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Terminal stem cuttings of Telopea speciosissima were collected from two locations at monthly intervals and treated with indolebutyric acid (IBA) in combination with benomyl. Cuttings taken in the first half of spring, at the beginning of vegetative growth, gave the highest percentage of rooted cuttings and the greatest length of adventitious roots per rooted cutting. Cuttings taken from the environment most suited for the growth of the mother plants also produced the highest percentage of rooted cuttings, but their root length did not differ significantly between the two locations. Pre-treatment of cuttings with 4000 p.p.m. IBA (concentrated solution dip method) initially gave the highest percentage of rooted cuttings and longest root length, but there was evidence for a delayed toxicity to IBA applied at this level. Pre-treatment with 2000 p.p.m. IBA is therefore recommended.Benomyl increased the percentage of rooted cuttings, but did not affect root length, possibly due to its fungicidal rather than cytokinin activity.  相似文献   


Rooting of leafless winter hardwood cuttings of the plum rootstock Prunus insititia ‘Pixy’ increased as the location from which the shoots were taken from within specially grown stockplants decreased in height above ground, associated with a parallel reduction in shoot thickness. However, the actual height of the least-ready-rooting crown cuttings had no effect on rooting, suggesting that relative rather than absolute position is important. Rooting was unaffected by bark-ringing and trunk incision distal to the shoot position, suggesting that such treatments did not interfere with a basipetally translocated root promotor which might have accounted for improved rooting of cuttings in the lower parts of the hedge. The rooting of crown cuttings above a bark ring was reduced considerably compared with that of cuttings from normal bushes, and this was associated with increased thickness of shoots distal to the ring. Delaying pruning in spring until after growth had started resulted in thinner crown shoots compared with those from plants pruned normally while dormant, and the rooting of these thinner crown shoots was much higher than that of the normal crown cuttings. It was shown by covariance analysis that shoot thickness accounted for part of the rooting response but could not account for the total effect due to shoot position within the bush, ringing, or time of pruning. Competence to root appears to develop independently in individual shoots, modified by a shoot thickness factor which favours the subordinate shoots induced in the shoot hierarchy of severely pruned hedges.  相似文献   

The ability of auxin-treated T. scleroxylon cuttings to root was affected by the prior management of potted stockplants. In undecapitated single-stem stockplants more cuttings from upper rather than lower mainstem nodes rooted; a difference paralleled by leaf water potential immediately after severance, although there was also a positive relationship with internode length. The rooting percentage of mainstem cuttings from unpruned stockplants ranged from 15% to 43% whereas that of cuttings from the lateral shoots of pruned stockplants ranged from 40% to 83%. Considerably more cuttings rooted from stockplants which were severely pruned than from those where decapitation removed only the top node; there seemed to be an inverse relationship with the number of shoots per plant and the carbohydrate: nitrogen ratio. However, in tall pruned stock- plants, more cuttings from lower lateral (basal) than from upper (apical) shoots rooted, although the differences between cuttings from basal and apical lateral shoots were less when the stockplants’ mainstems were orientated at 45° or kept horizontal, instead of vertically. Adding NPK 16 weeks before harvesting cuttings from 10-node vertical stockplants increased the rooting ability of cuttings from basal shoots without affecting the rooting of those from apical shoots. More lateral shoot cuttings rooted when two, instead of one or four lateral shoots were allowed to develop per stockplant, this being associated with less cutting mortality than occurred in pruned stockplants. In stock- plants with two shoots, cuttings from basal lateral shoots rooted better than those from apical shoots, although without competition from basal shoots. The rooting of apical shoots was enhanced by application of a complete fertilizer. The presence of basal shoots reduced the rooting ability of apical shoots even with the fertilizer application. Many of the effects of lateral branch position on rooting may be related to light intensity, for greater rooting percentages occurred among cuttings from lower, more shaded, than from upper less shaded branches. This positional effect was eliminated when branches were uniformly illuminated.  相似文献   

The rooting ability of one-node leafy cuttings of Eucalyptus globulus decreased rapidly with distance from the (decapitated) apical node. The young and immature leaves close to the shoot apex usually promoted rooting whereas the apex itself had little effect or was detrimental. In apical cuttings with an equivalent complement of leaves, increasing stem volume (and woodiness at the base of the cutting) slightly reduced rooting. The swelling of the stem at the base of shoots from coppice or potted plants also reduced rooting when present at the base of the cutting, whereas the inclusion of the root/shoot junction of seedlings promoted rooting. Cuttings from small seedlings rooted well and the roots sometimes emerged directly from the stem, whereas in non-seedling cuttings, roots nearly always arose from callus. The survival of cuttings in the propagation environment varied between trials. In apical cuttings with the same leaf complement, survival tended to increase with woodiness at the base of the cutting, but in contiguous one-node cuttings this tendency was overcome by the leaves, the soft apical nodes surviving better than the more proximal woodier nodes.  相似文献   

The length of the annual shoots produced on hedges of the plum rootstock Prunus insititia ‘Pixy’ was determined more by the duration of their growth than by their growth rate. The most dominant shoots from the distal part of the framework grew for more than 16 weeks while weak shoots from lower down the framework stopped growing in half that time. There was a curvilinear relationship between shoot length and the proximal diameter of the cutting prepared from it, for shoots from various sources comprising different levels of winter pruning and different parts of the framework of the bush. The extent to which rooting potential was expressed was determined by the management of the rooting medium. When this was too wet, cutting bases developed necrosis which was particularly prevalent in the thinner cuttings. This problem was avoided by planting cuttings with their bases on rapidly draining sand rather than in granulated bark. Under these circumstances percentage rooting decreased with increasing cutting thickness. Before necrosis was controlled in this way rooting increased with increasing proximal stem diameter up to 6-8 mm, reflecting the susceptibility of thin cuttings to over-wet conditions.  相似文献   

The response to IBA treatments in different planting seasons of four plum cultivars, as measured by rooting and field establishment, was investigated during 1986 and 1987. Among the four cultivars, ‘Santa Rosa’ gave the largest rooting percentage, number of primary and secondary roots per cutting, length and diameter of roots and field survival. The European cultivars ‘Greengage’ and ‘Early Transparent Gage’ showed poor rooting and field establishment. The cuttings planted during summer under mist gave better rooting and field establishment than dormant season- or autumn-planted cuttings. Similarly, IBA treatment of cuttings with 2000 mg l−1 during summer and 3000 mg l−1 during dormant and autumn seasons gave the largest rooting and survival percentages, high numbers of primary and secondary roots per cutting, and greater length and diameter of primary roots.  相似文献   

In one-node stem cuttings of Eucalyptus granáis the absence of leaves was fatal. The optimum leaf area per leaf for rooting was 2-5 cm2, and in this range rooting was higher in one-leaf than in two-leaf cuttings. Axillary shoots started to develop soon after the cuttings were set and their growth was promoted by the presence of the subtending leaf. Thus, in one-leaf cuttings the shoot in the leafy axil grew, at the expense of the shoot in the defoliated axil, while in two-leaf cuttings the shoot in the upper (sub-opposite) axil tended to grow more quickly. Axillary shoots were also vigorous in cuttings from decapitated and disbudded mother plants. Rapid shoot growth was associated with low rates of abscission of the subtending leaf and relatively high rooting ability. Removing axillary shoots from cuttings accelerated leaf abscission and reduced rooting. The stem of the cutting often swelled and discoloured from the base, apparently due to the demand of the cutting for water. Additional leaf wounds had no effect on rooting (but increased mortality), while immersing cuttings in water before setting, or leaving them in a loose heap on the propagation bench, promoted rooting.  相似文献   

Optimum conditions for rooting hardwood cuttings of several plum rootstocks have been determined with respect to season of cutting collection, the thickness of shoot and the part of the shoot used as the cutting, the concentration of rooting hormone applied to the base of the cutting and the basal temperature in the rooting medium.

Rooting occurred most readily during autumn and again in late winter and spring. Cuttings made from “thin” shoots generally rooted more readily than those from “thick” ones but the position along the shoot from which the cutting was made was usually unimportant.

Some clones, including Myrobalan B and St. Julien A, responded to increasing concentrations of 4(indolyl-3) butyric acid (IBA) to an optimum at 5,000 p.p.m. and to increasing bottom heat to about 20° C. Others, including Brompton and Pershore, were relatively unresponsive to both of these factors under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of the nitrogen nutrition of stock plants of Justicia gendarussa L. on the rooting of cuttings was studied in sand culture under high, medium and low levels of nitrogen.

Nitrogen starvation induced rooting. Exogenous application of the auxins IAA (indol-3yl-acetic acid), IBA (indol-3yl-butyric acid) and NAA (naphth-lyl-acetic acid) greatly increased the rooting response of cuttings from-stock plants grown with small amounts of nitrogen.

The root-promoting effect of a low nitrogen supply was associated with a retardation of growth in the stock plants from which the cuttings were made. High C/N (total available carbohydrates/total nitrogen) and P/N (total phosphorus/total nitrogen) ratios increased anthocyanin pigmentation in the shoot, and increased rooting cofactor activity in the tissues of cuttings. The phenolic compounds, ferulic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid were present in the shoots of all three nutritional treatments and acted as important cofactors in the cuttings. In general, rooting cofactor activity was inversely related to nitrogen supply and the activity was highest under low nitrogen.

The cuttings taken from plants grown under different levels of nitrogen interacted differentially with the exogenously applied auxins.  相似文献   

Single-noded cuttings were taken from four regions of one-year-old black currant shoots in September 1966, before winter chilling had begun, and stored at 1 °C for 0, 4, 8 or 12 weeks before being inserted in seed trays and placed in a growth room at 20 °C, with continuous illumination. Cuttings from the lower half of shoots rooted and grew well with or without chilling, but cuttings from the upper middle quarter of shoots rooted better after 8 or more weeks in cold storage. Few cuttings from the top region rooted, even after 12 weeks of cold. Cold storage accelerated subsequent bud burst, as did 2 minutes’ treatment with GA3 at 100 ppm.

In the field, dormancy of buds on intact plants increased after September and was pronounced in December. However, cuttings from all regions of shoots taken from plants in the field in January and immediately placed in the growth room rooted and grew well  相似文献   

The effect of shading dahlia mother plants on rootability of cuttings was studied with three cultivars: ‘Choot Hashani’, ‘Orpheo’ and ‘Lavender Perfection’. Reducing natural light intensity by approximately 50% increased rooting percentage of ‘Orpheo’ cuttings, but did not affect rooting of the harder cuttings of ‘Lavender Perfection’. Shading stock plants during midday hours only caused internode elongation in ‘Orpheo’, but did not increase rooting. In ‘Choot Hashani’ the same shading treatment promoted rooting. Shading only the base of the cutting when still on the mother plant greatly promoted rooting percentage and mean number of roots per cutting. The reason for the variability in the response to shading is discussed and it is concluded that the shading effect is limited to the root initiation region. It is assumed that shading improves rooting by promoting the herbaceous character of the rooting region. Shading did not affect rooting of cuttings which remained woody in spite of shade.  相似文献   

研究不同基质材料、不同激素浓度、不同年龄插穗处理对秤锤树硬枝插穗扦插生根的影响。结果表明:全光雾试验条件下,植物生长调节剂BA、基质、树龄对扦插成活率均有影响,幼龄树木、混合基质和高浓度BA处理对秤锤树硬枝扦插最为有利。5a生硬枝作插穗,用1 000mg/L的BA速蘸插条基部,扦插在河沙∶珍珠岩∶泥炭=1∶2∶2的混合基质中,扦插生根率最高,可达90.34%。  相似文献   

研究了不同基质和不同植物生长调节剂对芙蓉花扦插繁殖的效应,以及嫁接时间、剪砧时间、砧穗组合对芙蓉花嫁接繁殖的效应。结果表明,6个抗病虫品种插穗的生根能力大小顺序为CDS-5>CDS-1>CDS-6>CDS-4>CDS-3>CDS-2。利用芽插技术可以提高CDS-2的扦插生根率。不同基质间插穗死亡率的差异不显著。以蛭石作基质进行扦插繁殖效果最好。腐殖土基质中插穗的生长势比其它基质好。3种植物生长调节剂处理对芙蓉花的扦插存活影响不显著。在夏季嫁接芙蓉花成活率高,剪砧宜在嫁接后10d左右进行。  相似文献   

There was a positive correlation between shoot length and the proximal diameter of the prepared cutting in stockplant sources of Prunus insititia ‘Pixy’ that had different rooting potential. The precise relationship depended on source, with shoots from a severely pruned micropropagated source, and those developing from the trunks of various stock- plants, usually being thinner for any given length than normal distal cuttings from pruned and non-pruned conventional source stockplants. To a large extent rooting percentage, root numbers and root length increased between sources as the overall ratio of proximal stem diameter to shoot length decreased. Cuttings from the relatively thick, short shoots of the unpruned source were among the poorest rooting, while those from the relatively thin, long shoots from the trunk, and from the micropropagated source, rooted best. This between-source effect reflected the fact that within the less ready rooting sources there was also a negative correlation between the proximal diameter of the cutting and its rooting ability. This relationship was lost progressively as the rooting potential of sources increased, thus giving no opportunity for a trend to occur in the trunk-derived cuttings from the micropropagated source where virtually all cuttings rooted.  相似文献   

Several factors contributing to the successful rooting of stem cuttings of four peach clones and one almond × peach hybrid under intermittent mist were tested. With the almond × peach cross, leaf-bud cuttings were also tested.Severe cutting back of adult peach mother trees in winter favoured rooting of the cuttings, but less severe cutting back induced maximum roots per cutting.For short periods vermiculite was found to be a suitable medium. Sand alone or mixed with vermiculite or gravel gave poor results. Gravel alone or mixed with vermiculite was intermediate. For growing the rooted cuttings for a longer period, a mixture of perlite and peat was very suitable.A period of illumination of 3 h starting at midnight with incandescent light improved rooting of peach cuttings in August and October, but not in June.With cuttings obtained from old fruit-bearing peach trees highest rooting rates were obtained in July, but best root development occurred when rooting was carried out in October. In July rooting rate of basal cuttings was much higher than that of terminal ones. Success with leaf-bud cuttings (including a small branch piece) obtained from young mother trees of the almond × peach hybrid was only achieved at the end of May or in June.Dipping the base of peach cuttings in water before rooting was of advantage with one cultivar rooted in September, but of no advantage with another cultivar rooted in June.When the base of stem cuttings was dipped for a prolonged period in IBA solutions of various concentrations, highest rooting rates were obtained with 25–50 ppm IBA for peaches and with 200 ppm for the almond × peach hybrid. The addition of Phygon XL to this solution was of some advantage for peach cuttings. The concentration inducing maximum root development was higher than that required for maximum rooting and callusing. The optimal IBA concentration for rooting of almond × peach leaf-bud cuttings was 100 ppm.Penetration of the IBA into the leaf-bud cuttings reached a maximum 45 min a after floating them on a 100 ppm solution.Transplanting cuttings which had been rooted under mist was somewhat difficult; however, high rates of survival were obtained with cuttings planted in September which had developed a good root system.  相似文献   


Cuttings from trees of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), particularly mature ones, root with great difficulty. A greenhouse experiment assessed the effects of two strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A4 and TR105) on softwood cuttings from two sources: ten year old trees of cv. Li and a tree approximately 40 years old of the cv. Contorta. The cuttings were collected and trimmed to 7.5 cm. Ten weeks after inoculation, both strain and source of cutting influenced visible symptoms of infection. Jujube cuttings were more responsive to TR105 than to A4, and the ‘Li’ cuttings were more responsive than ‘Contorta’ cuttings. Strain TR105 was very effective in increasing rooting percentages and root number. ‘Li’ cuttings had better rooting percentages, greater root number, and greater root length than did the ‘Contorta’ cuttings. Inoculation with A. rhizogenes may also possess great potential for promoting adventitious root formation in other difficult woody ornamental or fruit tree species.  相似文献   

Rooting of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume.) stem cuttings following treatment with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was investigated. Tip and basal cutting from vigorous epicormic shoots and terminal shoots with 2–3 cm of the previous year's wood were taken from mature regions of trees approximately 40 years of age. Cuttings were dipped for 5 s in an aqueous solution of either 3 or 6 g l?1 IBA. Rooting occurred only in the basal softwood cuttings. Average rooting of 33.5, 5.0 and 1.6% for ‘AU-Leader’, ‘AU-Homestead’ and ‘AU-Cropper’, respectively, was obtained using the 3 g l?1 IBA solution, and 35.0, 6.7 and 3.3%, respectively, using the 6 g l?1 IBA solution.  相似文献   


The improvement in shoot production of filbert (Corylus avellana L.) adult tissues by sequential in vitro subcultures and intensive pruning was studied. Improved and sustained production of adult shoots is possible by repeated subculturing in the presence of high cytokinin concentrations, which seem important for stabilizing the response and inducing a transient increase in proliferation. Intensive pruning increases proliferation in initial explants and facilitates the establishment and maintenance of culture lines. Rooting capacity is also enhanced by sequential in vitro subcultures, but stabilizing the response takes longer than with shoot proliferation. The increased capacity of adult tis-sues for shoot proliferation and rooting are similar to those obtained using juvenile plants as a source of explants, and could be explained as a reinvigoration induced by in vitro sequential subcultures.  相似文献   

An objective of this study was to investigate rooting success of grape cuttings propagated from vines symptomatic of Pierce’s disease. Additional objectives were to assess if rooted cuttings could survive and produce viable plants, and determine if Xylella fastidiosa (causal agent of Pierce’s disease) could be found in rooted cuttings. In Jan. 2008, cuttings were taken from symptomatic and asymptomatic ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines growing in the Hill Country and Gulf Coast regions of Texas. Six weeks after cuttings were propagated, each cutting was uprooted and evaluated for rooting and infection parameters. Cuttings were then planted in containers and held in the greenhouse to evaluate survivability. To confirm the presence of X. fastidiosa, propagated cuttings were tested by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Data indicate several rooted cuttings tested positive for X. fastidiosa and appeared viable and healthy. Therefore, vines infected with X. fastidiosa have the ability to produce asexually propagated cuttings, and potentially contaminate non-infected vineyards.  相似文献   


Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a tree indigenous to tropical America that has been naturalised throughout the Indian sub-continent. The plant is chiefly valued for its carotenoid pigments, annatto. Methods for the clonal propagation of hardwood and softwood cuttings, air-layering, budding, and grafting of annatto were investigated. Hardwood cuttings collected during the wet Summer months (June-July) were treated with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), or naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at varying concentrations. The highest percentage rooting (63.4%), along with highest number of roots (8.33 per cutting) were achieved by hardwood cuttings after 12 h of 2.5 mM IAA treatment. Among the various auxin treatments of softwood cuttings, 5.0 mM IBA in combination with 5.0 mM NAA for 5 min resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) rooting percentage (56.7%). The responses of softwood cuttings to an auxin analogue (boric acid) and/or to thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B) were inferior to synthetic auxins. When subjected to air-layering, hardwood branches gave 100% rooting without any application of hormone. Among the different types of budding methods attempted (patch, T, or I), patch budding produced the highest efficiency (78%) of propagation. Splice-grafting could also be used for conventional propagation of annatto, with a 50% survival rate. Annatto can therefore be cloned by adopting these methods. Propagation based on softwood cuttings facilitated moderate-scale cloning of this valuable, elite germplasm.  相似文献   

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