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5种榛属植物的亲和性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对5种榛属植物种间与自交亲和性进行了分析,旨在找出其亲和组合,为杂交育种和生产栽培提供理论依据.利用荧光检测法对榛子授粉和花粉管的行为进行观察,结果显示亲和与不亲和组合在花粉萌发率和花粉管生长情况方面有显著差异;榛子杂交和自交不亲和表现为花粉管因受到胼胝质的阻塞而在花柱表面扭曲,亲和的花粉管进入柱头后很快到达基部;平榛与其它几个种正反交亲和性都很好,而华榛与杂交榛杂交正反交都不亲和.其它各种之间杂交存在不同程度的单侧种间不亲和,平榛与毛榛自交亲和,其它自交不亲和.杂交榛82-11做母本自交与各个种进行杂交田间授粉试验,坐果率调查结果与荧光检测的亲和性结果相一致.  相似文献   

以刺槐属20个优良无性系和1个品种多花刺槐为亲本进行杂交,采用离体培养法比较雄株的花粉活力,并统计各杂交组合的结实率、亲和指数及种子形态等,研究了刺槐属品种自交、种间杂交、种内杂交亲和性及种子特性。结果表明:刺槐花粉活力种间多花刺槐大于普通刺槐,而刺槐不同无性系花粉萌发率近似,刺槐花粉活力在低温下至少能够保持5d;多花刺槐自交不亲和,种内自交不亲和或较小;刺槐种间具有较高的杂交亲和性,22个杂交组合中,鲁刺152×多花刺槐亲和指数最高为2.833,其次是兴刺1×鲁刺68,亲和指数为2.719,杂交组合鲁刺57×兴刺15,亲和指数为2.148。种子饱满度以自然结实的普遍好于杂交的,杂交组合与母本自由授粉之间的种子形态差异不明显,有的几乎没有差异。  相似文献   

采用离体培养法观察平欧杂种榛品种的花粉活力,利用荧光显微技术对平欧杂种榛品种间杂交和自交亲和性进行研究,统计其田间坐果率。结果表明:新鲜采集的花粉活力都很高,品种间花粉活力差异不大;供试品种均表现为自交不亲和,不同品种间存在杂交不亲和。荧光检测结果与坐果率调查结果一致。因此,荧光显微技术检测品种间的亲和性可代替传统坐果率调查方法。  相似文献   

以郁金香品种夜王后和K奈利斯为试材,研究不同处理方法对郁金香自交、杂交不亲和性的影响。结果表明:延期授粉可以克服夜王后和K奈利斯自交不亲和性,蕾期授粉没有效果,GA3能够刺激果实膨大;12种处理中刮柱头处理对克服夜王后与K奈利斯杂交不亲和效果最好,正、反交对夜王后和K奈利斯杂交亲和性影响显著。  相似文献   

通过亲和指数法对菘蓝花期、蕾期自交亲和指数进行了测定,发现花期人工自交授粉平均亲和指数为0.11,花期天然自交授粉平均亲和指数为0.078,而蕾期人工自交授粉平均亲和指数为0.821。以上结果表明,菘蓝具有明显的十字花科植物的花期自交不亲和特性,可用来培育自交不亲和系,蕾期授粉有明显的亲和性,具备了较好的繁殖自交不亲和系原种特性,自交不亲和性作为菘蓝杂种优势利用制种将是一个较有效的育种途径。  相似文献   

松毛虫种间杂交及其遗传规律的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文报道了我国最严重的森林害虫———松毛虫种间杂交试验的研究结果。研究表明,马尾松毛虫(DendrolimuspunctatusWalker)、油松毛虫(DendrolimustabulaeformisTsaietLiu)、赤松毛虫(DendrolimusspectabilisButler)、落叶松毛虫(DendrolimussuperansButler)相互间都可以进行杂交,亲缘关系较近。其中,油松毛虫和赤松毛虫分别与马尾松毛虫进行杂交,无论正交或反交都可以产生有生育力的F1代,F1代自交产生F2代,证明在它们之间不存在生殖隔离。另外,油松毛虫、赤松毛虫和马尾松毛虫分别与落叶松毛虫的种间杂交也能进行,并产生F1代杂种松毛虫,但在人工饲养条件下幼虫死亡率高,经过多年反复试验,均未能完成F2代。另外,还对其形态学特征和染色体进行了初步研究。研究结果表明,赤松毛虫、油松毛虫和马尾松毛虫确系同一物种,但由于长期适应不同的生态环境,相互间的形态及生物学特性已有一定程度的差异,根据动物学命名法的有关规定,我们认为油松毛虫和赤松毛虫应分别定名为马尾松毛虫地理亚种,即油松毛虫(Dendrolimuspunctatust  相似文献   

野百合自交和杂交亲和性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2个不同生态类型的野百合和18个百合栽培品种为试材,采用常规杂交方式,研究野百合的自交和杂交亲和性.结果表明:2种野百合的自交亲和性均较强.蓝田野百合自交亲和性较丹东野百合高.子房长,直径与有胚率反相关,可作为亲和性评价指标.丹东野百合与蓝田野百合的亲和性非常高,丹东野百合与其他百合品种的杂交亲和性非常低,甚至无亲和性.  相似文献   

通过对山东栽植的4种不同杂交组合的鹅掌楸树高、枝下高、胸径和材积生长量及其移栽后的生长量进行调查分析,结果显示,移植及未移植的不杂交组合内和杂交组合间的苗木生长量均存在较大的变异。未移植的以C×美组合内杂交鹅掌楸苗木株间变异最大,A×美组合杂交苗木次之,B×美组合杂交苗木再次,D×美组合杂交苗木株间变异最小。这种差异因素主要来自杂交组合的苗木本身和家系个体差异造成的。在同等条件下,4个杂交组合内、组合间的苗木对移植影响的反应是不一致的。  相似文献   

综述运用杂交授粉试验、蛋白质产物分析、PCR-RFLP技术、DNA序列分析和cDNA克隆等技术确定梨品种自交不亲和基因型研究的技术进展,分析了这些技术在确定梨品种自交不亲和基因型确定方面的优点和不足之处,总结了运用这些技术研究梨自交不亲和性的成果,从基因型的确定和自交不亲和基因的应用角度提出了研究的前景.  相似文献   

研究了紫薇杂交亲和性及杂种优势在种实性状上的表现,结果表明:不同杂交系统间及同一种源内不同杂交组合亲和力不同,授粉结实率应作为亲本选择的重要依据,其中以杂种紫薇做母本、保康紫薇做父本的杂交系统以及杂种紫薇内个体间的杂交具有较高的亲和性,在杂交制种时可加以利用;正反交具有不同亲和性,在杂交时应合理选择父母本;与杂种紫薇和四川紫薇杂交系统(M×S)及杂种紫薇种源内杂交(M×M)相比,杂种紫薇和保康紫薇杂交系统(M×B)平均发芽率提高20%~45%,平均发芽势提高44%~226%,这些都可以看做杂交优势的早期表现形式。  相似文献   

选择黄蝉兰和素花虎头兰作为亲本,采用正反交杂交法进行此两种兰花的杂交育种试验,并在无菌条件下对其所获得的杂交种子进行培养。结果表明:此两种兰花的花粉亲和力较强,其杂交蒴果的结果率为79%~86%,无明显差异,且正反交对两种杂交种子的萌发率没有明显影响;1/2MS 6-BA2.5 mg/L NAA0.5 mg/L适合于此两种兰花杂交种子的初代培养以及原球茎的扩繁。  相似文献   

The present knowledge on birch genetics is reviewed as regards the fields of cytology, crossability within and between species, flowering, plant growth rhythm, tree growth and quality, and hybridization. Incompatibility occurs but can be partly overcome by crossing at low temperature. Species hybridization was more successful when the female parent was of low ploidy. Crosses within one subsection are not more successful than crosses between subsections. Earliness of male and female flowering can be improved by selection. Flowering is probably polygenically inherited. Clinal variation in north‐south direction occurs for growth rhythm characters, the northern provenances show the earliest growth cessation. Long‐distance transfers northwards or southwards result in reduced growth. The ratio between the family and the population variance components varies with type of character studied and the geographic range of the material studied. Long‐distance crosses within a species or between species do not seem to lead to any hybrid vigour. Definite conclusions must await more comprehensive crossing programs.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):287-295
In South Africa, Eucalyptus grandis is an important species due to its fast growth and general suitability of its timber for a range of products. However, E. grandis is susceptible to fungal diseases such as Crysoporthe austroafricana and Coniothyrium sp. cankers in the subtropical region of Zululand and is therefore mainly planted as a parental species in a hybrid combination with E. urophylla in this region. The current strategy is to maintain large breeding populations of both parental species in order to provide improved elite selections for hybrid crosses. In order to develop the best interspecific hybrid breeding strategy for E. grandis, it is important to first determine estimates of genetic parameters of the pure species parents. Estimating the genotype by environment interaction (G×E) is also necessary in proposing the basis for setting up breeding populations and selecting environmentally stable genotypes. With this in mind, two E. grandis full-sib progeny trials were planted in Zululand and one in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands region. The aims of this study were firstly to determine the magnitude of G×E of E. grandis across the three sites; secondly, to estimate the genetic parameters for growth of the E. grandis parents selected for intraspecific crosses; and lastly, to identify the best parents to use for intra- and interspecific crosses in future hybrid breeding programmes. Results of our study indicated that G×E would be practically negligible for growth in Zululand and one group of elite parents can be used for hybrid crosses in this region. In general, growth traits were under low to moderate genetic control, and the variation in additive genetics enabled us to identify E. grandis parents that could be utilised for intraspecific crosses and deliver progeny with genetic gains of 28.4%. Our study also highlighted that a relatively large portion of the genetic variation was explained by dominance genetic variation and a strategy to capture this non-additive variation needs investigation. Although our study achieved the stated aims, it must be kept in mind that E. grandis is mainly used as a hybrid parent with E. urophylla in Zululand. A study to investigate whether the parents with good general combining ability values from our study are also good general combiners in interspecific hybrid combinations with E. urophylla needs to be conducted.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids between eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and Himalayan blue pine (P. wallichiana A. B. Jacks.) were developed in Ontario, Canada, to introduce blister rust (Cronartium ribicola Fisch.) resistance genes to P. strobus. There is concern that introducing blister rust resistance has resulted in reduced cold hardiness of the progeny compared with non-hybridized eastern white pine. To test the efficacy of backcrossing with P. strobus to improve cold hardiness, 1-year-old seedlings from hybrid crosses differing in P. strobus genome composition were artificially freeze-tested. In Experiment 1, unhardened seedlings were allowed to acclimate to progressively lower temperatures in a growth room, whereas in Experiment 2, seedlings were hardened outdoors under natural weather conditions in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. Needle cold injury was determined by calculating relative electrical conductivity based on post-freezing electrolyte leakage. Results indicated that needle fascicles from unhardened seedlings of all genotypes in the greenhouse tolerated -5 degrees C for 3 hours with little or no injury. Cold hardiness increased in parallel with declining growth room minimum temperature over the 7-week period of hardening. Cold hardiness was improved for hybrid crosses with increased Pinus strobus genome composition in Experiment 2, but the results were less conclusive in Experiment 1.  相似文献   

Full-sib families of Pinus sylvestris (L.) from genetically identical parent clones, grown at three geographic locations (64, 59.5, and 56 degrees N), were tested for autumn frost hardiness. At one of the locations (64 degrees N), maternal clones were grown in plots subjected to different site treatments. Progenies raised in a heated greenhouse with additional artificial light were induced to undergo two shoot elongation periods, separated by a period with long nights and non-hardening temperatures, followed by a hardening period. Frost hardiness was tested by exposing seedlings to -17, -19, or -21 degrees C during the hardening period. Progenies produced at the northernmost locality (64 degrees N) were the most hardy. The hardiness ranking among localities and the magnitude of differences in hardiness were in accordance with earlier results obtained from the same crosses that had undergone only one shoot elongation period. Effects of maternal site treatments were significant but small compared with family differences. The growth regimes used in the present study did not eliminate maternal effects induced by geographic location, but maternal effects related to site treatment decreased substantially in relation to family variation when compared with seedlings that had undergone only a single shoot elongation period. The results are discussed in relation to other studies of the same crosses raised under different growth conditions.  相似文献   

[目的]通过尾叶桉与赤桉杂种F1材质性状的遗传参数估算及其分析,为桉树杂交育种材性改良亲本选配和交配设计提供理论依据。[方法]以尾叶桉与赤桉6×6正反析因交配杂种F1测定林为材料,并以相应亲本自由授粉的半同胞子代作对照。9年生时,对各小区的杂种和家系(5株小区,6次重复)选取2株平均木,在胸高1. 3 m处沿南北向钻取木芯,共984个,测定木材基本密度、纤维长、纤维宽和纤维长宽比,利用ASReml-R估算4个材质指标的特殊配合力、杂种优势、父母本单株狭义遗传力、遗传相关和表型相关系数。[结果]表明:尾叶桉与赤桉正反交的杂种木材基本密度优于对照,呈明显的杂种优势;反交组合杂种其木材基本密度优于正交组合杂种,正交组合杂种的纤维特性优于反交组合的;在正交组合杂种中,木材基本密度、纤维长和纤维长宽比的母本效应低于父本效应;而反交组合杂种中,4个材质指标的母本效应均高于父本效应。木材基本密度和纤维特性指标受中至低遗传控制。正反交组合杂种中,除纤维长宽比外,其余3个材质指标的显性效应大于加性效应。对于遗传相关,杂种的木材基本密度与纤维宽呈极显著的负相关,与纤维长宽比呈极显著的正相关,与纤维长呈不显著负相关,纤维长与纤维宽呈显著正相关。对于表型相关,除纤维宽与纤维长宽比呈不显著正相关外,其余性状间均呈极显著正相关。[结论]尾叶桉与赤桉杂种的材质性状遗传差异因亲本和交配方式而异,表明通过种间杂交和正向选择进行材质性状的遗传改良具有潜力。  相似文献   

曹加光 《桉树科技》2006,23(2):38-40
以一次性授粉研究了细叶桉与粗皮桉等其他桉树花粉杂交情况,试验结果表明以细叶桉为母本,粗皮桉为父本的杂交成功率较高,授粉后至采种,成功率在93%以上,细叶桉与粗皮桉,EC18,U6的亲和性较大;与巨桉亲和性一般;与韦93亲和性相对较差。在母株相同的情况下,授粉过程中的人为影响是主要因素,包括操作过失对花蕾、树枝的无意伤害等;授粉后至采种主要受自然环境的影响,包括风、雨等因素。  相似文献   

Eight trees were selected at age eight years from seed in each of 52 full‐sib families of Picea abies and were propagated by rooted cuttings. The parents were both of Norwegian and German origin. Results are presented for the variation in height growth in the progeny test and in the clonal test, for rooting percentages, and for plagiotropic growth. More than 40% of the total variance of rooting percentages is of genetic origin. In the set of crosses between Norwegian and German parents 18% of the clones were classified as plagiotropic, while the same number was 27% in the crosses between Norwegian parents. The plagiotropic growth reduces the correlations between ortets and ramets both at the individual and at the family level. Family information is important in the selection of ortets, and a culling of plagiotropic clones seems necessary to obtain a substantial gain from selection.  相似文献   

Li B  Howe GT  Wu R 《Tree physiology》1998,18(1):29-36
Juvenile growth and bud set phenology were analyzed to study the biological basis of heterosis (hybrid vigor) in interspecific hybrids of Populus tremuloides Michx. (T) and P. tremula L. (Ta). Growth, measured as seedling volume index, was significantly higher for each of the two reciprocal interspecific crosses, T x Ta and Ta x T, than for the T x T intraspecific cross. Broad-sense heritabilities were 2-6 times larger than narrow-sense heritabilities for growth and shoot components in the T x T intraspecific cross, suggesting an important role for dominance or overdominance in aspen growth. Previous genetic analyses have indicated that hybrid vigor may be the result of overdominance at several key loci each with an allele inherited from each of parental species. Internode length and leaf number contributed substantially to the heterosis of stem volume, but their effects on heterosis differed between the T x Ta and Ta x T hybrids. In T x Ta seedlings, heterosis of stem volume was attributed to a high diameter growth rate, whereas in Ta x T seedlings heterosis of stem volume was probably the result of delayed bud set resulting in a longer duration of height growth. In addition to internode number and length and leaf number, other morphological or physiological components might affect heterosis, for example, extended leaf retention.  相似文献   

Two hybrid poplar maternal half-sib families, resulting from controlled crosses of the female parent Populus deltoides 'S9-2' with P. nigra 'Ghoy' and P. trichocarpa 'V24', were grown at three sites: northern Italy, central France and southern England. Juvenile stem growth traits (height, circumference and volume) and sylleptic branchiness (number of branches, density of branches per unit of stem height, percentage of the stem carrying branches and distance of the highest sylleptic branch to the top of the stem) were measured on 1-year-old shoots. Our general objectives were to determine the degree to which the expression of stem growth and syllepsis and the relationships between them are affected by environmental conditions and to evaluate the efficiency of indirect selection for stem growth using branching traits as secondary criteria. The performance of both families differed significantly within and between sites. Pronounced heterosis was observed and highly significant genotype x environment interactions were found for all traits across the sites. Syllepsis showed more marked genetic variation and plasticity than stem growth traits. Relationships between sylleptic branchiness and stem growth depended on environmental conditions. Heritability values at the individual level ranged between 0.09 and 0.59, but genetic gain in stem volume was not significantly improved when selection was based on sylleptic branch characteristics. However, despite strong phenotypic plasticity among sites, genotypic ranking among the sites was relatively stable.  相似文献   

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