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随着城市化进程的不断推进,严重影响了城市生态系统生物多样性,大学校园园林绿化作为城市绿化重要组成部分,目前已成为鸟类栖息的重要场所。据有关调查显示,大学校园园林绿化树木配置在一定程度上对鸟类种群具有影响作用。基于此,本文以西北农林科技大学校园园林为例,分析与阐述了大学校园园林绿化树木配置与鸟类多样性的关系。  相似文献   

在我国社会经济快速发展的过程中,人地之间的矛盾日益突出,许多大中型城市生态环境逐渐遭到破坏,导致城市中适合野生动物栖息的空间逐渐缩小。通过建设湿地公园可以为野生动植物提供栖息的环境,有效改善城市生态环境,为人们带来视觉享受。以驻马店上蔡县森林公园为例,通过分析城市湿地公园与野生动物的生境改造与保护,明确湿地公园森林公园保护野生动物的主要策略,有效提高城市生态环境质量。  相似文献   

绿化空间是维持永续园林景观生态程度的重要因素,因此,为了理清园林绿化与鸟类多样性之间的关系,本研究运用5个鸟类生态多样性指标(丰富度、平均密度、差异度、均匀度、丰富度指标)作为评估不同绿化型态的园林的依据。结果发现:相较于绿化程度较低的园林,鸟种丰富度高的情况常发生于绿化程度较高的园林,因此,证实园林绿化程度对于维持生物多样性相当重要。最后,本文建议可通过提升园林绿化程度来达到增进鸟类生物多样性的目的。  相似文献   

城市滨水鸟类栖息地的生态设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市鸟类滨水栖息地类型和条件,提出从景观格局、植物群落、生态驳岸等方面进行科学、生态的景观设计,从而营造适宜鸟类栖息与活动的城市滨水开放空间。  相似文献   

从城市大中型公园景区景点建设的微观角度,提出划出一定的区块建立野生鸟类专门保护与观赏区的思路和关键措施,分析可能产生的实际问题并提出解决办法。要点是增加鸟类食源植物种类和数量,招引鸟类取食、逗留和栖息,改善和提高城市生活中人与野生鸟类和睦共处程度,提升城市居民的生活质量。  相似文献   

湿地是鸟类的天堂,然而现在大部分湿地都是被人类活动干扰之后幸存下来的,虽然有很多鸟儿栖息聚集。但栖息环境是否真的让鸟儿感到舒适,满足它们的生存需求,是景观设计需要研究的问题。旨在从研究鸟类自身生态习性角度出发,深度了解鸟类生存需求,对应现状湿地生境状态,从中找到更科学的指导湿地生态恢复及景观设计的方法。  相似文献   

通过建立城市森林群落密度梯度,对沈阳市森林群落进行抽样调查,应用spss分析各密度梯度下物种群落及群落中不同层次物种的丰富度指数(Ma)、优势度指数(C)、Simpson指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)及Pielou指数(Jh,Jd)等响应关系。结果表明:群落的Ma指数与群落密度变化响应关系显著,群落密度对物种多样性、物种均匀度均不具有显著相关关系。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉是我国特产的珍稀濒危雉类,国家I级重点保护野生动物,并已被列入《中国濒危动物红皮忙·鸟类卷》、野生动植物国际贸易公约(CITES)附录1和《世界受威胁动物鸟类名录》。  相似文献   

城市绿地建设是城市生态建设的重要组成部分,是改善城市环境的重要途径之一。民勤县东湖公园绿地所在区域,原属污水处理厂中水排放区、垃圾填埋场及荒滩地。通过公园绿地的建设,区域小气候有明显改善,作为生态环境监测表的众多水鸟在此栖息,城市"绿肺"功能逐渐显现。通过对公园建设前后鸟类、植物的调查分析,可进一步指导城市绿地建设,增强绿地系统的抗逆性。  相似文献   

成都市青龙场鸟类栖息地植物的选择和配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗庆华  辜彬 《北方园艺》2010,(21):132-135
营建城市鸟类栖息地是伴随城镇密集发展,实现城镇密集区野生动物和人类和谐共处,自然环境和人居环境相融合的必要手段。基于城镇密集区典型代表—成都市青龙场鸟类的生境现状,采用理论分析、实地调查和研究相结合的方法,提出了成都市青龙场鸟类栖息地营建中植物的选择和配置要点,构建了植物群落的配置模式,确立了植物群落模式与鸟类的生境对应关系并分析了每种模式的配置特点,为城镇密集区鸟类栖息地的营建提供参考路线。  相似文献   

Urban parks play a crucial role in urban public green infrastructure, providing recreational places for urban residents while carrying values of aesthetics, ecology, humanities, economy, life, and society. However, achieving an equitable and efficient spatial layout of urban parks is a challenging task due to limited urban space resources, which requires further exploration. This study employed multisource big data and GIS technology to constructed an indicator system for evaluating the equity-efficiency of urban park spatial distribution. We examined the spatial distribution of 85 parks across 62 sub-districts in the main urban area of Chengdu, the largest city in western China and the first Park City of China. The results demonstrated that equity was polarized, with an indicator value ranging from 0 to 0.77 and an average value of 0.32. The sub-district of Sansheng had the highest equity, while Wenjia and Kanghe had the lowest equity. Twenty-one sub-districts had no parks, and the equity of park spatial distribution in these areas was low. The efficiency indicator ranged from 0.20 to 0.62, with an average value of 0.40. The efficiency of the main urban area was high in the southwest and low in the northeast. The sub-district of Huangtianba had the highest efficiency, while Jinguanyi had the lowest efficiency. In the two-dimensional quadrant of equity-efficiency, 24 sub-districts had high equity and high efficiency, 13 sub-districts had high equity and low efficiency, 4 sub-districts had low equity and high efficiency, and 21 sub-districts had low equity and low efficiency. At the district level, only Chenghua District’s park was spatial equitable and efficient, surpassing the average level of the main urban area. Finally, we discussed the findings in the context of planning policies for Chengdu in recent years. We proposed that strengthening the construction of small urban parks and green spaces, improving park facilities to meet the diverse social needs of people, and enhancing the quality and attractiveness of the parks are crucial for the future development of park green spaces in the main urban areas of Chengdu.  相似文献   

以色列社区花园发展及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以色列社区花园作为城市农业的一部分,在发挥着生态作用的同时,也具有生产功能与社区融合的功能。现对以色列社区花园的发展背景、管理体制以及多样性功能进行了分析,并总结了其对我国城市社区花园发展的启示,以期引导我国社区花园的有序发展。  相似文献   

赵警卫  王荣华 《北方园艺》2010,(21):126-128
城市绿地中植物配置的定量化评价可为植物配置的改良提供依据,且对城市绿地建设具有重要意义。现提出了植物配置的评价指标体系分为三级:1个综合指标6、个一级指标2、0个二级指标,并给出各指标值和权重的计算方法以及相关数值处理计算方法。  相似文献   

Urban green spaces often form urban cool islands (UCIs), which are important for human health and urban sustainability. Previous studies have emphasized the cooling effects of urban green spaces on their surrounding areas at landscape level. Less attention, however, has been directed to effects of urban green space patterns on their own UCIs at patch level. In this study, we focused on the effects of spatial patterns of urban green patches on their own surface UCIs. The urban green spaces of Beijing, China, were extracted from one QuickBird image and were classified as Trees, Shrubs, Grass, Crops, River and Lake. Land surface temperatures (LSTs) were derived from four Landsat images, each in one season. The UCI was represented by the minimum LST of each urban green patch. Results showed spatial patterns of urban green patches had significant effects on their UCIs in four seasons. In detail, the size, edge and connectivity of urban green spaces all affected the UCIs negatively, and the influence was stronger in warm seasons. Shape of urban green space also had effects on UCIs, but the effects were stronger in cool seasons. Great differences were found between predictive values of metrics for different green types. Shape metrics were more important for indicating UCIs of River, Trees and Crops than were patch size and connectivity. However, patch size and connectivity metrics were more effective in determining UCIs of Shrubs, Grass and Lake than were shape metrics. Further, among shape metrics, only shape index was a good indicator of UCIs. The results of this study suggest that a combination of specific urban green types and pattern metrics are a prerequisite for analyzing the influence of urban green patterns on UCIs and for urban green design.  相似文献   

Birds may use urban parks as shelter and refuge, contributing with numerous ecosystem services upon which humans and other organisms depend on. To safeguard these services, it is important that bird communities of urban environments hold some degree of resilience, which refers to the capacity of a system to absorb disturbances and changes, while maintaining its functions and structures. Here we assessed the resilience of the bird community inhabiting an urban park in the Southeast region of Brazil. We classified birds in feeding guilds and identified discontinuities and aggregations of body masses (i.e., scales) using hierarchical cluster analysis. We then calculated five resilience indices for our urban park and for a preserved continuous forest (reference area): the average richness of functions, diversity of functions, evenness of functions, and redundancy of functions within- and cross-scale. The urban park had less species, lower feeding guild richness, and lower within-scale redundancy than the reference area. However, they had similar proportion of species in each function, diversity of functions, evenness of functions, and cross-scale redundancy. The lower species richness and, consequently, the lack of some species performing some ecological functions may be responsible for the overall lower resilience in the urban park. Our results suggest that the bird community of the urban park is in part resilient, as it maintained many biological functions, indicating some environmental quality despite the high anthropogenic impacts of this area. We believe that urban forest remnants with more complex and diverse vegetation are possibly more likely to maintain higher resilience in the landscape than open field parks or parks with suppressed or altered vegetation. We propose that raising resilience in the urban park would possibly involve increasing vegetation complexity and heterogeneity, which could increase biodiversity in a large scale.  相似文献   

Land cover change, predominantly habitat conversion to agricultural use and urbanization, has recently been recognized as the primary cause of biodiversity loss in terrestrial ecosystems. We evaluated the relative effects of urban and agricultural landscapes on anuran species richness and the abundance of six anuran species found at breeding ponds in and around the cities of Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec. We performed six call surveys at 29 permanent focal ponds surrounded by one of three landscape contexts: primarily urban, primarily agricultural, and primarily forested. We also measured three local pond variables to control for the effects of local habitat quality in our analyses. We found that anuran species richness was significantly lower in breeding ponds in urban landscapes compared to forested and agricultural landscapes, which exhibited no significant difference in species richness. The abundances of individual anuran species were also consistently lower in urban landscapes for all species except one, which exhibited no response to landscape type. Three species had their highest abundances in ponds in forested landscapes, whereas two species had their highest abundances in ponds in agricultural landscapes. We conclude that ponds embedded in urban landscapes support lower biodiversity than ponds in agricultural settings. We suggest that landscapes composed of a mosaic of forest and open habitats surrounding wetlands would hold the highest biodiversity of these species.  相似文献   

2000年以来中国苹果产业发展趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
常倩  李瑾 《北方园艺》2021,(3):155-160
对2000年以来我国苹果生产、消费和贸易情况进行分析发现,我国苹果生产区域布局较为稳定,生产高度集中于苹果生产优势区域。苹果生产效率大幅提升,不断满足城乡居民对苹果的消费需求,城乡差距不断缩小,苹果产品贸易顺差进一步扩大。但苹果生产成本利润率显著下降,消费者对苹果品质及营养也提出了更高的要求,苹果生产面临成本、质量等方面的挑战。与此同时,苹果生产中技术服务、农业保险等社会化服务也有了初步发展,未来苹果生产将进一步向高效、优质、社会化发展。  相似文献   

Carbon emissions are increasing in the world because of human activities associated with the energy consumptions for social and economic development. Thus, attention has been paid towards restraining the growth of carbon emissions and minimizing potential impact on the global climate. Currently there has also been increasing recognition that the urban forms, which refer to the spatial structure of urban land use as well as transport system within a metropolitan area, can have a wide variety of implications for the carbon emissions of a city. However, studies are limited in analyzing quantitatively the impacts of different urban forms on carbon emissions. In this study, we quantify the relationships between urban forms and carbon emissions for the panel of the four fastest-growing cities in China (i.e., Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Guangzhou) using time series data from 1990 to 2010. Firstly, the spatial distribution data of urban land use and transportation network in each city are obtained from the land use classification of remote sensing images and the digitization of transportation maps. Then, the urban forms are quantified using a series of spatial metrics which further used as explanatory variables in the estimation. Finally, we implement the panel data analysis to estimate the impacts of urban forms on carbon emission. The results show that, (1) in addition to the growth of urban areas that accelerate the carbon emissions, the increase of fragmentation or irregularity of urban forms could also result in more carbon emissions; (2) a compact development pattern of urban land would help reduce carbon emissions; (3) increases in the coupling degree between urban spatial structure and traffic organization can contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions; (4) urban development with a mononuclear pattern may accelerate carbon emissions. In order to reduce carbon emissions, urban forms in China should transform from the pattern of disperse, single-nuclei development to the pattern of compact, multiple-nuclei development.  相似文献   

董杰  邹丹  安明 《北方园艺》2012,(2):104-106
湿地环境是与人们联系最紧密的生态系统之一,对城市湿地景观进行生态设计,加强对湿地环境的保护和建设,意义十分重大。现根据国内外众多已建成湿地公园的成功经验,以广府古城环城湿地公园景观设计为例,探讨城市湿地公园的开发与利用,并提出"保护与传承、修复与再生、置入与创新"的对策和方法。  相似文献   

The concept of urban wilderness feels like a paradox since natural and urban environments have long been viewed as antithetical. Today, however, wilderness is high on the urban agenda as a response to different challenges: biodiversity and human experiences of nature are being lost in increasingly dense cities, while at the same time a plethora of wild areas are developing in cities that are undergoing post-industrial transformation. Yet there is confusion around the definitions and the anticipated functions of urban wilderness and how humans can be incorporated therein. A unifying framework is proposed here that envisions urban wilderness as a social-ecological system; three major components are identified and linked: (i) the supply of wilderness areas along gradients of naturalness and ecological novelty, leading to a differentiation of ancient vs. novel wilderness, and the identification of wilderness components within cultural ecosystems; (ii) the demand for wilderness in urban societies, which differs among sociocultural groups as a function of underlying values and experiences; (iii) the access to urban wilderness, which can be improved both in terms of providing opportunities for encountering urban wilderness (e.g., by conserving, rewilding wilderness areas) and enhancing the orientation of urban people towards wilderness (e.g., through information, environmental education, citizen science). Evidence from urban wilderness projects in Europe demonstrates that multi-targeted approaches to conserving and managing existing novel urban ecosystems offer manifold opportunities to combine biodiversity conservation and wilderness experience in cities.  相似文献   

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