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Patentierung in der Pflanzenzüchtung  相似文献   

High quality disease resistant apples are the main breeding objective in the programme at Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil (ACW). Apple scab caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis is still the most important disease in apple production. To ensure the durability of scab resistance we are combining different resistance genes (pyramiding). Moreover, we are incorporating also resistances against powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) and fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Principles and methods of resistance breeding are outlined and pyramiding of resistances is illustrated by analysing crosses between two cultivars carrying different scab resistance genes (Vf and Vh2). Crosses are being analysed applying marker-assisted selection (MAS) to detect plants carrying multiple resistances. Phenotypic screening of seedlings for scab symptoms and MAS results are compared and the observed segregations into resistant and susceptible progenies discussed.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia has a citrus growing area of 16,000?ha. Oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, lemons and limes are the major fruit species. The Najran Valley, located in the South-West of the country, is the most important citrus growing region. Economic, climatic and pedogenic problems – first of all scarcity of water and increasing soil salinity – are the most significant constraints for citrus growing. This article describes the citrus production in the Najran Valley as well as recent activities to secure and improve fruit quality.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Siebenjährige Apfelbäume der Sorten Elstar, Gala, Karmijn de Sonnaville, Pinova und Pilot wurden 2003 von Juni bis September 12-mal mit 400 l/ha CaCl2-Lösungen gesprüht. Kontrollen (Fu) waren Bäume, die nur mit Fungiziden (Discus, Dithane Ultra oder Kumulus) behandelt wurden. Bei den Behandlungen FuCa wurde den Fungiziden CaCl2 (ansteigend von 5–25 g/l) zugegeben. Die Behandlungen FuCaTe enthielten zusätzlich das Netzmittel Plantacare 1200 UP, um die Benetzung der Früchte (Oberflächenspannung 29–30 mN/m) zu verbessern. Die Ca-Konzentrationen in den Kontrollfrüchten (Schale plus 5 mm Fruchtfleisch) variierten von 3,6 (Elstar) bis 9,0 mg/100 mg Frischsubstanz (Pilot). Durch die Fruchtdüngung (FuCa) stiegen die Konzentrationen auf 6,3 bzw. 13,3 mg/100 g Frischsubstanz (FS). Zugabe des Netzmittels (FuCaTe) erhöhte die Ca-Gehalte weiter auf 6,8 bzw. 14,9 mg/100 g FS. Bezogen auf die Behandlung Fu entspricht das einer Erhöhung der Ca-Konzentrationen der Früchte auf 163 bzw. 193%. Der Tensideffekt auf die Ca-Konzentrationen der Früchte wird auf die schnellere Penetration des CaCl2 infolge besserer Benetzung zurückgeführt, da ein Einfluss auf die Retention der Spritzbrühe ausscheidet. Von der applizierten Ca-Dosis in Höhe von 26 kg/ha wurden nur 2,3 kg in den Früchten (50 t/ha) wieder gefunden, was einer Wiederfindungsrate von 8,8% entspricht. Die beobachtete Erhöhung der Ca-Konzentrationen der Früchte durch 12 Spritzungen dürfte in der Nähe des maximal Möglichen liegen, da die Witterungsbedingungen günstig und die Ca-Konzentrationen der Spritzbrühen hoch waren.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Ungarn gibt es ein reges Interesse an intensivem Obstanbau. Der Erfolg dieses Anbaus hängt in sehr großem Maße von den Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Standort, den Sorten-Unterlagen-Kombinationen und dem Anbauverfahren ab.Um die Wirkung wuchsreduzierender Kirschenunterlagen aus ausländischen Züchtungsinstituten unter ungarischen Klimaverhältnissen untersuchen zu können, wurde im Forschungsinstitut für Obst- und Zierpflanzenbau Budapest-Érd ein Vergleichsversuch durchgeführt. Der Versuch wurde mit Cerasus avium C. 2493, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72, Weiroot 154, Weiroot 158, GiSelA 5 und P-HL-A-Unterlagen 1997 in der Versuchsanstalt des Forschungsinstituts für Obst- und Zierpflanzenbau Budapest-Érd aufgepflanzt. Als Kontrolle diente die Sämlingsunterlage Cerasus mahaleb Cema, deren Anteil im ungarischen Süßkirschenanbau bei 70–80% liegt. Die Unterlagen wurden mit drei Süßkirschensorten (Germersdorfi , Linda, Katalin) und mit einer Sauerkirschensorte (Piramis) veredelt.Nach der Wüchsigkeit bis zum Ende des 8. Standjahres konnten die Unterlagen in drei Gruppen eingeteilt werden: starkwüchsige (Cerasus mahaleb Cema, Cerasus avium C. 2493, Weiroot 13), mittelstarkwüchsige (Weiroot 158, Weiroot 154, P-HL-A) und schwachwüchsige Unterlagen (Weiroot 72, Weiroot 53, GiSelA 5). Die stärkste Neigung, Wurzelschosse zu treiben, zeigten Weiroot 13 und Weiroot 154.Während der Untersuchung der generativen Eigenschaften wurde beobachtet, dass es Unterschiede in der Blütezeit der Sorten-Unterlagen-Kombinationen gibt. Auf GiSelA 5 veredelte Sorten blühten 1 oder 2 Tage früher als die Kontrolle. Es gab nur geringe Unterschiede in der Reifezeit der Kombinationen. Den größten Ertrag hatte die Sorte Linda, gefolgt von Katalin, Germersdorfi 3 und Piramis. Der größte Fruchtdurchmesser wurde bei der Süßkirschensorte Germersdorfi 3 gefunden, der größte Anteil an Früchten größer als 26 mm bei den Bäumen auf Weiroot 72 (23%), der geringste Anteil großer Früchte bei den Bäumen auf GiSelA 5. Bei Piramis wurde der größte Fruchtdurchmesser auf Cerasus avium C. 2493 gemessen.  相似文献   

Der Einfluss von Bioabfallkompost, Grüngutkompost und Stallmist (Pferd) auf verschiedene Bodeneigenschaften und das Wachstum von Ligustrum vulgare L. wurde für 3 Jahre auf einem Sandboden mit 3% organischer Substanz untersucht. Der Versuch hatte folgende Faktoren: 200, 400 und 800 dt/ha Stallmist und gleichen Frachten an C entsprechende Mengen Bioabfallkompost und Grüngutkompost sowie keine organische Düngung. Außerdem wurde der Faktor Ausbringungshäufigkeit untersucht: einmal innerhalb von 3 Jahren und 2-mal innerhalb von 3 Jahren, d. h. erneute Ausbringung vor der 2. Aufschulung nach 2 Jahren Kulturzeit.Es gab keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Humusgehalt zwischen den Faktoren und der Kontrolle.  相似文献   

For three years the influence of biowastecompost, greencompost and farmyard manure (horse) on several soil properties and on the growth of Ligustrum vulgare L. were investigated on a sandy soil with about 3% organic matter. The following treatments were carried out: 200, 400 and 800 dt/ha farmyard manure and corresponding amounts of biowastecompost and greencompost to result in equal amounts of applied organic carbon as well as no addition of organic fertilizer. Frequency of application was also investigated: only once within three years and twice within three years, i.e. the organic fertilizers were given again before the second culture of Ligustrum vulgare L. after two years.There were no significant differences in soil organic matter between the treatments and the untreated plots.Already for the 200 dt/ha-treatments the amount of N given with the organic fertilizer was much higher than the uptake of most of the tree nursery plants. The mineralization of N from the biowastecompost and the farmyard manure increased the mineral N-Content of the soil compared to the untreated plots. The mineralization was biggest for the 400 dt/ha treatment. The mineralized N was not taken up by the plants. For the greencompost the mineralization was smaller compared to the untreated plots. Immobilization took place, which was for the 200 and 400 dt/ha treatments in part compensated by the mineralization of N from the organic matter of the soil.Plant growth was slightly increased for the greencompost. This was attributed to lower water tensions during times of high water tensions. The greencompost used in this experiment can be recommended as a good substitute for farmyard manure.  相似文献   

The first business management analyses of fruit farms from the Altes Land (Lower Elbe Valley, Northern Germany) date back to the financial year 1956/57 and were published in 1958 by Prof. A. Löhden in the journal Mitteilungen des Obstbauversuchsringes des Alten Landes e.V. The data compiled by Löhden from the Agrarian Report were used by the Chamber of Agriculture of Hannover to evaluate the book-keeping of those fruit farms which it supported with business development grants. In the early 1980s the fruit advisory services had to implement a comparison of the book-keeping data of fruit farms. This business management advice has been expanded subsequently. At present, some 120 fruit farmers participate at the annual comparison of the Fruit Advisory Service and the Centre of Business Management in Horticulture. The use of this controlling instrument for evaluating key business data will be demonstrated in the current article on the basis of two examples.  相似文献   

M. Blanke 《Erwerbs-Obstbau》2007,49(4):127-139
Structure and light transmission of new translucent (white), black, red and green hailnets mostly of Italian origin were examined with the following results:
  1. Coloured hail nets comprised double twisted longitudinal (parallel to the tree rows) and single transverse high density polyethylene (HDP) fibres of 288?μm to 356?μm diameter.
  2. Black and green-black hail nets contained double black longitudinal fibres. White-translucent, grey or red hail nets contained double longitudinal translucent or red fibres.
  3. Transverse single fibres were black in black, grey and red-black hail nets, soot-impregnated for UV protection, providing strength and durability, but translucent-white, red or green in the other nets and may tear upon overloading, leaving hail net strips parallel to the ridge.
  4. Light was reduced by ca. 7% (PAR) – 20% (UV) by white-translucent, 11% (PAR) – 28% (UV) by red-white, 12% (PAR) – 23% (UV) by green-white, 13% (PAR) by light grey, 15% (PAR) – 26% (UV) by green-black or 16% (PAR) – 23% (UV) by red-black and 18% (PAR) – 29% (UV) by black hail nets measured 50?cm underneath; hail nets transmitted more NIR than PAR/visible light followed by UV with a peak at 375?nm. Light transmission increased by 3% above 500?nm (green) in green and by 2–5% above 570?nm (orange-red) in red hail nets, affecting neither the red?:?far red (666?:?730?nm/R?:?FR) ratio nor the phytochrome system.
  5. The mesh size, i.?e. the distance in between the fibres, varied from translucent (white) hail nets with the largest mesh size of 3?×?9?mm, followed by 3.9?×?6.9 with green-white, 3.3?×?7.7?mm with red-white, 3.5?×?6.5 with green-black nets, 2.8?×?6.9?mm with grey as well as red-black and black hail nets both with the smallest mesh of 2.5–3?×?6.5?mm; these large variations in mesh size between hail nets predominantly influenced their light transmission, which was also affected by the proportion of translucent or black fibres in a hail net. A simple test is proposed to estimate the geometric light transmission without a magnifying glass based on measuring mesh size with a ruler and correcting for fibre strength and proportion of translucent or black fibres.
  6. Fruit colouration of the poorly coloured apple cv. ‘Pinova’ followed this geometric light transmission, while that of the late-ripening, well-coloured cv. ‘Fuji, Kiku 8’ was sufficient and unaffected by hail net colour; fruit yields of the young apple tress were unaffected by net colour.
  7. Black hail nets appear suitable for single-coloured green, or bi-coloured apple varieties with good colouration, or those otherwise susceptible to sunburn in Southern Europe. Crystal hail nets (with their translucent fibres, widest mesh size and largest light transmission), or grey hail nets (with twin translucent longitudinal, single black 0.32?mm strong transverse fibres and 2.5–3.5?mm?×?6–8?mm mesh) appear suitable for apple crops in Northwest-Europe with sunlight deficiency and without risk of sunburn. Red-white nets appear unsuitable due to the greater shading than the translucent fibres and for landscape reasons; their alleged photo-selective effects as reported from Southern Italy, Israel and Chile are interpreted to be due to reversal of photo-inhibition under high light intensities and heat in these regions.
  8. Labelling of hail nets with tear and Langley values for UV durability is suggested.

Hybrids of apple and pear have been bred and described before, however no vital and fertile ones were found which could have been used for pome fruit breeding. Lately, the authors studied the putative hybrid bred by M. Zwintzscher in the eighties at genetic, physiological, and phenotypical levels and found it to be a true hybrid. Unlike other reports on such hybrids, this one allowed breeder H. Schimmelpfeng in the nineties to yield an offspring of five F2 plants from it as maternal plant. The F2 plants are meanwhile flowering and regularly set fruits. Three of the sister F2 lines seem to possess potential as cultivars. These vital and fertile hybrids offer the opportunity to combine various parts of the pear genome with the apple genome by classical breeding, introducing new genetic factors into the latter and enabling breeding with these. With such partial genomes of pear non-host-resistances of pear against specific apple pathogens like apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) or new genes for biosynthesis of aroma compounds could be introduced by crosses. A new project to establish such a F3 generation is presented here.  相似文献   

In the year 2002 the breeding initiative Lower Elbe (Züchtungsinitiative Niederelbe, ZIN) was founded with the aim to establish a private financed breeding program of apple cultivars in North Germany. Members of the breeding initiative are fruit farms, the fruit co-operative Marktgemeinschaft Altes Land and some fruit retailers. Breeding work happens in close cooperation with the nursery firm Carolus (Belgium) and the institutes of fruit growing and nursery of the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück. In the year 2005 selection work in selection step I started. From 2010 12.000 to 14.000 clones will be tested each year. In 2008 the first 24 clones of the selection step II were planted on two locations. Yearly 25 to 50 clones will follow in this selection step. Scientific research projects flank the breeding work.  相似文献   

To the tenth leaf the influence of two planting systems on yield and fruit size of pear cultivars ‘Conference, 202’ and ‘Alexander Lucas’ grafted on the rootstocks Quince A (MA) and Quince C (MC) was investigated. The planting systems “Slender Spindle” (3.25?×?1.25 m) and “Güttinger-V-System” (3.50?×?0.60 m) were compared. The “Güttinger-V-System” led to higher yields than the planting system “Slender Spindle”. In average of both cultivars and rootstocks the difference between the planting systems amounted to 75.9 t/ha from the third to the tenth leaf. To the additional yield of the “Güttinger-V-System” face additional costs for the installation of the orchard and for the formation of crown. Thus the decision for this planting system will be influenced in a high measure from the producer price.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Pomologe Franz Hermann Müschen begann vor 200 Jahren mit der Prüfung und Verbreitung von Obstsorten in Mecklenburg. Er selbst beschrieb ab 1821 über 500 Sorten. Der Sohn Johann Georg Bogislav Müschen setzte das Werk seines Vaters fort und beschrieb 1876 weitere 317 Sorten. Beide betrieben eine konsequente Auslese, förderten lokale Sorten und schufen wesentliche Grundlagen für den Obstanbau in ihrer Heimat. Der Beitrag analysiert das Werk beider aus heutiger Sicht. Es werden auch Hinweise zu Müschens Rosenapfel gegeben. Franz Hermann Müschen wird anlässlich seines 230. Geburtstages am 9. Mai 2004 an seinem Wirkungsort Belitz mit einem 2-tägigen Symposium geehrt.  相似文献   

The investigations should purify whether the temperature during apple storage can be increased by application of 1-MCP to decrease energy consumption and costs. The investigations were carried out over 2 years with the following treatments: Year 1: The apple cultivars ‘Elstar, Elshof’ and ‘Gala, Must’ were investigated. For both cultivars 3 different storage temperatures (1, 2 and 4°C) with and without application of 1-MCP were examined. Each temperature and 1-MCP treatment was investigated both under CA-/ULO-conditions with 1.5% O2 and 2% CO2 and in cold storage with normal atmosphere. Year 2: The apple cultivars ‘Jonagold, Jonica’ und ‘Golden Delicious, Weinsberg’ were investigated. For both cultivars 3 different storage temperatures (1, 2 and 4°C) with and without application of 1-MCP were examined. Each temperature and 1-MCP treatment was investigated both under CA-/ULO-conditions with 1.5% O2 and 3% CO2 and in cold storage with normal atmosphere. The influence of temperature, storage atmosphere and 1-MCP application on fruit firmness, soluble dry matter (sugar) and fruit acid was investigated on 6 dates (September to October in the first year) respectively on 5 dates (October to March) during the storage period. Following results were obtained:
  1. In the first year storage temperature did not influence the content of soluble dry matter of both cultivars. Application of 1-MCP led to a less decomposition of soluble dry matter. In the second year the content of soluble dry matter decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. A clear positive effect of 1-MCP-application was not noticeable. Altogether an increase of storage temperature has no or only a small influence of the content of soluble dry matter. 1-MCP can slow down the decomposition of soluble dry matter.
  2. An increase of storage temperature had no or only a small influence of fruit firmness. With increasing storage temperature fruit firmness decreased slightly.1-MCP application led to a higher fruit firmness, especially during cold storage in normal atmosphere. In both years all cultivars showed a same or higher fruit firmness at 4°C with 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions as at 1°C without 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions.
  3. An increase of storage temperature had no or only a small influence of the content of fruit acid.1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions reduced the decomposition of fruit acid. In both years usually all cultivars showed a same or higher content of fruit acid at 4°C with 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions as at 1°C without 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions.
The results show that an increasing of storage temperature under CA-/ULO-conditions and with 1-MCP application has no negative influence on fruit quality in comparison to fruits which were stored under CA-/ULO-conditions at low temperatures without 1-MCP application.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die im Wachstum begriffene australische Erdbeerindustrie ist geprägt durch optimale Klimabedingungen und einfachen Zugang zu den Ressourcen, hohe Intensivierung und — wie in Kalifornien — hohe Erträge über 30 t/ha. Der Markt ist fast autark, Im- und Exporte frischer Erdbeeren spielen keine Rolle. Mit einem derzeitigen Produktionsvolumen von 40.000 t/Jahr auf ca. 1.300 ha wird eine Ausweitung auf 71.000 t bis zum Jahre 2008 angestrebt. Dies entspricht — bei ca. 20 Mio. Einwohnern Australiens — einer Steigerung des Erdbeerkonsums von 2,0 kg auf ca. 2,7 kg/Kopf und Jahr im Jahr 2008. Der gegenwärtige Erdbeerkonsum in Deutschland liegt bereits bei ca. 2,7 kg/Kopf und Jahr, wobei die Erdbeerimporte von ca. 120.000 t die Eigenproduktion von ca. 100.000 t auf 10.420 ha Anbaufläche — im Gegensatz zu Australien — übersteigen. Die drei australischen Hauptanbaugebiete konzentrieren sich auf Queensland im Nordosten, Perth im Westen und Victoria im Südosten Australiens. Der überwiegend einjährige Anbau erfolgt mit 45.000–66.000 Grünpflanzen/ha als Einzel- oder Doppelreihe in Dammkultur und Mulchfolie mit integriertem Fertigationsschlauch. Nach telefonischem Verkauf erfolgt die Lieferung im Kühl-LKW direkt an die Supermärkte oft weit entfernter Großstädte. Als tagneutrale Erdbeersorten dominieren mit 90% amerikanische Sorten wie Selva, Camarosa und Camino Real aus Kalifornien sowie Sweet Charlie und Festival aus Florida. Interessante Neuzüchtungen aus dem Jahre 2003 sind Rubygem, Sugarbaby, Brighteyes und Harmony aus Queensland als Kurztagssorten. Zusammen mit tagneutralen Sorten aus dem südlichen Züchtungsprogramm in Victoria stieg ihr Marktanteil in den letzten drei Jahren von 8% auf 10%. Primäre Zuchtziele des nördlichen Züchtungsprogramms in Queensland sind Kurztagssorten mit frühem Reifebeginn und hohem Ertrag über 1,2 kg/Pflanze. Das südliche Züchtungsprogramm um Victoria zielt dagegen sowohl auf Kurztagssorten als auch Tagneutralität sowie eine zusätzlich lange Ernteperiode über mindestens 10 Wochen. Während die Zuchtziele der äußeren Fruchtqualität wie Fruchtgröße, Fruchtfestigkeit und Glanz mit denen Deutschlands übereinstimmen, unterscheiden sich die der inneren Fruchtqualität wie süßer Geschmack bei gleichzeitiger Säurearmut und hoher Fruchtfleischfestigkeit.  相似文献   

Due to its abundance of taste and odour compounds the strawberry becomes more and more popular. But what makes the flavour of this fruit so extraordinary? Scientists from the Technische Universität München (TUM) provide an answer. They succeeded in the elucidation of the formation pathway of a key aroma chemical of strawberry fruit on the molecular level.  相似文献   

In 2015 within an initial test for the biological regulation of the White Scale (Diaspididae: Pseudaulacaspis pentagona) in a fruit orchard near house gardens in Pfinztal-Soellingen near Karlsruhe on heavily infested mulberry (Morus nigrum) a predatory gall midge Lestodiplosis diaspidis (Kieffer, 1910) (Nematocera: Cecidomyiidae) has been detected. This is the first record of this beneficial species for Germany. The importance of this gall midge as an antagonist of White Scale should be investigated in further studies.  相似文献   

Molecular diagnostic is frequently a confirmed part in the food microbiological survey of the official food safety control. So the diagnostic tools are used for a fast screening for presence or absence of pathogens or to differentiate the isolates.  相似文献   

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