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沙生饲用灌木树种的适应性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
试验对5个沙生灌木树种的引种、生物量、抗旱性、饲料成分及营养价值作了测试和分析,并与乌兰布和沙漠传统饲用灌木、牧草、农副产品饲料进行了比较。结果表明:花棒、梭梭和乔木状沙拐枣不同产地间在高生长、地径生长两个性状上差异显著;乔木状沙拐枣和杨柴的地上生物量低于多枝怪柳(对照)10.69%和18.87%,花棒、梭梭、毛条分别高于对照16.98%、27.04%和2.64%。所选5个树种7项生态生理综合指标反映的抗旱性均高于对照树种二白杨和小叶杨;适于在乌兰布和干旱环境中生长;粗脂肪、租纤维和无氮浸出物高于传统饲料汤、柳、榆树叶;饲料成分及营养价值高于玉米秸和小麦秸;11种氨基酸总含量分别为:毛条12.53%,花棒10.91%,传统饲料多枝栓柳为7.8%,紫花苜蓿1.18%,沙打旺1.24%,玉米秸0.82%,小麦秸1.05%.栽培沙生饲用灌木是沙区发展畜牧业的一条有利途径。  相似文献   

4种灌木树种生物量的估测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了估测4种灌木树种:花棒,毛条,白少蒿,黑沙蒿生物量所采用的2种方法:应用数理化理论(Ⅰ)模型,编制4种灌木树种生物量化表,其相关系数0。77-0。88,剩余标准差0。020-0。337,相对误差4%-14%;建立4种灌木生物量分别对灌高,灌幅的多元回归模型,其复相关系数为0。77-0。97,剩余标准差0。021-0。149,相对误差9%-265。  相似文献   

通过对祁连山干旱山地造林地牧草生物量和灌木造林树种生物量、可食生物量的调查分析得知:通过整地造林后,牧草的生物量都有大幅度的提高,其平均产草量为未整地的荒草坡的1.56~2.49倍。E、W坡向在封育措施下的产草量是半封育的1.82和1.67倍,是未封育条件下的2.22和2.14倍。饲料灌木树种的可食量枝叶远远高于纯草场的产草量,其可食生物量为纯草场的2.04~3.11倍;饲料灌木林地的地上部分生物量为草本植物的5.30~7.60倍。并根据饲料灌木树种的营养成分分析结果,论述了草场发展灌木饲料林的价值。由此说明,在祁连山区逐步发展饲料灌木林,建立立体草场是草场生态建设的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

经过对乌兰布和沙漠东缘不同沙丘部位灌木树种的生长状况,固沙效益等进行调查分析,结果表明:花棒、梭梭、沙拐枣、油蒿、杨柴是该地区固沙着选植物种,固沙效益良好,但在不同沙丘部位其生长状况不同,应采用不同的配置方式。  相似文献   

防风固沙林优化模式的树种选择及其配置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在灌溉条件下建立的人工防护林不但具有较高的生态效益而且具有可观的经济效益。研究表明:花棒(HedySarumscoparum)、梭梭(Haxylonammodendron)、沙拐枣(Calligonummonglicum)为沙丘最佳造林树种。配置方式以沙拐枣与梭梭隔行混交和花棒、沙拐枣与梭梭隔行混交两种混交方式为宜,株行距为2×3m,沙棘、沙枣、柽柳在丘间低地有较高的生物量和很强的适应性,是丘间低地造林的最佳树种;杨树(Populusgansuensis和P.pyrambalis)、沙枣(Elaeagnusangustifolia)、沙棘、蒙古柳(Tamarixaustromongolica)等为疏透型防护林带的最佳树种;沙枣和柽柳(Tamarixramosissima)为紧密型防护林带的最佳树种,配置方式以隔行混交为宜。  相似文献   

梭梭人工林地上生物量预测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梭梭是荒漠地区分布面积较大、生态效益显著、经济价值较高的植物种。本文选用梭梭的地径D、株高H、冠幅面积G,采用回归分析的方法建立起梭梭地上鲜重生物量的预测模型,用平均拟合率,F检验等方法,从三个预测模型中选出最优的一个预测模型作为梭梭人工林地上鲜重生物量预测模型:W=0.00324D^1.517H^0.836G^1.118该预测模型的拟合率达到80.12%,可用于预测梭梭人工林的地上部生物量,为梭  相似文献   

针对阿拉善盟几种常用沙生灌木种子在不同贮藏条件下对发芽率影响的初步研究,结果表明:梭梭与花棒种子适宜的贮藏温度为0~20℃,小叶锦鸡儿为0~25℃;梭梭的适宜贮藏湿度为10%~30%,花棒和小叶锦鸡儿为10%~40%。在该温度和湿度条件下,种子生理活动较弱,能长期地保持其生活力,发芽率较高。  相似文献   

四种沙生植物的水分生理生态特征及其在固沙造林中的意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
经对梭梭、花棒、乔木状沙拐枣、红皮沙拐枣的水分生理指标测定结果分析,看出:①四种植物的日平均蒸腾速率:梭梭<乔木状沙拐枣<红皮沙拐枣<花棒。②四种植物同化枝日平均水势:梭梭<乔木状沙拐枣<红皮沙拐枣<花棒。③从四种植物抗旱性指标的分析中,反应出它们的抗旱性顺序排列为:梭梭>乔木状沙拐枣>红皮沙拐枣>花棒。  相似文献   

寄生植物肉苁蓉对寄主梭梭生长及生物量的影响研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
在新疆吉木萨尔林木良种试验站肉苁蓉繁育基地,以接种肉苁蓉并采收肉苁蓉种子的寄主梭梭(处理A)和未接种成功的即没有被肉苁蓉寄生的梭梭(CK)为调查对象,分别测定其树高、地径、冠幅、生物量和根系;同时,对处理A和CK以及接种成功但肉苁蓉尚未出土的梭梭(处理B)当年生枝的生长量进行定期连续测定。结果表明:处理A的梭梭树高、地径和冠幅,普遍小于CK,且个体间差异较大;总生物量比CK减少了49.29%,其中当年生枝、2年生以上活枝、主干、根系分别降低了22.6%、9.6%、2.2%、15.6%,但枯枝的生物量却高出1倍之多,表现出衰弱的态势;梭梭被肉苁蓉寄生以后,细根所占比例较高,这可能是梭梭为了维持生存和供给肉苁蓉营养采取的一种生态对策,当年生枝的生长却受到一定程度的抑制。  相似文献   

从不同种源梭梭种子特性、育苗以及生长表现等方面出发,对不同种源梭梭种子千粒质量、发芽率、发芽势及出苗率、保苗率等指标进行了测定,同时对1~2年生梭梭苗木的生长量与生物量进行了观测,研究了不同种源梭梭在种子和苗木生长方面的差异及不同种源梭梭的年生长规律。最后综合各项指标选择出了2个优良的梭梭种源,它们分别为阿拉善右旗种源、民勤种源。  相似文献   

Reduction of shrub cover in Mediterranean shrublands is considered as a method of optimising forage and animal production. In this study, forage production in grazed and protected plots and grazing responses of small ruminants in cleared (25% shrub cover), slashed (34% shrub cover) and not treated (control, 55% shrub cover) kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) shrublands were compared during the spring seasons of 1992, 1993 and 1994. The alterations in shrub density were done in October 1991 and pastures remained ungrazed until spring of 1992. Clearing and slashing of shrub vegetation resulted in higher amounts of available herbaceous forage and useable browse. At the end of the growing season, averaged across years, herbaceous biomass was generally two to three times higher in the treated shrublands than in the control; also, browse biomass was slightly less (1,078 vs 1,533 kg/ha) but easily accessible because of the open structure and the lower height of the sprouting shrubs. There were generally no grazing response differences between the cleared and slashed pastures. However, grazing animals (sheep and goats) had a higher bite rate (bites/min; P 0.05) in the treated pastures than in the control. Levels of crude protein in the forage selected by animals were higher (P 0.05) in the treated pastures than in the control. Animals in the improved pastures maintained diets that were significantly more digestible (53.5%) than those in the control pasture (48.5%). Neutral detergent fibre and lignin contents of animal diets were similar in the improved pastures but lower (P 0.05) than those of the control. It is concluded that removing of woody vegetation in Mediterranean shrublands results in increased forage production (available herbage and useable browse) and improved forage quality and availability for small ruminants.  相似文献   

内蒙古柠条和山杏单株生物量模型研建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的] 针对现有灌木生物量模型存在的分量与总量、地上与地下生物量不相容等问题, 探索利用联立方程组 方法, 建立灌木林相容性生物量模型。[方法] 以内蒙古自治区的2种常见灌木柠条(Caragana korshinskii)和山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)为研究对象, 基于大样本的生物量实测数据, 利用非线性误差变量联立方程组方法, 建立了地上生物量模型及其相容的地下生物量模型和根茎比模型。[结果] 表明:基于植冠面积和丛生枝个数(或植株高度)的地上生物量模型, 其确定系数能达到0.67以上, 但地下生物量模型的确定系数要低些, 其中山杏仅0.36;2种灌木的地上生物量和地下生物量模型的平均预估精度均能达到80%以上, 全株生物量的平均预估精度, 山杏能达到86%以上, 柠条能达到92%以上。[结论] 对于无明显主干的丛生状灌木, 不论是地上生物量还是地下生物量, 植冠面积是首要的相关因子, 其次才是丛生枝个数和植株高度;利用非线性误差变量联立方程组方法, 能有效解决不同生物量之间的相容性问题, 同步建立地上生物量模型及其相容的地下生物量模型和根茎比模型;所建模型完全可用于内蒙古自治区范围内相应灌木林的生物量估计。  相似文献   

The nutritive value of edible forage from Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham (CUNN) and cv. CNIA-250 (CNIA) was determined during the rainy (R) and dry (D) seasons of Cuba without fertilization or irrigation. Forage was supplied ad libitum and the French system of total faeces collection was used for nutritive value determination and expression by using six adult castrated Pelibuey wethers for each determination. There were noticeable differences in the chemical composition and nutritive value between the two cultivars which were also influenced by year season. The highest protein and energy content were found in CNIA and during the rainy season which could also explain its higher forage intake and digestibility, while CUNN expressed higher DM and nutrient yield throughout the year, mainly due to advantages in tree size and morphology (higher ramification and proportion of leaves, and acceptable branch length). Quality and nutritive value results indicated that these Leucaena cultivars have a suitable potential as supplements for sustainable ruminant nutrition strategies during both seasons of the year; CNIA, because of its smaller height, is strongly recommended for agrosilvopastoral small ruminant browsing systems.  相似文献   

Forage value of 10 deciduous woody fodder species during six stages of maturity as well as their acceptance by goats in July and August were studied in Macedonia, northern Greece. The fodder species studies wereAmorpha fruticosa L.,Carpinus orientalis Mill.,Colutea arborescens L.,Corylus avellana L.,Fraxinus ornus L.,Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.,Pyrus amygdaliformis Vill.,Quercus pubescens Willd.,Quercus sessiliflora Salich, andRobinia pseudoacacia L. with two accessions, common and spineless. All these species are integral components of the mediterranean silvo-pastoral systems. Monthly forage samples were collected throughout their growing period (May to November), which coincides with the long dry summer when herbaceous plants are dormant, and analyzed for crude protein content, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), lignin and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD). Comparing the leguminous species (Robinia pseudoacacia, Amorpha fruticosa, Colutea arborescens) with the remaining species, the leguminous one had on average a higher (P0.05) content of crude protein (21.1%, 21.0% and 17.1% vs. 10.5–13.3%, respectively) and higher (P0.05) IVOMD values (58.4%, 56.0% and 60.0% vs. 47.3–52.8, respectively). Moreover, the leguminous species were among species with lower NDF (42.3%, 45.0% and 35.2% vs. 36.0–48.9%, respectively) and lignin content (7.1%, 8.3% and 9.1% vs. 7.6–10.9%). All species showed a significant increase in crude protein when new leaves appeared (May). Most of the fodder species had digestibilities in the higher range (>55% IVOMD) and low NDF content (<53.5%) during the growing season (first five stages). Lignin contents ranged from 5.9% (A. fruticosa, May) to 16.0% (O. carpinifolia, Nov.).Robinia pseudoacacia had the highest relative acceptance index whileAmorpha fruticosa, Colutea arborescens andCorylus avellana the lowest. It is concluded that deciduous woody fodder species may play a significant role as sources of nutrients in the mediterranean silvo-pastoral systems during the summer period of seasonal nutritional shortage.  相似文献   

Shrublands with kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) as a dominant species play an important role in the nutrition of grazing animals in the Mediterranean region during all seasons of the year. Their proper management, however, is inhibited by the lack of easy and inexpensive methods for measuring available forage. In this paper, the spatial distribution of available forage as well as its relationship with shrub cover measured on the ground and in aerial photographs were investigated. The research was conducted in kermes oak shrublands of central Macedonia, Greece. Two-phase sampling was applied by using 1:15,000 aerial photographs to select 47 plots, 0.1 ha each, on an area of 545 ha where shrub cover and available forage (herbage, current year's and total browse) were measured. These measurements were carried out on four shrub cover classes: open (0 to 15%), moderate (16 to 40%), dense (41 to 70%) and very dense (71 to 100%); and three height classes: low (0 to 0.5 m), middle (0.6 to 1.0 m) and tall (1.1 to 1.5 m). High resolution aerial photographs (1:6,000) taken during the year of ground sampling were used to estimate shrub cover and correlate to ground measurement. Estimated cover had a high correlation (r 0.96) with ground measurements in open, moderate and dense shrub stands. The open to dense cover classes had significantly more available forage than the very dense cover class; and the low height class significantly higher than the other two classes. The regression of available forage with shrub cover measured on the ground and on aerial photographs produced non-linear equations with high coefficients of determination (R2 > 0.70) only when shrub height up to 0.5 m irrespective of the cover class was considered. It is concluded that shrub cover measured on aerial photographs can be used to predict shrub cover on the ground as well as available forage in kermes oak shrublands provided that the shrubs are not too tall (up to 0.50 m).This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

[目的]研究桂西南岩溶区不同恢复模式群落的生物量及其林下植物多样性的特点,为该区域的生物多样性保护、生态功能恢复效果评价积累基础数据。[方法]以桂西南岩溶区4种不同恢复模式为研究对象,采用样方法对林下植物多样性进行研究;采用收获法研究灌木层与草本层的地上、地下生物量及凋落物层现存量;采用异速生长模型来估算乔木层的地上生物量,并参考IPCC根茎比来量化乔木的地下生物量。[结果]表明:共调查记录林下植物85种,隶属于46科,81属,其中,灌木植物25科,46属,50种;草本植物21科,35属,35种;不同恢复模式群落生物量的变化趋势为自然恢复林(166.66 t·hm-2)任豆林(48.61 t·hm-2)吊丝竹林(36.54 t·hm-2)灌草坡(0.96 t·hm-2)。[结论]不同恢复模式灌木层物种丰富度差异不显著,最高的为灌草坡(16种),其次为任豆林(15种),最低为自然恢复林(12种);草本层物种丰富度最高的为任豆林(12种),其次为灌草坡(10种),最低为自然恢复林(4种)。自然恢复林乔木不同组分生物量与任豆林、吊丝竹林之间差异显著(P0.05);灌草坡的灌木、草本地上生物量与吊丝竹林、任豆林、自然恢复林之间差异显著(P0.05)。吊丝竹林、任豆林的灌草生物量表现为草本层灌木层,而灌草坡与自然恢复林的灌草生物量则表现为灌木层草本层。  相似文献   

盐池沙地主要饲料灌木树种特性的观测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李生宝  王北  白永强  王力 《林业科学》2000,36(4):119-125
为了更好地提高灌木饲料林的经营管理水平,提高其利用率,在过去研究的基础上(李生宝等,1993,王 北等,1992),对饲料灌木树种的特性进行了研究。1 研究地区自然及社会经济概况研究地位于北纬37°47′~38°40′,东径106°42′~107°45′,为宁夏盐池县北部毛乌素沙地西南边缘。干旱少雨,风多沙大,光热资源丰富,年均气温77℃,1月平均气温-89℃,7月平均气温223℃,年温差312℃,≥10℃的积温29449℃,年日照时数28679h,无霜期145d,年降水量250~300mm,且主要集中在7、8、9几个月,约占全年降水量的60%以上,年变率大于30%,蒸发量是降水量的72倍…  相似文献   

The effects of isolated, mature Samanea saman trees on herbaceous production and species composition were investigated over the 1993/1994 growing season in a subhumid tropical grassland in north-east Queensland, Australia. Under the crown, the cumulative aboveground biomass over the season was almost 90% above that of the open grassland. This increase was associated with a difference in species composition. The principal grass under the crown was Panicum maximum, while in the open grassland, the dominant species was Urochloa mosambicensis. Near the crown, cumulative biomass was intermediate and this was reflected in a mixed species composition. This study confirms earlier, largely anecdotal reports of the potential beneficial effects of S. saman on forage production, but by itself was unable to explain the mechanism by which this increase occurred. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the aboveground biomass, nutrient content and the percentages of mycorrhizal colonization in Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus grandis plantations in the semiarid region (15° 09′ S 43° 49′ W) in the north of the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Results show that the total above-ground biomass (dry matter) was 33.6 Mg·ha−1 for E. camaldulensis and 53.1 Mg·ha−1 for E. grandis. The biomass of the stem wood, leaves, branches, and stem bark for E. camaldulensis accounted for 64.4%, 19.6%, 15.4%, and 0.6% of the total biomass, respectively (Table 2); meanwhile a similar partition of the total above-ground biomass was also found for E. grandis. The dry matter of leaves and branches of E. camaldulensis accounted for 35% of total biomass, and the contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S in leaves and branches accounted for 15.5%, 0.7%, 12.3%, 22.6%, 1.9%, and 1.4% of those in total above-ground biomass, respectively. In the trunk (bark and wood), nutrient accumulation in general was lower. Nutrient content of E. grandis presented little variation compared with that of E. camaldulensis. Wood localized in superior parts of trunk presented a higher concentration of P and bark contained significant amounts of nutrients, especially in E. grandis. This indicated that leaving vegetal waste is of importance on the site in reducing the loss of tree productivity in this semi-arid region. The two species showed mycotrophy.  相似文献   

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