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采用脊髓蛛网膜下腔穿刺将造影剂注入椎管,分别对16只不同年龄犬行欧乃派克(omnipaque,每毫升含磺300mg)脊髓造影,对11只犬行磺化油(含磺40%)脊髓造影。造影后拍摄颈段、胸段、腰荐段正、侧位脊髓造影照片并评定造影结果,研究比较水溶性造影剂欧乃派克和脂溶性造影剂磺化油用于不同年龄犬的脊髓造影技术,分析了犬正常脊髓造影影像。研究表明,每毫升含磺300mg的欧乃派克可安全地用于犬的脊髓造影  相似文献   

在兽医临床,颈段椎管直径和脊髓直径已用于评价马颈段狭窄脊髓病导致的共济失调[1].Morgan等[2]在比较研究腊肠犬和德国牧羊犬腰荐段脊髓和椎管直径时也发现腊肠犬的脊髓椎管比值要大于德国牧羊犬.考虑到犬各个品种间的差异很大,不可能建立各个品种犬都适用的脊髓直径参考范围.本试验旨在通过测定小型犬脊髓造影X线片上的脊髓和椎管高度,并通过计算获得脊髓椎管高度比值,以期对小型犬脊髓椎管相关疾病提供临床参考.  相似文献   

正在宠物临床,脊髓损伤是比较常见的引起犬猫神经功能障碍的原因之一。脊髓的损伤可以分为原发性和继发性。造成脊髓损伤的原因中,原发性损伤主要为机械性损伤,包括震荡、压迫、剪切或延长等,临床上除了最常见的体躯长老年犬多发的椎间盘突出,因车祸、高空坠落以及咬伤引起的脊髓损伤也比较常见。在外力作用下,很容易发生脊髓的骨折或椎关节脱位,脊柱错位或不稳定,多压迫脊髓,胸腰段(T3-L3)和腰荐段(L4-L7)多发。机械性作用直接破坏神经系统,引起级联式的血管和分子事件,导致继发性变化,  相似文献   

小型猪脊髓的解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用大体解剖学方法,解剖观察了5头小型猪的脊髓,得到结果如下:小型猪脊髓共有42个节段,连有45对脊神经。其中颈髓7节:胸髓14节,腰髓6节,荐髓5节,尾段连有10对以上脊神经,个体之间有差异。小型猪脊髓的外形与其它哺乳动物相似,具有背正中沟、腹正中裂和背、腹外侧沟、终丝、马尾和脊髓圆锥等结构。颈膨大位于C_6-T_2脊神经根之间,腰膨大位于L_4-S_2脊神经根之间。小型猪脊髓颈段短粗,胸段长细,腰膨大部最宽。硬膜外腔充满脂肪。小型猪脊髓与人类脊髓具有许多相似的特性,适宜做动物模型。  相似文献   

临床常见动物胸腰椎部受强烈钝性外力作用后,会引起脊髓组织病变明显的挫伤和病变不明显的震荡两种情况.腰荐部脊髓损伤后使犬正常排粪姿势改变,肛门括约肌丧失排便反射,是犬发生便秘的常见原因.  相似文献   

为探索犬小脑延髓池脊髓造影和腰部(L5~6)脊髓造影的最佳造影剂用量和显影效果,本试验对10只比格犬进行了小脑延髓池和腰部CT脊髓造影,比较不同剂量造影剂的造影效果。造影剂选用浓度为350 mg I/mL的碘海醇注射液,剂量组设定为0.2 mL/(kg·bw),0.33 mL/(kg·bw),0.4 mL/(kg·bw)和0.45 mL/(kg·bw)。观察每组CT征象图,设定评分系统,并对图像进行评分。结果表明0.4 mL/(kg·bw)剂量组分值均高于其他3个剂量组,并表现出显著差异。  相似文献   

排泄性尿路造影又称为静脉肾盂造影(IVP),是一种应用水溶性含碘造影剂对泌尿器官进行连续性造影增强的X线检查方法,临床广泛用于宠物泌尿道结石、肾及膀胱炎、泌尿道肿物等疾病的诊断。而在犬排泄性尿路造影检查过程中,有效减缓或阻  相似文献   

小型犬脊髓穿刺技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 30只小型犬 (京叭 2 8只 ,杂种小型犬 2只 )进行了不同部位的脊髓穿刺。以穿刺技术的难度、造影的效果比较、脑脊液 (CSF)压力的测定和 CSF的分析结果为判断标准 ,得出如下结论 :进行 CSF收集或者测量 CSF压力时的穿刺部位 ,应选择在小脑延髓池处 ;怀疑颈部或前胸部脊髓有病变时 ,应在小脑延髓池处进行脊髓穿刺造影 ;怀疑为胸腰椎脊髓有病变时 ,脊髓造影应选择在腰椎 L 5~ 6之间 ,L 6~ 7也可以作为一种选择部位 ;穿刺过程中试验犬可以俯卧操作。另外 ,对穿刺器械的选择和使用也进行了分析  相似文献   

椎间盘疾病又称椎间盘突(脱)出,是指椎间盘变性、纤维环破裂、髓核向背侧突(脱)出压迫背侧脊髓而引起一系列症状.临床上以疼痛、共济失调、麻木、运动障碍或感觉运动的麻痹为特征.多见于体型小、年龄大的软骨营养障碍类犬,非软骨营养障碍类犬也可发生.本病发生部位主要于胸腰段脊髓,发病率占85%;其次为颈椎,占15%.  相似文献   

<正>椎间盘突出是椎间盘变性,纤维环破裂,髓核向背侧突出压迫脊髓而引起的运动障碍的一种脊椎疾病。椎间盘有以下3部分组成:纤维环、髓核和软骨终板。椎间盘突出按照突出类型,分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型按照发病部位分为,颈椎间盘突出,胸椎间盘突出腰荐椎间盘突出。  相似文献   

Iohexol, a water soluble non-ionic contrast agent, was evaluated for myelography in the horse. Both 300 and 350 mg iodine/ml iohexol gave diagnostic cervical myelograms. Pathological changes were limited to extradural oedema and an increase in the number of white blood cells and specific gravity in the cerebrospinal fluid two days after myelography. This increase in white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid was, however, much less than that recorded by other authors using metrizamide and iopamidol contrast media. These findings indicate that iohexol is a less irritant myelographic contrast agent than those previously evaluated in the horse.  相似文献   

Metrizamide is a new water-soluble contrast medium possessing unique properties, one of which is that even in an isotonic solution it has a radiographic density sufficient for a diagnostic myelogram. Whereas in the past myelography with water-soluble preparations invariably entailed lumbar injections, which are technically difficult in dogs, the fact that isotonic metrizamide causes so little tissue irritation has made it possible to inject the contrast solution into the cisterna magna. The author has compared metrizamide myelograms obtained with both cisternal and lumbar injections. Myelography with a cisternal injection is preferable for demonstrating cervical cord compressions and also in cases in which it is desirable to obtain myelographic information on both the cervical and the thoraco-lumbar areas. If, on the other hand, it is necessary to determine exactly the extent of a thoraco-lumbar compression before decompressive laminectomy, the contrast should be injected in the lumbar region in such an amount and at a pressure high enough to ensure that the contrast is forced past the site of the compression. The safety of metrizamide will probably enable a better prognosis following surgery than was previously possible.  相似文献   

Tne use of the contrast agent meglumine iocannate+ + Dimer X. May & Baker Ltd., Dagenham, Essex, England. 60% for myelography in 31 dogs (25 clinical cases and 6 experimental dogs)is described.

In the experimental dogs, there was a transient rise in both blood pressure and cerebrospinal fluid pressure after injection of Dimer X into the lumbar subarachnoid space, but dilution of the medium, or the addition of lignocaine, were not considered necessary. In 24 of the 25 clinical cases, the lumbar transpinal technique for myelography was used. A 5ml, or 3 ml (for dogs under15 kg), dose of Dimer X was administered and the contrast column moved to the expected site of the lesion by inclining the dog. Ten of the 25 clinical cases showed adverse side-effects after myelography and diazepam (Valium 10 — Roche) was administered to control them. In 7 of the 10 dogs that showed side-effects, the contrast medium had reached the upper cervical, or cranial, subarachnoid space.

Dimer X provided excellent radiographic contrast and diagnostic myelograms in all clinical cases. It was concluded that it was a suitable contrast agent for thoracolumbar myelography. In the absence of a suitable alternative for cervical myelography, it can be used, but side-effects must be expected and control measures taken.  相似文献   

Metrizamide myelographic examinations were performed on five normal cats using sequential cisternal and lumbar injections at weekly intervals to determine the dose of contrast medium required, adverse effects, and quality of the myelographic study. The normal myelographic appearance in the cat is described. All spinal cords were examined histopathologically after the termination of the study, and variable mild lesions were found. Doses of 0.2 ml/kg, 0.35 ml/kg, and 0.4 ml/kg metrizantide, respectively, for lumbar, thoracolumbar, and complete spinal studies are recommended when performing lumbar injection. Recommended doses using cisternal injection for cervical, cervicothoracic, and complete spinal studies are 0.2, 0.45, and 0.5 ml/kg, respectively. Subjectively, lumbar injection produced higher-quality thoracolumbar myelograms and cisternal injection produced higher-quality cervical studies. Clinical complications during the study included one seizure following cisternal myelography and mild neurologic deficits in all cats, which resolved within 36–48 hours.  相似文献   

During this investigation, the use of iohexol was compared with iotrolan for canine cisternal myelography. Iohexol and iotrolan myelography was done in 6 dogs by cisternal puncture with a 6-week interval between both procedures; each dog served as its own control. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected for baseline analysis from each dog immediately before the contrast agent was injected. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were obtained at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days after injection of each contrast medium for cytologic and chemical analysis. Total CSF leucocyte count and glucose concentration did not change significantly in comparison with baseline data in any of the samples. After the injection of iohexol, protein concentration increased significantly in the 24-hour sample, and lactate dehydrogenase activity increased significantly in the 3-day sample. Significant difference was not found between the different samples collected at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days, compared with both contrast media. None of the dogs had seizure activity during a 5-hour postmyelographic observation period. Pathologic changes were not found by gross or microscopic examination of the spinal cord. Although a degradation in time of radiographic quality of all myelograms took place, the average radiographic score decreased more rapidly with iohexol. The average score at 90 minutes with iotrolan was comparable with the score at 45 minutes with iohexol, and the average score at 150 minutes with iotrolan was better than the score at 90 minutes with iohexol. At 5 and 10 minutes after cisternal injection, no significant difference was observable between the myelograms, but from 45 minutes onward, myelograms with iotrolan were superior.  相似文献   

The results of a prospective study to compare the plain radiographic and lumbar myelographic findings with the surgical findings in 70 cases of suspected thoracolumbar disc protrusion in the dog are reported. The aim was to assess the relative accuracy of disc lesion localisation using plain and contrast radiography. From the plain radiographs, the affected disc space was correctly identified in 40 cases (57.1 per cent), and incor- rectly identified in seven. More than one site was identified in 11; in eight of these dogs, the affect- ed disc space was strongly suspected. It was not possible to identify an affected disc in 12 cases. The site of disc protrusion was accurately identified by myelography in 60 dogs (85.7 per cent). In four dogs, myelography was helpful in identifying an adjacent disc and, in a further two, cord swelling was found at surgery. In one dog, neither disc material nor cord swelling was identified. Three myelograms were non-diagnostic.  相似文献   

In search of a safer myelographic technique, we performed myelography via the lumbosacral intervertebral space. Eight dogs, in which the backflow of cerebrospinal fluid was observed, received contrast media via the lumbosacral intervertebral space. The subarachnoid contrast columns were successfully observed in 6 dogs. During and after examination, no physiological changes or neurological signs were observed. We recommend that the lumbosacral intervertebral space be selected first before implementing the conventional lumbar myelography.  相似文献   

Medical records of 66 dogs that had undergone myelography, using iohexol (240 mg of iodine/ml, 0.3 to 0.5 ml/kg of body weight) during a 2-year period, were reviewed. In 3 dogs, myelography was performed twice during different anesthetic procedures. Neurologic abnormalities were more pronounced the day after myelography in dogs with caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy (P less than 0.01), meningitis (P less than 0.01), or extradural tumors (P less than 0.05). Neither anesthetic regimen nor duration of anesthesia significantly affected the frequency of complications. Seizures occurred after myelography in 6 dogs, and 1 dog had seizures after each of 2 myelographic procedures. The frequency of seizures was significantly greater in male Doberman Pinschers afflicted with caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy. Male dogs (P less than 0.01) and Doberman Pinschers (P less than 0.001) had higher prevalence of seizures. Caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy was associated with higher prevalence of seizures, compared with all other diagnoses (P less than 0.001). Seizures were significantly more prevalent when body weight was greater than or equal to 29 kg (P less than 0.001), when greater than or equal to 2 injections of contrast medium were administered (P less than 0.016), or when 2 injections of contrast medium were given at the cisterna magna (P less than 0.015). The 10% prevalence of seizures after myelography with iohexol in the study reported here is greater than in previous reports, but is lower than that reported after myelography using metrizamide.  相似文献   

Cervical intervertebral disc protrusion in two horses   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Two horses with ataxia of all four limbs were found to have cervical intervertebral disc protrusion. Severe pelvic limb ataxia, proprioceptive deficits and spasticity were present in both horses with similar but less severe signs in the thoracic limbs. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis was within normal limits. Metrizamide myelography allowed definitive diagnosis in one case when a compression of the spinal cord was demonstrated at the level of the second intervertebral space. In the second case, an intervertebral disc protrusion between cervical vertebrae 6 and 7 was found at necropsy. Fiber degeneration with poor myelin staining characterized the spinal cords histologically.  相似文献   

Standing myelography in the horse has been previously described. In that study, metrizamide was used and significant complications were reported. In recent years, the introduction of less-toxic nonionic contrast media has reduced the incidence of complications. This study was undertaken to determine whether standing myelography using a nonionic contrast medium could provide a diagnostic study and be performed safely in the equine patient. Standing myelography was performed in eight horses. The contrast medium used was iohexol. In five horses a myelogram of diagnostic quality was achieved; in one horse contrast flowed only to the level of C6 and in two horses contrast medium did not reach the cervical subarachnoid space. Owing to the difficulty in achieving good flow of the contrast medium in some horses, this procedure may be of limited utility. However, if puncture of the lumbosacral subarachnoid space can be achieved easily and quickly, standing myelography may be a clinically useful procedure. It may be attempted in cases in which the economic value of the patient makes myelography under general anesthesia impractical. In patients presenting for evaluation of ataxia it may be possible to perform a standing myelogram at the time of CSF sample collection from the lumbosacral space.  相似文献   

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