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It should be emphasized that the primary function of the computer is information-handling and communication. It remembers who and when and why, organizes the information, and then communicates by reminders, letters, labels, word processing, and statements. The computer becomes a faithful employee, not altogether immune from physical illness but generally ready to work at the flip of a switch. Best of all, the computer never asks for overtime or a percentage of the profits.  相似文献   

Thrombocytopenia (10,000/mm3), with hematochezia and melena, appeared in a dog 8 days after it was given modified-live canine distemper, virus vaccine and persisted for approximately 5 days. Clinical investigation discounted other possible causes of thrombocytopenia; the condition was considered to be associated with vaccination. The problem spontaneously resolved. The appearance of thrombocytopenia after modified-live canine distemper virus vaccination is not unknown and may assume a severe form. This condition may be mistaken for idiopathic thrombocytopenia of immune origin, and in other instances, it may contribute significantly to surgical risk if concurrent coagulation disorders are present. Administration of levamisole HCl may alleviate the decrease in platelet count in affected animals.  相似文献   

雏鸭病毒性肝炎是小鸭的一种高度致死性的鸭肝炎病毒性传染病。特征是发病日龄小、传播快、病程短、死亡率高,本病常给养鸭场造成重大的经济损失,现将诊治体会叙述如下。  相似文献   

Hyperthyroidism associated with thyroid adenoma was diagnosed in a dog. Typical clinical signs of hyperthyroidism were resolved with surgical excision of the adenoma. Hyperthyroidism in dogs usually is associated with thyroid carcinoma, which has a poor prognosis. This case emphasizes the importance of obtaining a histologic diagnosis of thyroid tumors in hyperthyroid dogs before giving a prognosis.  相似文献   

Four years after successful implantation of a pleuroperitoneal shunt in a dog with persistent pleural effusion, signs of lethargy and dyspnea reappeared. Although the shunt was still functional, compartmentalization of the right pleural space eventually isolated a pocket of fluid, causing dyspnea. Symptomatic relief was achieved for at least 11 months by contralateral implantation of a second shunt.  相似文献   

A dog with a myeloproliferative disorder and thrombocytosis had clinical signs that were consistent with a diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia. The dog was treated with aspirin, radioactive phosphorus, and melphalan. Eighteen months after referral, the disorder progressed to chronic granulocytic leukemia, and treatment was switched to hydroxyurea. Fourteen months later, the dog was euthanatized because of uncontrollable atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic osteopathy was diagnosed in a pony that had no antemortem or postmortem evidence of an intrathoracic lesion. With a history of hirsutism in an aged pony, a pituitary adenoma was suspected, and evaluation of plasma cortisol and insulin values and their response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone supported the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 12-week-old kitten with congenital mitral valve dysplasia was shown by ante mortem and post mortem examination to have pneumonia and purulent pleurisy. A Mycoplasma species was isolated from a sample of pleural fluid collected at necropsy. Mycoplasmosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pyothorax in cats.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old cocker spaniel was presented with a three-year history of intermittent haematochezia and a palpable rectal mass. Routine haematological examination revealed a marked mature neutrophilia (86.04 x 10(9) neutrophils/litre). A friable mass in the middle portion of the rectum was detected on colonoscopy. Histopathological examination of mucosal pinch biopsies collected from the mass confirmed a diagnosis of adenomatous tubulopapillary polyp. Some evidence of malignant transformation was observed. Palliative treatment with piroxicam suppositories at a dose of 1.4 mg/kg administered rectally every third day was instituted. On re-evaluation, 47 days after starting medical therapy, the owner reported a significant reduction in haematochezia and tenesmus; however, frequency of defecation had remained unaltered. Routine haematology revealed a reduction in the mature neutrophil count (33.67 x 10(9) neutrophils/litre). This report describes a case of a rectal tumour associated with a neutrophilic leucocytosis, which responded to palliative therapy with piroxicam suppositories.  相似文献   

A 9-week-old puppy with refractory seizures and a dome-shaped head presented to the Mississippi State College of Veterinary Medicine Specialty Center for suspected hydrocephalus. Computerized tomography (CT) findings included transtentorial herniation and an intra-axial mass with dystrophic mineralization. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed an increased nucleated cell count of 1100/μl (RI < 5/μl), erythrocyte count of 2.2 × 106/μl, and markedly increased microprotein of 1939 mg/dl (RI < 30 mg/dl). On cytologic examination of the CSF, numerous erythrophagocytic, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages were observed, which indicated chronic active hemorrhage. Many neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes that contained numerous intracytoplasmic, pleomorphic, bright yellow crystals were observed. Considering the ongoing hemorrhage, the crystals were presumed to be hematoidin. A biopsy with histopathology was performed on the intra-axial mass, and the results were consistent with a vascular hamartoma. We speculate that the formation of these crystals was related to the ongoing hemorrhage associated with the vascular hamartoma. Identification of these crystals may be useful to aid in the identification of chronic hemorrhage associated with vascular malformations or lesions within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

养殖肉用山羊投资少、见效快,不仅能有效地开发利用草山草坡资源,而且能充分利用农闲地、退耕地种植的优质牧草。传统的山羊饲养是以放牧为主,一些地方由于过度放牧,使生态平衡遭到破坏。当前,舍饲养羊已成为养羊户选择的一种饲养模式。一、充分考察当地草料资源筹建规模商品羊场如全部买草养羊,要注意亏损。针对这样的情况,有两条途径可以解决秸秆价格高的问题,一是种植鲁梅克斯、墨西哥玉米、皇竹草等高产牧草,二是大力开展玉米秸秆青贮,70%的饲草用青贮玉米秆代替,但青贮耗料玉米秸秆的价格不得突破0.04元/公斤的收购价。如果建规模种羊…  相似文献   

A 7-year-old male German Shepherd dog in poor body condition had a 3-month history of intermittent hematuria. Nonregenerative anemia, mild leukocytosis, marked hypoalbuminemia, and hematuria were observed. Subsequently, marked neutrophilia and moderate monocytosis were noted; anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hematuria persisted; and the dog developed disseminated intravascular coagulation. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen revealed the presence of an enlarged and irregularly shaped right kidney with a large area of cavitation, and a nephrectomy was performed 30 days after initial examination. Cytologic examination of fine-needle aspirates and imprints of the right kidney revealed a neoplastic cell population suggestive of renal carcinoma. The histopathologic diagnosis was chromophobic cystic-papillary renal carcinoma. The tumor cells expressed granulocytic/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), detected by immunohistochemical staining, and elaboration of GM-CSF by the tumor may have mediated the leukocytosis in this dog. Following excision of the tumor, neutrophil and monocyte counts were only mildly increased. The dog died 135 days after initial presentation, and a necropsy was not permitted. Paraneoplastic neutrophilic leukocytosis is an uncommon finding and may be caused by elaboration of CSF by neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

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