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山东临沂市气候温和,雨量充足,自然条件复杂,杂草种类多,分布广.据调查,粮、棉、油等作物主要农田杂草有100多种,一般年份发生面积在70万hm2次左右,常年因草害产量损失达7.8万t.随着农田水肥条件的不断改善,加之单一除草剂的常年使用,农田杂草发生了很大的变化,尤以顽固性杂草发生面积不断扩大,危害程度逐年加重.  相似文献   

2014年枝江市两夏作物病虫为中等偏轻发生,小麦种植面积为1.5万hm2,油菜种植面积为2万hm2,病虫发生面积8.7万hm2,防治面积11.4万hm2,挽回粮食损失792.9t,挽回油菜损失576.2t.  相似文献   

江门市是珠江三角洲重要的农产品生产基地,是农业大市,水稻全年种植面积18.67万hm2,总产90万t.水稻病虫害常年发生面积60万hm2次,防治面积73.33万hm2次,实际产量损失7万t.2010年以来,全市各级农业部门高度重视水稻病虫害绿色防控技术的推广应用,取得良好成效.  相似文献   

滨州市农作物病虫害专业化防治现状及发展对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
滨州市是传统的农业市,全市耕地面积37万hm2左右,种植的主要作物有小麦、玉米、棉花、蔬菜及果树等.每年都因病虫为害遭受严重损失.2008年全市病虫害发生面积292.88万hm2次,造成粮食产量损失超过11万t.  相似文献   

广西 1 999年农作物主要病虫害发生程度为中等偏重局部大发生 ,农田杂草、鼠害为中等程度发生。全年总发生面积 1 338.1 0万hm2 次 ,与历年相比 ,仍呈扩大态势。其中病害 2 89.81万 hm2次 ,虫害 6 4 2 .85万 hm2次 ,农田鼠害 1 0 3.88万 hm2次 ,是农作物总播种面积的 2 .1倍。总防治面积 1 2 6 3.49万 hm2次 ,占总发生面积的 94.4% ,其中化学除草面积上升的幅度较大。经防治后挽回粮食损失 (含水稻、玉米、小麦、大豆 ) 2 6 3.86万t,油料 4.6 9万 t,其它 (甘蔗、果树和蔬菜等 ) 2 37.77万 t,与上年相比 ,分别增加9.4%、 2 9.8%、 77.2 % ;经…  相似文献   

广西农田草害发生及防除策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西农田主要杂草种类共有91科,346属,604种;常年各种作物受草害面积约为583万公顷次,化学防除面积约520万公顷次,占发生面积的89.2%,建立高毒农药替代、除草剂示范、农药安全使用示范现场200个,以点带面,2010年至2012年共推广应用“飞达红”、“蔗草灭”、“精克草星”等品种超过66.7万公顷次.平均年挽回粮食、油料等作物损失574万吨.  相似文献   

广西2001年农作物主要病虫发生概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20 0 1年广西农作物主要病虫的发生重于 2 0 0 0年 ,但仍是一个常发生年份 ,总体发生程度属中等偏重 ,全年发生面积约为 1 41 5 .5 7万 hm2次 ,防治面积 1 31 4.2 4万 hm2 次 ,防治挽回损失 5 2 8.86万 t,实际损失 90 .87万 t。其中 :  水稻病虫发生程度 4( 5 )级 ,发生面积 5 70 .87万 hm2次 ,发生面积占种植面积的 2 5 5 .0 2 % ,比上年增加了 3.6个百分点 ,防治后挽回稻谷损失1 77.82万 t,实际损失 2 2 .1 5万 t。其中重发生的病虫有稻飞虱、稻纹枯病 ,中等程度发生的有稻纵卷叶螟、稻瘿蚊 ,偏轻发生的有三化螟、稻瘟病和细菌性条斑病…  相似文献   

草甘膦(glyphosate)又名镇草宁、农达(Roundup)、草干膦、膦甘酸。广义的草甘膦是各种草甘膦盐的总称,狭义的草甘膦是指草甘膦酸(除草时真正起作用的部分)。草甘膦是美国孟山都公司(Monsanto Company)于20世纪70年代开发的一种茎叶处理内吸传导型、慢性非选择性无残留有机磷除草剂,产量和使用面积可谓世界第一大除草剂。可防除单子叶和双子叶、一年生和多年生、草本和灌木等40多科的杂草植物,具有内吸、高效、广谱、施用较安全、成本较低等特点,且杀草谱广,可杀根,使用方便,效果好,深受广大用户的欢迎。2012年全世界使用量70万t,使用面积1.7亿hm2以上,国内产量39万t,使用面积约1.0亿hm2[1],在重庆万州区使用量近100 t,使用面积2.3万hm2以上。据笔者调查,草甘膦使用中存在许多问题,如任意与非农药成分混配、随意加大或减少用量、使用方法不当等,导致作物药害发生、人畜中毒、污染环境、效果差等问题。  相似文献   

1996年广西农作物病虫的发生程度属中等偏重、农田草鼠害属中等发生程度。主要病虫草鼠的发生面积为1013.5万hm2次,其中病害为250.62万hm2次,虫害为529.45万hm2次,农田草害为138.73万hm2次,农田鼠害为94.73万hm2次。现将水稻、玉米、甘蔗、柑桔等作物主要病虫草鼠发生为害概况分述如下。1 水稻病虫害  1996年水稻病虫的总体发生程度属中等偏重,局部大发生。全年发生574.82万hm2次,占水稻种植面积的241.96%,较历年(1984~1995年,下同)平均值增加17.5%;防治后挽回稻谷176.49万t,实际损失25.41万t。虫害与病害相比,虫害发生面积比病害面积多…  相似文献   

刘萍  丁旭  宋汝国 《杂草科学》2003,(3):33-33,34
江苏省如皋市玉米面积1.67万hm~2、大豆面积0.80万hm~2,为防除两类作物田杂草,分别采用两种不同的除草剂;随着产业结构的调整,青玉米、毛豆陆续走向市场,玉米、毛豆夹种面积扩大至0.9万~1.0万hm~2,为寻求两类作物田所共同的除草剂,特试验了江苏省南通江山农药化工股份有限公司生产的除草剂35%除草胺EC,以验证其效果及安全性,确定在本地推广使用的最佳剂量。  相似文献   

Herbicide‐resistant crops have had a profound impact on weed management. Most of the impact has been by glyphosate‐resistant maize, cotton, soybean and canola. Significant economic savings, yield increases and more efficacious and simplified weed management have resulted in widespread adoption of the technology. Initially, glyphosate‐resistant crops enabled significantly reduced tillage and reduced the environmental impact of weed management. Continuous use of glyphosate with glyphosate‐resistant crops over broad areas facilitated the evolution of glyphosate‐resistant weeds, which have resulted in increases in the use of tillage and other herbicides with glyphosate, reducing some of the initial environmental benefits of glyphosate‐resistant crops. Transgenic crops with resistance to auxinic herbicides, as well as to herbicides that inhibit acetolactate synthase, acetyl‐CoA carboxylase and hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, stacked with glyphosate and/or glufosinate resistance, will become available in the next few years. These technologies will provide additional weed management options for farmers, but will not have all of the positive effects (reduced cost, simplified weed management, lowered environmental impact and reduced tillage) that glyphosate‐resistant crops had initially. In the more distant future, other herbicide‐resistant crops (including non‐transgenic ones), herbicides with new modes of action and technologies that are currently in their infancy (e.g. bioherbicides, sprayable herbicidal RNAi and/or robotic weeding) may affect the role of transgenic, herbicide‐resistant crops in weed management. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

More than 200 species of weeds are infesting main crop fields in China, among which approximately 30 species are major weeds causing great crop yield losses. About 35.8 million hectares of crop fields are heavily infested by weeds and the annual reduction of crop yields is 12.3–16.5% (weighted average). Along with rural economic development, approximately 50% of the main crop fields undergo herbicide application. Chemical weed control has changed cultural practices to save weeding labor in rice, wheat, maize, soybeans and cotton. At the same time, continuous use of the same herbicides has caused weed shift problems and weed resistance to herbicides. Consequently, integrated weed management in main crops is being developed.  相似文献   

Site-specific weed control techniques have gained interest in the precision farming community over the last years. Managing weeds on a subfield level requires measuring the varying density of weeds within a field. Decision models aid in the selection and adjustment of the treatments, depending on the weed infestation. The weed control can be done either with herbicides or mechanically. A site-specific herbicide application technology can save large amounts of herbicides. Mechanical weed control techniques adapting to the weed situation in the field are applicable to a wide spectrum of crops. Site-specific techniques for the detection and management of weeds are presented. A system for the discrimination of different weed species and crops from images is described, which generates weed maps automatically. Models for the yield effect of weeds are developed and applied in on-farm-research experimental setups. Economic weed thresholds are derived and used for a herbicide application with a patch sprayer.  相似文献   

除草剂的应用为农业生产带来便利, 但长期、单一使用某一种或相同机制的除草剂也引发了杂草对除草剂的抗性问题。抗性杂草种类逐渐增加, 抗性形成机制复杂, 导致农田杂草的治理难度增加。杂草对除草剂的抗性机制主要分为两种, 一种是除草剂靶标位点基因的突变或过量表达导致的靶标抗性, 另一种是杂草对除草剂吸收、转运、固存和代谢等一个或多个生理过程发生变化导致的非靶标抗性。本文综述了杂草对9类不同作用方式除草剂的非靶标抗性机制的生理、生化和分子基础的研究进展, 以期为抗性杂草综合治理提供参考。  相似文献   

发展化学除草重视综合治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国农田杂草有250多种,全国农田受草害面积4300多万hm2,平均受草害减产13.4%,每年减产粮食1750万t,皮棉25.5万t和大豆50万t。传统农业生产采用机械作业及人力等除草。随着农村经济的发展,化学除草面积迅速扩大,全国农田化学除草面积从1975年的170万hm2增加到1995年的4133万hm2。但是,长期化学除草也带来了除草剂土壤残留对后茬作物药害、农田杂草种群更替和产生抗药性等新问题。必须重视农田杂草综合治理,通过采用各种有效的农业技术措施,为农作物保持良好的生态条件,结合化学除草才是最有效的防除杂草方法  相似文献   

The management of weeds in Malaysian rice fields is very much herbicide‐based. The heavy reliance on herbicide for weed control by many rice‐growers arguably eventually has led to the development and evolution of herbicide‐resistant biotypes in Malaysian rice fields over the years. The continuous use of synthetic auxin (phenoxy group) herbicides and acetohydroxyacid synthase‐inhibiting herbicides to control rice weeds was consequential in leading to the emergence and prevalence of resistant weed biotypes. This review discusses the history and confirmed cases and incidence of herbicide‐resistant weeds in Malaysian rice fields. It also reviews the Clearfield Production System and its impact on the evolution of herbicide resistance among rice weed species and biotypes. This review also emphasizes the strategies and management options for herbicide‐resistant rice field weeds within the framework of herbicide‐based integrated weed management. These include the use of optimum tillage practices, certified clean seeds, increased crop competition through high seeding rates, crop rotation, the application of multiple modes of action of herbicides in annual rotations, tank mixtures and sequential applications to enable a broad spectrum of weed control, increase the selective control of noxious weed species in a field and help to delay the resistance evolution by reducing the selection pressure that is forced on those weed populations by a specific herbicidal mode of action.  相似文献   

There is interest in more diverse weed management tactics because of evolved herbicide resistance in important weeds in many US and Canadian crop systems. While herbicide resistance in weeds is not new, the issue has become critical because of the adoption of simple, convenient and inexpensive crop systems based on genetically engineered glyphosate‐tolerant crop cultivars. Importantly, genetic engineering has not been a factor in rice and wheat, two globally important food crops. There are many tactics that help to mitigate herbicide resistance in weeds and should be widely adopted. Evolved herbicide resistance in key weeds has influenced a limited number of growers to include a more diverse suite of tactics to supplement existing herbicidal tactics. Most growers still emphasize herbicides, often to the exclusion of alternative tactics. Application of integrated pest management for weeds is better characterized as integrated weed management, and more typically integrated herbicide management. However, adoption of diverse weed management tactics is limited. Modifying herbicide use will not solve herbicide resistance in weeds, and the relief provided by different herbicide use practices is generally short‐lived at best. More diversity of tactics for weed management must be incorporated in crop systems. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Glyphosate has performed long and well, but now some weed communities are shifting to populations that survive glyphosate, and growers need new weed management technologies to augment glyphosate performance in glyphosate-resistant crops. Unfortunately, most companies are not developing any new selective herbicides with new modes of action to fill this need. Fortunately, companies are developing new herbicide-resistant crop technologies to combine with glyphosate resistance and expand the utility of existing herbicides. One of the first multiple-herbicide-resistant crops will have a molecular stack of a new metabolically based glyphosate resistance mechanism with an active-site-based resistance to a broad spectrum of ALS-inhibiting herbicides. Additionally, new formulation technology called homogeneous blends will be used in conjunction with glyphosate and ALS-resistant crops. This formulation technology satisfies governmental regulations, so that new herbicide mixture offerings with diverse modes of action can be commercialized more rapidly and less expensively. Together, homogeneous blends and multiple-herbicide-resistant crops can offer growers a wider choice of herbicide mixtures at rates and ratios to augment glyphosate and satisfy changing weed management needs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Weed management in glyphosate‐resistant (GR) maize, cotton and soybean in the United States relies almost exclusively on glyphosate, which raises criticism for facilitating shifts in weed populations. In 2006, the benchmark study, a field‐scale investigation, was initiated in three different GR cropping systems to characterize academic recommendations for weed management and to determine the level to which these recommendations would reduce weed population shifts. RESULTS: A majority of growers used glyphosate as the only herbicide for weed management, as opposed to 98% of the academic recommendations implementing at least two herbicide active ingredients and modes of action. The additional herbicides were applied with glyphosate and as soil residual treatments. The greater herbicide diversity with academic recommendations reduced weed population densities before and after post‐emergence herbicide applications in 2006 and 2007, particularly in continuous GR crops. CONCLUSION: Diversifying herbicides reduces weed population densities and lowers the risk of weed population shifts and the associated potential for the evolution of glyphosate‐resistant weeds in continuous GR crops. Altered weed management practices (e.g. herbicides or tillage) enabled by rotating crops, whether GR or non‐GR, improves weed management and thus minimizes the effectiveness of only using chemical tactics to mitigate weed population shifts. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

农田杂草防治是农作物稳产高产的一个重要环节。化学除草剂以其高效、简便、经济的优势,一跃而成为我国现代农业中杂草治理的重要手段,但与此同时也带来了药害(对作物不安全)和抗药性问题。转基因技术的发展为培育耐除草剂作物品种提供了有力的手段。至今,全世界已培育出大量转基因耐除草剂作物品种。转基因耐除草剂作物的利用为拓宽除草剂的使用范围、减少作物药害带来了新的希望。本文在对国际上转基因耐除草剂作物的研发和商业化应用情况进行概述和分析的基础上,结合我国农作物生产的实际情况和小农户、多种作物混合种植的模式,提出转基因耐除草剂植物在我国开发利用的前景和相应的发展策略,以期为转基因耐除草剂作物的研究、开发和推广管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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