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Abstract. In organic farming, potassium (K) deficiency may become a significant problem due to nutrient import restrictions. Knowledge about potential K leaching in systems with different K budgets is therefore important for effective agricultural management. We investigated the effect of four organic farming systems (two livestock densities in combination with two types of organic manure) on crop yields, K leaching and K balances in a six course crop rotation from 1993/94 to 1997/98. Average K concentrations in soil water extracted by means of ceramic suction cups at 1 m depth were 0.6 mg K l−1 corresponding to a K leaching loss of 1.5 kg ha−1 yr−1 which was less than expected from values reported in the literature. Variation in K budgets from −12 to +30 kg ha−1 yr−1 did not affect K leaching. In an additional experiment with application of 988 kg K ha−1 as KCl, K leaching accounted for only 0.2% of the applied K although 40% of the accompanying Cl was leached. The main part of the applied K was retained in the topsoil. It was concluded that K leaching was a result of the fertilizer history rather than of the current K budget.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaching of calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) from urine patches in grazed grassland represents a significant loss of valuable nutrients. We studied the effect on cation loss of treating the soil with a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), which was used to reduce nitrate loss by leaching. The soil was a free-draining Lismore stony silt loam (Udic Haplustept loamy skeletal) and the pasture was a mixture of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) and white clover ( Trifolium repens ). The treatment of the soil with DCD reduced Ca2+ leaching by the equivalent of 50%, from 213 to 107 kg Ca ha−1 yr−1 on a field scale. Potassium leaching was reduced by 65%, from 48 to 17 kg K ha−1 yr−1. Magnesium leaching was reduced by 52%, from 17 to 8 kg Mg ha−1 yr−1. We postulate that the reduced leaching loss of these cations was due to the decreased leaching loss of nitrate under the urine patches, and follows from their reduced requirement as counter ions in the drainage water. The treatment of grazed grassland with DCD thus not only decreases nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions as reported previously, but also decreases the leaching loss of cation nutrients such as Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of increasing rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the yield response of 3 or 4 consecutive winter cereal crops after ploughing out grass was investigated at six field sites on commercial farms in England and Wales. Amounts of N required for an economically optimum yield (>3 kg of grain for each kg of fertilizer N applied) ranged from 0 to 265 kg ha−1 and were dependent on soil N supply, but not on crop yield. Optimum N rates were large (mean 197 kg N ha−1) at three sites: two sites where cereals followed 2-year grass leys receiving low N inputs (<200 kg N ha−1), and at one site where a cut and grazed 4-year ley had received c . 315 kg N ha−1 of fertilizer N annually. At the other three sites where 4 and 5-year grass leys had received large regular amounts of organic manures (20–30 t or m3 ha−1) plus fertilizer N ( c . 300 kg ha−1 each year), optimum N rates were low (mean 93 kg N ha−1) and consistently over-estimated by the farmer by an average of 107 kg N ha−1. Optimum N rates generally increased in successive years after ploughing as the N supply from the soil declined. Determination of soil C:N ratio and mineral N (NO3N+NH4N) to 90 cm depth in autumn were helpful in assessing fertilizer N need. The results suggest there is scope to improve current fertilizer recommendations for cereals after grass by removing crop yield as a determinant and including an assessment of soil mineralizable N during the growing season.  相似文献   

Abstract. The behaviour of potassium (K) in a range of arable soils was examined by plotting the change in exchangeable K of the topsoil (Δ Kex) at the end of a 3–5 year period against the K balance over the same period (fertilizer K applied minus offtake in crops, estimated from farmers' records of yield and straw removal). Based on the assumption that values for offtake per tonne of crop yield used for UK arable crops MAFF 2000) are valid averages, 10–50% of Δ Kex was explained by the balance, relationships being stronger on shallow/stony soils. Excess fertilizer tended to increase Kex and reduced fertilization decreased it, requiring between 1.2 and 5.4 kg K ha−1 for each mg L−1Δ Kex. However, merely to prevent Kex falling required an extra 20 kg K ha−1 yr−1 fertilizer on Chalk soils and soils formed in the overlying Tertiary and Quaternary deposits, despite clay contents >18%. Whereas, on older geological materials, medium soils needed no extra K and clays gained 17 kg K ha−1 yr−1. It is unlikely that the apparent losses on some soil types are anomalies due to greater crop K contents. Theory and the literature suggest leaching from the topsoil as a major factor; accumulation in the subsoil was not measured. Recommendations for K fertilization of UK soils might be improved by including loss or gain corrections for certain soil types.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen gas (N2) from denitrification were measured using the acetylene inhibition method on drained and undrained clay soil during November 1980-June 1981. Drainage limited denitrification to about 65% of losses from undrained soil. Emissions from the undrained soil were in the range 1 to 12 g N ha–1 h–1 while those from the drained soil ranged from 0.5 to 6 g N ha–1 h–1 giving estimated total losses (N2O + N2) of 14 and 9 kgN ha–1.
Drainage also changed the fraction of nitrous oxide in the total denitrification product. During December, emissions from the drained soil (1.8±0.6 gN ha–1 h–1) were composed entirely of nitrous oxide, but losses from the undrained soil (2.7 ± 1.1 g N ha–1 h–1) were almost entirely in the form of nitrogen gas (the fraction of N2O in the total loss was 0.02). In February denitrification declined in colder conditions and the emission of nitrous oxide from drained soil declined relative to nitrogen gas so that the fraction of N2O was 0.03 on both drainage treatments. The delayed onset of N2O reduction in the drained soil was related to oxygen and nitrate concentrations. Fertilizer applications in the spring gave rise to maximum rates of emission (5–12g N ha–1 h–1) with the balance shifting towards nitrous oxide production, so that the fraction of N2O was 0.2–0.8 in April and May.  相似文献   

Abstract. On organic farms, where the importation of materials to build/maintain soil fertility is restricted, it is important that a balance between inputs and outputs of nutrients is achieved to ensure both short-term productivity and long-term sustainability. This paper considers different approaches to nutrient budgeting on organic farms and evaluates the sources of bias in the measurements and/or estimates of the nutrient inputs and outputs. The paper collates 88 nutrient budgets compiled at the farm scale in nine temperate countries. All the nitrogen (N) budgets showed an N surplus (average 83.2 kg N ha–1 yr–1). The efficiency of N use, defined as outputs/inputs, was highest (0.9) and lowest (0.2) in arable and beef systems respectively. The phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) budgets showed both surpluses and deficits (average 3.6 kg P ha–1 yr–1, 14.2 kg K ha–1 yr–1) with horticultural systems showing large surpluses resulting from purchased manure. The estimation of N fixation and quantities of nutrients in purchased manures may introduce significant errors in nutrient budgets. Overall, the data illustrate the diversity of management systems in place on organic farms, and suggest that used together with soil analysis, nutrient budgets are a useful tool for improving the long-term sustainability of organic systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. A long-term lysimeter experiment with undisturbed monoliths studied leaching behaviour and balances of phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) during a seven year crop rotation on four types of soil receiving inorganic fertilizers, manure and grass compost respectively. It was shown that application of manure did not lead to any direct change in nutrient leaching, unlike the application of fertilizers to soils of normal fertility. However, soil type considerably affected the nutrient concentrations in the drainage water.
Manure applied in amounts equal to the maximum animal density allowed by Swedish legislation slightly oversupplied P and N (0.5–3.5 and 18–38 kg ha−1 y−1 respectively) compared to the crop requirement and leaching losses for most of the soils. The relationship between lactate-soluble P in the topsoil and the concentrations of dissolved P in the drainage water was very strong. However the strength of this relationship was dependent on just one or two soils. P losses from a fertile sandy soil were large (1–11 kg ha−1 y−1) throughout the crop rotation and average crop removal (13 kg ha−1 y−1) plus the leaching losses were not balanced (average deficit 3–6 kg ha−1 y−1) by the addition of fertilizer, manure or grass compost. No decreasing trend was found in the P losses during seven years. However, the K deficit (average 26 kg ha−1 y−1) led to a significant reduction in the leaching trend from this soil. The other soils that had a smaller K deficit showed no significant reduction in the leaching of K.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that an improved system of catchment management in combination with appropriate cropping practices can sustain increased crop production and improve soil quality of Vertisols, compared with prevailing traditional farming practices. Initiated in 1976, the improved system consisted of integrated land management to conserve soil and water, with excess rainwater being removed in a controlled manner. This was combined with improved crop rotation (legume based) and integrated nutrient management. In the traditional system, sorghum or chickpea was grown in the post-rainy season with organic fertilizers, and in the rainy season the field was maintained as a cultivated fallow. The average grain yield of the improved system over 24 years was 4.7 t ha−1 yr−1, nearly a five-fold increase over the traditional system (about 1 t ha−1 yr−1). There was also evidence of increased organic C, total N and P, available N, P and K, microbial biomass C and N in the soil of the improved system. A positive relationship between soil available P and soil organic C suggested that application of P to Vertisols increased carbon sequestration by 7.4 t C ha−1 and, in turn, the productivity of the legume-based system, thus ultimately enhancing soil quality.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) leaching from animal production systems in the northeast USA is a major non-point source of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. We conducted a study to measure NO3-N leaching from dairy slurry applied to orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata L., cv. Pennlate) using large drainage lysimeters to measure the direct impact of four rates of slurry (urine and faeces) N application (0, 168, 336, 672 kg N ha−1 yr−1) on NO3-N leaching on three soil types. We then used experimentally-based relationships developed earlier between stocking density and NO3-N leaching loss and leachate NO3-N concentration to estimate the added impact of animal grazing. Nitrate N leaching losses from only dairy slurry applied at the 0, 158, 336, and 672 kg N ha−1 yr−1 rates were 5.85, 8.26, 8.83, and 12.1 kg N ha−1 yr−1, respectively with corresponding NO3-N concentrations of 1.60, 2.30, 2.46, and 3.48 mg l−1. These NO3-N concentrations met the 10 mg l−1 US EPA drinking water standard. However, when a scenario was constructed to include the effect of NO3-N leaching caused by animal grazing, the NO3-N drinking water standard was calculated to be exceeded.  相似文献   

An approach for estimating when soils will reach maximum nitrogen storage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. Net accumulation of organic nitrogen in soil is constrained by the amount of organic matter and its minimum C:N ratio. Our objective was to estimate the potential for New Zealand soils to continue accumulating nitrogen within the soil organic pool. We calculated total carbon and nitrogen in the top metre of 138 representative soil profiles from the New Zealand National Soils Database. Carbon in these mainly pasture soils was assumed to be at steady state. The maximum nitrogen storage capacity was estimated by calculating the amount of nitrogen stored under assumed minimum soil C:N ratios of either 9, 10 or 11. The storage capacity remaining was determined as the difference between the amount of nitrogen currently stored and the maximum storage capacity. The length of time before a soil profile will reach the maximum capacity for nitrogen storage was calculated assuming net accumulation of 20, 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1. A C:N ratio of 9 (giving most storage capacity) and a conservative accumulation rate of 20 kg N ha−1 yr−1 showed that 12% of these soils would be at maximum storage within 40 years. A C:N ratio of 10 and a storage rate of 50 kg N ha−1 yr−1 would result in 54% of the soils reaching maximum storage within the next 40 years. As the capacity for nitrogen storage in soils declines, nitrate leaching is likely to increase with associated risk to the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Three different management systems were compared in an olive grove on a Vertic soil, near the city of Cordoba, Spain. Rainfall, runoff and soil loss were recorded from experimental plots of 6×12 m for three years. Results indicated that the no-tillage system, which was kept weed-free with herbicides, gave the largest soil loss (8.5 t ha−1 yr−1) and average annual runoff coefficient (21.5%), due to increased soil compaction, particularly outside the canopy projection area. A system that used a grass cover gave the lowest soil losses (1.2 t ha−1 yr−1) and average annual runoff coefficient (2.5%) due to the protective effects of the cover and increased soil aggregate stability. The third system, conventional tillage, gave intermediate results, with a soil loss of 4.0 t ha−1 yr−1 and an average runoff coefficient of 7.4%. The search for alternative soil management to conventional tillage should consider occasional light tillage to establish a grass cover that would keep both soil erosion and runoff losses to a minimum.  相似文献   

Methane fluxes on agricultural and forested boreal organic soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Annual methane fluxes from an organic soil in eastern Finland, originally drained and planted with birch ( Betula pendula ) and then later cultivated, were studied for two years using a chamber technique. The agricultural soils growing grass or barley or without vegetation, generally acted as sinks for CH4. Surprisingly, the agricultural soils emitted CH4 during a warm dry summer. The CH4 oxidation capacity and CH4 uptake rate of the forested site was three times that of agricultural soils. Also, the forest soil better retained its capacity to take up CH4 during a dry summer. Despite periods of CH4 emission, the agricultural soils were annual sinks for CH4, with uptake rate of CH4-C varying from 0.1 to 3.7 kg ha−1 yr−1. The forested soil had a methane uptake rate of 3.9 kg CH4-C ha−1 yr−1. All the soils acted as sinks for CH4 during winter, which contributed up to half of the annual CH4 uptake. The capacity of soils to transport gases did not explain the larger CH4 uptake rate in the forest soil. At the same gas filled porosity, the forest soil had a much larger CH4 uptake rate than the agricultural soil. Neither the soil acidity (pH 4.5 and 6.0) nor high ammonium content appeared to limit CH4 uptake. The results suggest that CH4 oxidation in agricultural organic soil is more sensitive to soil drying than CH4 oxidation in forested organic soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. Long term fallow is no longer possible in densely populated tropical areas, but legume cover crops can help maintain soil fertility. Our work aimed to study changes in soil carbon in a sandy loam Ultisol in Benin, which involved a 12-year experiment on three maize cropping systems under manual tillage: traditional no-input cultivation (T), mineral fertilized cultivation (NPK), and association with Mucuna pruriens (M). The origin of soil carbon was also determined through the natural abundance of soil and biomass 13C. In T, NPK and M changes in soil carbon at 0–40 cm were −0.2, +0.2 and +1.3 t C ha−1 yr−1, with residue carbon amounting to 3.5, 6.4 and 10.0 t C ha−1 yr−1, respectively. After 12 years of experimentation, carbon originating from maize in litter-plus-soil (0–40 cm) represented less than 4% of both total carbon and overall maize residue carbon. In contrast, carbon originating from mucuna in litter-plus-soil represented more than 50% of both total carbon and overall mucuna residue carbon in M, possibly due to accelerated mineralization of native soil carbon (priming effect) and slow mulch decomposition. Carbon originating from weeds in litter-plus-soil represented c. 10% of both total carbon and overall weed residue carbon in T and NPK. Thus mucuna mulch was very effective in promoting carbon sequestration in the soil studied.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports the growth and yield of grain and the utilization of fertilizer nitrogen applied on either one or two occasions in spring to a crop of winter barley established by direct drilling on a chalk soil in southern England. Nitrogen, as ammonium nitrate, was applied at rates of 0 to 140 kg N ha−1 in a range of proportions on two occasions (March and April 1981); nitrogen-15 was used to facilitate study of the nitrogen utilization by the crop.
When sampled before the second top-dressing in April, the greatest number of tillers were found on plants treated with 70 and 100 kg N ha−1 in March. The total above ground dry matter production at harvest was greatest when the split nitrogen dressing totalled more than 100 kg N ha−1, although the apparent efficiency of nitrogen usage (kg DM per kg N applied) was greatest when 60 kg N ha−1 was divided equally between the two application dates. Grain yield was heaviest (6.471 ha−1) at the largest rate of nitrogen applied (140 kg N ha−1); the lightest yield from the nitrogen treated crops was recorded from 100 kg N ha−1 applied as a single dressing in April that stimulated shoot production and decreased individual grain weight. The recovery in grain and straw of labelled fertilizer nitrogen applied only in March averaged 42.2% and was 49.8% when the nitrogen was applied only in April. The recovery of nitrogen applied in both March and April at the total rate of 100 kg N ha−1 but split 30/70 or 70/30 was 44.5% and 42.5% respectively. Non-fertilizer sources of nitrogen contributed 60.7–71.7% of the total nitrogen uptake by the crop at harvest.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the effect on soil nutrient status and sustainability of water percolation through an irrigated paddy field in Japan, to the depth of drainage (40 cm). The difference between amounts of nutrients leached by percolation and those supplied by irrigation indicated that 25–130 kg ha−1 Ca, 8–24 kg ha−1 Mg, from −1 to 9 kg ha−1 K, and 8–17 kg ha−1 Fe, respectively, were lost each year from the 0–40 cm soil layer during rice cultivation, when the supply from fertilization and rainfall and the loss in grain harvest were not accounted for. When the supply of K from rainfall and the loss in grain harvest were taken into account, a total K loss of about 10 kg ha−1 was estimated. The electrical neutrality of inorganic ions in the percolating water was always maintained. From these results we estimate that the amounts of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the soil to a depth of 40 cm would decrease by 50% within 50–260 and 30–100 years, respectively, if similar management were continued without fertilization. The total amount of carbon dioxide (ΣCO2) leached in percolating water during the period of rice cultivation was 120–325 kg C ha−1, which corresponded to 0.47–0.94% of the soil organic carbon to 40 cm depth.  相似文献   

(pp. 825–831)
This study was carried out to clarify the effects of soil nitrate before cultivation and amounts of basal-dressed nitrogen on additional N application rate and yields of semi-forced tomato for three years from 1998 to 2000. The amounts and timing of additional N dressing were determined based on diagnosis of petiole sap nitrate. The top-dressing was carried out with a liquid fertilizer when the nitrate concentration of a leaflet's petiole sap of leaf beneath fruit which is 2–4 cm declined below 2000 mg L−1.
For standard yield by the method of fertilizer application based on this condition, no basal-dressed nitrogen was required when soil nitrate before cultivation was 150 mg kg−1 dry soil or higher in the 0–30 cm layer; 38 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 25% of the standard rate of fertilizer application of Chiba Prefecture, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was 100150 mg kg−1 dry soil; 75 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 50% of the standard, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was under 100 mg kg−1 dry soil. A standard yield was secured and the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application decreased by 49–76% of the standard by keeping the nitrate concentration of tomato petiole sap between 1000–2000 mg L−1 from early harvest time to topping time under these conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the effects of five diverse non-agricultural organic wastes on soil composition, grass yield and grass nitrogen use in a 3–year field experiment. The applied wastes were distillery pot ale, dairy salt whey, abattoir blood and gut contents, composted green waste (two annual applications each), and paper-mill sludge (one annual application). With the exception of N immobilization in the paper-mill sludge treatment, the wastes had no unfavourable effects on the soil. In the 2–year treatments, grass dry matter yields from the abattoir and distillery wastes (26.3 t ha−1) were larger than those from a NH4NO3 fertilizer treatment (24.3 t ha−1) and from the dairy waste (20.4 t ha−1) and composted waste (22.8 t ha−1). Yield and N recovery were impaired markedly after the single application of paper-mill sludge, both in the year of application and in the following year. The results demonstrated clear differences in the ability of the applied wastes to provide crop-available N. We conclude that in order to improve prediction of both the benefits and risks from waste recycling to land, more information should be gathered on soil/waste/crop interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The success of organic cropping systems depends on symbiotic N2 fixation by leguminous crops, and it is important to explore new management systems to improve the nitrogen input through N2 fixation. During two growing seasons the possible advantage of growing fababean ( Vicia faba L.) in ridges was studied in comparison to the traditional method on flat soil. Differences in soil physical parameters resulted in a significantly greater microbial activity and a deeper root system at the flowering stage when grown in the ridge than on the flat. Consequently, the amount of fixed N at flowering was significantly greater in ridges than in flat soil. However, during the period from flowering until harvest, when the major part of the N uptake and N2 fixation took place, the differences between the treatments disappeared. Average values for the growing season of fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, arylamidase activity and arylsulphatase activity were significantly greater in the ridge than on the flat, and the microbial biomass-C, derived from substrate induced respiration (SIR), was on average 232 and 223 μg C g−1 soil in the ridge and on the flat, respectively. Measured total-N uptake, including root N (0–30 cm depth), ranged from 206 to 247 kg N ha−1, of which 182–201 kg N ha−1 was fixed N. From 154 to 173 kg N ha−1 was removed in grain resulting in a soil-N balance of +28 kg N ha−1 in both years. However, by including estimates of total root N and rhizodeposition-N the soil-N balance ranged from +52 to +62 kg N ha−1.  相似文献   

Abstract. Diffuse soluble reactive P (SRP) & total P (TP) loads from over 50 major river catchments in Northern Ireland were predicted using an export coefficient modelling approach. Phosphorus export coefficients for each CORINE land cover class, derived from satellite imagery, allowed the prediction of P loads from a breakdown of the CORINE land cover classes by catchment using a GIS. This approach was validated using observed P loads calculated from flow and concentration data. Mean measured Olsen-P concentrations in the soil A-horizon were also determined on a catchment basis. Plots of P loads to the watercourse versus Olsen-P concentrations in the soil showed a breakpoint around 22 mg Olsen- P l−1 for both SRP & TP data. Below Olsen-P concentrations of 22 mg l−1, SRP & TP losses were essentially independent of Olsen-P at 0.28 and 0.63 kg P ha−1 yr−1, respectively. Above Olsen-P concentrations of 22 mg l−1, there was considerable spread in the P loss data. Nevertheless, significant upward trends in SRP and TP losses to watercourses were detected with increasing Olsen-P at a rate of approximately 0.5 and 1.0 kg P ha−1 yr−1, for SRP and TP respectively, for each 10 mg l−1 increase in Olsen-P.  相似文献   

Long-term nitrogen supply from cattle slurry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. Manures can supply nitrogen (N) beyond the year of application, producing residual effects that are are not fully expressed in short-term experiments. From 1997 to 2003 we conducted a field experiment on a sandy soil in the Netherlands to quantify the residual N effect. Treatments comprised different time series of cattle slurry applied at rates ranging from 0 to 220 kg total-N ha−1 yr−1, while compensating for differences in available potassium and phosphorus. Dry matter and N yields of silage maize responded positively ( P <0.05) to both current cattle slurry applications and applications in previous years. N yields could be satisfactorily predicted with a simple N model by adopting an annual relative decomposition rate (RDR) of the organic N in cattle slurry of 25–33%. Subsequent model calculations indicated that the relative N fertilizer value (RNFV) of cattle slurry rises from approximately 55–60% when manure is first applied to approximately 80% after 6 and 8 years for RDRs of 33% and 25%, respectively. Given the long manuring history of most agricultural systems, rethinking the fertilizer value of manure seems justified.  相似文献   

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