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通过国家对黑龙江省林木种苗建设的投入,极大地改善了种苗基地的基础设施现状,完善了生产设备,改变了生产条件,提高了经营管理水平,增强了种子的繁、采、调、控、贮,苗木的育、管、起、运、栽等作业机械化程度,加快了实现种苗生产基地化、质量标准化、造林良种化步伐。  相似文献   

壶瓶山国家级自然保护区初步评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对保护区进行了初步评价,介绍了保护区的资源状况,选取自然性、多样性、稀有性、脆弱性、典型性、面积适宜性、科研价值等指标评价了保护区自然生态质量,阐述了保护区的生态、社会、经济效益,讨论了保护区的管理现状以及存在问题,提出了加快壶瓶山保护区建设的重要意义。  相似文献   

2006年底至2007年年初,轮台县发生了大面积的冻害,2007年底至2008年年初再次导致杏大面积的冻害,轮台县最低气温达到了-26.5℃,对花、果、产量、品质等造成了相当大的影响。我们对杏树的冻害状况进行了跟踪调查,对杏树的花芽、坐果率、树体、枝条的冻害状况进行了设点观察,详细了解了杏树花芽、树体、枝条的冻害状况,并制定了防治措施。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我省林业系统通过内引外联、上下联动,实施了外国政府、国际组织和民间机构的贷款/赠款造林项目、保护项目以及技术援助项目。项目的实施推进了我省林业国际化进程,增加了林业建设的投资,在植被恢复、森林资源和生物多样性保护等方面起到了积极作用,更重要的是引进了国际先进的理念、技术和机制,实现了林业科技、人才、管理、资金的国际合作与交流。  相似文献   

补乐平  曾娟  时瑛 《绿色科技》2015,(1):203-204
分析了南岭民爆公司芷江分公司的清洁生产环境监测验收工作,从清洁生产的工艺、废水、废气、固废、噪声排放等方面出发,论述了污染物产生、治理、排放、监测等情况,得出了监测分析结论,提出了对该公司清洁生产验收的对策建议。  相似文献   

柯琳 《广东园林》2011,33(2):81-84
春回大地,万物复苏。春天来了,带来了喜悦,带来了陶醉,更带来了大自然的美妙。火红的木棉,艳丽的杜娟,紫色的、白色的、粉色的紫荆……把花城广州的城市出入口、道路、天桥、公园等装扮得姹紫嫣红,美不胜收。二沙岛、麓湖路、流花路、解放路等道路边五彩缤纷的鲜花争芳吐艳,花香扑鼻,满目的花花世界  相似文献   

春天到了,春天到了,冬转身走了。声音是清脆的,气息是甜纯的,眼花缭乱的绿,印在了大地的每一个角落。田野、山川、小河、树木,乍现在这早春的温暖里,渐渐地、渐渐地复苏。融化了的雪山,又一次开  相似文献   

许冉 《国土绿化》2018,(5):56-56
4月17日上午,春风和煦,阳光灿烂,天津市武清区林业局、农发行武清支行联合举办了"银政携手同行、播种绿色希望"的党员志愿植绿护绿活动。两个单位的主要负责同志、党员志愿者、入党积极分子、共青团员相约于郊外,一同参加了植树活动,植下了一片"友谊林"。活动现场,志愿者们在专业人员的指导下进行了树木涂白、培土、苗木扶正、浇水等工作,宣传并学习了植绿护绿知识。  相似文献   

为了研究农家肥、菌渣、缓释肥3种基肥对李子品质和产量的影响,对李王、黑琥珀、安哥诺进行了施肥试验,研究结果表明,农家肥对于改善李王、黑琥珀、安哥诺的果实硬度、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可滴定酸均有显著效果,与对照相比,果实硬度分别提高了28.86%、44.41%、34.88%,可溶性固形物分别提高了26.69%、22.24%、15.04%,可溶性糖含量分别提高了42.79%、20.36%、26.39%,可滴定酸含量分别降低了31.45%、15.28%、19.84%。3个品种菌渣处理果实维生素C的含量分别比对照提高了28.09%、17.95%、26.80%,单果重分别为93.37g、112.20g、89.83g,比对照增长了15.74%、31.84%、16.10%,与其他处理均存在显著差异。施用缓释肥提高了3个李品种的产量,分别为58.38kg、58.68kg、47.12kg,比对照分别提高了39.20%、29.71%、34.67%,与其他处理存在极显著差异。  相似文献   

该文以考古和文献记载为依据,总结了怀来葡萄的发展历史,对葡萄种植、分布、产业规模、酒庄发展、品牌建设和产业贡献的现状进行了系统分析,并对光、温、湿气候条件进行了认真梳理,对土壤环境进行了评价。在此基础上,分析了气候、土壤环境对葡萄外观及内在理化性状的影响,为怀来葡萄产区生产优质鲜食和酿酒葡萄生产提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Gummosis is the most serious disease of mango all around the world,which is becoming epidemic in different regions of these countries,can infect almost all the commercial and indigenous varieties of mango,and has been regarded as a new serious threat of mango trees at an alarming ratio.This article reviewed causal organisms,current status,future prospects,and management practices of mango gummosis disease.  相似文献   

红河流域芒果产业现状、存在问题与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年6月1~15日对云南红河流域芒果产业发展状况进行了考察,对发展中存在的问题进行探讨,并提出了促进产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of mango (Manifera indica L.) within agroforestry systems in Mangwende, Zimbabwe. Eighty two percent of households had mango trees. Neither the degree of natural woodland depletion nor the wealth status of a household had an influence on mango planting. Most mango trees were planted in the homefields. Mango trees provide fruit, firewood, poles, organic matter for soil amendment, living fence post, shade, soil conservation and cattle feed (the rotting fruits). Wealthy and poor households managed mango trees in the same way. Trees were pruned primarily to increase fruit yields and to reduce competition with crops, although prunings were utilised for firewood and poles. The relative importance of different uses of mango trees did not differ among households with different numbers of mango trees or with different wealth status, with fruits universally acknowledged as the most important product. Ninety four percent of households sold mangoes from their farms, but mangoes earned farmers the least income, in comparison with the four most important crops grown in Mangwende. Two thirds of households intercropped mangoes with herbaceous crops. The mangocrop associations were managed to optimise the yields of both crops and mangoes. Mango trees on croplands were widely perceived as having a positive effect on soil fertility and soil moisture and a negative effect on crop yield. About one third of the households used mango litter for soil amelioration, while litter from indigenous woodland was used by most households, especially in gardens.  相似文献   

研究了凯特芒留不同比例结果枝结果与稳产、丰产之间的相关性。结果表明:凯特芒采用以每年50%的结果枝结果的轮换结果技术,能达到丰产、稳产、提高种植效益的目的,同时可有效克服大小年结果现象。  相似文献   

何燕  张平 《热带农业科技》2005,28(1):30-32,36
简述攀枝花市芒果产业化发展现状,分析当前攀枝花芒果产业化发展过程中存在的一系列问题,并探讨今后的发展对策。  相似文献   

A total of 15 years of experimentation period (1995–2010) was divided into two phases. In the first phase (1995–2005), five mango based agri-horticultural models (AHM) viz. Mango + cowpea–toria, mango + cluster bean/okra–toria, mango + sesame–toria, mango + black gram–toria and mango + pigeon pea in addition to sole mango plantation (no intercrop) and in second phase (2005–2010), two mango based AHM (mango + colocasia and mango + turmeric) in addition to sole mango (no intercrop) were studied. The mean maximum cowpea equivalent yield (t ha?1) was harvested from cowpea (1.84) followed by okra (1.21), black gram (1.11), sesame (0.68) and mean minimum with pigeon pea (0.58). The crop yield reduction among the mango based AHM was observed from third year to tenth year. The positive correlation was found between light transmission and intercrops yields amongst all models during both phases. However, the correlation between mango canopy spread and intercrop yields shown negative trends. The yield reduction in intercrops varied from 37.0–52.6 % during first phase and 20.6–23.5 % during second phase of experimentation compared to sole crop. The results revealed that the fruit based AHM were effective in improving fruit yields of the mango. The mean maximum fruit yield of mango (7.02 t ha?1) was harvested with cowpea–toria crop rotation followed by black gram–toria (6.59 t ha?1) and minimum fruit yield (5.76 t ha?1) realized with sole mango tree during first phase (1999–2005). Likewise, mean maximum fruit yield (13.71 t ha?1) from mango tree was obtained in the turmeric block followed by (13.00 t ha?1) in colocasia block and minimum fruit yield with sole mango tree (11.86 t ha?1). All the treatments of AHM recorded higher soil moisture as compared to sole mango plantation during both phases. The moisture retention under different AHM was in the order of cowpea (13.32 cm) > black gram (13.29 cm) > pigeon pea (13.27 cm) > okra (12.42 cm) > sesame (12.17 cm) > sole mango (11.62 cm) during first phase, whereas moisture retention was observed in the order of turmeric (14.20 cm) > colocasia (14.01 cm) > sole mango (12.60 cm) during second phase. The cowpea–toria crop rotation with mango gave maximum benefit: cost ratio followed by okra–toria under rainfed conditions. Besides economic viability of cowpea–toria with mango, this system had improved tree growth as well as fruit yield of mango. In the second phase, mango + turmeric yielded more benefit than mango + colocasia system. In the first phase, the mango + cowpea–toria system improved organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and reduced pH by 49.0, 56.3, 48.6, 58.5 and 11.6 %, respectively as compared to initial values whereas mango + turmeric system increased organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and reduction in pH by 51.0, 45.0, 29.7, 29.0 and 3.4 %, respectively over initial values within soil depths of 0–30 cm during second phased. Mango based AHM is recommended for adoption with selective intercrops up to 15 years of age of mango plantation for multiple outputs and good economic viability without impairing site fertility.  相似文献   

浅谈永德芒果产业现状、问题与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述云南永德芒果的栽培历史和产业现状,分析了目前芒果产业发展中存在的问题,提出促进产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

四川攀枝花市基于本区域芒果专家的研究成果、管理经验和基础知识,应用模仿农业专家进行决策的计算机技术,借助IIS运行平台,使用ASP编程语言结合VBScript编译环境和Access数据库开发建立了攀枝花市芒果农业专家系统,并应用于当地芒果生产。  相似文献   

对因土壤遭受碱害而导致缺铁的芒果植株进行不同铁肥和施肥方法试验,结果表明:施用0.3%硫酸亚铁和0.2%氨基酸铁溶液均能不同程度提高缺铁芒果叶片活性铁和总铁的含量,其效果相近;根系输液,树干高压注射方法增加叶片活性铁﹑总铁含量,其次是树冠喷施法,三者效果都极显著地高于对照。而断根土壤浸施的效果最差,甚至低于对照。  相似文献   

Variations in leaf nitrogen concentration per unit mass (Nm) and per unit area (Na), mass-to-area ratio (Ma), total nonstructural carbohydrates (Ta), and photosynthetic capacity (maximum carboxylation rate, electron transport capacity, rate of phosphate release in triose phosphate utilization and dark respiration rate) were studied within the digitized crowns of two 3-year-old mango trees (Mangifera indica L.) on La Réunion Island. Additional measurements of Nm, Na, Ma, Ta and photosynthetic capacities were performed on young, fully expanded leaves of 11-year-old mango trees. Leaves of similar gap fractions were taken far from and close to developing fruits. Unlike Nm, both Na and Ta were linearly correlated to gap fraction. Similar relationships were found for all leaves whatever their age and origin, except for Ta, for which we found a significant tree effect. Photosynthetic capacity was nonlinearly correlated to Na, and a unique relationship was obtained for all types of leaves. Photosynthetic acclimation to light was mainly driven by changes in Ma, but allocation of total leaf N between the different photosynthetic functions also played a substantial role in acclimation to the lowest irradiances. Leaves close to developing fruits exhibited a higher photosynthetic capacity than other leaves, but similar Ta. Our data suggest that Ta does not control photosynthetic capacity in mango leaves. We used the data to parameterize a biochemically based model of photosynthesis and an empirical stomatal conductance model, allowing accurate predictions of net photosynthesis of leaves in field-grown mango trees.  相似文献   

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