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地稔根际根腐线虫的形态和分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013—2016 年,广东和广西植物线虫种类调查期间,从地稔(Melastoma dodecandnun)根部和根际土壤中分离到一种根腐线虫。经形态学观察、rDNA (LSU D2D3 和 ITS) 序列分析和系统发育分析,将其鉴定为最短尾短体线虫(Pratylenchus brachyurus)。最短尾短体线虫是全球最重要的 11 种根腐线虫之一。地稔是最短尾短体线虫的新寄主。地稔根际线虫类群调查与鉴定,可为地稔线虫病害的发生与控制提供数据基础。  相似文献   

花生短体线虫病的病原鉴定与诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2013年对福建省3个花生产区进行调查,发现成熟的花生荚果果面上出现紫褐至黑色病斑,病斑病健交界处清晰,花生的根和胚栓也出现不同程度的变色坏死症状。同时采集病变样品,从各病组织中分离出大量的短体线虫,其中以花生外壳组织中的线虫最多。该线虫通过形态学特征观察和分子生物学特性比较,鉴定为短尾短体线虫(Pratylenchus brachyurus)。再对短尾短体线虫侵染花生引起的病害症状进行详细描述,并通过接种试验证实短尾短体线虫对中国花生的致病性。  相似文献   

从福建省漳州市云霄县的番石榴变黑腐烂的根组织内分离和鉴定了短尾短体线虫(Pratylenchus brachyurus)。根据光学显微镜和扫描电镜对该线虫进行形态特征观察及形态测量的结果,其鉴别特征为:唇环2个,唇盘椭圆形;唇片6个,包括2个侧唇片和4个近圆形亚中唇片,侧器孔窄圆形、位于唇盘两侧;口针长15.3~19.9 μm,口针基部球圆形;单卵巢直伸,受精囊不明显,后阴子宫囊长度略小于阴门处体宽,阴门位于虫体长度的83%~86%;尾宽圆锥形,腹面环纹16~21条,末端光滑、宽圆。对该线虫rDNA-ITS和28S rDNA-D2D3区进行扩增、测序与比对分析,其序列大小分别为730 bp和779~780 bp,与已登录的短尾短体线虫相应序列的相似度分别为89%~93%和97%~99%,D2D3序列比ITS序列更适于P. brachyurus分子鉴定。根据对病根组织内线虫的分离和染色观察,证实了短尾短体线虫能侵染番石榴根系并引起根表皮产生褐色斑痕和变黑腐烂等症状,这是首次在中国的番石榴上发现该线虫。  相似文献   

香蕉穿孔线虫(Radopholussimilis)[中文又称相似穿孔线虫,隶属于线虫门(Nematoda)],是香蕉、许多花卉及经济作物最危险的专性寄生线虫。目前世界上许多国家和地区将其列为检疫对象。随着国际贸易的日益发展,该线虫传入我国的风险不断加大。该文概述了香蕉穿孔线虫在我国的截获情况;介绍了香蕉穿孔线虫的耐寒性能力、在土壤中的存活力及我国入侵区域的发病现状,指出阻止该检疫性植物线虫的侵入和扩散危害,对于保护我国农业生产安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在福建省发现豆科新品种多年生藤本豆(Lablab sp.)发生严重的根结线虫病,根部可产生巨大根结,根结内组织内可埋生数以百计的雌虫,卵囊产于根结内。通过形态特征及rDNA-ITS区序列扩增比对,藤本豆根结线虫鉴定为南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)。多年生藤本豆受根结线虫为害为首次记述, 也是南方根结线虫新寄主。接种实验结果表明,2龄幼虫主要侵染藤本豆根尖,也可侵染根其他部位,雌虫与卵囊埋生于根结内,卵可直接孵化并在根内直接侵染发育,根结大小发展快,根结坚硬,表面组织不易腐解,雄虫只能在后期根结腐败组织处发现。在环境温度(24~36 ℃),生活史最短为24 d。田间重要杂草空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)根结线虫病发生普遍,形态特征鉴定为南方根结线虫,田间调查及交叉接种实验表明其可能为田间藤本豆根结线虫病的主要侵染来源。  相似文献   

植物寄生线虫是导致马铃薯减产和影响马铃薯品质的原因之一,但目前黑龙江省尚未开展相关研究。自2012年以来,在黑龙江省共调查了14个县(市)的马铃薯种薯田,采集土壤样品107份,初步鉴定出植物寄生线虫8个属,其中针属线虫(Paratylenchus sp.)和螺旋属线虫(Helicotylenchus sp.)为黑龙江省马铃薯种薯田植物寄生线虫的优势种群,并分析了其地理分布特点。在黑龙江省发现短体属线虫,其属于重要农业生产的植物寄生虫。  相似文献   

植物寄生线虫极大地影响着世界的菠萝生产。由于菠萝根系的不再生性,因此根的损害尤为严重,当根系受损后,作物产量明显地减少;宿根作也会受毁,造成了严重的减产。同时,母株所长出的初生根系健康与否,直接影响到吸芽的数量、大小与长势。 世界范围为害的重要的线虫种类有:短尾根腐线虫(Pratylenchus brachyurus)、爪哇根结线虫(Meioidogyne javanica)和肾脏线虫(Rotylenchulus reniformis)。在巴西和象牙海岸共和国,短尾根腐线虫是最重要的种类。在南非,短尾根腐线虫和爪哇根结线虫是优势种。爪哇根结线虫在澳大利亚是一个重要的种类,而在夏威夷则以爪哇根结线虫和肾脏线虫为主要。当然,人们还发现与菠萝根有联系的其他种类的线虫,但这些线虫的致病性还未被证实,且危害性不大。  相似文献   

为明确中国小麦短体线虫的种类及地理分布,对采自中国12个省(市、自治区)的42个小麦短体线虫样品进行了基于mtCOI基因的序列比对和种群系统进化分析。结果表明,所有供试短体线虫mtCOI片段长度为412~432 bp;序列比对及系统进化树分析揭示,小麦短体线虫种类主要有咖啡短体线虫(Pratylenchus coffeae)、落选短体线虫(P.neglectus)和斯克里布纳短体线虫(P.scribneri)3种。落选短体线虫是中国麦区的优势种群,在华东、华中和西北地区都有广泛分布;咖啡短体线虫主要分布在华东地区;斯克里布纳短体线虫分布比较广泛,在安徽、河南、山东、江苏、河北、湖北、陕西、新疆等省(市、自治区)都有零星发生;此外,样品中存在单一种群侵染和复合种群侵染,二者分别占总样品数的76.18%和23.82%;落选短体线虫和斯克里布纳短体线虫的复合侵染相对较为普遍,在山东、河南、江苏和陕西等省发生。  相似文献   

水稻根结线虫病的病原鉴定及其侵染源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 在福建省政和县稻田发现大面积的严重水稻根结线虫病,沟渠内禾本科杂草油芒(Eccoilopus sp.)也遭受根结线虫(Meloidogyne   sp.)的严重侵染。这两种寄主的根结线虫形态特征与拟禾本科根结线虫(Meloidogyne graminicola,Golden and Birchfield,1965)原始描述相符;对根结线虫的rDNA ITS区、28S rDNA D2/D3区进行了扩增、克隆与测序,其序列与GenBank中拟禾本科根结线虫的相似性达99%以上,据此将水稻和油芒上的根结线虫鉴定为拟禾本科根结线虫。通过交叉接种试验和田间调查,证实油芒是水稻根结线虫的重要寄主,为田间水稻根结线虫病的重要侵染源。   相似文献   

稳定大豆孢囊线虫群体变异的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳定大豆孢囊线虫群体变异的对策黑龙江省农业科学院大豆研究所薛庆喜,姚远大豆孢囊线虫是一种两性繁殖的二倍体(2n=18)生物。通过本身群体的寄生性基因进行遗传重组而寄生在寄主上。大豆孢囊线虫有着广泛的寄主,国外报道这种线虫的寄主植物有170多种,但主要...  相似文献   

以辽豆15为材料,采用人工接种的方法,分别测定了不同酸类化合物对大豆胞囊线虫的温室防治效果和对大豆植株生长情况的影响。结果表明:供试化合物中,甲酸和丙酸对大豆胞囊线虫的抑制率相对较高,对线虫的温室防治效果最好;乙酸和乙二酸次之;柠檬酸和苹果酸对线虫的防效较低。乙二酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸对大豆植株的生长抑制作用较小。综合试验结果,确定乙二酸是较为理想的线虫防治药剂。  相似文献   

The fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia acts on populations of the root-knot nematode by parasitizing their eggs before they hatch, preventing the release of juveniles. In this study, the effect of the time at which the fungus is applied to soil infested with the nematode, before transplanting tomato and lettuce seedlings, was evaluated. The reduction of symptoms and the nematode population in the host plant was also evaluated, as well as the fluctuation of the fungus population during the studied period. The seedlings were transplanted at 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 days after incorporation of the inocula of the fungus and the nematode into the soil. The population of P. chlamydosporia, without the presence of plants, increased and reached its maximum 10 days after its incorporation into the soil. At the end of the experiments, the number of colony forming units (CFU) of the fungus in the soil remained high enough to act on the next cycle of crops. For both cultures, the greatest effect on reducing the number of galls and eggs of Meloidogyne javanica was obtained by increasing the contact time of the fungus with the nematode in the soil before transplanting seedlings. In the second run, for both cultures, there was an increase in shoot weight with increasing of incubation time before the transplantation of seedlings.  相似文献   

The existence of races within the species Nacobbus aberrans sensu Sher has been confirmed; however, there is no consensus on a consistent system for race determination. Four plant species previously used as differential hosts in some N. aberrans race tests (tomato, pepper, sugarbeet and potato) were tested for susceptibility to seven nematode populations from Argentina. Plants were inoculated with second-stage juveniles and kept under glasshouse conditions at 21 °C for 90 days. The parameters evaluated (root gall index, egg mass index, and reproduction factor) in different nematode populations and plants showed significant differences. The reproductive fitness of the nematode populations differed among the plants that showed some degree of susceptibility. The results showed that N. aberrans comprises populations differing in host preference. Based on the nematode populations’ behaviour on these hosts, two groups were distinguished: i) populations that multiplied on all hosts, ii) populations that did not multiply on potato. The present work contributes to the analysis of criteria for developing a differential host test.  相似文献   

根结属(Meloidogyne Gǒldi)线虫必须寄生于寄主植物根系并获取所需的全部营养,才能完成其完整的生活史。此种寄生行为会对植物造成一定的伤害,而寄主植物的反应也会对根结线虫产生显著的影响,从而引发线虫的种种高度专化性适应。寄生过程引起的根结线虫与寄主植物之间的一系列互作反应,包括根结线虫对寄主植物的致病现象,寄主植物的感病反应和抗病反应。根结线虫与寄主的关系是在长期进化过程中形成的。  相似文献   

 本研究利用微生物多样性生态平衡原理,研发了生物种衣剂SN101,并进行了田间试验,旨在解决大豆胞囊线虫病问题。采用自主筛选的对线虫有拮抗作用的细菌巨大芽孢杆菌Sneb482、简单芽孢杆菌Sneb545和费氏中华根瘤菌Sneb183菌株进行多菌株复配,通过对大豆种子发芽能力的检测试验,验证种衣剂的复配比例及对寄主植物的安全性。田间试验结果表明生物种衣剂SN101对大豆出苗无影响,对大豆胞囊线虫病的防效(46.51%)显著高于商品种衣剂对照(重茬丹,主要成分为BFA生物制剂20%)和空白对照,对大豆株高、产量亦有明显的促生和增产作用。  相似文献   

Different concentrations of the systemic acquired resistance (SAR) elicitors, salicylic acid (SA), methyl-salicylic acid (MetSA), acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and 2,6-dicholoroisonicotinic acid (INA), were provided to tomato seedlings as root-dip or soil-drench one day before inoculation with the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Nematode infestation was evaluated by counting egg masses/plant (EM), eggs/plant (Pf), and sedentary forms/plant (SF) in treated and untreated plants seven weeks after inoculation. An index of plant fitness (PF) was also calculated to assess the costs of chemically-induced resistance and the possible phytotoxicity of the treatments. SA and ASM were found to be effective elicitors of resistance when applied at suitable concentrations and method of application. Soil-drench with SA and root-dip in ASM were the most effective treatments as they markedly reduced both nematode reproduction (less than 50% that of untreated plants) and infestation (50–70% EM reduction). MetSA was less effective than SA in eliciting resistance because of its negative effects on plant fitness when it was provided as soil-drench. INA did not reduce nematode infestation at any of the non-phytotoxic rates. The reduction of nematode infestation and reproduction by SA applied as soil-drench was potentiated when the soil was enriched with humic acids. Soil-drenching with SA and MetSA were the only treatments that caused a long-lasting induction of plant defences as they inhibited the infestation by the second generation of the nematode.  相似文献   

The use of antagonistic biological agents, such as fungi and bacteria, offers an economical and safe strategy to manage plant–parasitic nematodes in infested fields. The false root-knot nematode, Nacobbus aberrans, is a damaging parasite of many agronomic and horticultural crops in South and North America. The management of this nematode is challenging and often not profitable for farmers. In greenhouse tests, conducted in Argentina, applications of the strain Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 and its isogenic derivative ARQ1 (used as control) at a rate of 108 cfu ml−1 suppressed infection and reproduction of N. aberrans on tomato roots. However, neither of the strains promoted plant root or shoot growth of the treated plants. Root colonization by the bacteria was assessed by specific PCR–RFLP protocols and fluorescence microscopy. The results obtained in this preliminary study were encouraging and showed the potential of P. protegens CHA0 to be used for the management of the false root-knot nematode on tomato.  相似文献   


In recent years, continuing environmental problems associated with the use of nematicides have resulted in a sense of urgency regarding the search for alternative methods of nematode control. Biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes with natural products from plants and animals, and soil organisms are alternative control tactics that are receiving increased interest among nematologists. Natural products include a number of plant parts, by-products, and residues when incorporating into soil, and plant-interculture with other crop plants, crop rotation with non-host or poor host of nematodes, green manuring and other organic manures. Nemato-toxic compounds of the different plants are released through volatilization, exudation, leaching and decomposition. Natural enemies as bio-control agents to nematodes include bacterial and fungal parasites, predatory nematodes and soil invertebrates. The beneficial effects of natural products have been generally considered to be due to direct or indirect stimulation of predators and parasites of nematodes. Very often, when there was a suppression in the nematode population, there was a consequent increase in crop production.  相似文献   

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