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Oort JH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1970,170(3965):1363-1370
A brief review is given of what the study of galaxies has taught us about properties of the universe. It is assumed that the universe started from a general "explosion," and that the general expansion observed today, as well as the 3 degrees K blackbody radiation, are consequences of this explosion. The present average density in the universe is probably close to the critical value of 10(-29) g/cm(3). Only about 3 percent of this is contained in galaxies; the rest consists probably of intergalactic gas at a temperature between 10(5) and 10(6) degrees K. Observations in our own galaxy indicate that this intergalactic gas is still flowing into it.  相似文献   

The Dark Age is the period between the time when the cosmic microwave background was emitted and the time when the evolution of structure in the universe led to the gravitational collapse of objects, in which the first stars were formed. The period of reionization started with the ionizing light from the first stars, and it ended when all the atoms in the intergalactic medium had been reionized. The most distant sources of light known at present are galaxies and quasars at redshift z congruent with 6, and their spectra indicate that the end of reionization was occurring just at that time. The Cold Dark Matter theory for structure formation predicts that the first sources formed much earlier.  相似文献   

The universe is permeated by a network of filaments, sheets, and knots collectively forming a "cosmic web." The discovery of the cosmic web, especially through its signature of absorption of light from distant sources by neutral hydrogen in the intervening intergalactic medium, exemplifies the interplay between theory and experiment that drives science and is one of the great examples in which numerical simulations have played a key and decisive role. We recount the milestones in our understanding of cosmic structure; summarize its impact on astronomy, cosmology, and physics; and look ahead by outlining the challenges faced as we prepare to probe the cosmic web at new wavelengths.  相似文献   

Recycled dwarf galaxies can form in the collisional debris of massive galaxies. Theoretical models predict that, contrary to classical galaxies, these recycled galaxies should be free of nonbaryonic dark matter. By analyzing the observed gas kinematics of such recycled galaxies with the help of a numerical model, we demonstrate that they do contain a massive dark component amounting to about twice the visible matter. Staying within the standard cosmological framework, this result most likely indicates the presence of large amounts of unseen, presumably cold, molecular gas. This additional mass should be present in the disks of their progenitor spiral galaxies, accounting for a substantial part of the so-called missing baryons.  相似文献   

Wagoner RV 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,155(3768):1369-1376
Two recent observations appear to have provided critical information about the past history of the universe. The thermal character of the microwave background radiation suggests that the universe has expanded from a state of high temperature and density, and places constraints on such a big-bang cosmology. The observations of very weak helium lines in the spectra of certain stars in the halo of our galaxy are possibly due to a low primeval abundance of this element. However, the simplest model of a big-bang cosmology leads to much higher helium abundances, such as are observed in the solar system and in many stars. The production of helium can be reduced either by altering the early expansion rate or by introducing degenerate electron neutrinos. Observations of interstellar and intergalactic deuterium and He(4), and possibly even He(3) and Li(7), are needed to test the various models.  相似文献   

The circumgalactic medium (CGM) is fed by galaxy outflows and accretion of intergalactic gas, but its mass, heavy element enrichment, and relation to galaxy properties are poorly constrained by observations. In a survey of the outskirts of 42 galaxies with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we detected ubiquitous, large (150-kiloparsec) halos of ionized oxygen surrounding star-forming galaxies; we found much less ionized oxygen around galaxies with little or no star formation. This ionized CGM contains a substantial mass of heavy elements and gas, perhaps far exceeding the reservoirs of gas in the galaxies themselves. Our data indicate that it is a basic component of nearly all star-forming galaxies that is removed or transformed during the quenching of star formation and the transition to passive evolution.  相似文献   

Ryu D  Kang H  Cho J  Das S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,320(5878):909-912
The nature and origin of turbulence and magnetic fields in the intergalactic space are important problems that are yet to be understood. We propose a scenario in which turbulent-flow motions are induced via the cascade of the vorticity generated at cosmological shocks during the formation of the large-scale structure. The turbulence in turn amplifies weak seed magnetic fields of any origin. Supercomputer simulations show that the turbulence is subsonic inside clusters and groups of galaxies, whereas it is transonic or mildly supersonic in filaments. Based on a turbulence dynamo model, we then estimated that the average magnetic field strength would be a few microgauss (microG) inside clusters and groups, approximately 0.1 muG around clusters and groups, and approximately 10 nanogauss in filaments. Our model presents a physical mechanism that transfers the gravitational energy to the turbulence and magnetic field energies in the large-scale structure of the universe.  相似文献   

The earliest generation of stars, far from being a mere novelty, transformed the universe from darkness to light. The first atoms to form after the Big Bang filled the universe with atomic hydrogen and a few light elements. As gravity pulled gas clouds together, the first stars ignited and their radiation turned the surrounding atoms into ions. By looking at gas between us and distant galaxies, we know that this ionization eventually pervaded all space, so that few hydrogen atoms remain today between galaxies. Knowing exactly when and how it did so is a primary goal of cosmologists, because this would tell us when the early stars formed and in what kinds of galaxies. Although this ionization is beginning to be understood by using theoretical models and computer simulations, a new generation of telescopes is being built that will map atomic hydrogen throughout the universe.  相似文献   

On the largest scales, matter is strung out on an intricate pattern known as the cosmic web. The tendrils of this web should reach right into our own cosmic backyard, lacing the Galactic halo with lumps of dark matter. The search for these lumps, lit up by stars that formed within them, is a major astronomical endeavor, although it has failed to find the huge expected population. Is this a dark matter crisis, or does it provide clues to the complexities of gas physics in the early universe? New technologies in the coming decade will reveal the answer.  相似文献   

Astrophysical jets are linear structures associated with stars and galaxies which span about seven orders of magnitude in size; the largest jets emanating from galaxies are about 100 times the size of our galaxy and are the largest single objects in the universe. Jets associated with stars are composed of ionized gas moving away from the star with velocities of a few hundred kilometers per second. Extragalactic jets are composed of relativistic particles, magnetic field, and probably additional amounts of cooler ionized plasma either originally ejected in the jet or entired by it out of the surrounding gaseous medium. The initial outflow velocity for extragalactic jets may be relativistic, and average outflow speeds of several thousand kilometers per second are likely. The energy flux carried by extragalactic jets may be in excess of 10(46) ergs per second, depending upon the nature of the jet. A definition of jet properties, deduced from their interaction with the ambient medium, can place essential constraints on models for the central power source in the parent galaxy or quasi-stellar object where they originate.  相似文献   

High-resolution x-ray observations of the prototype starburst galaxy Messier 82 (M82) obtained with the advanced CCD (charge-coupled device) imaging spectrometer on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory provide a detailed view of hot plasma and energetic processes. Plasma with temperature of about 40,000,000 kelvin fills the inner 1 kiloparsec, which is much hotter than the 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 kelvin interstellar medium component in the Milky Way Galaxy. Produced by many supernova explosions, this central region is overpressurized and drives M82's prominent galactic wind into the intergalactic medium. We also resolved about 20 compact x-ray sources, many of which could be high-mass x-ray binary star systems containing black holes.  相似文献   

Terrell J 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,154(3754):1281-1288
Many difficulties face the conventional interpretation of the red shift of quasars as a Hubble shift, with associated immense distances. These objects are not of galactic size or nature, and are not associated with galaxies or clusters of galaxies. The continuing energy source for such enormous powers for a period of 10(6) to 10(7) years has not been clearly revealed. The absence of the expected absorption for the Lyman-alpha spectral line of hydrogen is a new difficulty. Because of the relativistic limit on the diameter which can produce rapid fluctuations of light output, there may not be enough surface to radiate the required light.A similar and perhaps more serious difficulty exists for the fluctuating radio output. Calculations given here for synchrotron radiation self-absorption lead to a reasonably accurate formula for the angular diameter of a radio source. For the quasar 3C 273B these relations indicate a conflict with the usually assumed distance. However, the discrepancy may be explained in terms of strong variation of radio diameter with frequency. For CTA 102 the conflict is more serious, and could be explained -for cosmological distance-only by rejecting the data of Sholomitskii. These difficulties are removed by the hypothesis that the observed quasars were ejected from a gravitational collapse at the center of our own galaxy, which may have occurred roughly 5 million years ago. The resultant distances, of the order of a million lightyears, reduce the energy problem by a factor of 10(6) or 10(7). On this basis the optical diameter would be less than a light-hour, about the size of the earth's orbit. A rotating mass of a few thousand solar masses with this diameter would account for the unusual line width, could easily produce the required radiated energy, and could readily account for observed short fluctuation periods and variations in spectrum. It is suggested that the radio output may be produced by high-speed passage of the quasar through intergalactic gas. This would probably correspond to a radio size of a few light-years or less, in agreement with the fluctuations. Since the radio power would be considerably less than that of radio galaxies, it is suggested that radio galaxies may have ejected groups of quasars. This would explain the peculiarly distant locations of the radio sources for many such galaxies. The objections to this model that have been raised are apparently not fatal. In particular, the receding hydrogen cloud discovered by Koehler to be in the line of sight to 3C 273 is more plausibly interpreted as having been ejected from our own galaxy, in the manner observed for other galaxies, than as being associated with the Virgo cluster of galaxies. The latter interpretation, which would place 3C 273 further away, is in conflict with Lyman-alpha absorption data for 3C 9 and other quasars. Thus the local model seems to give a reasonable explanation not only of quasars but also of radio galaxies, bothv of which seem largely to defy explanation on other grounds. Whether or not this model is valid, it is clear that an understanding of quasars will radically change our understanding of the universe.  相似文献   

The nature of dark matter is one of the central problems of cosmology, particle physics, and gravity. It may be made of still unknown particles produced in the early universe. Much progress has been made in attempts to detect these particles and in the development of the required experimental techniques. Results from direct searches, the Large Hadron Collider, and the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope offer promising opportunities within the next decade to find the missing dark matter.  相似文献   

Hot spots (HSs) are regions of enhanced radio emission produced by supersonic jets at the tip of the radio lobes of powerful radio sources. Obtained with the Very Large Telescope (VLT), images of the HSs in the radio galaxy 3C 445 show bright knots embedded in diffuse optical emission distributed along the post-shock region created by the impact of the jet into the intergalactic medium. The observations reported here confirm that relativistic electrons are accelerated by Fermi-I acceleration processes in HSs. Furthermore, both the diffuse emission tracing the rims of the front shock and the multiple knots demonstrate the presence of additional continuous re-acceleration processes of electrons (Fermi-II).  相似文献   

The nature of the first generation of stars in the universe remains largely unknown. Observations imply the existence of massive primordial stars early in the history of the universe, and the standard theory for the growth of cosmic structure predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. We have developed an ab initio computer simulation of the formation of primordial stars that follows the relevant atomic and molecular processes in a primordial gas in an expanding universe. The results show that primeval density fluctuations left over from the Big Bang can drive the formation of a tiny protostar with a mass 1% that of the Sun. The protostar is a seed for the subsequent formation of a massive primordial star.  相似文献   

Recent x-ray, optical, and radio observations coupled with particle and gas dynamics numerical simulations reveal an unexpectedly complex environment within clusters of galaxies, driven by ongoing accretion of matter from large-scale supercluster filaments. Mergers between clusters and continuous infall of dark matter and baryons from the cluster periphery produce long-lived "stormy weather" within the gaseous cluster atmosphere-shocks, turbulence, and winds of more than 1000 kilometers per second. This weather may be responsible for shaping a rich variety of extended radio sources, which in turn act as "barometers" and "anemometers" of cluster weather.  相似文献   

Olive KA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1991,251(4998):1194-1199
A transition from normal hadronic matter (such as protons and neutrons) to quark-gluon matter is expected at both high temperatures and densities. In physical situations, this transition may occur in heavy ion collisions, the early universe, and in the cores of neutron stars. Astrophysics and cosmology can be greatly affected by such a phase transition. With regard to the early universe, big bang nucleosynthesis, the theory describing the primordial origin of the light elements, can be affected by inhomogeneities produced during the transition. A transition to quark matter in the interior by neutron stars further enhances our uncertainties regarding the equation of state of dense nuclear matter and neutron star properties such as the maximum mass and rotation frequencies.  相似文献   

A nonparametric test that has been used to conclude that extinction rates are periodic with a period of 26 million years is shown to be substantially biased toward this conclusion, regardless of whether or not the data are periodic in origin (and, indeed, regardless of the actual period if they are in fact periodic). The test is shown to be sensitive to measurement error of a type expected with these data (early recording of extinctions due to missing fossil specimens, the "Signor-Lipps effect"), and it is shown that because of the unequal spacing in time, such models may be expected to produce statistically significant but artifactual periods of (in this case) exactly 26 million years over the span of time actually used.  相似文献   

为了解决多奇异数重子两步拓扑重建效率低的问题,利用人工神经网络以较高的效率来一步完成对奇异粒子的鉴别。就高维参数空间中BP神经网络对训练样本高统计量要求的问题,进行了蒙特卡洛法研究,所得结论支持用人工神经网络鉴别多奇异数重子。  相似文献   

Forest emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), such as isoprene and other terpenes, play a role in the production of tropospheric ozone and aerosols. In a northern Michigan forest, the direct measurement of total OH reactivity, which is the inverse of the OH lifetime, was significantly greater than expected. The difference between measured and expected OH reactivity, called the missing OH reactivity, increased with temperature, as did emission rates for terpenes and other BVOCs. These measurements are consistent with the hypothesis that unknown reactive BVOCs, perhaps terpenes, provide the missing OH reactivity.  相似文献   

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