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几个籼型杂交水稻恢复系的抽穗期基因型诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以基因型明确的抽穗期主基因近等基因系EG0~EG7(检测E1、E2和E3位点)、ER~LR(检测Se-1位点)、T65系列(检测Ef-1位点)为测验系,在江西南昌(28°68′N)自然长日照(14~16 h/d)和人工遮光短日照(10h/d)诱导处理条件下,对籼型杂交水稻恢复系“早25”、“974”和“752”的抽穗期基因型进行了诊断分析。结果表明,“早25”的抽穗期基因型为e1e1E2E2E3E3Se-1nSe-1nef-1ef-1,“974”的抽穗期基因型为e1e1E2E2E3E3Se-1eSe-1eEf-1aEf-1a,同时存在感光基因表达的抑制因子i-Se-1,“752”的抽穗期基因型为E1E1E2E2E3E3Se-1eSe-1eEf-1bEf-1b。  相似文献   

杂交水稻不育系博A的抽穗期基因型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以抽穗期主基因近等基因系EG0~EG7(检测E位点),ER~LR(检测Se-1位点),T65,T65m,T65Eb,T65Ebm为测验系,在江西南昌(28°68′N)自然长日照(14~16 h/d)和人工遮光短日照诱导(10 h/d)处理条件下,对保持系博B,以及“TLs×博B”F1、F2代的抽穗期进行了调查。对影响博B抽穗期的基因分析结果表明,博B在E1、E3位点分别带有隐性非感光早熟基因e1和显性感光迟熟基因E3,在Se-1位点带有显性感光基因Se-1n,在Ef-1位点带有隐性迟熟基因ef-1。由此推断博A的抽穗期基因型为e1e1E3E3Se-1nSe-1nef-1ef-1。博A带有隐性非感光早熟基因e1,显性感光迟熟基因E3,在性状上表现为早熟;带有显性感光基因Se-1n,隐性迟熟基因ef-1,可保证其具有一定长度的基本营养生长期;但与带感光等位基因E1的恢复系配组,其F1将表现为迟熟。以不同光照条件下“TLs×博B“F2植株抽穗期分布频次和平均抽穗期的差异,对影响抽穗的基因效应进行了估计分析,对以博A为不育系配置的杂交水稻组合的广适性遗传基础也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

[目的]挖掘新的控制早熟性的QTL,为早熟性的遗传机制研究和分子育种提供新的基因资源。[方法]选择熟期差异明显的2个品种(早熟品种‘RZ54’和相对迟熟品种‘南京11’)进行杂交,构建F_2群体,利用分子标记构建遗传连锁图谱,进行抽穗期QTL定位。[结果]利用141个具有多态性的SSR和Indel标记对由184个株系组成的RZ54/南京11的F_2群体进行基因型检测,构建了全长为1 741.4 c M、平均图距为12.35 c M、覆盖水稻12条染色体的遗传图谱。在南京自然光温(高温长日照)环境下检测该群体的抽穗期QTL,结果在第6、7、8及11染色体上发现5个与抽穗期有关的QTL位点,分别命名为q Hd-6、q Hd-7、q Hd-8-1、q Hd-8-2和q Hd-11。其中在q Hd-8-1效应区段内存在已报道的基因DTH8,在其他效应区段内未发现已报道的抽穗期基因。但已报道的Hd1和Ghd7基因分别位于q Hd-6和q Hd-7位点附近,在第6、7染色体检测到的QTL可能来自这2个基因的效应。因此,q Hd-8-2和q Hd-11可能是新的抽穗期QTL位点。[结论]通过遗传图谱构建和QTL位点分析,检测到了新的QTL位点,为下一步精细定位和图位克隆奠定了基础,也为抽穗期的分子标记辅助育种提供了新的基因资源。  相似文献   

水稻品种生育期的遗传和基因定位   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
概述了水稻感光性品种、非感光品种、杂交水稻、籼粳亚种间F1杂种和诱变早熟突变体的生育期 /抽穗期遗传 ,以及水稻抽穗期主基因和QTL定位的研究现状 ,并讨论了水稻抽穗期主基因研究、QTL定位、显性早熟基因的育种利用等方面存在的问题与对策  相似文献   

水稻雄性不育系博白A的抽穗期遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻雄性不育系博白A是一个早籼型优质不育系,其配制组合的抽穗期多数表现为超或偏晚亲遗传.本文以博白B、明恢63、明恢86为亲本进行杂交和回交,对亲本、F1、F2以及各回交世代抽穗期进行分析,结果表明:控制亲本抽穗期的主效基因可能有3对:Aa、Bb、Cc.当这3对显性基因同时存在时,基因互作使得植株表现感光迟熟,当它们不同时存在时,表现非感光早抽穗.并推测博白B抽穗期由2对主效基因控制(暂定为AABBcc),明恢63和明恢86各有一对主效基因(暂定为aabbCC),因此推测带有主效感光基因的博白A与恢复系的抽穗期感光基因间互作,是导致其后代抽穗期超或偏晚亲遗传表现的主要原因.  相似文献   

【目的】探究脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)基因3′端非翻译区(3′-UTR)在绵羊地方品种中的遗传多态性,为进一步揭示地方绵羊品种间遗传分化、开展肉质性状的关联分析和表达调控等研究提供依据。【方法】采用PCR-SSCP和DNA测序技术对兰州大尾羊(38只)、滩羊(58只)、甘加羊(40只)、欧拉羊(30只)和乔科羊(39只)五个地方绵羊品种205只个体的脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)基因3′-UTR进行单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)检测和遗传多态性分析。【结果】在这五个地方绵羊品种的FAS基因3′-UTR区中,有951位点和1 005位点2个多态位点;两位点分别存在AA、Aa、aa和EE、Ee、ee各三种基因型,而aa和ee基因型未检测到;AA和EE基因型频率高于Aa和Ee基因型频率,基因型AA和EE为优势基因型;A和E两个等位基因频率高于a和e等位基因频率,为优势等位基因。适合性检验表明,这5个地方绵羊品种在951位点和1 005位点均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。独立性检验表明:在951位点,兰州大尾羊与滩羊、欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊之间表现为差异显著(0.01<P<0.05);滩羊与欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊之间表现为差异极显著(P<0.01);欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊,甘加羊与乔科羊均表现为差异不显著(P>0.05);在1 005位点兰州大尾羊、滩羊、欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊品种之间均表现为差异不显著(P>0.05)。测序结果表明,951位点在FAS基因在其转录产物mRNA的 951位所对应处有一处C→T突变;1 005位点在FAS基因在其转录产物mRNA的1 005位所对应处有一处A→G突变。FAS基因mRNA二级结构预测结果显示:951位点的突变能导致其二级结构发生了明显的改变,而1 005突变不会改变其二级结构。【结论】五个地方绵羊品种在FAS基因3′-UTR区有951位点(C→T)和1 005位点(A→G)两个SNPs,2位点均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态;基因型频率分布的独立性检验结果表明,在951位点,兰州大尾羊与滩羊、欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊之间表现为差异显著(0.01<P<0.05);滩羊与欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊之间表现为差异极显著(P<0.01);欧拉羊与甘加羊和乔科羊、甘加羊与乔科羊均表现为差异不显著(P>0.05);在1 005位点兰州大尾羊、滩羊、欧拉羊、甘加羊和乔科羊品种之间均表现为差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

基于AMMI模型分析谷子基因型与环境互作效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用AMM I模型及双标图,对2007年西北春谷区谷子早熟及中晚熟组区域试验各品种基因型与环境互作效应进行探讨,并对参试品种的稳定性和试验地点的判别力进行了评价。结果表明:g7(02-567)、g8(06-218)、G1(太选3号)和G3(长农38号)属高产稳产型品种;宁夏西吉县种子公司(e3)和山西省农业科学院高寒作物研究所(e4)对早熟谷子品种判别力较强,辽宁省水土保持研究所(E3)和山西省农业科学院谷子研究所(E6)对中晚熟谷子品种判别力较强,这些地点是鉴定谷子品种稳定性比较理想的地方。  相似文献   

以2019年贵州省青贮玉米区域试验第二组的鲜重亩产量数据为资料,8个试点及12个青贮玉米品种为试验对象,采用AMMI模型对其基因与环境的互作效应进行分析。结果表明:各个品种平均鲜重产量在3 199.5~3 976.6 kg/667m2之间,其中有5个品种增产;品种变异占总变异的10.51%,试点变异占总变异的63.22%,品种和试点交互作用变异占总变异的26.28%;IPCA1、IPCA2分别占交互作用变异的50.7%、31.2%;IPCA3变异占交互作用的7.25%。g_4、g_8、g_9、g_10、g_11和g_12品种对e_1、e_2、e_6和e_7环境的适应性较好;g_1、g_2、g_3、g_5、g_6和g_7品种对e_3、e_4、e_5和e_8环境的适应性较好。结合产量水平来看,g_1(惠农青2号)、g_9(鑫玉666)两个品种属于高产稳产型品种;g_3(禾睦玉905)、g_8(物华玉3号)和g_11(凉都191)品种稳定性一般,产量超过对照;g_12(金都玉999)稳定性最差,产量也较低。  相似文献   

杂交水稻抽穗期遗传研究 Ⅱ、抽穗期基因互作的遗传   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以2个早籼不育系 V_(20)A、珍鼎28A 及其保持系,早籼恢复系 IR_(30),美国早籼品种兰贝利为亲本,配制6个组合的 F_1及其 F_2、BC 和 TPC(Three Parent Cross,三亲本杂交).研究发现;4个组合 F_1抽穗期表现为非感光早抽穗的无互作类型;另2个组合 V_(20)A/IR_(30)F_1和 V_(20)A/兰贝利Fl为感光迟抽穗的互作类型,其后代分离均为 F_2 37早(无互作):27迟(互作),B_1C 3早:1迟,B_2 C1早:1迟.分析表明控制这些亲本抽穗期的主基因差异可能有3对:Aa、Bb 和 Cc.当 A、B 和 C 同时存在(A—B—C—)时,它们之间相互作用的结果使植株表现感光迟抽穗.当这3种显性基因不同时存在或都不存在时,植株表现非感光早抽穗。6个亲本的4种核基因型暂定为:V_(20)A(B):aabb CC.珍鼎28A(B):AAbbcc,IR_(30):AABBcc,兰贝利:AABBcc。  相似文献   

利用153个SSR标记,对由140个株系组成的南京11×越光重组自交系进行基因型检测,构建了全长为1896.2cM、平均图距为12.3cM、覆盖水稻12条染色体的遗传图谱。分别在南京自然光温(高温长日照)、南京遮光(高温短日照)、海南自然光温(低温短日照)和海南温室大棚(高温短日照)4个环境下检测该群体的抽穗期QTL,共发现了5个加性QTL,分别位于第1、第3、第6、第8、第10染色体上,其中qHd-1对温度敏感,仅在高温短日照条件下表达,qHd-6和qHd-10在低温短日照条件下表达;而qHd-3和qHd-8-1则在长日照条件下表达。此外,还在南京高温和海南短日照条件下分别检测到1对非加性QTL存在互作效应。结果表明,不同的光温环境下,抽穗期受不同类型的QTL控制,同时还受到微效位点、上位性QTL和其它环境的影响。  相似文献   

Genotypic Analysis of Heading Time on an Indica Rice Cultivar, Nanjing 11   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the genotype of heading time in Nanjing 11, an indica variety, was analyzed bycrossing with tester varieties, Akihikari ( e1e1 e2e2 e3e3 Se1eSe1e ), Koshihikari ( E1E1E2E2 e3e3 Se1eSe1e ), Nipponbare(E1E1 e2e2 e3e3 Se1Se1 )and Hinohikari(E1E1 E2E2 e3e3 Se1Se1 ), of which the genotypes of headingtime were well known. The results showed genotype of heading time in Nanjing 11 was E1E1 e2e2 E3E3 Se1Se1and also included a recessive inhibitor I-Se1 for photoperiod-sensitivity as well. Meanwhile, the two photoperiod-sensitive genes, E1 and Se1, in Nanjing 11 were also identified by crossing with QTL nearly isogenic lines of Nipponbare, NIL( Hd1 )and NIL( Hd4 )which have complementary effects.  相似文献   

A rice residual heterozygous line (RHL) carrying a heterozygous segment extending from RM111 to RM19784 on the short arm of rice chromosome 6 was selected from a RHL-derived population used previously. The resultant F2:3 population was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for three yield traits, the number of spikelets per panicle (NSP), the number of grains per panicle (NGP) and grain yield per plant (GY). Two QTLs for NSP, one QTL for NGP and one QTL for GY were detected, all of which were partially dominant and had the enhancing alleles from the maternal line Zhenshan 97B. Analysis based on the genotypic groups of the markers closely linked to the two QTLs for NSP indicated that they did not interact with each other. Two F2 populations and two near isogenic line (NIL) sets segregating in two sub-regions of interval RM111-RM19784 were developed. The two QTLs for NSP were validated, of which one had major effect and was co-segregated with heading date gene Hdl, and the other had smaller effect and was located in an upper region linked to Hdl. The two regions also showed significant effects on the number of filled grain and grain yield, although the effect on the number of filled grain was less consistent.  相似文献   

水稻的抽穗期是决定品种地区与季节适应性的重要农艺性状.光周期是影响抽穗的主要外在因素.文章对已被克隆控制水稻抽穗期的8种基因SE5、Hdl(Sel)、Hd6、Hd3a、OsGI、Ehd1[EF(t)]、Ghd7和RID1/Ehd2/OsId1及其参与光周期信号调控网络的进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

Indicators of photosynthetic potential (PP), net photosynthesis productivity (NPP), and biomass yield were studied during 3 years in F1 sorghum hybrids obtained with using two sets of isonuclear cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) lines with different types of sterile cytoplasms: A3, A4, 9E carrying Zheltozernoe 10 (Z10) genome and M35-1A and 9E carrying Pishchevoe 614 (P614) genome when crossing with Merkurii (M) and Pishchevoe 35 (P35) cultivars. It was demonstrated that the type of sterile cytoplasm affects the PP and NPP value, and the cytoplasm effects differ in different years. The sterile cytoplasm 9E stimulated the PP value in extremely hot and droughty 2010. According to the results of 3-year studies, the A3 cytoplasm (unlike 9E and A4 cytoplasms) decreased PP indicators in the tillering–heading stage. The effect of sterile cytoplasms on NPP depended on the hybrid genotype and ontogenesis stage: the 9E cytoplasm promoted an increase in NPP in the tillering–heading stage as compared with the A3 and A4 cytoplasms (in hybrid combinations Z10/P35) and M35-1A (in combinations with CMS lines with P614 genome); in combination with Z10/M, the A4 cytoplasm significantly stimulated NPP in the tillering–heading stage and decreased it in the stage of heading–complete maturity. On average over 3 years, higher biomass yield was registered in hybrids with 9E cytoplasm than in hybrids with A3 and A4 cytoplasms, and the strongest differences were observed in hot 2010.  相似文献   

There are 41 members of the CCT(CO, CO-like, and TOC1) domain-containing gene family in rice, which are divided into three subfamilies: COL(CONSTANS-like), CMF(CCT motif family), and PRR(pseudoresponse regulator). The first flowering gene to be isolated by map-based cloning, Heading date 1(Hd1), which is the orthologue of CO in rice, belongs to COL. The central regulator of plant development, Ghd7, belongs to CMF. The major role in controlling rice distribution to high latitudes, Ghd7.1/PRR37, belongs to PRR. Both of Hd1, Ghd7 and Ghd7.1 simultaneously control grain number, plant height, and the heading date. To date, 13 CCT family genes from these three subfamilies have been shown to regulate flowering. Some of them have pleiotropic effects on grain yield, plant height, and abiotic stresses, and others function as circadian oscillators. There are two independent photoperiod flowering pathways that are mediated by GI-Hd1-Hd3 a/RFT and GI-Ehd1-Hd3 a/RFT in rice. CCT family genes are involved in both pathways. The latest study reveals that protein interaction between Hd1 and Ghd7 integrates the two pathways. CCT family genes are rich in natural variation because rice cultivars have been subjected to natural and artificial selection for different day lengths in the process of domestication and improvement. Alleles of several crucial CCT family genes such as Hd1, Ghd7, and Ghd7.1 exhibit geographic distribution patterns and are highly associated with yield potentials. In addition, CCT family genes are probably involved in the responses to abiotic stress, which should be emphasized in future work. In general, CCT family genes play important roles in regulating flowering, plant growth, and grain yield. The functional identification and elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of CCT family genes would help construct a flowering regulatory network and maximize their contribution to rice production.  相似文献   


不同小麦抗条锈基因及小麦品种在四川的有效性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将以Avocet为背景的27份抗小麦条锈病近等基因系、131个抗性基因型较明确的小麦抗源品种和59份四川小麦生产品种和抗源以及和感病对照铭贤169分行种在位于四川省雅安市草坝(N:29°57′09.6,″E:103°07′11.9,″海拔525.1 m)、梓潼县豢龙(N:31°44′07.0,″E:105°10′48.5,″海拔484.1 m)和剑阁县武连(N:31°52′21.5,″E:105°16′23.5,″海拔:481 m)的病圃中,含Yr5、Yr10、Yr15、Yr26的近等基因系、审定品种川麦43、川麦46、川麦47、川农18、川农23、绵麦39、绵麦41、绵麦42、杏麦2号、和内麦8号、区试材料C1、C5、30375和SW 18155、抗源M ega(含Yr3,4)和Hybrid 46(含Yr3 b,Yr4 b,H46)、93-1-22v-2、CP93-10-1-1-1、SMT-35、SMT-47、贵农22、贵农22-1和贵州蓝麦+MO连续两年在各病圃中表现抗病。216份品种或材料两年在雅安、剑阁和梓潼的鉴定结果中,有27个品种或材料同年在梓潼或剑阁表现感病而在雅安表现抗病,5个品种同年在梓潼或剑阁表现抗病而在雅安表现感病,紧邻阿坝州和陇南越夏菌源的剑阁、梓潼的条锈病菌毒性强于紧邻甘孜州越夏菌源的雅安。  相似文献   

选用二棱大麦14个基因型的未成熟胚进行离体培养,获得了全部基因型的再生植株,对其自交后代(R_2)的性状变异进行了研究,结果表明,14个基因型叶绿素缺失的变异频率平均为2.62%,以浅绿类型为主;10个基因型抽穗期和株高的变异频率平均分别为7.61%和6.51%,大部分为晚抽穗和矮秆变异,不同基因型间性状的变异频率有显著差异,如叶绿素缺失变异频率从1.02%到10.33%,抽穗期从2.09%到20.46%,株高从1.88%到13.43%;而不同基因型在叶绿素缺失的类型及抽穗期和株高的变异趋向上亦有完全不同的表现,说明基因型对大麦体细胞无性系二代性状的变异频率与趋向均有明显的影响。  相似文献   

[Objective] The study aimed to confirm difference of nitrogen uptake and used efficiency with different nitrogen use efficiency for grain output (NUEg) types of indica rice.[Method] 88 and 122 conventional indica rice cultivars were solution-cultured in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Dry matter weight (including root system, culm and sheath, leaves, panicle), nitrogen content of different organs, yield and its components were measured. The tested rice cultivars were classified into 6 types (i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F, A was the lowest, and F was the highest) based on their NUEg level by the MinSSw method.[Result](1)Difference of NUEg of the cultivars used in this study were very large; (2) No significant difference of N content at heading stage was observed among different NUEg types of indica rice. In the cultivars with higher NUEg, however, N content in leaf, stem-sheath and entire rice plant were lower at mature stage. (3)Cultivars with higher NUEg were characterized with lower N uptake before heading and at mature stage; (4) Cultivars with higher NUEg were characterized with higher N use efficiency in biomass production and harvest index. [Conclusion] The cultivars with higher NUEg showed lower N uptake and N content, while nitrogen use efficiency was higher.  相似文献   

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