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通过检查从南宁市肉联厂收集的918个水牛胆囊、229个黄牛胆囊的病变和其中的虫卵与虫体,证明广西水牛片形吸虫的阳性率为57.24%,黄牛阳性率为52.8%,感染非常严重。调查发现黄牛和水牛在片形吸虫感染后肝脏和胆囊的病理变化表现出很大的差异,黄牛病理损伤轻,肝脏和胆囊中虫体少;水牛则肝脏和胆囊的病理损伤严重,肝脏和胆囊中虫体多。  相似文献   

(一)1963年我们在加兴县的水牛和湖羊、山羊的真胃内发现一种端盘科吸虫,经鉴定为台湾巨盘吸虫(Gigantocotyle formosanum,Fukui,1929),共计解剖水牛6头,感染率5/6,感染度1~24条;黄牛6头,感染率0;湖羊22头,感染率9/22,感染度1~4条;山羊3头,感染率1/3,感染度1条。形态描述:虫体乳白色,有的稍呈粉红色,长度7.1~10.0毫米,宽度4.0~5.3毫米,最  相似文献   

水牛自然感染巨盘腹袋吸虫病的病理形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
17例自然感染巨盘腹袋吸虫的水牛,剖杀前表现消瘦,贫血,下颌水肿;剖杀后可见肝脏肿大,膈面和脏面粗为造福和膜增厚,散在出血点。瘤胃粘膜脱落,有出血斑或出血点,并有大量成虫寄生。真胃有出血点,粘膜脱落。小肠粘膜表面有充血区和出血斑点。  相似文献   

前后盘吸虫病是我市耕牛主要的寄生虫病之一,为前后盘科腹袋属、菲策属及卡妙属等多种前后盘吸虫引起。现将牛前后盘吸虫病35例的症状,综述于后。在35例中,除槐林乡汪庄1头病牛于临诊时死亡,剖检见瘤胃内有大量成虫外,其  相似文献   

对1只急性死亡的幼年欧洲盘羊进行剖检观察,皱胃内可见大量粉白色线虫,采用形态学及分子生物学相结合的方法对虫体进行鉴定,诊断为捻转血矛线虫;对虫体寄生部位的病理学进行观察,在皱胃黏膜间及黏膜固有层内均可见虫体及虫卵。  相似文献   

水牛自然感染巨盘腹袋吸虫(Gastrothylx magnadyscus sp.nov)成虫在扫描电子显微镜下,可见虫体体表具有环行横纹、凹窝和大小不等、形状不一的泡状结构及息肉样圆突,没有小棘。横纹在腹袋口与腹吸盘之间较致密,排列规则,在虫体前端发生不规则的间断,形成息肉样结节。泡状结构多分布在口吸盘周围,为单生,以柄与体壁相连,似水泡状,其表面无纤毛;分布在其它部位的泡状结构多为簇生;体后1/  相似文献   

正山羊前后盘吸虫病是由前后盘科的吸虫所引起的寄生虫病。前后盘吸虫虫体为柱状,呈长椭圆形、梨形或圆锥形,其腹吸盘位于虫体后端,并显著大于口吸盘,因其口、腹吸盘位于虫体两端,似两个口,故又称双口吸虫。前后盘吸虫的幼虫在发育过程中可移行至被感染山羊的皱胃、小肠、胆管和胆囊,影响病羊健康,严重的可导致病羊死亡。1临床症状病羊瘦弱,被毛粗乱,精神沉郁,食欲减退,反刍停止,部分羊卧地不起。患羊眼部有大量分  相似文献   

本试验旨在培育大片形吸虫囊蚴,着重研究大片形吸虫在中间宿主体内的发育过程和临床病理变化.人工培养和孵化大片形吸虫虫卵,用孵化出来的大片形吸虫毛蚴感染中间宿主小土蜗螺,收集大片形吸虫囊蚴,再用囊蚴感染试验小鼠.结果显示,囊蚴经口感染试验小鼠后1周即可在肝脏找到虫体,幼虫可在小鼠体内发育生存7~8周,随着时间的推移和感染囊蚴数量不同,可给小鼠肝脏造成不同程度的病变,甚至造成死亡.剖检小鼠可见肝脏质地脆,颜色发黄,脾脏肿大等严重病理变化.因此,可利用小鼠作为大片形吸虫幼虫感染的试验动物,进行片形吸虫病的早期诊断、免疫预防和治疗等方面的研究.  相似文献   

家猫自然感染吸虫的组织病理学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
观察了家猫长期感染多种吸虫后的组织病理变化。剖检发现,胆管扩张成圆柱形状,胆汁滞积,胆管内壁上皮细胞增生,淋巴细胞浸润,肝细胞不同程度的浊肿。小肠中下段有大小不等的溃疡面和出血点,整段肠道充血、水肿、绒毛和粘膜脱落,其中可见密集成堆的虫体和虫卵。认为猫的上述病变,与长期营养不良及虫体代谢产物的影响有关。  相似文献   

正一、牛前后盘吸虫虫体检查2013年5月,笔者在湖南省洞口镇大正市场检查畜禽产品,发现一个水牛瘤胃中排满了前后盘吸虫,排列整齐,计数约有8966个虫体。为此,笔者安排屠宰商贩,对大正市场以及高沙镇农贸市场的相关产品进行牛肝片吸虫、前后盘吸虫的观察,发现情况立即报告检疫员。而后,共发现前后盘吸虫9例,在瘤胃中前后盘吸虫数处于785和5633之间。加上之前发  相似文献   

Adult feral swine, naturally infected with kidney worms (Stephanurus dentatus) and gastrointestinal nematodes, were divided into two groups of 10 pigs each. One group was treated with fenbendazole (Panacur, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt am. Main) mixed in feed at the rate of 3 mg kg-1 body weight for 3 days. The second group received feed only and was designated as non-treated controls. The animals in both groups were necropsied 3 weeks post-treatment and examined for the presence of live and dead adult kidney worms in the perirenal and ureteral area, ureteral penetration, the presence of kidney worm larvae in the liver, hepatic scars due to kidney worm larval migration, and for liver fibrosis. No live adult kidney worms were found in the perirenal and ureteral areas of treated pigs, and the non-treated pigs harbored an average of 42.8 live worms. No liver kidney worm larvae were found in the livers of treated pigs, and the non-treated pigs averaged 6.7 live larvae. At necropsy, urine samples from 8 of the 10 treated pigs contained no kidney worm eggs, and only 2 eggs were found in samples from each of the remaining 2 pigs in this group. In contrast, urine samples from 8 of the non-treated pigs contained numerous kidney worm eggs. Reductions in ascarid (Ascaris suum) and nodular worm (Oesophagostomum dentatum) egg counts were also observed in treated pigs.  相似文献   

[目的]探究引入广西南宁的尼里-拉菲水牛和摩拉水牛的mtDNA D-loop区遗传多样性与母系起源。[方法]采用PCR扩增、测序及生物信息学方法。[结果]对从广西南宁采集的52个江河型水牛(尼里-拉菲水牛25个,摩拉水牛27个)mtDNA D-loop序列与GenBank下载的20条尼里-拉菲水牛和23条摩拉水牛序列进行联合分析,共检测到112个变异位点,定义42个单倍型,发现摩拉水牛(Hd: 0.934±0.027)与尼里-拉菲水牛的遗传多样性(Hd: 0.929±0.017)都很丰富。NJ系统发育树显示尼里-拉菲水牛和摩拉水牛含有江河型和沼泽型水牛mtDNA支系,表明尼里-拉菲水牛和摩拉水牛引入中国后均与沼泽型水牛进行了杂交,在外貌上很难区分。[结论]引入广西南宁的尼里-拉菲水牛和摩拉水牛与沼泽型水牛存在广泛的血缘混杂现象。  相似文献   

In the present work, we carry out an immunopathological study of the swine ascariosis, under different conditions (control, infection and immunization). Twenty-one Iberian pigs were used and divided in seven groups. Groups 1 and 2 were the uninfected and challenged controls, respectively. Groups 3 and 4 were weakly infected with increasing doses of Ascaris suum eggs and treated with pyrantel (Group 4). Groups 5-7 were immunized with 14, 42 and 97 kDa proteins from the parasite, respectively. Groups 2-7 were challenged with 10,000 infective eggs 7 days before the sacrifice. The focal parasitic granulomata with eosinophils and lymphocytes were the main histopathological lesions in the liver of reinfected pigs, while more marked cellular infiltrate and abundant connective tissue were seen in the livers of immunized animals. There were important deposits of antigens in the livers of immunized and infected pigs. Antigens were mainly located in the connective tissue, with positive staining detection of the somatic larvae antigen, the body wall from the adult worms and the 14-, 42- and 97-kDa proteins. However, cholangiols, biliary ducts and macrophages presented an immunohistochemical positive stain against excretory-secretory and somatic antigens from the larvae and the body fluid antigen from the adult parasite. The detection of A. suum antigens in the liver of infected pigs improves the diagnosis of swine ascariosis. It may be possible to apply these procedures for diagnosis of human ascariosis in liver biopsies since A. suum from swine have been previously used as a substitute for the study of the human parasite Ascaris lumbricoides.  相似文献   

Toxocara canis, the common intestinal nematode of dogs and foxes, is the parasite responsible for human toxocarosis. It has recently been shown that dogs may harbour eggs of the parasite in their fur. To further investigate this claim a population of 100 stray dogs was examined to establish the prevalence and intensity of adult toxocaral worm infection in the intestines and eggs harboured in the hair. A novel method of washing the eggs from the hair was used. Sixty-seven percent of dogs were found to have T. canis eggs on their hair with a mean egg retrieval of nearly 584 eggs per gram from positive dogs. The age of the dog was found to be the only significant factor to influence the prevalence and intensity of eggs, with 95% of all the eggs recovered found on puppies. Thirty-nine percent of dogs were found to have adult T. canis worms in their intestine, although a significantly higher percentage of puppies (80%) were infected with worms than adults (22.5%). Puppies also had more worms per infection than adults and have a strong positive correlation between egg and worms numbers whereas adults did not. These studies show that stray dogs, particularly puppies, potentially harbour considerable numbers of eggs on their hair, at densities far higher than those reported in the soil or the general environment.  相似文献   

Ingestion of eggs of the small fox tapeworm, Echinococcus multilocularis, causes the severe human disease alveolar echinococcosis. Previously, the dynamics of the egg excretion from infected carnivores have been studied only where the host animals have been exposed to a single experimental infection. In nature, foxes are most likely repeatedly infected. To study the effect of repeated exposure, twenty-one foxes were inoculated with a high dose of E. multilocularis protoscoleces three times over a 1-month period. For comparative purposes, three groups of twenty-one foxes were respectively inoculated with low, medium, or high single dose of protoscoleces. For each group, worm number and morphology were analyzed after necropsy of seven foxes at 1, 2, and 4 months after last inoculation. The establishment of intestinal worms was very low in all foxes, and surprisingly, most of the worms did not produce eggs. Although most reproductive structures were detectable, the genital pore and the cirrus pouch often had abnormal enlargements that spread internally, most likely preventing the reproductive function. The reason for this abnormality could not be determined, but the preparation and storage conditions of the inoculated protoscoleces may have contributed to the stunted development. Physical stress of E. multilocularis at the larval stage in rodents may later adversely affect the reproductive success of the adult tapeworm in the carnivore definitive host; as in the present study where a worm establishment in the definitive host was only followed by a neglectable egg production.  相似文献   

The potential of the chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron (DFB) to alter the development of the parasitic nematodes (Ascaris suum and Haemonchus contortus was investigated. DFB given orally (10 mg kg-1 per day for 30 days) to sheep inoculated with H. contortus infective larvae did not prevent the establishment of adults or affect fecal egg output. However, there was a significant (greater than 90%) decrease in the number of infective larvae recovered from fecal cultures derived from lambs harboring H. contortus adults that were treated with DFB. DFB did not affect egg hatching. Oral administration (10 mg kg-1 per day for 20 days) of DFB to swine harboring adult A. suum adults had no effect on the adult worm burden or on egg morphology, but eggs removed from worms obtained from DFB-treated swine contained less chitin than eggs removed from untreated control swine. DFB also inhibited chitin synthesis in vitro in the isolated reproductive tract of A. suum adults. These results indicate that DFB at high doses can inhibit the subsequent development of H. contortus larvae in the feces. Since H. contortus larvae lack chitin, DFB may act on these larvae by a mechanism independent of a direct effect on chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

The influence of daily doses of 0.05–0.1 mg fenbendazole/kg body weight on egg development was tested in twenty-seven lambs artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus plus Trichostrongylus colubriformis or Ostertagia circumcincta, as well as in two additional sheep naturally infected with Nematodirus spp.Atypical eggs were detected before a reduction in the number of eggs. Atypical eggs had blastomeres of different sizes and shapes; knot-like, crater-like or bubble-like. In isolated cases eggs with atypical first larvae were recognizable. Morphologically changed eggs occurred in the reproductive organs of female O. circumcincta worms.None, or only a very small number of third stage larvae, could be cultured from the faeces of treated sheep.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments, 64 jirds, Meriones unguiculatus, were infected with 700 infective larvae of Trichostrongylus colubriformis for the study of several biological parameters of this laboratory host-parasite model. In jirds the third stage larvae of T. colubriformis were shown to reach the fourth larval stage by the Day 6 post-infection (PI). By Day 10 PI, all the worms harvested had reached the immature adult stage. All immature adult stages of T. colubriformis developed to sexually mature adult stage by Day 12 PI when the female worms showed developing eggs in their uteri. Developed eggs were observed in the uteri of females on Days 13 and 14 PI. The first eggs of T. colubriformis appeared in the faeces of jirds on Day 13 PI. The peaks of egg production were recorded between Day 21 and Day 31 PI. Immunosuppression of jirds infected with 700 L3, by administration of dexamethasone from Day 57 to Day 94 PI led to increased faecal egg count when compared to untreated controls. All the worms were located in the small intestine. The jirds of dexamethasone treated group harboured higher number of adult worms than those of the untreated group. The number of adult worms was significantly higher in the first part of the small intestine than in the three other similar parts of the small intestine. The coefficient of correlation between the faecal egg count and worm number on the day of necropsy of jirds ranged between r = 0.58 and r = 0.89. Patent infections in jirds were maintained till the end of experiment on Day 100 PI, indicating that in this host and unlike other laboratory hosts, T. colubriformis is responsible for long lasting infections similar to what happens in domestic ruminants. The results of the present study suggest that the jird is a suitable laboratory model to study various aspects of this host-parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Native cathepsin-L cysteine proteinase (28 kDa) was purified from the excretory secretory products of Fasciola gigantica and was used for sero-diagnosis of F. gigantica infection in buffaloes by Dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Dot-ELISA). The test detected F. gigantica field infection in these animals with a sensitivity of ~ 90%. No specific IgG antibody binding was displayed by sera obtained from 76 buffaloes considered to be Fasciola and other parasite-free by microscopic examination of faeces and necropsy examination of liver, rumen and intestine. Additionally, sera from 156 Fasciola-free buffaloes, yet infected with Gigantocotyle explanatum, Paramphistomum epiclitum, Gastrothylax spp., Strongyloides papillosus and hydatid cyst were all negative, indicating that F. gigantica cathepsin-L cysteine proteinase does not cross-react with these helminth parasites in natural infection of the host. The data indicated that cathepsin-L cysteine proteinase based Dot-ELISA reached ~ 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity with relation to above parasites in the detection of bubaline fasciolosis. The present Dot-ELISA diagnostic assay is relevant to the field diagnosis of F. gigantica infection in buffaloes.  相似文献   

Challenge with an equal mix of drug-resistant and drug-susceptible larvae of Teladorsagia circumcincta resulted in infections in groups of lambs (n = 6) either untreated or given controlled-release capsules, containing either albendazole or ivermectin. Lambs treated with albendazole capsules contained similar numbers of adult worms at necropsy to the other groups but had no detectable faecal egg count. Animals treated with ivermectin capsules had similar worm burdens and faecal egg counts to the control group but the worms had significantly higher numbers of eggs in utero. These results provide evidence for suppression of egg production by both anthelmintic treatments. The observation that albendazole caused a significant reduction in the developmental success of parasite eggs also has implications for the use of faecal egg count as an indicator for pasture contamination with resistant parasites. In two further groups of lambs, either untreated or given albendazole capsules, treatment caused a significant reduction in egg count and adult worm burden of Trichostrongylus colubriformis. No significant effects were observed on in utero egg counts or egg viability and the apparent effect on the number of eggs produced in faeces per adult female was not significant (p = 0.077). There was, therefore, no evidence that albendazole controlled-release capsules caused suppression of egg output in this species.  相似文献   

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