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This paper presents research conducted during two coffee farming seasons in Costa Rica. The study examined coffee farmers?? weed management practices and is presented in the form of a case study of small-scale farmers?? use of labor and herbicides in weed management practices. Over 200 structured interviews were conducted with coffee farmers concerning their use of hired labor and family labor, weed management activities, support services, and expectations about the future of their coffee production. ANOVA and regression analyses describe the relationships between farm size, labor, and herbicide use, and three farm types (i.e., conventional, semi-conventional, and organic). Based on findings regarding the amount of labor used to manually control weeds on different types of farms (large farms, small conventional, semi-conventional, and organic farms) I am able to challenge small conventional farmers?? perceived need for herbicide use. Semi-structured interviews of coffee farmers and extension workers further revealed a dominant role played by agro-chemical companies in assisting farmers with production problems, and documented a high transaction cost for information provided from elsewhere. Chemical companies hire extension workers to visit farmers at their farms, free of charge, to offer recommendations on how to treat different pest problems, while government and cooperative extension agents charge for the service. There is a need to increase the amount of resources available to the National Coffee Institute to fund one-on-one farmer support services in order to balance the influence of agro-chemical company representatives and allow farmers to make better decisions regarding weed management.  相似文献   

Site-specific information technologies (IT) provide knowledge about the spatial variability within a field to improve the efficiency of inputs through variable-rate (VR) applications. Identifying factors that influence farmers’ perceptions of the importance of precision farming (PF) technologies in improving the efficiency of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer applications can help to determine why different groups of farmers adopt PF. Knowing these factors can be useful in targeting specific groups of farmers to adopt PF and increase fertilizer efficiency to meet crop needs and reduce P and K losses to the environment. Data were obtained from a 2001 mail survey of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) farmers in six southeastern states in the United States of America. Ordered logit analysis was used to evaluate the level of importance to those who had adopted PF technologies placed on such technologies they had used to improve the efficiency of P and K applications. Results showed that such farmers found soil sampling by management zone or on a grid, and on-the-go sensing most important. Precision farmers who used mapping and remote sensing found PF technologies least important. Older precision farmers who rented larger proportions of their land and used computers for farm management were more likely than other precision farmers to place greater importance on PF technologies in improving the efficiency of P and K applications.  相似文献   

The 1989 National Integrated Pest Management Program in Indonesia is a case of a breakthrough in national policy to enhance the ecological balance by conserving natural enemies and diminishing the indiscriminate use of pesticides in the protection of food crops. The Program provided training to agricultural officials and farmers to shift their perspectives in pesticide use through “knowledge transmission” rather than the transferal of “technological packages.” This paper examines how farmers, with the novel understanding they had, responded to the persisting top-down policy of the “complete credit packages” from the government rice intensification agencies and the recurrent outbreak of pests in 1990–1992. IPM knowledge and training provided initial understanding of, and the stimulus to discover, unknown phenomena on the basis of which farmers improved their knowledge and learning capacity. Constraints largely came from the inflexibility of the subsidized scheme of inputs and the inadequate explanation and extension services provided to farmers  相似文献   

Irrigation system is a scare resource in most of drought-stricken Africa. How to manage and maintain the existing irrigation facilities in Africa is a debatable issue to both policy makers and beneficiaries. Irrigation facilities run by farmer cooperatives are considered ineffective, unsuccessful and dysfunctional in Tanzania by many researchers. A cooperative irrigation scheme is a mechanism that features the collective management of rural irrigation facilities by farmers' cooperative with some government intervention and external support. There is an increasing emphasis on the roles of cooperative irrigation scheme in the development of the agriculture sector and poverty reduction of smallholder farmers. In this study, the authors investigated the management and services of this scheme and analyzed its contribution to poverty reduction of smallholder rice farmers and community development in Tanzania through both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed that the scheme helped smallholder farmers increase the rice production and brought better market opportunities. The farmers' net income was also increased. Profit generated from rice farming not only improved the livelihoods of smallholder farmers but also created more employment opportunities in the rural communities. The research also revealed that the scheme was faced with a number of challenges due to resource and institutional constraints and low-level human capacity for both management and members. The research provides a feasible approach to effective management of small-scale agricultural infrastructure for poverty reduction in Africa.  相似文献   

刘丽军  宋敏 《中国农业科学》2012,45(17):3617-3623
【目的】研究专利数量飞涨背景下不同申请时期、申请主体和技术领域的中国农业专利质量及其变化趋势。【方法】以中国1985-2010年受理的全部农业专利为样本,利用统计和计量经济模型分析发明专利申请率、发明专利授权率、授权发明专利失效率、专利维持时间等质量指标。【结果】中国与国外农业发明专利授权率在统计上没有显著差异,但是国外的平均维持时间显著更长。在0.01置信水平下,中国公共研究部门(大学、科研机构)与企业、个人相比,发明专利授权的概率显著更高,但维持专利的概率却显著低于企业。时间趋势变量的系数估计值表明,中国农业发明专利的授权和维持状况自2001年起有明显改善。【结论】尽管中国农业专利质量总体不如国外,但近年来已有显著提高,尤其以农业生物技术最为突出。大学、科研机构作为中国农业专利的申请主体,申请质量显著高于企业和个人,但“重申请轻维持”的现象比企业严重。中国今后应引导和规范农业科教单位的专利申请动机,鼓励和支持专利技术的转化实施。  相似文献   

A decline in public sector extension services in developing countries has led to an increasing emphasis on alternative extension approaches that are participatory, demand-driven, client-oriented, and farmer centered. One such approach is the volunteer farmer-trainer (VFT) approach, a form of farmer-to-farmer extension where VFTs host demonstration plots and share information on improved agricultural practices within their community. VFTs are trained by extension staff and they in turn train other farmers. A study was conducted to understand the rationale behind the decisions of smallholder farmers to volunteer their time and resources to train other farmers without pay and to continue volunteering. Data were gathered through focus group discussions and individual interviews involving 99 VFTs. Findings of the study showed that VFTs were motivated by a combination of personal and community interests that were influenced by religious beliefs, cultural norms, and social and economic incentives. Altruism, gaining knowledge and skills, and social benefits were the most frequently mentioned motivating factors for becoming VFTs.3 years after starting, the income earned from selling associated inputs and services was also a main motivating factor. There were no significant differences between motivating factors for men and women VFTs. The findings point to the fact that VFTs work effectively without being paid, but investments in human, social, and financial capital are crucial to keeping them motivated. These factors are key to ensuring the sustainability of farmer-to-farmer extension programs beyond the projects’ lifespan.  相似文献   

Young  Douglas L.  Kwon  T. J.  Smith  E. G.  Young  F. L. 《Precision Agriculture》2003,4(2):227-238
A user-friendly computerized agricultural herbicide decision model has been developed for selecting profitable site-specific herbicide applications in winter wheat. The model is based on 6 years of field research in southeastern Washington State, USA. The model calibrates herbicide applications to management unit weed densities, soil organic matter, soil moisture, and preceding management, as well as to expected input and output prices. The model increased broadleaf herbicide rates by an average 0.65 of label rates compared to the recommendations by farmers and weed science professionals, but cut the more expensive grass herbicides by an average 0.56 of label rates. The model increased average projected profitability, excluding model application costs, by 65% compared to four other criteria for determining application rates. The profitability increase relative to local farmers was 19%. Both the model and the cooperating farmers properly chose to use no grass herbicides on the study sites, but the weed science experts chose to use up to 1.0 of label rates. The estimated payoff from using the model substantially exceeded the cost of weed scouting and other information collection. Determining economically optimal sampling and management units is an important challenge for the adoption of precision agriculture models like the one developed in this study.  相似文献   

利用海南琼中14个村委会15个代表性植胶农户的调查数据分析农户的技术应用及需求,并从农户的视角评价科技推广工作。从农户的技术应用、科技推广工作评价、农户的技术服务需求等3个方面进行分析。结果表明:该地区橡胶生产以青壮年劳动力为主,橡胶种植历史不长;农户橡胶栽培割胶技术仍以传统经验为主:胶园抚育管理差和割胶技术水平低是农户认为影响胶园产量的主要因素;割胶技术总体上处于中等偏下水平;农户技术需求重点是胶园抚育管理、死皮复割、根病防治和割胶技术。  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years income sources in the Amazonian community of Carvão have diversified to include government salaries, retirement and welfare benefits, and wages from an evolving informal service sector. These non-farm incomes are now more important to household incomes than the sale of agricultural products. Out of 80 households only three families were found to depend almost entirely on the sale of agricultural goods for cash income. Agriculture is still a part of most families’ livelihoods; however, production today is mainly a subsistence activity. Recent changes in Carvão are consistent with trends of livelihood diversification observed in rural societies across the globe. However, current research reveals that Carvão is different from other case studies in a number of ways. A history of livelihoods illustrates that residents in Carvão have always engaged in a range of activities, including farming, extractive activities, and wage labor. New incomes are the result of new jobs in the public sector and social policies benefiting the rural poor. In contrast to the literature on livelihood diversification, the decentralization of the federal government in Brazil has resulted in greater opportunities for rural income and employment. Consistent with recorded trends, research shows that small farmers in Carvão have down-sized agricultural production. Farmers cite low market prices (the result of vertical integration of local markets) as one cause of this decline. Residents, especially small farmers, interested in diversifying agricultural production are limited by inadequate extension services and credit, and younger residents seek public sector employment. Income diversification has increased livelihoods security; however, future livelihoods will depend on new economic growth. Given the stagnating public sector and a weak industrial sector, production geared toward growing urban markets is a viable means for further income generation in Carvão.  相似文献   

奶农和乳品加工企业之间的关系,即产加关系,是奶业发展的根本.在"公司(龙头企业)+农户"的经营模式中,公司处于主导地位,奶农属于弱势群体.为防止产加关系处理不当导致奶业受挫,应采取以下措施:(1)建立企业和奶农的风险共担机制;(2)及时、公正、公平的解决牛奶质量检测中的争议;(3)做好技术服务工作;(4)设立奶业风险基金;(5)充分发挥奶业协会的作用.  相似文献   

汤茜  丁圣彦 《农学学报》2016,6(9):91-95
为了探明农户对农业景观的感知水平是否会对将来农业的可持续发展产生影响,通过问卷调查于2012 年4—5 月在河南省巩义市开展了相关调查研究。研究结果显示:受访农户普遍能够认识到农业景观的经济和生产功能及其服务,但对农业景观的其他功能及相关服务并没有明显认知;受多重因素的影响,有42%的受访农户明确表示不愿意改变他们当前的发展状态;约有25%的受访农户表示,政府提供经济补偿是他们愿意参与退耕还林生态工程的主要原因,这也充分说明了在经济利益的驱动下农户有景观改造和改变农业发展模式的意愿。今后应进一步深入探讨农业景观管理、农户发展意愿与政府决策之间的相互关系,为缓和局地人地关系矛盾并促进未来农业的可持续发展奠定重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

结合KMV模型和DCC-MSV模型,构建了一个行业间信用风险传染效应度量模型,以考查第三产业中各行业间的信用风险传染效应.排除涉及领域繁杂和主营业务不突出的行业,兼顾行业中上市公司数量,最终选择交通运输、仓储业,信息技术业,批发和零售贸易业,房地产业和社会服务业等5个行业为研究对象.实证结果显示:第三产业各行业间信用风险传染效应均大于0.5,且呈现震荡上行的态势,说明行业间信用风险传染效应在增强、传染程度在加深;交通运输、仓储业与其它4个行业之间的信用风险传染效应均较为明显,这可能是由于作为基础产业,该行业对其它行业的影响比较深远;房地产业与社会服务业间的信用风险传染比较明显,可能是因为二者具有共同的信用风险传染影响因素,即交通运输、仓储业;批发和零售贸易业与社会服务业间的信用风险传染效应最强,且相对稳定,其原因可能是这二个行业均受交通运输、仓储业影响,它们本身也存在较强的关联性.  相似文献   

Ecological weed management (EWM) is a scientifically established management approach that uses ecological patterns to reduce weed seedbanks. Such an approach can save organic farmers time and labor costs and reduce the need for repeated cultivation practices that may pose risks to soil and water quality. However, adoption of effective EWM in the organic farm community is perceived to be poor. In addition, communication and collaboration between the scientific community, extension services, and the organic farming community in the US is historically weak. In order to uncover the most persistent obstacles to promoting effective weed management in organic agroecosystems, we use the mental models approach to generate an expert model based on interviews with experts (e.g., weed scientists, weed ecologists, and extension personnel) and theories from the behavioral sciences. The expert model provides two main insights: (1) EWM is a complex strategy that may cause farmers to use heuristics in management decisions and (2) the long-term benefits of EWM, rather than the risks, need to be emphasized in communication with and outreach to organic farmers. The basis for new research topics and outreach material that incorporates these insights from the expert model are discussed. We briefly explain how the expert model is an incomplete picture of on-farm practices, but provides the basis for the second step of our mental models research, the farmer interviews and farmer decision model development.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification and extensification are standard responses to ecological and economic vulnerability among smallholder communities. Climate change has exacerbated this vulnerability and thrown the complexity of and critical need for managing a healthy natural resource base while increasing on-farm productivity into sharp light. Sustainable intensification is one of many mechanisms for accomplishing this balancing act. This study examines the adoption of sustainable intensification practices, namely input packages focused on tef row planting—designed to boost yield and promote more efficient use of inputs. This study utilized a mix methods approach to survey 115 smallholder farmers in the South Wollo zone of the Amhara region in Ethiopia. This study found that cash and capital, more so than contact with the AIS, influenced farmers’ decisions to adopt row planting input packages. Khat production was an important source of cash for inputs and was more likely to be available to farmers with irrigation schemes. Long-term, farmers who cultivate khat may not successfully engage in SI, as khat replaces traditional food crop production in the region. Yet, for farmers who do not grow khat, long-term investment in SI practices is unlikely unless access to affordable credit options is improved.  相似文献   

The concept of quality management marks a major shift from traditional farm management through its emphasis on process management, process improvement, and customer links to improve customer defined quality of products and services and of process efficiency. This management concept aims at the survival and success of enterprises in sectors with competitive markets. It applies to the agri-food sector as a whole and, increasingly, to the farming sector as well. The shift in management concepts challenges traditional IT management support and requires a new view on management support needs and, consequently, on the requirements for IT management support. This paper analyses the present state of IT management support, specifies support requirements in quality management, and outlines a framework for new challenges in IT applications development.  相似文献   

基于江西省50个县(区)635份农户微观调查数据,运用Logistic回归模型分析农户农机社会化服务采纳意愿与行为的偏差问题。结果表明:农户对农机社会化服务采纳意愿与行为存在一定的偏差,偏差率为10.8%,此偏差主要受农户受教育年限、对农机社会化服务的了解程度、周边农户对农机社会化服务的采纳情况、加入合作社、参加农业技能培训、水稻经营的土地面积因素影响。其中,是否使用互联网和水稻经营的土地面积会加深偏差程度,其他因素作用相反,是否参加农业技能培训和农机社会化服务的了解程度对偏差的影响程度最大。该研究结论对普及农机社会化服务服务知识,更好地制定和完善农机社会化服务发展政策,提升农机社会化服务采纳意愿与行为的转化具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

● Seventy-eight percent of farmers accessed extension and advisory services from electronic sources dominated by radio. ● Low digital literacy and high cost of internet and digital devices were key barriers to digital extension and advisory services use. ● Farmers need information to make decisions, e.g., fertilizers, seeds or pesticides to use. ● Integrating digital and face-to-face methods can enhance inclusive scaling of extension activities. An assessment of the challenges and capacity gaps in smallholder access to digital extension and advisory services (EAS) was made by surveying 197 female and 239 male farmers in Kenya and Uganda. Non-digital extension approaches remain dominant but at least 78% of farmers accessed EAS from electronic sources dominated by radio. This is attributed to the fact that ownership of radios was more widespread than of other digital devices. Challenges that particularly limit the use of digital services included low digital literacy and prohibitive cost of internet and mobile devices. Female and elderly farmers were more likely to report these challenges than their counterparts. Logistic regression model results show that ownership of digital devices, participation in post-production activities, and access to extension were enablers of digital EAS use. Farmers mentioned gaps in obtaining information on crop pest/disease diagnosis and management, fertilizer application, pesticide safety and quality seed. Given the diversity in smallholder technological capabilities and information needs, the recommendations made include integration of digital communication within multimode advisory services that use different but linked communication channels, continued farmer digital innovation capacity enhancement, and participatory design approaches that deliver relevant and actionable information for inclusive scaling of extension activities.  相似文献   

顾福珍  王吉恒  房红 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(20):10656-10657
运用系统分析方法,基于区域差异、经济活动内容与规模的差异等,分析了我国不同层次的农村金融需求。不同类型的金融需求主体,在金融需求上具有多元性、层次性的特点,需要不同的信贷方式和信贷机制进行满足。基于此,提出了农村新型金融组织差异化发展的定位选择:村镇银行应该主要设立在中西部地区以及第一产业占比高于全国平均水平的县域,主要扶持维持型农户、市场型农户和涉农中小企业,积极创新贷款品种;贷款公司和小额贷款公司可设立在具备发展潜力,经济与金融缺乏协作地区,立足于个体经营者、微小企业和农户,不断探索贷款品种和方式的创新;在经济落后的贫困地区和相对闭塞的边远地区,适宜设立农村资金互助社,主要服务于农户和微小企业,尤其是贫困农户,为社员提供存款、贷款、结算等业务,并积极开展业务咨询服务,帮助社员脱贫增收。  相似文献   

Of late, a series of methods and tools have evolved in order to assist farmers in making decisions, based on the development of computers. In this paper, an attempt has been made to focus on simulation tools as a means to expand interactivity. The first part deals with the understanding of interactivity. Then the use of simulation as a support for interactivity is developed. In this endeavor, the evolution of understanding of the role played by simulation tools for farm management decision-making has been considered crucial, based on experiments carried out in an interactive manner with both farmers and consultants. Finally, we introduce and discuss numerous potential opportunities provided by the new techniques through automatic machine learning and multi-agent modeling.  相似文献   

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