.45 for males, which is equivalent to an annual survival rate (S) of 0.64, and as 0.47 for females, equivalent to an S of 0.63. There was substantial annual variation in estimates of Z. For the survey results, the annual mortality rate estimated for males was significantly different from that for females.The instantaneous rate of fishing mortality (F) estimated from population biomass and mean commercial landings was very low (about 0.024; sensitivity analysis indicated a possible range of 0.012–0.072), and indicated that about 2% (by number; range 1–6%) of the part of the population in eastern Bass Strait was harvested annually.Z values estimated from samples of commercial landings were consistently larger than Z estimated from the survey samples. Using estimates of Z from commercial landings data resulted in high values of M (the instantaneous rate of natural mortality), which were inconsistent with the longevity of the species and the proportion of older fish found in the population. We believe this to be due to bias in the way commercial landings sample the population, and to be an inherent bias in the use of age-frequency data from commercial landings unless some correction for size-selectivity due to commercial fishing gear and fishing behaviour can be made.  相似文献   

Overfishing can affect life history traits, resulting in population collapse and oftentimes a decrease in length-at-age and maturation size in fish populations. However, little is known about the recovery mechanisms and time scales of these traits in exploited wild populations. In the study reported here, we documented long-term shifts in growth and mature size in Miyabe charr Salvelinus malma miyabei associated with a history of recreational fishing in Lake Shikaribetsu for approximately 80 years. Downsizing in the charr was observed when the charr population collapsed due to intensive recreational fishing. However, subsequent moratoriums and the introduction of fishing regulations, especially the implementation of a catch-and-release policy, during the following 10–30 years facilitated the recovery of population size, length-at-age and mature fish size. This study provides important insights into the biological changes and required recovery time scales of a heavily harvested population and supports management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Growth overfishing in the brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, fishery in inshore (estuarine) and offshore (Gulf of Mexico) territorial waters of Texas and Louisiana, and adjoining waters of the United States’ (U.S.) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and its potentially detrimental economic consequences to the harvesting sector, have not been among major concerns of Federal and State shrimp management agencies. Three possible reasons include (1) environmentally influenced variations in recruitment that cause wide fluctuations in annual landings, which tend to obscure effects of fishing, (2) competition between inshore and offshore components of the harvesting sector, and (3) partitioning of management jurisdiction among a Federal council and two State agencies. Wide variations in landings led to beliefs that high levels of fishing mortality were tolerable and recruitment overfishing was of no major concern. This encouraged somewhat laissez-faire management approaches that allowed fishing effort to increase over the years.Our objectives were to determine whether growth overfishing occurred in this fishery during 1960–2006, and whether and how decreases in size of shrimp within the landings, in response to increases in fishing effort, affected inflation-adjusted annual (calendar year) ex-vessel value of the landings, i.e., their value to the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing occurred in the early 1990s, and then abated as fishing effort declined due to rising fuel costs and competition from imported shrimp. However, inflation-adjusted annual ex-vessel value of the landings peaked in 1985, prior to growth overfishing.Management actions implemented in 2001 for Texas’ territorial waters, and in the EEZ off Texas and Louisiana in 2006, should limit future fleet expansion and increases in fishing effort, thereby reducing the chances of growth overfishing and its potentially detrimental economic impacts on the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing should be included among the guidelines for future management of this brown shrimp fishery.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential use of otolith weight as a proxy for age in the lethrinid Lethrinus mahsena from different sites in the tropical Indian Ocean: the banks of Seychelles, Mauritius and British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT, Chagos Archipelago). The reliability of age–frequency distributions and individual ages estimated using otolith weight–age relationships was examined through comparison with those estimated through the standard method of ageing using otolith increments. Two other methods for estimating age–frequencies using age-slicing via an estimated growth curve were also examined; these used growth curves estimated by a length-based method (ELEFAN), or by fitting directly to length-at-age data (an ‘age-based’ method). Age-slicing using length-based growth parameters failed to produce reliable age–frequencies, due to inaccuracies in the growth parameter estimates. The use of age-based growth parameter estimates improved the results of age-slicing, however, age–frequencies remained significantly different from those obtained from ageing using otolith increments in two locations. The use of otolith weight–age relationships resulted in estimated age–frequency distributions that in all locations were not significantly different from those assessed through otolith increment counts. In contrast, L. mahsena otolith weight–age relationships could not be used to estimate individual ages accurately, due to the level of overlap in otolith weight between age classes. Where otolith increments are routinely used to age commercial fish species, the fact that otolith weight–age relationships could not be used to age individuals accurately may limit its application. However, where routine ageing of individuals through otolith increments is considered impractical, for instance because of its cost, the use of otolith weight–age relationships to derive catch age–frequencies represents a viable alternative approach. With this in mind, this study has also demonstrated that there is the potential to use otolith weight–age relationships for five other species caught around the Seychelles, following the validation of their otolith increments.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in growth of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was examined from 1983 to 1991 and of juveniles from 1985 to 1990. ANCOVA was used to assess differences in population growth rates, and an alternate method was developed to examine variations between annual length-at-age data and average 'expected' values over different age groupings. For larvae, the years 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1990 had higher than average length-at-age, and 1988 and 1991 had lower than average values. Relationships between growth and SST and larval density were not clear. A tentative relationship between copepod nauplii abundance and larval length-at-age was noted. The consequence of larval growth to larval mortality, late larval abundance or recruitment was not clear. We conclude that larval mortality rates are highly variable and tend to mask effects of moderate variability in growth on later abundance. For juveniles, 1987 had significantly lower than average length-at-age and 1988 had higher than average values. Although there are few years of data, they tend to support the importance of juvenile growth in the recruitment process. Conditions for the large 1988 year class are documented and discussed, including warm SST, calm winds, relatively low larval growth rates, low abundances of potential predators on larvae, low larval mortality rates, and high juvenile growth rates.  相似文献   

Several methods were used in an attempt to develop an age and growth model for the Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril). Band counts from vertebral sections, which were fit to the traditional von Bertalanffy growth equation, the Gompertz growth equation, and the two-parameter von Bertalanffy growth equation, did not produce realistic parameter estimates. Additionally, a length-based Bayesian model was applied to fishery-independent length–frequency data, and a full Bayesian model was fitted to length-at-age data to estimate parameters for von Bertalanffy growth equation. Both the length-based and full Bayesian models failed to converge; the length–frequency data showed high bimodality unrelated to season, year, or other factors, and band counts were not predictable by length. Vertebral band counts were not valid for ageing Atlantic angel sharks, and length-based methods, which require normally distributed length–frequencies, were not appropriate for this data set. This study represents the first attempt at modeling age and growth for this species and provides research guidelines for future research initiatives.  相似文献   

Commercial landings of a rare pleuronectid flatfish, barfin flounder Verasper moseri, recovered drastically after large-scale stock enhancement in Hokkaido conducted since 2006. This study investigated commercial landings, fishing grounds, size distributions, and sex and age compositions of barfin flounder during 2007–2011 in southern Tohoku, their major spawning ground, which is over 700 km south of Hokkaido. Landings, mostly comprising stocked fish, increased drastically in southern Tohoku: from 2.0 tons in 2007 to 20.8 tons in 2010. Over 98 % of them were landed during January–April, with the peak period during February–March. Fishing logbook data of offshore bottom-trawl vessels during 2007–2010 revealed the upper continental slope off southernmost Tohoku as the main fishing ground (35°40′–36°50′N, annual weighted mean depth 267–299 m). Two size modes in the landings consisted of males (ca. 40 cm) and females (ca. 60 cm). The main age at fishery recruitment in southern Tohoku was younger for males (age 2+) than for females (ages 3+ and 4+), the result of which was that the female percentage was lowest at 1.5 % in 2009 and highest at 7.9 % in 2011. Our results showed clearly how the effectiveness of large-scale stock enhancement in Hokkaido extended to southern Tohoku in association with spawning migration of stocked barfin flounder.  相似文献   

Abstract  The closure of the Indiana commercial fishery in Lake Michigan in 1997 provided the opportunity to examine the effects of commercial exploitation on the yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), population. Data from annual gillnet and trawl sampling, recreational angler creel surveys and commercial fishing harvest were used to determine whether changes in length–frequency distributions and sex ratios were altered following closure. The proportions of large, adult yellow perch were significantly greater after the closure of the commercial fishery. Overexploitation of fish >200 mm by commercial harvest likely truncated the size distribution, but recreational harvest was comparatively small and did not appear to be a factor influencing size distributions. This post-closure period also had a greater proportion of females in trawl catches, and the mean length of harvested fish increased in the recreational fishery. These findings suggest commercial exploitation influenced yellow perch population dynamics in far southern Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

This study describes broad-scale spatial variations in sardine growth across the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean waters using opportunistic samples collected in recent years. More detailed information on spatial, decadal and seasonal growth variations is provided for the Iberian-Biscay region using data collected in acoustic surveys since the mid-1980s. Growth curves are fitted to annual or monthly length-at-age data using a robust Von Bertalanffy model; parameters for recent samples are compared with literature information using an auximetric plot while differences between areas within the Iberian-Biscay region are tested by log-likelihood ratio tests. Sardine growth performance is generally lower in the Mediterranean and declines across the northeastern Atlantic from the English Channel to north Morocco but increases sharply off Mauritania. Lower growth of Mediterranean sardines is possibly associated to the overall oligotrophy of this Sea while differentiation from the Atlantic is likely sustained by reproductive isolation between populations from the two areas. Within the northeastern Atlantic, size- and age related migrations may partly explain differences in maximum length/age and mean length-at-age between neighbouring areas but the broad-scale latitudinal decline in growth is consistent with adaptation to the north–south decline in seasonal temperature gradients and to the annual cycles of plankton production. Within the Atlantic Iberian waters, sardine grows and improves in condition during spring and summer when the allocation of energetic resources for gonad development cease, temperature is close to the annual maxima and plankton production is high. Variation in sardine length-at-age and growth within the Atlanto-Iberian stock area has implications for stock structure and needs to be taken into account in the calculation of weight and maturity-at-age for assessment purposes. No evidence of broad temporal changes in sardine growth within the Iberian-Biscay region is obtained.  相似文献   

Three intensive growout trials using Penaeus vunnumei were conducted in round ponds in Hawaii in 1987. A 337 m2 experimental pond was stocked at 100 shrimp/m2 for two trials; a 2,000 m2 commercial prototype pond was stocked at 75/m2 for one trial. In the experimental pond trials, shrimp survival averaged 88 ± 10% (SE) and feed conversion averaged 2.2 ± 0.2. Growth averaged 1.5 ± 0.3 g/week, yielding 18.2 ± 1.7 gram shrimp in 80 ± 5.5 days. Combined production in the experimental trials was 32,272 kg/ha in 174 days (from stocking of trial 1 to harvest of trial 2). Comparing these results to 1986 results (Wyban and Sweeney 1988), it was concluded that shrimp growth is not affected and production is doubled by increasing stocking density from 45/m2 to 100/m2. Pooling data from 1986 and 1987, a significant linear regression was obtained when weekly growth of shrimp above four grams individual size was regressed on mean weekly pond temperature: growth = 0.37 * temperature - 8.44, (r2= 0.41; P < 0.01). Multiple regression to examine effects of shrimp size, pond biomass, and shrimp age on the temperature-growth relationship was not significant. In the commercial prototype pond trial, survival was 67% and feed conversion was 2.0. Growth averaged 1.4 g/week, yielding 18.1 gram shrimp in 88 days. Production was 9,120 kg/ha. Individual shrimp size distribution at harvest in the commercial pond was similar to experimental pond results, indicating that shrimp growth in the two systems was comparable. Financial characteristics of a hypothetical 24 pond shrimp farm using these results were determined using an electronic spreadsheet model (hung and Rowland 1987). Feed costs were 40% of total operating costs while postlarvae and labor were 14% and 16% of total operating costs, respectively. Breakeven price (BEP) was far more sensitive to changes in revenuedetermining inputs such as survival and growth than to comparable changes in costdetermining inputs such as feed and postlarvae costs. Together these results suggest that commercial scale round pond production mimics experimental scale production and that round pond technology has commercial potential.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates the correction of gear-selectivity and retention effects in estimation of growth in fish populations. The selectivity bias can be removed from length-at-age and length increment data. To correct for bias, a maximum-likelihood estimator that incorporates gear selectivity, a size-dependent retention function and several stochastic growth models are provided. The estimator allows the use of joint samples collected by fishing gears with different selectivity, which increases sample size and data representativeness, and thus improves accuracy of population parameter estimates. Data collected from retained tiger flathead caught by Danish seine gear were used for numerical analysis of the selectivity bias. Stock assessment implications of bias in growth estimation are discussed.  相似文献   

Fish age determination using otoliths requires a prior understanding of growth mark deposition patterns (translucent rings, TR) as well as their connection with internal or external events experienced by the fish. This study analysed the macrostructural seasonal ring deposition pattern observed in transversal sections of black hake otoliths. A total of 793 black hake otoliths were collected in autumn and spring 2007 from research and commercial surveys carried out in continental and shelf waters off Mauritania. Most of the Merluccius polli otoliths presented narrow and wide translucent rings (NTR and WTR, respectively) regardless of fish size, whereas Merluccius senegalensis otoliths only showed NTR. This seemed to be a sign of ontogenetic discrepancy between the two black hake species, whose otoliths confirmed the existence of significant differences in their growth patterns.The frequency distributions of the number of TR counted along the ventral radius (VR) of the otolith from the nucleus (birth date) and from the ventral edge (death date) were analysed to ascertain whether a specific endogenous event (Hypothesis A) or a precise environmental event (Hypothesis B) could restrain growth leading to the formation of TR. The general TR frequency distribution pattern was somewhat similar for both hake species, which showed marked TR at comparable distances. Within each species, TR frequency distributions of their distances from the nucleus along the otolith VR were quite similar between sexes, seasons, and fish sizes. Our results support the idea of a coincident biological event, such as first maturity, slowing down the growth process and thus provoking the formation of TR in otoliths of both species.This study also experience difficulty using the complex and highly variable macrostructural pattern of black hake otoliths to establish age interpretation criteria for these two species.  相似文献   

The common practice in estimating postlarval penaeid shrimp populations for stocking ponds is volumetric subsampling with subsequent extrapolation. This procedure can lead to considerable undercounting, which, if not recognized, will result in overstocking with accompanying underfeeding and depressed growth. Postlarval blue shrimp Penaeus stylirostris counts derived from volumetric subsampling in a container of known volume and shrimp density were checked for accuracy. Counts were made of three sizes of shrimp (4, 6 and 10·5 mm total lengths) at four temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 30°C). Water temperature and shrimp size both had highly significant (p < 0·0001) effects on the mean catch, which tended to decrease with increasing shrimp sizes and water temperatures.The population estimates ranged from 100% of the actual population for 4 mm postlarvae at 18°C to 57% for 10·5 mm postlarvae at 30°C.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The stock size of sandfish in the northern Sea of Japan was estimated by a virtual population analysis (VPA) and sensitivity analyses were attempted on the VPA estimate. The stock size estimates were approximately 600–900 million until 1975, but since 1976 they have rapidly decreased. In the sensitivity analyses, the estimates of absolute stock size were not sensitive against the changes in the fishing mortality coefficient for terminal age and the measurement error in catch-at-age. This suggested that the relative stock size remains almost unaffected by the error in the data used in the VPA, if the degree of catch-at-age error and the natural mortality coefficient is correct. The relationships between the biomass estimated by the VPA and the density index from Danish seine fisheries, and between the biomass and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) from the experimental survey using Danish seine nets, were also examined. The density index and the CPUE indicated significant relations with the biomass. Consequently, the CPUE is useful to monitor the relative stock size in a timely manner, and the VPA estimate and the CPUE should be utilized for adjusting the total allowable catch in the multiseasons.  相似文献   

Generally, the individual weight of large fish is measured at landing, and thus, their weight composition is easily obtained. In this paper, we develop a method of population analysis using weight composition of fish, called weight-based population analysis, or WPA. WPA needs data of catch-at-weight, weight composition, weight from the growth and natural mortality M. We apply the method to the walleye pollack fishery in Funka Bay to evaluate its validity. The results show that the population size estimated from WPA reflects the features of population dynamics, and the estimated parameters reflect this walleye pollack fishery. Further, we compare the results of WPA with those of virtual population analysis (VPA) using catch-at-age data. The trend of population dynamics estimated using WPA was comparable to the results of VPA, suggesting that WPA can estimate population size as well as VPA.  相似文献   

The present study elucidated the length structure and habitat segregation of North Pacific spiny dogfish (SPD) Squalus suckleyi in the Tsugaru Strait of northern Japan. Length–frequency distributions using kernel density estimation were determined for SPD captured by the bottom longline fishery landed at Minmaya from 1999 to 2011 and at Ohma from 2007 to 2011. Length–frequency distributions significantly differed between landings at the two ports; SPD at Minmaya were on average larger (65–85 cm precaudal length: PCL) than at Ohma (55–75 cm PCL). This difference is evidence of the length-based spatial segregation of the SPD. The seasonal landing pattern of the SPD was also different between the two ports. The SPD landed at Minmaya were largest during February–June and SPD < 75 cm PCL were caught at Ohma throughout the year. This different landing pattern was related to seasonal differences in bottom-layer water temperatures between the two fishing grounds. Females were thought to be dominant at Minmaya, whereas males dominated in most of the catches at Ohma. These results suggest spatial patterns of sexual segregation for this species in the Tsugaru Strait and require elucidation of the SPD stock condition at Minmaya and Ohma.  相似文献   

为了量化和比较温台渔场3种经济鱼类体长频次分布与实际收集的观测样本之间的关系,本研究基于收集的样本体长信息能够反映研究区域鱼种真实的体长组成信息这一假设,根据春、夏两季在温台渔场采集的3种经济鱼类(小黄鱼、银姑鱼和龙头鱼)的体长数据,利用计算机模拟方法设计了不同的样本量方案.利用均方差异值(mean square di...  相似文献   

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