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日本矮紫薇花芽由中上部侧枝和主枝顶芽发育而成,花芽分化从4月末开始至5月末结束,历时30d,包括花序分化和小花分化两个过程,分为形态分化前、开始分化期、花序原基分化期、花蕾分化期、小花花萼分化期、花瓣分化期、雄蕊分化期、雌蕊分化期8个时期,花序和小花分化的顺序分别是离心和向心的.花芽分化与春梢生长有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

金边瑞香花芽形态分化研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
 金边瑞香花芽由顶芽发育而成,花芽分化包括花序分化和小花分化两个过程,分为未分化、开始分化、花序原基分化、小花原基分化、花瓣分化、雄蕊分化和雌蕊分化7个时期,分化的顺序是向心的;分化的临界期为5月中旬,分化时期长达7个月,花芽分化既持续又表现出两个分化高峰,还受温度等因素的影响。  相似文献   

以一品红"金奖"为试材,研究遮光处理下花芽分化的形态发育过程。结果表明:遮光处理24d后一品红开始进行花芽分化,整个花芽分化过程持续约38d,其花芽分化分为花芽未分化期、生长锥伸长期、花序原基和小花原基分化期、花器官分化期4个时期。植株的苞片数与花芽分化进程呈显著相关,苞片数为1~2片,茎尖生长锥处于伸长期;大苞片3~5片,小苞片2~4片,为花序原基和小花原基分化期;大苞片5~8片,小苞片3~5片,为花器官分化期。  相似文献   

以文心兰切花品种‘金辉’为试材,研究了在遮光率分别为60%、70%、80%、90%条件下其生长发育和生理指标的变化情况,分析了切花文心兰生长发育和生理指标与光照条件的关系,以期为筛选适宜光照条件提供参考。结果表明:持续60%遮光率显著降低花序梗长,且在夏季强光照时叶绿素含量显著降低,相对电导率显著上升;持续90%遮光率显著降低茎叶中可溶性糖、还原糖含量,同时假鳞茎长、假鳞茎茎围、开花率、花序长、分叉数及花朵数也显著降低;持续70%遮光率不仅开花率、花序长、分叉数及花朵数最高,且在夏季强光照时可溶性糖、还原糖的累积量最高,利于文心兰切花栽培。  相似文献   

通过对晚香玉切花的抽样调查和田间调查,对单瓣、重瓣2个晚香玉品种的花茎(花葶)长、花序长、花朵数、花形、花色、花瓣大小、采收期、切花整体感、叶和花茎的其他感官指标等进行了对比和评价。利用生物统计和感官判断的方法将晚香玉切花分成三级,其中一级切花标准为:花色纯正、花形完整、香味浓烈、花序丰满,小花数量重瓣品种42朵以上,单瓣品种36朵以上;花茎挺直、粗壮,花茎长度重瓣品种85cm以上,单瓣品种100cm以上;叶鲜绿,有光泽;每扎中切花最长与最短之差不超过1cm。也提出了晚香玉切花的二级和三级标准。  相似文献   

 采用石蜡切片法、扫描电镜以及立体解剖镜观察了红球姜(Zingiber zerurnbet)花芽的形态发生和结构发育过程。研究表明:红球姜花芽分化从4月底开始分化苞片原基至6月中旬心皮原基形成历时约1个多月。其过程可分为9个时期:花序原基分化期、苞片原基分化期、花蕾原基分化期、苞叶原基分化期、花萼原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、雌蕊原基分化期、花药和胚珠分化期。球果状花序分化从最下部的小花开始依次向上进行。  相似文献   

新铁炮百合花芽分化过程的形态学观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 以新铁炮百合‘雷山’(Lilium formolongi‘Raizan’)为试材,利用石蜡切片和扫描电子显微技术,对百合花芽分化的过程进行了形态学观察。结果表明:‘雷山’低温贮藏期间鳞茎内顶端生长点尚未开始花芽分化,栽植后20~30d花芽分化开始进行,并在栽植后50~60d完成花芽分化,整个花芽分化过程约需40d。其分化进程可分为花芽未分化期、花芽分化初期、花序原基和小花原基分化期、花器官分化期、整个花序形成期五个时期。  相似文献   

光周期对秋菊品种‘神马’花芽分化和开花的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 研究了不同光周期处理下秋菊‘神马’花芽分化的进程和生长开花状况。扫描电镜等结果表明, 花序由顶端生长点分化而成, 分为未分化期, 花芽分化起始期, 总苞鳞片分化初期及终期, 小花原基分化初期及终期, 花冠形成初期、中期和后期9个时期。分化顺序是向心的, 由外而内。雌雄蕊的发育与小花花冠分化同时进行。分化进程历时23 d, 其中花序分化与小花分化相比, 历时相对较长。短日处理植株花芽分化和花发育进程整齐均一, 生长正常; 短日加长日处理花芽分化无规律, 开花延迟, 产生畸形花;长日处理不能诱导开花。  相似文献   

1疏花 1.1疏花序 疏花序一定要早,尽早疏去过多、过密和弱的花序,以减少树体的营养消耗,为留下幼果的生长发育提供营养保障。疏花序的时间应在花序刚分离,能疏花蕾时及时进行,宜早不宜迟。疏花序时,先疏去顶头花、腋花芽和小花、弱花,再根据各品种的留果量每隔25-35cm留一花序。大型果留的稀些,距离远些;中型果要适当密些,距离近些。  相似文献   

以白姜花(Hedychium coronarium)二倍体和四倍体切花为试验材料,观察其发育过程中的变化特征。结果表明:以小花花冠管发生弯颈和花瓣开始萎蔫为标志,小花发育进程可划分为6个阶段:苞裂期、初开期、盛开期、弯颈期、初萎期和萎蔫期。小花花冠管弯颈发生早于花瓣衰老,花冠管细胞衰老早于花瓣细胞。四倍体小花花冠管直径极显著大于二倍体,花冠管伸出苞片的比例显著低于二倍体。在瓶插期间,四倍体切花处于净吸水状态的时间比二倍体延长,花茎基部导管的堵塞频率变化较为平稳。四倍体花冠管弯颈发生、花冠管细胞和花瓣细胞的线粒体损伤均晚于二倍体。总体上,小花弯颈发生是白姜花切花衰老开启的标志;白姜花四倍体切花寿命显著长于二倍体,可能与四倍体具有较粗的花冠管、苞片对小花提供较强的支撑作用、花冠管和花瓣细胞的衰老推迟以及花茎具有较强的吸水能力和抗堵塞能力有关。  相似文献   

通过变异系数和聚类分析对黑心金光菊(Rudbeckia hirta L.)花部形态变异进行多样性分析,结果表明:(1)黑心金光菊花部形态性状具有较大程度的变异,其中舌状小花内侧颜色数、花序直径、舌状小花类型数、花心直径、舌状小花长、舌状小花宽、舌状小花长宽比、头状花序类型、舌状小花类型、舌状小花基部朝向(单瓣)、舌状小花边缘卷曲、舌状小花纵向姿态、内侧主要颜色、外侧与内侧颜色比较、分布位置、分布形式等不同性状在不同材料之间表现出了不同程度的多样性,而仅有舌状小花数、舌状小花内轮纵向姿态和次要颜色的变异系数较低。舌状小花龙骨数、舌状小花上表面质地、舌状小花花瓣最宽处横切面形状、舌状小花顶端形状无变异;(2)花部形态变异分析和R聚类分析均表明选取的性状之间变异的相对独立性;(3)通过Q聚类分析将所选变异植株分为A、B、C、D等4类。  相似文献   

Hydrangea (Hydrangea spp.) has two types of florets in an inflorescence. One has decoratively developed sepals and is termed as the decorative floret. The other has plain sepals and is termed as the non-decorative floret. Hydrangea is classified into two types according to its inflorescence: globular (hortensia) and lacecap. In hortensia, the surface of inflorescence is covered with decorative florets. In lacecap, decorative florets are situated around the periphery of the inflorescence. Japanese hydrangea phyllody (JHP) phytoplasma infection often leads to an increase in the number of decorative florets. JHP phytoplasma was inoculated into ten hortensia and five lacecap cultivars by grafting. The ratios of decorative florets to total florets were compared between the JHP phytoplasma-infected and non-infected plants. The infected plants showed lower decorative floret ratios in six hortensia cultivars and higher decorative floret rations in four lacecap cultivars. The composition of inflorescence was investigated using infected and non-infected plants of ‘Midoribanaajisai’ (hortensia cultivar) and ‘Libelle’ (lacecap cultivar). In ‘Libelle’, the lacecap type, an alteration in the lateral non-decorative floret to the decorative floret was observed and considered to be the main cause of increase in the decorative floret ratio.  相似文献   

Flower differentiation in Gladiolus × grandiflorus takes place immediately after initation of all the leaves. The prefloral stage was observed in shoots 3–4 mm long and the shoot apex was floral when the first foliage leaf was half extended.Initiation of individual florets continued up to the 7-leaf stage. Flower development is acropetal and continued up to anthesis of each individual floret.Flower blasting generally starts at the tip of the inflorescence and advances towards the base of the flower stalk. Blasting starts as a stoppage in the growth of the inflorescence, the flower stalk and the leaves on the stalk. Later these organs shrivel. Daughter corms fill early as a consequence of blasting.  相似文献   

从杭白菊(Chrysanthemum morifolium‘Hangbaiju’)中克隆了4个细胞壁松弛和伸展相关的木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶基因,分别命名为CmXTH1、CmXTH2、CmXTH3和CmXTH4,序列分析表明其编码的氨基酸序列N端都含有23~30个氨基酸组成的信号肽区域和保守的催化活性位点DE(I/L)DEFLG以及紧邻的N(R/A)T组成的N端糖基化位点,CmXTH1/2/3的C端均含有4个保守的半胱氨酸残基,CmXTH1/2/3/4蛋白的相似度为66.2%。系统进化分析结果表明,CmXTH1/2/3属于XTH家族Ⅰ组,CmXTH4属于Ⅱ组。实时荧光定量结果表明:(1)菊花CmXTH1/2/3/4在根、茎、叶和花蕾中均有表达。CmXTH1在根中表达量较高,CmXTH2/3在茎中表达量较高,CmXTH4在花蕾中表达量最高。(2)CmXTH1/2/3/4在花序不同部位表达量有差异,CmXTH1/4在舌状花中表达量最高,CmXTH2/3在筒状花中表达量较高。(3)CmXTH1/2/3/4在舌状花不同发育阶段表达量差异显著,CmXTH1/2在盛花期表达量最高,CmXTH3在衰老期表达量最高,CmXTH4在初开期表达量最高。病毒诱导基因沉默结果表明,CmXTH1/2/3/4沉默系的花序直径和舌状花长度与对照相比均有所减小,其中CmXTH4沉默系减小最大,分别减小了25.67%和10.42%,舌状花花瓣表皮细胞与对照相比明显变小,影响了舌状花花瓣的伸长;CmXTH2沉默系的筒状花雄蕊长度和CmXTH4沉默系的花萼直径分别与对照相比显著减小。这表明菊花CmXTH1/2/3/4基因参与了花序的开放,促进了舌状花花瓣的伸长,对于菊花的花序增大具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Light intensity is an important factor affecting the flowering of Gladiolus. Insufficient illumination from sprouting to the 4-leaf stage decreased flowering percentage. However, the inflorescences of those plants which did flower under conditions of low light intensity were normal and developed the full number of florets per spike. Plants at the 4–6 leaf stage were most sensitive to prevailing light conditions. Low light intensity during this period decreased both the percentage of flowering and the number of florets per spike. After this stage only the number of florets per spike was affected by insufficient light.  相似文献   

菊花和除虫菊毛状体的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用扫描电镜和荧光显微镜观测了菊花(Chrysanthemum morifolium)和除虫菊(Pyrethrum cinerariifolium)叶片与花序表面毛状体的类型、分布与密度及其在荧光下的颜色差异。结果表明:菊花和除虫菊表面同时存在形态各异的头状腺毛和T–形非腺毛两类毛状体。头状腺毛主要分布在菊花的叶片两面、管状花花冠外表面和舌状花花冠远轴面,子房表面几乎不存在或很少;而除虫菊除舌状花花冠近轴面外,叶片与花序的其它部位均有分布,且以子房部位密度最高。T–形非腺毛在两者叶片、苞片和花梗表面均有分布,管状花和舌状花表面则没有。紫外光下菊花和除虫菊叶片的头状腺毛均呈蓝色,但在除虫菊管状花顶部和舌状花远轴面还观测到一些浅绿色的头状腺毛,管状花子房表面的头状腺毛因发育阶段的不同而呈现由红到蓝的变化。所有T–形非腺毛在紫外光下均呈蓝色,蓝色荧光下呈黄色。讨论了这些差异与抗虫性之间的关系。  相似文献   

An efficient method of micropropagation was investigated for Ponerorchis graminifolia. Shoot apexes and florets with inflorescence nodes were used as explants for in vitro cultures. A high efficiency of bud formation was observed on half-strength MS medium containing 4.44 μM N6-benzyladenine (BA) and 0.54 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) using florets from upper positions of inflorescences as explants. However, the explants frequently exuded browning compounds into the media during culture. Dark treatment, a countermeasure, decreased exudation of the browning compounds during floret culture. When shoot apexes from dark treated florets were used as an explant material after the floret culture, the dark-pretreated shoot apexes developed 2.2 buds per explant, compared with 1.2 buds per explant from light pretreated shoot apexes, and showed decreased exudation of browning compounds. These results suggest that the most suitable explants for bud formation in P. graminifolia are top florets and shoot apexes derived from the floret culture with dark treatment.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum multicaule is an annual herbaceous ornamental species. The inflorescence is gynomonoecious and consists of bisexual tubular florets and female ray florets. The pistils consist of two stigmas which are of the open type with a hollow stylar canal. At the base of the tubular floret style, the pistil is surrounded by oil gland cells. The anthers are tetrasporangiate and the young anther wall is composed of epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The mature anther wall comprises only thickened endothecium after the release of the pollens. In the tubular florets, simultaneous microsporocyte meiotic cytokinesis results in mostly tetrahedral with a small proportion of decussate tetrads. The mature pollen grain is tricellular. The ovules are unitegmic and tenuinucellate, and the nucellus degenerates during the development of the megasporocyte. The development of the embryo sac follows the Polygonum type. At 4–6 days after blooming, the embryos reached the globular stage, thereafter passing through the heart- and torpedo-shape stages before maturing into the cotyledon embryos. From blooming to seed maturity, it takes about 3–4 weeks under our conditions.  相似文献   


The opening of gladiolus florets was accompanied by a substantial increase in fresh and dry weight and carbohydrate content of the perianth. The principal soluble carbohydrate was fructose, with substantially lower concentrations of glucose and sucrose. Although stored carbohydrate, apparently starch, disappeared during floret opening, its contribution to the total carbohydrate content of the open flower was minor. Removal of basal florets from the freshcut spike substantially reduced the dry weight of the opening upper young buds. During development of the inflorescence it appears that there is a transfer of carbohydrate from the senescing lower florets to those developing acropetally.  相似文献   

菊花舌状花花色测定部位的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对红、黄、白色系典型菊花品种舌状花不同部位和不同花轮之间花色变化规律进行分析,结果表明:舌状小花中间部位花色对于舌状花最具有代表性,头状花序中轮花对整个花序最有代表性。通过对120个不同花色品种的花色测定数据分析发现,舌状花的正面和反面的亮度L*、色相值a*和b*紧密正相关,正面花色变幅大于反面。因此提出用舌状花正面中间部位的测定值定义花色更为准确。对上述120个菊花品种的花色测定值构成的三维散点图进行分析,发现了一些具有珍稀花色的品种,这些品种是培育新奇花色菊花品种的重要资源。  相似文献   

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