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李云  吴霞 《分子植物育种》2023,(20):6956-6960
本研究探讨了植物文化价值与园林设计的整合,旨在深入理解植物在园林设计中所代表的文化符号和意义,并探索如何将植物文化价值融入园林设计实践中。研究发现,植物在不同文化中具有丰富的象征意义,它们在宗教仪式、文学艺术和建筑中扮演着重要角色。园林设计中的文化元素通过运用文化意象和主题,将植物选择和配置与特定文化背景相结合,创造出独特的景观体验。实践案例分析揭示了文化园林设计的成功实施,包括文化遗产保护与园林设计的整合,以及城市公园和社区园林中的文化表达。然而,植物文化价值与园林设计整合也面临挑战和限制因素,例如文化多样性的尊重与平衡以及植物文化价值与环境可持续性之间的协调。通过克服这些问题,本研究可以更好地实现植物文化价值与园林设计的整合,为人们创造出丰富、有意义和可持续的景观体验。  相似文献   

植物景观是城市园林的重要组成部分,园林植物景观设计需合理配置植物。公园植物景观构成方面的研究对城市园林的发展具有重要意义。笔者调查日照市海曲公园植物种类及组成,对植物景观进行分析研究,介绍海曲公园植物景观的特色,同时对公园中植物造景出现的问题提出解决办法和建议。  相似文献   

追求生态特色成植物景观设计潮流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,良好的城市生态和人居环境愈来愈受到人们的关注,生态园林景观已成为现代城市园林的发展方向,生态已成为公园、酒店、小区等植物景观设计中共同的要素。公园植物造景注重功能与生态效应公园作为城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,不仅是供群众游览、休憩、健身、开展文娱活动的场所,更是城市中的"绿  相似文献   

<正>香港是中西文化汇聚、多元、时尚的城市。在密集的城市生活环境下,大众产生了对自然生活的追求,促使城市农庄的兴起,探索天台花园、垂直绿化、室内耕作等多种园艺形式。香港园以"对比城市"为主题,展示香港城市结构的同时,呈现了简洁的园艺设计,既突出城市与乡郊的景观差别,也显示出城市与农耕的互相融合。整个园区"港味十足",参观者可以很好地体验和发掘丰富的空间环境和独特的城乡关系,感受园艺之美。  相似文献   

正嘉兴园以"九水连心、五彩嘉兴"为主题,以南湖风光为模板,以"红船精神"为灵魂,从红色革命、蓝色经济、金色生活、青色文化、绿色生态5个方面来讲述嘉兴人民对现代园艺生活的态度和体验。园区通过现代园艺手法,展示出具有自然山水风貌的江南庭园和水乡景观,同时彰显出"红船魂、运河情、江南韵、国际范"的城市品质。  相似文献   

湿地公园建设中的景观设计研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
湿地公园已成为国家湿地保护体系的重要组成部分,但在其快速建设的过程中也出现了一些景观设计方面的问题。笔者通过分析当前国内湿地公园建设中景观设计方面的不足,明确湿地公园景观的含义和设计目标,指出湿地公园景观由水体景观、生物景观和文化景观构成,提出湿地公园景观设计应遵循生态学、以人为本和美学原则,探讨湿地体验区、湿地功能展示区以及湿地公园服务设施景观设计的内容和方法,以期对今后湿地公园景观设计有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

在城市绿化建设中合理地运用园艺花卉不仅能够建造舒适、轻松的生态环境,还能逐步提升人们的生活品质。通过有效的园艺建设,色彩鲜艳的花卉能够为人们创造更加多彩的空间氛围。探究了园艺花卉的作用、应用策略以及在城市绿化中的应用。  相似文献   

张岩岩 《分子植物育种》2023,(22):7566-7570
本研究以河南省周口市沙颍河公园为研究对象,对其植物群落的物种多样性和景观结构进行了调查与分析。通过对10个植物群落样地的植物种类进行详细调查,共发现155种植物,包括乔木、灌木、竹类、藤本和草本等多种类型。其中,乔木和灌木类植物是公园植物景观的主要构成,占据绝对优势,形成了复层植物景观结构。通过对植物群落的分析发现,公园中以“乔-灌-草”和“乔-草”为主的复合搭配最为常见,构建了多样而美观的景观效果。然而,研究还发现公园的植物景观节点营造,乡土植物应用,以及常绿、落叶植物配置上,值得进一步优化配置和设计,本研究还进一步就借助植物的多样性特性、植物形态的空间效应和人性化设计原则,提出了优化河南省沙颍河公园的植物景观策略和建议,以期营造出丰富多样、层次分明的景观效果,提升公园的吸引力和整体观赏体验。  相似文献   

北京创新景观园林设计有限公司董事长檀馨是一位造诣颇深、成绩斐然的园林景观设计师。她曾参与和主持设计了许多具有影响力的工程,从最初的香山饭店庭园景观,到陶然亭公园的华夏名亭园,再到皇城根遗址公园以及通州大运河森林公园,无一不凝聚着她的智慧和汗水。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,环境污染问题日益突出,进而对人们的生存质量带来严重影响。在这种形势下,需要有关单位在城市园林设计中,加强对绿色园林植保技术的合理应用,以此最大限度地起到环境保护的作用。基于此,对园林设计中绿色园林植保技术的应用进行了分析,以期能够在园林建设中,更好地发挥出绿色园林植保技术的环境保护作用。  相似文献   

The transformation and upgrading of comprehensive park can not be only limited to the adjustment for structure, function and landscape facility of comprehensive park itself, which shall be carried out as a whole. Viewing from the macroscopic perspective of city, comprehensive park is an important constituent part of urban green space system, and its transformation is an integral part of overall perfection and development of urban green space system. Park is an organic integrity comprising many elements. The transformation of comprehensive park shall be carried out as a whole and handled by using the methods of "from top to bottom" and "from bottom to top", thus adjusting the relationship between park and city and within park on the whole. This research takes the open park transformation and upgrading of Xuzhou Quanshan Forest Park as an example to introduce the key points of open park transformation from such aspects as of entrance space, overall space structure, service function expansion and spatial form optimization in expectation of having a certain reference value.  相似文献   

Wetland as one of the natural landscapes with the richest biodiversity and most closely related to our life is widely distributed all around the world, and capable of storing fl ood, preventing drought, purifying environment, adjusting climate, controlling pollution, maintaining regional ecological balance. Nanchang is famous for "City in the Lake and Lake in the City", and this paper begins with wetland resources in Nanchang City, analyzes problems of local wetlands. Taking the design of the Aixi Lake Wetland Park for example, this paper proposes suggestions for the renovation and improvement by analyzing the problems of its current landscape pattern, and specifi c problems in the landscape design of wetland park, and summarizes the ecological model fi t for the landscape design of urban wetland park in Nanchang City. The research contributes to the ecological restoration and conservation of wetland resources in Nanchang.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of social economy, and constant improvement of living standards, modern people have had higher requirements on neighboring environment. Park green space is an important component of urban ecosystem, it improves quality of urban ecological environment, reduces urban heat island effect, and beautifies city environment. By studying plant configuration in Jiangtan Park, Hankou District, Wuhan City, functional areas were regarded as a whole to collect data, AHP was applied to investigate the sample plots, garden plant landscape evaluation system was established, and landscapes in all units were evaluated. From the perspectives of site type, functional area, plant configuration, landscape composition, this paper analyzed site conditions of Jiangtan Park, provided scientific theoretic support and case reference for the plant configuration of park green spaces, which would play an extremely important role in improving urban ecological environment and enhancing urban landscape effect.  相似文献   

Wa terfront park is an important composition of current urban ecological tourism in China,which sufficiently reveals the economic development situation of the city and the leisure culture life of the masses,and embodies rich regional cultural characteristics.Taking Xianghu Lake Park of Nanchang City as the example,design features of its water landscape and building are analyzed and explored.The design fol ows the principle of utilization function combining with artistry,pa ys attention to plane layout and spatial organization,and retains classical architectural style of the building.  相似文献   

Plant furnishing and landscape construction in wetland parks show particular properties. Plant resources in Yingfeng Lake National Wetland Park were investigated, plant furnishing patterns and landscape construction in different subareas of the park were explored and analyzed to provide a scientific and reasonable mode for the plant community construction and landscape design of wetland parks in Chongqing City.  相似文献   

Founded in 1986, Jianying Park represents a momentous comprehensive park in Meizhou. Recent years have witnessed the rehabilitation and expansion grounded of that park on its original appearance. This paper, on the basis of analyzing and discussing the existing problems of the original park, combines the principles and requirements of urban park landscape design and adds the concept of ecological waters design, so as to integrate the cultural characteristics of Meizhou into Jianying Park. The project adopts user-friendly design in an effort to create a unique scenic spot and all kinds of markers standing for Marshal Ye Jianying.  相似文献   

为研究苏州城市公园内不同景观类型的温湿效应,选取苏州市区苏州公园、桐泾公园、白塘生态植物园、苏州中国花卉植物园等4个公园内乔草密林、乔灌草混合林、乔草疏林、草坪、园内广场等5种景观类型作为研究对象,公园外道路作为对照。利用手持式温湿度仪测定不同类型样地1.5 m高度的空气温湿度。研究结果表明:(1)和园外道路、园内广场相比,有植被景观类型在不同季节均具有降温增湿效果;(2)不同景观类型中,乔草密林的降温增湿效果最好;(3)在夏季,公园的平均温度、湿度和园外道路相比,有极显著、显著差异;(4)在夏季,公园整体的降温增湿效果和公园面积、水体面积占比没有明显的相关性。这些结果可以给公园规划建设、市民出行游玩提供一定参考。  相似文献   

基于人们对城市滨水绿地景观的关注日益加强,本文提出将RAGA-PPE模型(基于加速遗传算法的投影寻踪等级评价模型)应用到城市滨水绿地景观效果的评价中,将多维数据指标转换成低维子空间,通过寻求最优投影方向来计算投影函数值,建立多元数据分类与评价模型,从而根据投影值的大小进行景观评价。以大庆市为研究对象,构建了大庆市滨水绿地景观效果的评价指标体系及等级标准,并对5个城市滨水绿地的景观效果进行评价。评价结果表明:大庆市东风湖的等级值为1.5561,景观效果较好;万宝湖、滨州湖的等级值分别为3.3425和3.3427,景观效果一般;乘风湖的等级值为3.6491,景观效果较差;黎明湖的等级值为4.7159,景观效果差。评价结果与公众主观感觉基本一致,该模型具有较高的评价精度,适用于城市滨水绿地景观效果的分析评价,避免了传统方法存在的不足,为具有模糊、不确定性高维数据的景观综合评价提供了新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

城市公园灰空间研究——以哈尔滨太阳岛公园为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张洁  杨阳  王崑 《中国农学通报》2012,28(13):303-310
"灰空间"作为一个建筑概念被提出,主要指连接室内外的过渡空间。近年来,灰空间也逐渐被应用到园林领域。基于建筑和园林灰空间的研究,提出了城市公园灰空间的定义,确定了其属性、形态、密度和类型,并以哈尔滨太阳岛公园内12处灰空间为研究对象,按形态将其分为4类,结合属性、密度、类型3个方面进行实例分析,以期通过分析对未来城市公园的设计起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

Wetland park has become an important content of urban landscape design in China, and it is urgent to explore the ways of ensuring scientifi c planning and design and successful implementation of the planning and design in the preparatory stage and the late habitat management and monitoring stage. Taking Hong Kong Wetland Park for example, this paper reviewed the successful design concepts and scientifi c management practices on the basis of sorting out its planning, construction, management and monitoring experience, to provide useful references for the planning, design and management of wetland park in other regions.  相似文献   

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