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《Agricultural Systems》2006,90(2-3):324-348
The provision of food causes environmental impacts that range from local through to global in scale. Organic farming, used in general here to mean farming practices with a greater emphasis on long-term sustainability, is one general approach to reduce these impacts. Whilst organic farming may be argued to be superior to conventional farming on the basis of local impacts, it is not often clear how organic farming performs relative to conventional farming in terms of wider, global impacts. In this paper we present a comparative assessment of on-farm and indirect energy consumption, land disturbance, water use, employment, and emissions of greenhouse gases, NOx, and SO2 of organic and conventional farming in Australia. A hybrid input-output-based life-cycle technique is employed in order to ensure a complete coverage of indirect requirements originating from all upstream production stages. Using data from a detailed survey of organic farms, the results show that direct energy use, energy related emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions are higher for the organic farming sample than for a comparable conventional farm sample. Direct water use and employment are significantly lower for the organic farms than for the conventional farms. However, the indirect contributions for all factors are much higher for the conventional farms, leading to their total impacts being substantially higher. This shows that indirect effects must be taken into account in the consideration of the environmental consequences of farming, in particular for energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, where the majority of impacts usually occur off-farm. Subject to yield uncertainties for organic versus conventional farming, from the sample here we can conclude that in addition to their local benefits, organic farming approaches can reduce the total water, energy and greenhouse gases involved in food production.  相似文献   

宁夏粮食产量主要影响因子分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对可能影响宁夏回族自治区17个县粮食产量的19个因子进行主成分分析,选出了影响当地粮食产量的6个主要因子,对这6个因子进行多元线性回归分析,建立了多元线性回归统计模型;同时采用通径分析方法对这19个因子进行分析,再与多元线性回归分析结果综合得到结论,二者有很好的相通性,但通径分析方法的结果更全面,不仅能得到各因子对粮食产量的直接影响程度,还可分析到其间接影响效果。综合结果表明:各因子对粮食产量的直接作用大小顺序依次为有效灌溉面积、氮肥、粮食作物播种面积、农用机械总动力、复合肥、磷肥,从间接因素看,除了粮食作物播种面积以外,其它各因子通过有效灌溉面积对粮食产量均有较大的间接作用。  相似文献   

近年来,世界蓝莓产业整体上呈现出快速发展的态势,国际市场对于蓝莓的需求量逐年上升。我国发展蓝莓产业有着自然资源、劳动力资源和市场潜力等诸多方面的优势,但是目前我国蓝莓产业却面临着农民和政府对其重视不足及消费者认知度不足所导致的市场需求没有得到充分挖掘、产品开发缺乏深度等的困境。我国蓝莓产业要走出目前的困境,则需从创新产业发展模式、注重品牌建设与市场开拓、完善产业链以及加大政府扶持力度等方面着手进行产业建设。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2002,72(2):149-172
Efficient energy use by the agriculture sector is one of the conditions for sustainable agriculture because it allows financial savings, fossil resources preservation and air pollution decrease. We propose an Energy indicator (IEn) to evaluate environmental impacts due to energy consumption of arable farming systems to help farmers to manage their energy inputs at the field level according to the guidelines of integrated agriculture. IEn is based on the energetic analysis of four types of energy: two for indirect energy (pesticides and fertilisers) and two for direct energy (machinery and irrigation systems). In a second step, the assessed values of energy consumption are converted by means of an abacus into a mark between 0 and 10. IEn needs only data that are available on farms or easily assessed, and will be implemented with a set of seven other agro-ecological indicators to assess environmental sustainability of farms.  相似文献   

贵州省农村剩余劳动力规模测算实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
面对城镇职工边际收益的节节攀升、农村劳动力人均农业收入不断降低的局面,作为一个追求独立物质利益的市场主体的农民就会理性地选择放弃农业,在农村或城市去从事第二、三产业。以此为出发点,对贵州省“九五”和“十五”期间的农业和农村剩余劳动力进行了估算和预测;并在对估算结论进行分析的基础上,提出了加快农村剩余劳动力转移的几点建议和措施。  相似文献   

生姜综合利用研究进展及前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生姜是一种药食同源的保健品。简述生姜的营养价值及其保健作用,从生姜的药用、初加工和精深加工3个方面介绍其加工、利用现状,指出生姜在食品工业化生产中的作用,分析我国开展生姜综合利用研究的广阔市场前景。  相似文献   

A simulation software, GRANJAS was utilized to analyze a Chilean peasant farming system. The purpose of this simulation experiment was to test the impact of the technological innovations being proposed to the peasant family within the context of a Farming Systems Research and Development (FSRD) project.The use of GRANJAS allowed the timely detection of erroneous assumptions concerning the feasibility of solving the present labor shortages in the peasant farm while at the same time intensifying the use of the available irrigated land. It also permitted the comparison of two general options for the development of this particular farming system: development based on the intensification of the crop subsystem, or development based on the intensification of both crop and livestock production.It is concluded that GRANJAS, if properly combined with other analytical tools and techniques, can be a useful and cost efficient instrument for the design of development proposals for peasant farming systems such as the one analyzed in this paper.  相似文献   

小农户长期存在是我国农业发展的现实,农户组织化程度的提高对现代农业发展具有重要的意义。当前陇西县中药材产业区域专业化格局已经形成,但是以市场随机型为主的产业组织模式导致农户组织化程度较低。故以陇西县中药材种植户为调查对象,并依托其已经形成的中药材区域专业化生产格局,基于223个样本药农数据,运用多元有序Probit模型分析影响农户组织化程度的因素,就农户如何参与到产业组织的运营中进行探讨。结果表明:农户是否进行土地流转、是否参与订单农业、是否能获得贷款、农资购买途径、农机投入费、是否参加过种植技术培训、对机构或组织生产技术推广满意度、与合作社(或企业)签订合同或合作对自己生产的重要程度、与合作社(或企业)签订合同或合作能够增加收入等因素显著影响农户组织化程度。  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical analysis of the UK's food supplies in order to indicate the size of the problem of food losses and therefore to illustrate the potential savings.The energy and protein value of the food leaving UK farms and ports for consumption in the UK is estimated to be: Energy: 385 J × 105 per annum Protein: 3·2 million tonnes per annum By comparison the energy and protein needs of the entire UK population are: Energy: 200 J × 1015 per annum Protein: 1·2 million tonnes per annumThe UK food system is losing a considerable proportion of the food material which is available for consumption in the UK. Much of this loss occurs during the primary processing prior to the food ‘moving into consumption’. The loss at this stage amounts to: Energy: 116 J × 1015 per annum Protein: 1·5 million tonnes per annumThe authors discuss the implications of this loss of efficiency and give generalised reasons for its occurrence.  相似文献   

针对我国农业投资不足的现状,建立两阶段动态博弈模型,并就农村合作组织在农业投资中发挥的作用展开分析。模型分析结果表明:在农村合作组织和农户都是理性的前提下,各农户的投资份额与其资本产出弹性系数和劳动力产出弹性系数成反比;最佳资本投入量与其资本产出弹性系数成正比,与资本价格成反比。通过对模型结果分析可知,农村合作组织的存在,使得各农户在保证了农业投资总量的前提下,实现了农业剩余最大。因此,农村合作组织对于农业投资中投资份额的比例分配具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

甘薯作为一种重要的农产品和工业原料,在食品加工及工业生产中都得到了广泛的应用,由于其具有对气候适应能力较强、对种植条件要求不高和稳定高产等特点,在我国得到了广泛的种植。近年来由于农村劳动人口的大量流失,给甘薯的种植和收获带来了巨大的影响,加之我国甘薯移栽、收获机械发展的并不是很成熟,自动化程度低、生产过程耗时耗力,因此市场对于优质高效的甘薯生产机械的需求十分迫切。在研究国内外甘薯种植和收获机械关键技术的基础上,结合我国国情科学地分析甘薯种植及收获机械发展现状、存在的问题和发展方向。   相似文献   

产业结构升级是经济高质量发展的必经之路,产业结构升级离不开作为经济高质量发展必要前提的基础设施先行资本投资的支持。基础设施投资与国有农场产业结构升级之间存在相互作用与循环发展机制。探讨基础设施投资促进国有农场产业结构升级的关系与机制有助于为国有农场摆脱发展困境提供理论启示。运用VAR模型和脉冲响应函数等计量方法,以农垦系统国有农场为研究对象,利用2004—2017年《中国农垦统计年鉴》数据探讨了农垦系统国有农场基础设施投资与产业结构升级之间的关系,发现基础设施投资对产业结构升级存在长期拉动效应,依据该长期效应提出了建立专门基金、明确基础设施投资年限、坚持持续投入资金等政策建议   相似文献   

杜光 《湖南农机》2012,39(1):35+37
发展农业机械化,对于提高我国粮食综合生产能力,保障国家粮食供应,促进农业产业结构调整,加快农村劳动力的转移,发展农业规模经营,发展农村经济,增加农民收入,加快现代农业进程,提高农产品市场竞争力都具有重要的作用.推进农业现代化必须首先发展农业机械化,这是农业现代化建设的唯一出路.  相似文献   

In Sri Lanka cropping enterprises interact with livestock production on peasant farms. This analysis of the crop-livestock farming system aims at understanding the existing constraints and interactions between crops and livestock in these farms. The main objective of the study is to describe the crop-livestock integrated farming systems in three rainfed villages in the Moneragala district of Sri Lanka, and to evaluate these systems in terms of maximizing farm incomes from the different crop and livestock components of the systems. A field survey was conducted to collect data from 153 farming families for the Maha season of 1982/83. A linear programming model was formulated to test the hypothesis.The results show that in general the activities for lowland rice, highland rice, sugar cane, labour, farm cash cost, and MVP (compost) are higher in the optimal farm plan than in the actual farm situation. The livestock in the optimal plan is mainly confined to milch cattle. However, with the present high level of manutrition among rural livestock industry emphasis should be placed on the expansion of the rural livestock industry in the study villages. The optimal plan also suggests the use of crop residues as a substitute for compost for farm crops. Hence, in the context of escalating prices of chemical fertilizers, research is required to find the suitability of crop residues and household residues as substitutes for compost. Increases in supplementary irrigation may result in the expansion of the farm area and hence the farm income. Other methods of increasing farm income include: replacing hired labour with non-utilized family labour, increased agricultural research, and extension activity regarding the use of modern inputs by farmers on crops.  相似文献   

我国农机综合作业水平影响因素的计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对我国较高的农机动力水平对应较低的农机作业水平的实际状况,运用统计方法,研究了农机综合作业水平与动力水平的相关性,并建立双对数模型,对农机综合作业水平的影响因素——农机动力水平(顷均耕地农机动力)、自然禀赋(可机耕地比重)、制度因素(劳均耕地面积)、经济发展水平(人均纯收入)等进行了计量分析。结果表明,四类影响因素对农机综合作业水平影响程度有大小之分,且农机动力、可机耕地比重、劳均耕地面积都与农机综合作业水平呈显著的正相关关系,农民人均纯收入与农机综合作业水平呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

我国农民工子女义务教育问题——基于教育券的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着我国工业化和城市化而产生的“民工潮”近年来呈现出“民工家庭潮”的趋势,这是我国社会结构转型与制度转型失衡效应扩大化的表现。“民工潮”或“民工家庭潮”的出现不仅仅是关系到农民工自身,更为重要的是其他一些延伸性社会棘手的问题,其中包括农民工子女的义务教育的落实问题。本文试图鉴用国内外教育券经验来解决农民工子女义务教育的难题。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,58(3):417-439
Different specifications of a land use model for Guácimo county in Costa Rica were used to quantify various sources of aggregation bias, including variation in farm resource endowments within and between representative farm classes; spatially variable prices; and labor market inter-dependencies between farm classes. The results indicate that adequate treatment of the farm level in regional land use analysis requires proper classification of individual farms in representative farm classes, as well as explicit modelling of inter-dependencies between such classes. Aggregation bias introduced by the assumption of spatially fixed farm-gate prices is insignificant for regions with reasonable infrastructure quality and relatively small distances between farms and markets. Aggregation bias caused by variation in resource endowments within farm classes cannot be eliminated, but should be minimized, underscoring the importance of a proper farm classification.  相似文献   

高倩文  李迪秦 《农业工程》2016,6(4):110-112
分析了湖南省1 125个各类家庭农场的调查数据,提出了基于劳动力周年均衡利用的家庭农场规划。种植类家庭农场必须以多样化的种植模式优化组配为前提,实现劳动力资源的周年均衡利用;养殖类家庭农场可以通过自繁自养形成劳动力资源均衡利用的封闭式生产系统;种养结合类家庭农场必须通过种植业项目与养殖业项目之间的产业链衔,提升系统的整体效益,同时部分生产项目可以通过外包服务来减少劳动力消耗。   相似文献   

要素投入配置效率是农户提高收入的关键。采用DEA对吉林省农户资源配置效率进行分析,结果表明,吉林省9市(州)农户资源配置技术效率值较高,规模效率较低,处于规模收益递增阶段。2010—2012年农户资源配置短期内仍处于规模报酬递增状态,说明吉林省农户资源配置在不断调整中,纯技术效率和规模效率都较低。为此,吉林省农户在规模扩张的同时,应调整资本与劳动力投入比例,适当控制资本投入比例。充分考虑劳动力投入及机械运用的替代关系,提高技术效率。   相似文献   

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