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美国山核桃坚果主成分分析及综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为综合评判湖南省怀化市靖州苗族侗族自治县引种的美国山核桃坚果品质的优劣,为美国山核桃育种筛选打下基础。以16个美国山核桃品种和1个湖南山核桃品种为试材,测定了各品种14个坚果品质指标,并进行了相关分析、主成分分析、聚类分析。结果表明,绝大多数坚果品质指标间相关性达到显著水平或极显著性水平;坚果品质综合表现较优的为15(Forkert)、6(Choctaw)和14(Oconee)3个品种,可作为候选优良品种。经聚类分析16个美国山核桃品种和1个湖南山核桃品种可划分为4类,各类别间品质和遗传距离有较大差距。  相似文献   

4个美国山核桃品种在云南漾濞的引种初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对4个美国山核桃品种Shawnee、Caddo、Choctaw、Baker进行了引种观察试验。经多年观测,4个品种在云南漾濞生长结果正常,果实经济性状好,坚果具有果个大、壳薄、出仁率高的特点,初步认为这4个美国山核桃品种适宜在云南漾濞推广。  相似文献   

美国山核桃在云南的引种表现及丰产栽培技术   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
美国山核桃(Carya illinoensis),又名薄壳山核桃、长山核桃,为胡桃科,山核桃属落叶乔木,原产美国和墨西哥,是世界上重要的油料干果树种之一。目前全世界年产美国山核桃坚果18万t(仅为核桃105万t的1/6),主产国美国(占世界产量70%左右)坚果售价3~8美元/kg;国内仅零星栽培,市场上很难看到销售,属珍稀干果。上世纪初首先由西方传教士引入我国栽培,近10年来,国家及云南等  相似文献   

美国山核桃及其主要品种的特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了美国山核桃的自然分布及国内外生产状况和经济价值,重点介绍了美国4个主栽品种的抗寒性及其他特性。  相似文献   

美国薄壳山核桃——一种值得重视的果树新贵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>美国薄壳山核桃(Carya illinmoensis),又名美国山核桃、长山核桃。系胡桃科山核桃属中的一种。原产美国和墨西哥,是世界上重要的油料干果树种之一,在国内外有着巨大的市场潜力。在美国,该山核桃良种坚果售价6~7美元/kg,在我  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃又名长山核桃、美国山核桃,为核桃科山核桃属镊合芽鳞山核桃组植物,是木本食用油料、绿化及用材兼用树种,具有较好的经济价值和开发潜力。薄壳山核桃受到消费者的青睐,发展前景广阔,中国食用薄壳山核桃基本依赖进口,运输时间长,无法鲜食。自引种以来,中国薄壳山核桃种植面积逐年增加,但整体存在发展慢、结实晚、产量低的问题。而且目前没有形成一套完整的规范化育苗生产技术,各地苗木质量参差不齐,严重制约薄壳山核桃产业的健康快速发展。笔者对薄壳山核桃砧木品种绍兴进行了种子无纺布袋育苗试验,效果较好,介绍了薄壳山核桃种子快速育苗技术,供参考。  相似文献   

美国加州坚果生产现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1999年美国加州6种坚果的结果面积共320563hm^2,产值15亿美元。其中,阿月浑子和澳洲坚果产量下降,价格略微上升;扁桃、山核桃、核桃、榛产量大幅度上升,价格不同程度降低。  相似文献   

美国山核桃   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国山核桃 (CaryaillinoensisKoch)属胡桃科的山核桃属 ,又名薄壳山核桃或长山核桃 ,英文名为Pecan或Hickory ,原产北美大陆的美国和墨西哥北部 ,现已成为世界性的干果类树种之一。由于其种仁有优异的食疗保健价值 ,美国山核桃仁在国内外市场上价格一直走俏。我国早在 1 890年就开始陆续进行了美国山核桃的引种活动 ,但直到目前还尚未形成商品性生产。为开发这个产业结构调整中的致富项目 ,本文仅就美国山核桃的基本情况作一简介 ,以期为我国干果生产的科学引种和生产应用提供参考。1 原产地及分布美国山核桃原产于美国中南部和墨西哥北…  相似文献   

美国山核桃砧苗快速培育技术   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
美国山核桃原产美国和墨西哥,现在法国、南非、澳大利亚、希腊、以色列、中国、日本等国都在引种发展。我院30多年来成功引种54个品种,从中选育出3个优良品种,在中、南亚热带气候区域内,嫁接苗种植第3年开始挂果,8~10年进入盛果初期,年产坚果226kg/667m^2。目前南方各省市积极引种推广美国山核桃,但传统培育美国山核桃砧苗的方法,出苗率低、育苗周期长(2~3年),成本高,已严重制约了生产发展。为了给云南发展美国山核桃产业提供育苗技术支撑,云南省林业科学院自1991年开始进行了苗木繁殖技术研究,现将15年来取得的技术成果总结如下。  相似文献   

为了解薄壳山核桃种质资源青果表型性状的变异特点和多样性,对96份薄壳山核桃种质资源青果的8个性状[单果质量、纵径、横径、侧径、果形指数(纵径/横径)、横侧比(横径/侧径)、青皮厚度以及鲜坚果(去除青皮)单果质量]进行了测定,对性状间的相关性和主成分进行分析,基于青果的8个性状对96份薄壳山核桃种质资源进行聚类分析。结果表明,青果8个性状的变异系数在1.945%~34.62%之间,各性状依变异系数的大小顺序为青果单果质量>鲜坚果单果质量>青皮厚度>青果纵径>青果果形指数>青果侧径>青果横径>青果横侧比。多数性状间存在显著相关性,而青皮厚度与鲜坚果单果质量相关性小。8个性状均可以作为薄壳山核桃种质资源评价和品种选育的衡量指标。96份种质聚类为4个类群,第Ⅰ类群具有青果单果质量大、鲜坚果单果质量大、果形指数大(长果形)的特征,第Ⅱ类群具有青皮厚的特征,第Ⅲ类群具有果形指数较大、青皮较薄的特征,第Ⅳ类群具有果实小、青皮薄、果形椭圆形的特征。  相似文献   

板栗新品种‘燕秋’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘燕秋’是在河北省青龙县板栗实生资源调查中选出的优良新品种。具有耐短截、丰产、优质等优良特性。9月上旬成熟。坚果整齐度高,单果质量8.3 g,红褐色,油亮,绒毛稀疏,底座中;果肉乳黄色,炒食香、甜、糯俱佳,适宜糖炒。单株产量达8.1 kg,折合产量4 028.3 kg·hm~(-2)。适宜在燕山板栗主栽区的山地、丘陵栽培。授粉树配置以‘燕山早丰’、‘燕龙’、‘燕奎’为宜。  相似文献   

杨波  龚鹏  徐叶挺 《北方园艺》2010,(23):42-44
对3个美国果用黑核桃品种Emma K、Sauber、Football进行了为期3 a的引种观察试验。结果表明:3个品种在新疆喀什生长结果正常,且具有早果、大果、出仁率高的特点;3个品种中Emma K的出仁率最高(达38.7%)、果壳最薄、且最易取仁,综合性状最优;初步认为这3个美国果用黑核桃品种可以适应新疆喀什地区的气候条件。  相似文献   

‘燕丽’是从实生燕山板栗中选育出的大粒新品种,早实、优质、丰产,抗性强。坚果整齐度高,单果质量9.0 g,红褐色,绒毛稀疏,底座小;果肉乳黄色,炒熟后口感细腻,糯性强,风味香甜,涩皮易剥离。单株产量达3.9 kg,折合单产3 907.8 kg·hm~(-2)。9月中旬成熟。适宜在燕山板栗主栽区的山地、丘陵栽培。授粉树配置以‘燕山早丰’、‘燕龙’、‘燕奎’为宜。  相似文献   

Chestnut cultivation and production in Spain has employed grafted seedlings from selected local cultivars. Previously, we have characterised the Spanish cultivars by morphological and molecular markers. We are presenting in this paper the proximate analysis and mineral content for the main Spanish cultivars. A total of 131 samples were collected from 47 cultivars in six important Spanish chestnut production regions; located in the North such as Asturias, Castilla-León (El Bierzo) and Galicia; in the Central such as Extremadura and in the South such as Andalucía; as well as the Canary Islands, the southermost part of Spain near to North Africa. High variability in chemical composition between cultivars and regions corresponded to the high genetic variability between cultivars. Correlations with environmental parameters were low, indicating that differences found between regions were probably reflecting the differences between cultivars. In Central and Southern Spain, some cultivars presented lowest moisture content due to the low summer rainfall in these regions. Differences in starch and total sugar contents were high and were negatively correlated with each other. There was no negative correlation between nut size and total sugar content. Lowest values of fibre content and ease of digestibility were found in cultivars from Galicia and Extremadura. No significant differences in Fe, Zn and Cu were found although Zn content is twice the value reported for European chestnuts. This work would be a valuable reference to chestnut quality for the food processing industry, nutritionists, breeders and growers alike.  相似文献   

核桃种质资源研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
核桃是世界范围内的重要果树,无论面积和产量在各类干果中居首位。种质资源是核桃品种选育的基础,对国内外核桃种质资源研究工作进行了全面综述,包括国内外种质资源研究现状、分类和利用现状、品种类型适应性研究等方面,并对美国国家种质资源圃收集及利用情况进行了介绍。提出在今后的核桃种质资源研究工作中,应充分发挥我国资源丰富的优势,加强和利用不同特异类型及生物技术开展核桃的种质资源研究。  相似文献   

The influence of nectarine cultivar and the harvest date on fruit colour, fruit size, fruit quality parameters, and consumer acceptance were assessed. The analyses were carried on cultivars with different fruit taste (acidity and sweetness), from 5-years-old trees at the IRTA-Experimental Station of Lleida (Spain). The six cultivars were grouped in three pairs in which each had a similar commercial harvest date. Each pair comprised by a non-acid cultivar and an acid cultivar, except the pair of ‘Big Top®’ and ‘Mesembrine®’, which included two non-acid cultivars. The nectarines were harvested at 8 days intervals on five harvest dates, three of which were before the commercial harvest date, one at commercial harvest and another 1 week after commercial harvest.  相似文献   

The growth of a number of onion cultivars sown on different dates during late summer in several years was assessed by regular sampling. The growth during the winter of five different winter-hardy cultivars was very similar, whereas that of Rijnsburger Bola, a cultivar normally sown in spring, was clearly slower. Sowing date was shown to affect final yield through its effect on overwintering size, which in turn influenced bulb size at harvest, the proportion of plants which bolted and the extent of winter losses. During the winter months the rate of leaf initiation appeared to be decreased to a lesser extent than the growth in dry weight, which itself was decreased less than growth in leaf area. The growth of the winter-hardy cultivars from all sowing dates and seasons was well summarized by a single linear relationship between the logarithm of plant dry weight and the accumulated day-degrees between 6° and 20°C from the day of seedling emergence. Using this relationship together with temperature records from past years it was possible to estimate the best average sowing date and the year-to-year variation in optimum sowing date. This approach may prove useful in predicting optimum sowing dates for other localities from past weather records.  相似文献   

Almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] is one of the most important nut crops worldwide. It requires chilling during winter to break dormancy and develop fruiting buds. However, late winter chilling and early spring frosts may damage the reproductive tissues leading to productivity reduction. In the present work, we evaluated the frost susceptibility by means of chlorophyll fluorescence in flower buds of almonds cultivated in two different sites in Morocco: Aknoul in the north and Sidi Bouhria in the east. Five widely grown almond cultivars, namely Marcona, Fournat de Brézenaud, Ferragnès, Ferraduel, and Tuono, were involved in this study. Flower buds were incubated in temperatures of –3, –2, –1, 0, and 25 °C during 24 h and thereafter the Fv/Fm ratio was measured at the ovary zone. Combined analysis of variance showed that cultivar was the major source of variability, while site and cultivar by site interaction effects were of lesser extent and explained together less than 20%. At 25 °C, all cultivars displayed higher scores of Fv/Fm ratio. By decreasing temperature of incubation, this ratio decreased proportionally. Kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence in response to the frost treatment followed two patterns: A linear decrease translated by frost susceptibility for late-flowering cultivars Ferragnès and Ferraduel, and quadratic curve with an inflection point at –1 °C indicating a chilling tolerance for Tuono and the early-flowering cultivars Marcona and Fournat de Brézenaud. However, Ferragnès and Ferraduel (with later flowering date) are not likely to be affected by low temperatures at the end of spring when there is no risk of frost.  相似文献   

Ancymidol, chlormequat, and daminozide were evaluated as growth retardants on forced dahlias. Only ancymidol was effective in reducing plant height, and at 0.25 to 2.0 mg per plant it did not affect the date of flowering, flower size, or the number of shoots produced from the tuberous roots. Treatment by soil drench was more effective than a foliar spray. The most consistent effects were obtained when ancymidol was applied 2 weeks after planting. Dahlia cultivars differed in the degree of response to ancymidol. Optimum rates must be determined for the cultivars which are suitable for pot plant forcing for spring marketing.  相似文献   

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