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本文通过大量数据证实实施催花素对龙眼树催花是有效的,并能获得产量与经济效益,确能起着调节龙眼产期的作用。田间试验还看出施用催花素对不同龙眼品种和同品种在不同季节及施不同的药量均会产生不同效果。水南2号是最易催花的良种。在龙眼盛花期遇33-37℃高温喷施激素6BA等具有保花、保果、增产作用。在龙眼抽出花穗后产生多次冲梢,喷施控梢药,人工摘叶也是有效的。  相似文献   

本文总结了海南万昌二乡园公司芒果场,冬暖年份克服芒果“冲梢”夺年收的关键技术。文中介绍了冬暖条件下,控梢促花,保花保果的主要技术措施;合理修剪整形,培育高产树冠;科学追施养枝肥,促进树体迅速复壮,施用催花剂,促进芒果提早开花结果;根据天然变化,采取相应保花保果措施。  相似文献   

进行了龙眼控梢催花和保花保果技术开发研究,研制出“龙眼四季催花灵”药剂及龙眼控梢催花剂2号。“龙眼四季催花灵”的最佳处理量为树冠每米直径施用140g,土施该药剂10d后叶面喷施本所配制的龙眼控梢催花剂2号,在不同季节、不同气候类型区、不同土壤类型区对不同品种、不同树龄的龙眼进行催花,并配合常规的保花保果等管理技术措施。试验结果表明:小区的开花株率达100%,大田示范区的开花株率达95%以上,平均枝条开花率达74.5%;盛产期果园平均每公顷11.25t以上,每公顷比常规催花技术增产8805kg以上,每公顷新增利润135000多元;且反季节催花的经济效益比正常季节高,每公顷利润增加67.27%。施用广东农科院果树所生产的龙眼控梢促花剂及华南农业大学配制的龙眼控梢催花素1号均无催花作用,与对照一样均不开花。  相似文献   

本文总结了建园改良、栽植、合理施肥、整形修剪、攻梢和控梢促花、保花保果以及病虫害防治等技术措施,从而为提高东魁杨梅的产量和质量提供参考。  相似文献   

提高龙眼重回缩修剪树N,P,K营养水平和抽穗率的技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对树体高大、交叉封行的龙眼树作重回缩修剪;剪后施用多效唑、乙烯利调节生长、控梢促花;测定叶片的N,P,K含量;调查翌年枝梢抽穗率。结果表明:①重回缩修剪对叶片N,P,K水平有明显影响,但对各次梢影响程度不同;②适当施用多效唑及乙烯利对提高重回缩修剪树叶片N,P,K营养水平及枝梢抽穗率有良好作用。  相似文献   

台湾莲雾1998年引入东山县种植,至今二十多年,反季节栽培技术较为成熟。介绍台湾莲雾的气候和土壤条件要求、幼年树管理、成年树管理、产期调整、套袋和病、虫害防治等栽培技术。  相似文献   

根据琯溪蜜柚春梢为结果母枝,尤其是以冠内春梢枝组为主要结果母枝的成花结果特性,探讨调控成花的环刈技术,根据不同立地、树龄、树势、管理等情况进行修剪、环刈应,编成要诀,便于技工、果农记忆和具体操作,并对此要决进行诠释,便于理解和应用。  相似文献   

本场的龙眼品种为石硖,通过科学的管理,从1990年起已连续4年获得高产稳产优质高效。这些技术措施是:重施有机肥,科学搭配化学肥料,提高土壤肥力,疏花疏果,合理修剪,加强管理,培养适时健壮的结果母枝,控冬梢促花芽分化,根外追肥,激素保果壮果及病虫害及时防治。  相似文献   

莲雾盆栽技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍莲雾盆栽的品种要求、苗木繁殖、上盆、栽培管理、产期调节及病虫害防治等方面的经验。  相似文献   

气候反常年份芒果抗灾夺丰收和关键技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了海南万昌二希乡园种养殖业开发公司芒果场在1997年2月-3月气候反常条件下抗灾夺丰收的关键技术措施:一是合理整形修剪,培育丰产树冠;二是科学追施养枝肥,促进树体迅速复壮;三是施用催花剂,促进芒果提早开花结果;四是根据天气变化,采取花保果措施。这些经验为我省大面积栽培芒果抗灾夺丰收、创高产提供了科学依据。可供各地参考。  相似文献   

杨瑞芳 《中国麻业科学》2006,28(6):306-308,335
本研究通过大田试验和统计分析相结合的方法,探讨了苎麻开花结籽对其生长发育及产量和品质的影响,旨在为苎麻控花剂的研究和使用的必要性提供依据。结果表明:雌雄都不去和去雄、去雌、雌雄均去等四个处理在株高、茎粗、皮厚、鲜皮重、原麻产量、鲜皮出麻率、纤维支数等方面均不存在显著性差异,证明开花结籽对苎麻生长和发育、产量及品质没有显著影响。  相似文献   

本研究通过大田试验和统计分析相结合的方法,探讨了苎麻开花结籽对其生长发育及产量和品质的影响,旨在为苎麻控花剂的研究和使用的必要性提供依据。结果表明:雌雄都不去和去雄、去雌、雌雄均去等四个处理在株高、茎粗、皮厚、鲜皮重、原麻产量、鲜皮出麻率、纤维支数等方面均不存在显著性差异,证明开花结籽对苎麻生长和发育、产量及品质没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Summary The shoot system of potato is a configuration of stems with terminal inflorescences. In this review, shoot development is quantified in terms of stem production, while stem development is quantified in terms of leaf and flower primordia production per stem, which are functions of the rates and the durations of primordia initiation. The effect of the position of the stem in the shoot system on number of leaves and flowers per stem is also evaluated. Flowering of individual stems is described by the ‘time to flower primordia initiation’ (expressed in number of leaves produced) and ‘flower production’ (a function of the number and the development of flower primordia). At warmer temperatures and longer daylengths the number of leaves and flower primordia per stem, and the number of stems per shoot increase by prolonging stem production and primordia development. Temperature and photoperiod also affect flower primordia survival by altering assimilate production and partitioning. The photothermal response of the number of leaves per stem is small compared to the response of stem production; at higher temperatures, flower primordia survival becomes the principal factor determining flower production. The similarity of the signals leading to flower primordia initiation and tuberization, and the relation between shoot and tuber growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of three environmental factors on the incidence of arrested floral development (bud abortion) in different potato clones was studied. The first experiment measured flower production in growth chambers when a 12-h photoperiod was extended by 4 h dim light. The second experiment, also in growth chambers, contrasted flower production under night temperatures of 10°C and 20°C (day temperature 30°C, photoperiod 12 h). A third experiment examined bud abortion in plants grown in the greenhouse under shade cloths which reduced incoming irradiance to ca. 50% of normal. Both the longer photoperiod and warmer night temperature promoted flower production, in some of the clones tested, by reducing bud abortion. Reduced irradiance completely suppressed flower development (but not bud formation) in all clones. In all experiments, the number of flowers developing to anthesis was significantly correlated with shoot dry weight, indicating that treatments which promote shoot growth reduce the incidence of bud abortion. Paper No. 854, Department of Vegetable Crops, Cornell University.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1995,44(1):13-24
Water use of barley (Hordeum distichon L.) and triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) grown for the dual purpose of forage plus grain as an alternative to traditional grain monoculture (control) was assessed at Granada, southern Spain, in two experiments during three cropping years.No significant differences in seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) and soil water depletion at maturity were found between production targets, irrespective of genotype, sowing date and year. A more efficient use of autumn and winter rainfall explained the higher water use observed in 1989/90 in early sown barley as compared to the normal sowing date.There were differences in water-use efficiency (WUE) between seasons in response to clipping: in 1987/88, clipping increased WUE in both experiments relative to the control, while it either reduced it (genotype experiment) or did not affect it (sowing system experiment) in the two following seasons. The response of WUE to clipping was a consequence of similar, differential responses between years observed in dry matter and grain production.Weather-crop interactions caused variable drought and crop water-use patterns among years, which affected the different responses to clipping observed among years. In 1987/88, the crops experienced a prolonged drought period that started around clipping, and increased in severity until anthesis, when spring rains improved growth conditions for some weeks. Forage removal decreased water use and reduced plant water deficit, therefore allowing for enhanced growth and increased water use around anthesis. Thus, clipped cereals had higher grain numbers, dry matter and grain yield than the control at harvest. However, the water-use partitioning observed in the clipping-anthesis period of 1987/88 did not occur in following two seasons. This was possibly due to higher soil evaporation losses after forage removal for clipped cereals in 1988/89, and higher water availability in the clipping-anthesis period in 1989/90. Thus, clipping, by reducing the photosynthetic surface after forage removal, yielded less biomass and grain, and resulted in lower WUE, relative to the control.Winter forage production was associated to ET in 1987/88 and 1989/90, and to WUE in 1988/89 and 1989/90, during the crop phases prior to clipping. However, the increases in ET did not imply lower water availability for subsequent crop phases, as it was the result of more efficient use of autumn and winter rainfall.  相似文献   

施肥对失管腰果植株生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005~2007年在海南省东方市新龙镇已失管5a的腰果无性系FL30果园进行施肥管理,开展NPK L9(34)正交设计施肥试验,研究施肥对植株恢复生长和增产效果的影响.结果表明:氮磷钾肥配施明显地促进植株恢复生长和提高腰果产量;初花期和盛花坐果期,氮素是影响腰果产量的重要营养元素,试验第1,2年植株叶片氮素含量与腰果产量分别呈现直线极显著正相关和直线显著正相关;在低氮条件下,施磷钾肥的增产效果不明显.  相似文献   

植物顶端有限生长相关基因与基因编辑育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着劳动力成本的增加,农作物的采收将逐步从人工采收过渡到机械采收,因此培育紧凑、矮化、果实成熟集中、耐密植、适宜机械化操作的新品种已成为作物遗传改良的主要目标。本文重点综述了不同物种FT及其同源基因对植物成花的调控功能,植株顶端的无限生长和有限生长的控制基因及其功能研究进展,以及通过基因编辑促进顶端成花进而导致植株顶端由无限营养生长转变为有限生殖生长,进一步介绍了通过多基因同时编辑的方法推动植物株型改变并培育新品种的成功案例。植株顶端成花和有限生长的特性可以促进果实的统一成熟,为适宜机械化采收的株型育种提供理论支持和实践指导。  相似文献   

Summary A knowledge of the pattern of flowering and seed production is required for the development of large-scale field production of True Potato Seed (TPS). At the highland experimental station of the International Potato Center in Peru, data on flowering and seed production were collected from three cultivars planted at three densities. Main stems in which flowering was delayed ceased shoot growth at an earlier stage and produced fewer inflorescences. Inflorescences produced later had fewer flowers, a lower berry set and yielded less seed. Inflorescences flowering at the same time performed similarly, irrespective of their position on the plant. Increasing plant density resulted in cessation of shoot growth at an earlier stage and concentrated inflorescence and flower production at primary positions of early-flowering shoots. With cvs Renacimiento and Yungay a higher plant density increased the percentage of flowers produced in the first three weeks of the flowering period, but with cv. Atzimba the effect of plant density on the distribution of flower production was off-set by a slower stem development.  相似文献   

In many rainfed regions of Euro-Mediterranean countries, current political and socio-economic developments demand research in alternative production systems to the common cereal grain monoculture. We studied the option of producing forage in winter by growing cereals for dual purpose (forage plus grain) in a Mediterranean environment. The effect of clipping on forage and grain production was assessed between 1987 and 1990 at Granada, southern Spain, in four cereal cultivars, and in one barley cultivar under three sowing systems.Winter forage yield of cereals, all clipped once at the stage of lemma primordia, was highly variable (25 to 311 g m−2 of herbage dry matter), with considerable differences among cultivars, sowing systems and seasons. Treatments that had higher forage production were those of either longer crop duration before clipping date (with higher leaf numbers on the main stem and tiller numbers per plant) or higher plant density. Forage production was not related to grain yield reductions due to winter clipping.Averaged over cultivars, sowing systems and seasons, clipping reduced grain yield by 1%, but yielded some 127 g m−2 of dry matter per season in a period of pasture shortage. Nevertheless, the responses to winter clipping differed among seasons. In 1987/88, clipped cereals produced more dry matter and grain than the control. In contrast, in the last two seasons, clipping reduced dry matter and grain production. Early sowing modified the response to clipping in these last two seasons. Grain yield of early sown barley was not reduced by clipping in 1988/89 and was even increased in 1989/90.The dual-purpose target for cereals could be an alternative to traditional grain monoculture in some Mediterranean environments, provided that adaptations of the traditional crop management to dual purpose, such as the optimization of sowing date and cultivar, are undertaken.  相似文献   

南繁玉米试验地不同除草剂防效比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以"玉洋洋"、"玉临军"、"苞卫"、"随薏打"和"金都尔"5种化学除草剂为试验药剂,以丹玉8479为试材,研究南繁玉米试验田的杂草防治效果。结果表明,不同除草剂间对杂草的防效存在差异性,"玉洋洋"和"随薏打"防效较好,最高值超过90%;"苞卫"和"金都尔"的防效周期较长,达30~35 d。5种除草剂对玉米均相对安全,对收获产量影响也较小。综合防治效果和防控周期考虑,在南繁玉米试验田根据不同需要可以使用"玉洋洋"和"苞卫"2种除草剂。根据海南冬季农田生产的特殊性,施用除草剂时应严格控制剂量并防止漂移,避免对周围瓜菜和后茬作物产生影响。  相似文献   

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